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Yldz Technical University

Civil Engineering Department

Geotechnical Engineering

Foundation EngineeringHomework-2
Asst. Prof. Dr. Doan

Due date : March 31, 2015, Tuesday at 17:00

Submission : Homework will be submitted to me

Assistance: You can ask your questions about the homework to your instructor
and teaching assistant during their office hours.
Important Note!!!: The homework will be prepared individually. Copied and
similar homeworks will be evaluated as zero.

1. For the retaining wall and the profile shown above, calculate:
a. The safety factor for overturning (minimum required F.S. =2.0)
b. The safety factor for sliding (minimum required F.S. =1.5) Do not consider the
passive resistance of the fill in front of the wall.
c. Make necessary checks with respect to base stresses.
d. If the overturning safety is not satisfactory, find an engineering solution and
satisfy the minimum requirement of 2.0 .
e. If the sliding is not satisfactory, find an engineering solution to satisfy the
minimum requirement of 1.5 (design a key under the base slab or inclined base
slab) and draw a sketch by showing the proper dimensions of your design.
f. State the drainage measures that can be taken for the proper design of the
retaining Wall and draw a sketch that shows the drainage measures.

NOTE: Take advantage of using your class notes and related

chapters available in the Copy Center!!!

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