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War Watch

B a t t l e O f A n t i e ta m
On September 17, 1862 the battle of Antietam was fought in
Sharpsburg, Maryland, between Major McClellan or the Union and
Confederate General Lee, and was one of the first major battles on
Northern soil. This battle was the begin and end to Lee’s Maryland
Campaign. Lee’s 35000 thousand troops. Out numbered two to one lee
committed his entire force while McClellan only sent in one third of
his army, allowing Lee to fight them to a stand still.
P a g e 2 W a r W a t c h

The Battle Of Shiloh

On April 6-7 1862 the battle of Shiloh was fought in
South Western Tennessee. Confederate General Albert Sydney
and P.G.T. Beauregard launched a surprise attack on the Un-
ion army of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S Grant. They attacked with the
hopes of driving away Grant’s army of Tennessee in to the
swamps of Owl Creek before it could link up with Buell’s army
of the Ohio. During the chaotic fighting the confederate troops
became disoriented allowing Grant and his troops to retreat to
the Pittsburg Landing to the North East. General Sydney had
been killed in battle so command fell to Beauregard. Who de-
cided against assaulting the union troops again that night. His
decision proved folly. Buell and his army arrived with reinforce-
ment that evening allowing the union troops to launch a
counter attack the following morning that forced the Confeder-
ate troops to surrender.
V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 P a g e 3

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