Uji Serat Rami Laminated

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SPS-PGSS UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOG] MALAY : mes ‘proceeding Perel ietsrcmc ey Proceedings ofthe International Grachate on Engineering and Science (IGCES'08) 2-24 December 2008 IGCES ‘Mechanical Engineering ‘Multi Axial Behavior of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite for Prostheses Application Tresna P. Soemardii, Agus H.S. Reksoprodjo, Agustinus Purna Irawan Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Indonesia, Indonesia Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Indonesia E-mail : resdi@eng.ui.ac.id, agustinuspi@tarumanagara.ac,id Abstract Composite was the material that had good characteristics, light, strong, not corrasive and could be formed easily. The development of technology ‘comiposite a this time has Begun to experience the shift from composite reinforced synthetic fiber became ‘composite reinforced natural fiber. The shift rend this technology was based by the characieristies composite reinforced natural fiber that gave the profit covered ow cost, low densily, good specific properties, reduced wear in processing equipment, high toughness, biodegradabilig, and ecological friendliness. One of the natural fiber that were developed were ramie fiber The research aimed at getting the characteristics and ‘multi axial behavior from composite ramie fiber in ‘accordance with the requirement for the use in feet prostheses. Results ofthe research will be diseussed in this paper and were made the reference for the ‘material development prostheses on based composite natural fiber Keywords : natural fiber composite, amie fibor, multi ‘axial behavior, prostheses application 1. Introduction Today the development prosthesis in Indonesia was focused in material plastic or composite with synthesis, fiber, especially fiber glass. The development prosthesis with used natural fiber composite material ‘was not yet carried out. The connected research the production natural fiber composite was often aimed to make the automotive component and the product ‘component other [1.2.16] ‘The design prosthetic for developing countries must pay attention fo the basic criterion covered: low cost, locally available, capable of the manual fabrication, considerate of local climate and working conditions (barefoot or sandals wear including rise faring in flooded fields), durable, simple to repair, simple to process using local production capability, reproducible by local personnel, technically fictional, bio ‘mechanically appropriate, as lightweight as possible, adequately cosmetic, and psychosocally acceptable The development prosthetic modern, must pay attention fo several matters like functions, indiations and cost. The functions that must be paid attention to ‘was Toad bearing, leverage, shock absorption, balance, and protection [ Therefore, the materiel utilization local as ramie fiber that often was available in Indonesia with the cheap price was one of the choices ‘Natural fiber at his time often was used as material tonic fiom various types of the rate. The use profit of natural fiber covered: low cost, law density (good specific properties). Reduced wear in processing equipment, high toughness, biodegradability, and ecological fiendliness (5] Generally, the characteristics of ramie fiber compared with glass fiber, was secn that ramie fiber hhad modulus clasticity was higher than glass fiber, with the density that was lower than glass fiber and vas significantly lighter as well as specifies strength approached the value specific strength glass fier [7] From the side tensile strength, ramieflber was lower if compared with glass fiber, but if being seen from the fiction prosthesis that more often aecepied the burden pressed, then this condition was stil good Maya et al. [8] did review azainst natural fibers and bio composites. Results that were received that ramie fiber produced the interaction interfacial that was good with resin. Was based on this research, then the development ramie flber composite with the resin matrix as the material prosthesis on knees could be caried out He Ling-Ping, etal [9] cared out the study about ramie fiber reinforeed palypropylene composite and Proceedings of the International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES'08) 23-24 Docambor © 2008 IGCES ‘Mechanical Engineering the characteristics of his mechanics. Results of the research showed that the long inerease in fiber and content ramie fiber could increase tensile strength, ‘lexural strength, and compression sirength, but was, not influential against impact strength and elongation. ‘The aim of the research was observed multi axial behavior from ramie Miber reinforced composite for prostheses application. Ramie fiber was chosen because of being based on various researches that were carried out by the researchers, ramie fiber had the ‘minor characteristics with density 1,4 ~ 1,5 gfoms [7], high Young’s Modulus and the sirength pulled that was good. If compared with mechanical properties glass fiber, ramie fiber had the competitive economical value, Results of this research could be it was hoped made the reference for the development ramie fiber ‘composite jute that will be applied in prosthesis. 