Unpacking The Question

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the Question

By analysing your question you can work out what you are being asked to do.
This involves taking the question apart so that its parts,
and then the whole question can be understood.

There are three important parts to a question:
one is the instruction part
the second is the content part
and the third sets the limits of the question.

Steps of Analysis:
1. Read the question several times
2. Circle the process or instructional
3. Underline the content words.
4. Draw a box around the limiting words.

Sample HSC Question 11:

Explain the influences that have contributed to the pattern of
Religious Affiliation in Australia?

What content is covered by this question?
Step 1

Religious Expression in Australia- 1945 to the present.

Step 2

Step 3

Changing patterns of religious adherence

- The current religious landscape
What are the verbs asking you to do?
Circle the verbs- the process words that
tell you what to do.

Explain the influences that have contributed to the pattern of

Religious Affiliation in Australia?


Relate cause and effect; make the

relationships between things evident;
provide why and/or how

Underline the key content words.

Explain the influences that have contributed to the pattern of

Religious Affiliation in Australia?

Step 4

Explain the influences that have contributed to the pattern of
Religious Affiliation in Australia?

Draw a box around the limiting words.

Unpacking the Question

By analysing your question you can work out what you are being asked to do.
This involves taking the question apart so that its parts,
and then the whole question can be understood.

There are three important parts to a question:
one is the instruction part
the second is the content part
and the third sets the limits of the question.

Question 11:

Steps of Analysis:
1. Read the question several times
2. Circle the process or instructional
3. Underline the content words.
4. Draw a box around the limiting

I think its fair to say thatI come from the Methodist tradition of the Christian church. Although when I do go to church
now, which is more often than Christmas and Easter, but certainly not once a week, I tend to go to an Anglican church.
(Australian Prime Minister John Howard in an ABC TV Compass interview, 2004)

Referring to the stimulus above and your own knowledge, suggest two influences on the pattern of
religious affiliation in Australia since the 1970s.

Step 1

What content is covered by this question?

Read the question carefully.

Religious Expression in Australia- 1945 to the present.


Changing patterns of religious adherence

The current religious landscape

Step 2

Circle the verbs - the process words that

tell you what to do.

Referring to the stimulus above and your own knowledge, suggest two
influences on the pattern of religious affiliation in Australia since the

Step 3

Underline the key content words.

What are the verbs asking you to do?

Referring to the stimulus above and your own knowledge, suggest two
influences on the pattern of religious affiliation in Australia since the

Step 4

Draw a box around the limiting words.

Referring to the stimulus above and your own knowledge, suggest two
influences on the pattern of religious affiliation in Australia since the

Unpacking the Question

By analysing your question you can work out what you are being asked to do.
This involves taking the question apart so that its parts,
and then the whole question can be understood.

There are three important parts to a question:

Steps of Analysis:
1. Read the question several times
2. Circle the process or instructional
3. Underline the content words.
4. Draw a box around the limiting

one is the instruction part

the second is the content part
and the third sets the limits of the question.


Step 1

Read the question carefully.

Step 2

Circle the verbs - the process words that

tell you what to do.

What content is covered by this question?

What are the verbs asking you to do?

Step 3

Underline the key content words.

Step 4

Draw a box around the limiting words.

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