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he Tories have declared war on

UNISON members and the entire
working class. They are out to
destroy the vital services we provide,
privatise our NHS, drive down our pay,
paralyse our unions and divide us with
racist scapegoating of migrants and
We have the opportunity with our
unions election for general secretary
to decide how we want to take on this
challenge. It cannot be business as usual.
We must be coordinating our fight backs
and making best use of our resources to
organise against this onslaught from the
Government and employers. Our jobs,
our pay and our futures depend on it.

It is time for a change. Barnet branch

secretary John Burgess is standing for
general secretaty. He has led a sevenyear fight against the Tory councils
plans to privatise everything. John has
shown that he has the credibility to win
the wide support in the union needed
to mount a serious challenge for the
leadership and start to rearm our union
for the huge battles that lie ahead.
Come to this meeting to plan how
we can win the biggest number of
branch nominations for John and turn
that result into a vote that can win in
l For more information contact
George Binette on 07905 826304.

Greater London campaign launch meeting
7pm Thursday 3 September , Room B102 Brunei
Gallery, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London wc1
Nearest tube statiions: Euston, Euston Square, Goodge Street or Russell Square

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