5.5 Air Pollutiondocx

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5 Air pollution
1. .. refers to the presence of foreign particles in air which can affect the quantity of air and the
health of living things.
2.Air pollution occurs when air contains ..
3.Pollutants are .. that are released into the environment.
4.Air pollution is the result of the acts of human
5.The sources and effects of air pollutants.
Air pollutant
Smoke particles and

Carbon monoxide

Sulphur dioxide

Oxides of nitrogen

Cigarette smoke.
Smoke from motor
Burning of rubbish.
Burning of fossil fuels.
Forest fires
Construction sites
Cement plants
Cigarette smoke
Smoke from motor
Burning of coal

Smoke from motor


Cause breathing difficulties.
Make the eyes feel uncomfortable

Causes lung cancer, coughing and asthma.

Causes tiredness,headache, brain damage
and death.
Damages lung cells
Forms acid rain that damages metallic
structures and kills aquatic life
Kills plants
Form acid rain

6. Sources of air pollutants :

7. Effect of air pollution :

8. Effect of global warming :

Altering the ..on Earth

Upsetting the. of nature

the beauty of nature & habitat

Disrupting (water cycle, oxygen cycle, carbon cycle)

9.Effect of depletion of ozone
a ) Human health :

Damages DNA which suppresses immune system resulting in increase of infectious diseases

Skin cancer

Eye cataracts
b) Plants and Trees
Reduces crop production, damage to seeds
Reduces quality of crops
c) Aquatic Ecosystems
Damage to plankton, aquatic plants, fish larvae, shrimp, crabs
Affects marine food chain, damage to fisheries result
d) Materials
Paints, rubber, wood and plastic are degraded faster, especially in tropical regions
Damages could be in billions of money annually
5.6 The importance of keeping the air clean
We would all suffer in many ways if they we no clean air for us to breath:
It is unpleasant to smell dirty air.
We may have breathing difficulties.
We may cough continuosly.
We may get lung diseases.
We can help to keep the air clean by doing the following :
Using public transport.
Using unleaded fuel.
Enforcing anti-air pollution laws.

Planting trees around the house.

Habits to keep the air clean :

Do not smoke.
Turn off the car engine while waiting for someone.
Cycle or walk for short distance trips.
Practice car-pooling.

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