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How to Re-string an electric guitar ( in layman’s terms)

1. The first step to changing your old set of strings for some new
ones is to make sure you have a pack to replace them. The
thickness of the strings is assigned a gauge number. The
thinnest string in a set will determine the name of that set (9
gauge, 10 gauge, etc.)

2. . Then we need to focus on the tuning peg of whichever string

we want to replace. You should turn the peg clock-wise to
loosen up the string until it is able to be removed through the
hoop with bare hands.

3. Once the string is completely out of the hoop we can slide it

through the bridge at the bottom and pull it right out.

4. Now we can dispose of the old string and insert the new one
through the same opening in the bridge. Male sure it fits on top
of the designated indentation meant to hold it in place.

5. Place the string on the upper indentation on the neck meant to keep the
string in place and begin wrapping the string around the
corresponding peg through the oustide.

6. Give the string about three wraps and then insert the string
through the hoop above the wraps on its way in and out.

7. The only thing left is turning the peg counter-clockwise until it

is taught and tuned to the proper note that said string is
supposed to hold.

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