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PACE | 801.699.9783 |
Onsite Copywriter and Editor | Boostability, June 2015Present
My team creates online content according to the latest SEO techniques to increase web traffic to our clients sites.
Write advertising copy for diverse industries; Edit blogs and copy according to a rubric
Craft blog posts to increase brand awareness and lead generation
Work with a team of editors on the creation of an in-house style guide and train other employees on house style
Managing Editor | Mormon Insights, April 2015Present
Our web publication,, popularizes scholarly research about spirituality for a young-adult audience.
Manage a staff of 17 editors, writers, designers, and web developers; Conduct daily staff meetings
Edit 16 articles per week for publication on the web
Supervise all strategy for social media, web publicity, and PR
Make staff assignments and evaluate team members performance
Editorial Assistant | The Wheatley Institution, August 2014June 2015
The Institution hosts conferences and lecture series to support its core values. Individual lectures from these conferences are
published on the web, and then shortened in the Institutions quarterly publication, The Wheatley Observer, and in book chapters.
Created the Wheatley Institution Style Guide and codified edits for all print and online media
Performed copy and substantive edits for all publications
Mentored student scholars directly in the writing process
Designed the layout for the Winter 2015 edition of The Wheatley Observer
Contributed to event planning, PR efforts, and research
Senior Fellow | BYU Writing Fellows, August 2012April 2015
Tutored students in writing across the disciplines
Communicated with professors and organized team meetings
Edited and critiqued writing samples in one-on-one interviews
Editorial Intern | Utah Business Magazine, June 2010August 2010
Researched, edited, and update press releases daily
Wrote copy for daily and weekly newsletters, as well as the Utah Business Website
Wrote briefs and articles for 3 monthly publications, met deadlines
Full-time Representative, Italy Rome Mission | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, February 2013August 2014
Missionary representatives labor in their assigned are for a period of 18 months.
Supervised other missionaries and reported to the mission president
Taught biweekly ESL courses for beginning and advanced students.
Leadership Council Member | College of Humanities, 2012
Served as liaison between students and administrators in the Humanities College
Worked as a project manager for the Hispanic Outreach initiative
Youth, Demographics, and Social Change in the Middle East. Wheatley International Affairs Conference, 2015
The Ethics of Editing. Wheatley Scholars Blog, 2015 (available online)
Introduction to Charlotte Brooks The House of Bondage. University of North Carolina, 2012 (available online)
Networking for Entrepreneurs. Utah Business Magazine, September 2010
Brigham Young University, Class of 2015 | BA in English, Minor in Editing, and Certificate in Italian Language
London Theatre Study Abroad Participant, Spring 2012
BYU English Society, Political Affairs Society, STET: the Editors Network, Localization and Translation Club, Habitat for Humanity
Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, Honorable Mention for Outstanding Research Paper
Publishing: Chicago, APA, and Yahoo! Style; expert knowledge of in-house style guides.
Language Skills: fluent in Italian, basic knowledge of Spanish
Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook; Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat;
Social Media: PR and marketing strategy for Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and WordPress; general SEO and web analytics

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