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Course Name and Number: GEOMETRY, MAG401

Course Description: This course is designed to develop and promote student reasoning
and problem solving involving geometric concepts and properties. Topics of study will
include deductive reasoning using points, lines, and planes; segments, angles and
triangles; quadrilaterals; polygons; and three-dimensional figures. Algebraic concepts are
integrated with the geometric concepts throughout the course. Applications to real life
situations are prevalent throughout the course.
Course Standards: This can be viewed at the following URL,
Text: GEOMETRY; Prentice Hall, 2011.
Teacher Name: Mr. James Daniel
Contact Information:

School Phone: 489-7541(DSN), 0631-536-7541


Location: KHS Room 231

Web Page:
Philosophy: Determination + Discipline + Hard Work = The Way To Success
Materials: Textbook (available online), notebook (three ring binder is preferred), pencils,
eraser, calculator (optional classroom set is available).
Classroom Format: This course uses an approach referred to as the Flipped Classroom
ideology. This format inverts traditional teaching methods. Students will be responsible
for receiving instruction online outside of class and doing homework during class time.
Grading policy: It is important for the student to demonstrate an understanding of the
material being covered. In order to receive credit for a problem the student must show
work. On chapter tests (not master checks) partial credit will be given to incorrect
answers with minor procedural errors. Even with a correct answer the work will be
checked. Sometimes students luck out in getting the correct answer. If there are any
errors in the work but the student has a correct answer, the student will not receive full
DoDDS Grading Scale:

90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C

60-69 = D
59 or below = F

Assessment: Quarter grades will be assessed by notes/in-class assignments, master

checks, chapter tests, and activities. The following breaks down these assessments with
their respective weights:
Notes and In-class Assignments (10%) Students will be assigned a video lesson
to watch and take notes on outside the class meeting time. The next class, these
notes will be used by the student to complete assigned application problems to
work out (usually in groups). The notes and assigned problems will be collected
before the class takes the master check.
Master checks (40%) Taken each class after in-class assignment time. Master
checks will be five to ten problems each and worth 5 10 points.
Chapter tests (40%) Taken after the last unit of each chapter. Each test will be
worth 50 100 points.
Application Activity (10%) Students will be given an application activity after
select chapters. A majority of the work will be done in class and within groups.
Some work may be required outside of the class meeting time.
Retesting: If a student desires to retake either a master check or chapter test, the student
must complete remedial work before retaking the master check or chapter test. Remedial
work may involve redoing notes, working additional problems, or correcting errors.
Master checks for a given chapter must be retaken before the date of the chapter test.
Chapter tests must be retaken within five school days after the test is originally taken.
Only one retake is allowed per master check/test.
Late Work Policy: Late work will be accepted up to five school days after the due date
of the assignment; points will be deducted for lateness.
Absence: If a student is absent (excused/unexcused) it is the students responsibility to
keep pace with the class via posted assignments on GradeSpeed. Lesson videos, guided
note sheets, and worksheets will be accessible online (Google Drive, website, or
Schoology). Students on extended absences are required to stay on pace with the class.
Once a student returns to school, the student will then take the master checks and chapter
Tutoring/Extra Help: Available after school, during seminar, and lunch.
Academic Integrity: All students are expected to abide by ethical academic standards.
Academic dishonestyincluding plagiarism, cheating or copying the work of another,
using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between
students for the purpose of gaining advantage during an examinationis strictly
prohibited. This policy covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, class assignments,
and projects, both in and out of class.

Content Outline: This is an outline of the chapters being covered during the school year.
Quarter 1:
Chapter 1 Tools of Geometry
Chapter 2 Reasoning & Proof
Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Quarter 2:
Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles
Chapter 5 Relationships Within Triangles
Chapter 6 Polygons & Quadrilaterals
Quarter 3:
Chapter 7 Similarity
Chapter 8 Right Triangles & Trigonometry
Chapter 9 Transformations
Quarter 4:
Chapter 10 Area
Chapter 11 Surface Area & Volume
Chapter 12 Circles

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