2. Materials And Methods 2.1 Materials ‘The sample of the composite test that will be used in the testing was made from ramie fiber take the form of the thread that was received from the free market in Bandung and Jakarta (Indonesia). The thread kind was ramie 100 of % Ne.14’S that had a continue fiber, The jute thread that willbe used ia this research did not get ‘treated the continuation, but immediately was used like the way it is. The testing of early that was carried out against 30 samples of the ramie thread had elongation 2,87 %. The matrix that will be used took the form of Epoxy Resin EPR 174 with Epoxy Hardener V-140 and Mirror Glaze/MGH No, 8, The®Bakelite comparison between resin and hardener was 1: 1. The matrix data of Epoxy Resin 2s follows; ‘Table 1. Properties of Epoxy Resin Sample the test was made with the fiber volume fraction (V) 30 %, 40 %, and SO %, Results of the end research were presented in the form of relations between the characteristics pulled that covered the strength and elasticity modulus versus the fiber volume fraction as well as relations between the charactarstics shifted covered the strength shifted and modulus shifted versus the fiber volume fraction. Results ofthe testing compared with results of the theoretic calculation the data ramie fiber composite and analysis in accordance with the requirement for the use in prosthesis on knees generally 3. Results And Discussion 3.1 Tensile Properties of Unidirectional Lamina (0) seo 700 00 00 400 FS wea 300 200 02 03 04 05 08 Fi igure I. Tensile Stress of Ramie Fiber Lamina (0°) 2.2 Methods To get the characteristics of composite that will be made, was carried out by the testing sample before ‘The production sample the composite test used the method hand lay up. The testing that will be caried out ‘was the testing pulled by referring in the standard of ASTM D 3039/D 3039M with the aim to know tensile properties and the testing shied ASTM D 4255/D 4255M with the aim to know shear properties (10) Property Units Value Density at 25°C giem® | Ti7=001_| : ‘Young’s Modulus GPa 116 i Elongation 0.038 D of 02 03 04 08 06 Poisson ratio : 05 we Figure 2. Young’s Modulus of Ramie Fiber Lamina o’) ‘The Results of the testing pulled sample the test lamina the direction longitudinal was seen thatthe rise in the fiber volume fiaction until $0 % produced the tensile stress attracted the maximum until 248,68 MPa with the Jong increase 0,030 mm/mm and Young's ‘modulus is 8,30 GPa, Trend the rise in the tension Proceedings of the International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES'08) 23-24 December © 2008 1GCES, ‘Mechanical Engineering pulled and Young’s Modulus in accordance with trend in a theoretic manner. If compared with results of the theoretic manner used the general data was used, actually was received by the quite big difference. This could happen because in the theoretic calculation, the condition that was used was the ideal condition. In fact, the production lamina that in accordance with the ideal condition had difficulty being carried out, Likewise with the use of materials that at once were received from the publics market without being carried out treated the addition to the thread of ramie fiber really influenced the ideal condition that could be achieved 11.13}. 3.2 Tensile Properties of Unidirectional Lamina (90' ‘I Figure 4. Young's Modulus of Ramie Fiber Lamina (00) The resulls ofthe testing lamina forthe transversal fiber direction (00°) was received by the value of the tensile stress attracted the maximum to VF 30 % with 25,63 MPa, and the trend descended to VF that was increasingly big but elasticity modulus rose until 3,39 MPa. Ths condition happened because lamira with the fiber direction 90° indeed had the lower strength if ‘compared with the strength that was produced lamina that was given by the burden pulled in accordance with the fiber direction. The difference that happened if compared with the theoretic caleulation wes not t20 big, Nevertheless the ideal condition coutd not be also