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Can anybody forward me the HR Related letter format

1. Warning letter for non compliance of office rule

2. Memo for continous absenteesum

Re: Letter Format

Typical show cause notice for habitual and chronic absenteeism


To, Dated: < >

Mr.< > ,,
Employee.ID: < > ,
< Department>


It is observed from your attendance / leave records – <Calender year(2009/2010 etc> that
you have been indulging in habitual absenteeism as evident from the following data.

Sl.No No Of Days From To


The above act of your habitual unauthorized absence constitutes serious and gross
misconducts under company’s certified Standing Orders applicable to you as below.

1. Habitual absence (more than <mentioned the number> occasions in a year) and / or
absence without intimation – Clause <in the policy book>

2. Gross or habitual neglect of work – Clause <in the policy book>

Please show cause within 48 Hrs as why suitable disciplinary action should not be taken
against you for the above misconduct of habitual unauthorized absence from work. If you
fail to submit your explanation within the stipulated time, it will presumed that you have
no explanation to offer and the matter will be presumed on merits without further
reference to you.

Authorized signatory / Department manager

Use your talent to please the GOD and not human beings, since GOD is who test our
hearts; and you will lead a wonderful and peaceful life.

e: formmat of promotion letter & increament letter

Employee No. 1064
Operations Business Department

Dear Mr. ABC,

This is to advise that you have been promoted in your current position as Analyst from
Salary Grade (0 to Salary Grade (07) effective March 01, 2009.

As a result of this promotion, your monthly basic salary has been increased to QR.
36,126/- effective the same date.

I take this opportunity to congratulate you and wish you every success in your career with
XYZ ( Name of the company).

For: XYZ Company Limited

Re: formmat of promotion letter & increament letter

format for good promotion cum increment letter

September 06, 2008

Mr. xxxxxxx

Subject : Promotion as Area Sales Manager.

Dear M. rxxxxx

We would like to express our appreciation and commendation for all the passion and
commitment you have been exhibiting in your existing role.
In recognition of your contribution, it is our pleasure to inform you that you have been
promoted as “Area Sales Manager” for National Capital Region and your gross salary has
been revised to Rs. 20,000/- p.m.(Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) from Rs.13,000/- p.m.
(Rupees Thirteen Thousand Only w.e.f. September 01, 2008.

We hope with this, you will come up as a leader, who can lead the team with great spirit
and zeal and excel in the near future with great success.

With Warm Regards,

for xxxxxxxxxxxx


Cc : Mr. xxxxxxxxxx - FYI please

: Mr. xxxxxxxxxx - FYI and N.A. please
: Mr. xxxxxxxx - FYI and record
Mr. abc
Employee No: 2101
Project Management Department

Dear Mr. Abc,

This is to advise that you have been promoted from your current position as “Senior
Analyst” Salary Grade (10) to the new position as “chief Analyst” Salary Grade (09)
effective July 01, 2008.

As a result of this promotion and grade change, your monthly basic salary has been
increased to QR 7,183.00 effective from the same date.

I take this opportunity to congratulate you and wish you every success in your career with
XYZ ( Name of the company).

For: XYZ Company Limited
PQR ( Name of the Dept Head / HR Manager)

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