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Ms. Seigneuray and Ms.

Class Website:

Extra Help:
Ms. Seigneuray: M, Th 2:15-2:50 Rm 208
Ms. Miele: M, W 2:15-2:50 Rm B166

English 3R: Guidelines and Expectations

Students and parents welcome to eleventh grade English. As a course meant to develop writing and
reading, we will be working in a variety of genres and looking at literature from a number of angles.
Students will be expected to read and write often, practicing strategies to develop their skills.
It is also important that students learn to become readers outside of a classroom, and so, a continual
activity for this class is independent reading. Quarterly, students will read a book of their own
choosing and respond to it with a variety of assignments. This tends to be one of the most enjoyable
assignments of the year.
With consistent effort, and a positive class-oriented attitude, students should meet both goals of
eleventh grade English: success on the Common Core English Regents exam in June, and achievement
and growth as readers and writers.

It is crucial that you are here in class with us. As per the school attendance policy, 15
points may be deducted for excessive absences within any quarter. (3 latenesses = 1


Your homework's primary purpose is to prepare you to be an active participant in

our class discussions. As such, it will be checked and CANNOT be made up.


A Binder and loose-leaf paper

A pack of highlighters (to be kept in class)

A box of tissues OR a pump hand sanitizer


Participation -------------------------------------------------------------- 10%

Preparedness (Including homework) ------------------------------- 10%
Minor Assignments (Quizzes, in-class assignments, etc.)-------30%
Major Assignments (Papers, Projects, Exams, etc. )--------------50%

Participation: Class participation includes: posing questions and contributing comments;

completing class exercises responsibly; demonstrating appropriate behavior; listening
(and not interrupting) when others speak. This aspect will be graded rigorously.

It is your responsibility to find out what you missed from a classmate or from our
class website. If you missed an assignment, you are expected to discuss it with us
and make it up by a specified date. Otherwise, you will receive no credit. Homework
missed due to a legitimate absence is due the day you return.


We will have regular reading quizzes. These are designed to see that you read
your homework and that you had a basic understanding. Nightly reading is a MUST!

Extra Credit:

Revision You will have the opportunity to use our comments to revise major
written assignments for up to ten additional points.
Other opportunities Other extra credit opportunities will be given at our discretion.
Should these opportunities be given, please be aware that they will be offered to the
whole class. No individual extra credit assignments will be given.

Late Work:

Assignments are due at the very beginning of your English period, and must be
printed BEFORE class starts. Points will be deducted for assignments that do not
adhere to their deadlines. If you are having printing trouble at home, email it to
yourself (and to us), and print it from a school computer before coming to class. As a
last resort, hand-write your assignment, and talk to us about what happened.


All graded assignments need to have the following heading:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Signature




Parent/Guardian Signature




First, it would be helpful if you would email us today at and so that I will have YOUR email address.
Second, most success in English classes comes from regular reading. You can help tremendously by
checking your child's nightly progress either discuss the reading with your child or just see that he or
she is reading. Good reading requires a quiet place to read free from TV, computer, and cellphones; if
you can provide this, your child should not have trouble completing the reading. (There are very few
places to read at school students should be reading at home.)
Your help is very important to your child's success; feel free to email us with any concerns.

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