filled like in the testing a fiber direction, 32 Shear Properties of Unidireetional Lamina USS (wPa} —— 0 —— of © 04 02 03 04 os 06 eText w Btheoretic Figure 5. Shear Stress of Ramie Fiber Lamina Figure 6. Shear’s Modulus of Ramie Fiber Lamina The results of the lamina shear testing with the longitudinal fiber direction, was received by biggest results to VF 50 % was good for the shear stress the ‘maximum and shear’s modulus, The shear strength that hhappened from results ofthe testing of having the quite big difference if compared the ideal condition for results of the calculation, Likewise with shear’s ‘modulus that was produced through the testing, lower if compared with the ideal condition in « theoretic 34 Tensile Properties of Ramie Fiber Laminate Proceedings of the International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES'08) 23-24 Deeumnbor © 2008 1GCES ‘Mechanical Engineering UTS (Pa) 1 0 04 02 03 L 04 05 08 w ortie ‘gure 7. Tensile Stress of Ramie Fiber Lami \ Figure 8. Young's Modulus of Ramie Fiber Laminate ‘The results of the testing of ramic fiber laminate was seen that the increase in the strength happening pulled until VF 50 % that is 75,47 MPa, Likewise with clastcity modulus that was produced through the testing also increased until VE 50 % with 5,03 GPa, ‘The difference produced by the testing and results of the calculation with the ideal condition also was nat ‘oo big, These results quite good and really opened the opportunity to applied further. Theoretically, the strength pulled influential fiber dominant towards the strength pulled the composite material that was reinforced with fiber continuous that had the longitudinal direction fiber. Figure 9. Tensile Fracture Surface of Ramie Fiber Composite ‘The analysis was against the mechanism of the fracture seen that the fracture happened in the test pulled lamina the direction longitudinal was debonding. This happened because ofthe concentration of the shear stress that emerged on the end of broken fiber from the mairix and the composite broken a fiber direction. The results of the analysis that could be taken by the conclusion that trend both the strength pulled, the shear strength and elesticity modulus ramie fiber composite increasingly increased until the volume faction 50%. The use of ramie fiber as the natural fiber composite material had the potential to be big enough to be applied in the production prototype prosthesis 10 the fiber volume fraction 50 %. This was caused by the burden that was experienced by prosthesis (socket) more often took the form of the burden pressed, so as the strength support pulled and modulus elasticity really was needed, 4. Conclusions The shifi trend technology synthetic fiber composite ‘was t0 natural fiber based on the good characteristics, ‘more environment-friendly, often was available in the wild, recycling and his price was relatively cheap. ‘Natural fiber also had the ratio of the strength with density that was high so as the component that was produced lighter. Although fully did not shift synthetic fiber, the ulilization of environment-friendly natural fiber was the wise step to rescue conservation of the environment. Was based on the reseaich that was carried out, the ramie fiber composite could be developed further as material the alternative in the production prosthesis. Mechanical properties ftom it amie epoxy composite met the minimal requirement as prosthesis material, In the production prototype prosthesis with used ramie fiber epoxy composite, must be carried out thoroughly, so as to be able to be produced prosthesis with the good and safe strength ‘was used, 5. Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge The DRPM Ul for funding this project. 6. References [1] Andi Saidah, "Stuci Pengembangan Produk Tabung Gas Elpiji Kapasistas 6 kg Berbahan Komposit Serat Rami-Kpoxy”, Tesis Magister Teknik, Departemen Teknik Mesin ” Universitas Indonesia, 2004, Proceedings ofthe International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES(08) 23.24 December 2008 IGCES Mechanical Engineering [2] Dody Yulianto, "Rekavasa Dan Prototipe Marufaktur Komposit Berpenguat Serat lam (Rami/Bochmeria Nivea) Untuk Aplikasi Panel Interior Otomotof". Tesis Magister Teknik, Departemen ‘Teknik Mesin Universitas Indonesia, 2004. [B] John Craig, “Prosthetic Feet for Low-Income Countries”, Journal of Prosthetics and Orthoties, Vol. 17, Num, 4S, 2005, pg. 27 —49, [i] Gerald Stark, “Perspectives on How and Why Feet are Prescribed”, Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Vol. 17, Num. 45, 2005, pp. 18 ~22 [5] FG. Tomes dan RM. 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