Pahang Abode of Tranqulity

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Pahang Abode of

Pahang Darul Makmur

1,443,365 people
Annual population growth 0.5%

1,000,000 Malay and Bumiputra
233,000 Chinese
68,500 Indians
13,700 others
68,000 non-citizens

The physical geography can be broken into roughly three
the highlands
the rainforest
coastal areas

Total area:
36,137 km2(13,953 sq mi)

Symbols and Administrators

DYMM Sultan Ahmad Shah

State Minister
- Dato Sri Adnan Yaakob

Chinese as Phang or Pahangh. A Chinese
writer named it Pang-Hang, Pang-Heng,
Pong-Fong, Phe-Hang, and Pang-Kang
and others.
The Arabs and Europeans at that time
called it as Pam, Pan, Phang, Paam, Poa,
Paon, Phamm, Paham, Fanhan, Phang
and Pahagh.

The name 'Pahang' has been said to originate

from the language of a Siamese aborigines tribe,
meaning 'ore'. The aborigines used to live here
and opened up several mining areas, especially
in Sungai Lembing. According to an old Malay
story, at the place near the Pahang River, on the
opposite side of Kampung Kembahang, a large
'mahang' tree fell across the river, thus the name
'Pahang' originated.

Early evidence dated back to the Mesolithic Era.
The tin and gold deposits of the Tembeling River
attracted the marine traders of the Srivijaya
After the Srivijaya [1000]
Sultanate of Malacca.

Majapahit Siam

Pahang Portuguese \ Dutch \ Johor \ Aceh for

most of the 16th century. [During this time, its
population was mostly killed or enslaved, its rulers
murdered and its economy ruined.]

Pahang came under the rule of Johor. However, Sultans of Pahang,

descended from the Malacca and the Bendahara Johor royal
dynasties, have ruled the state almost continuously from 1470.
From 1858 to 1863, Pahang was fought over in a civil war between
the two sons of the reigning Bendahara. The war ended when Wan
Ahmad was proclaimed the new sultan in 1887, but his role from that
point onward was largely ceremonial, as the British forced him to sign
a treaty bringing the country under control of a British Resident.
In 1896, Pahang joined Selangor, Perak, and Negeri Sembilan in the
Federated Malay States. This evolved into the Federation of Malaya
in 1948 and into the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.


Laksa Pahang
Kebuli Rice
Royale Pudding
Gulai Tempoyak

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