Workshop 1b

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Teas Gee ea ees cok Keep track of your interests and goals as well EN 1 ortstop complete oan America Speaks If were going to describe America in one word it would be: Nonstonn smciv 9 My World aces I'd Like to Explore Why that word? ‘ople (Dead Or Alive) I'd Like Meet EDIE oral History 11 wore going to interview my subject agai 1 ask him or her thie question: My Media dia I Like (Books and Movies) rt Plagued By Disease If were making» movie about killer disease, pick ths disease: {ideo Games I'm Playing [think this disease is most fascinating because eb Sites I'm Visiting | Quarantine if you heard about a disease that was spreading in your town or ity, what would be the first ting you'd do? Run away { Lnterview someone who [60 tothe Centers for asthe aisease Disease Control Web site for information Ne ed [1 Seat up your house with duct tae and plastic iimy skitts Extreme Adventure Topics I'm an Expert In (fall the places described in this workshop I'd keto travel to ‘My explorer team would include these valuable members: seit 2 EEO What went Wrong? shoutd there be atest you have to pass before you are allowed to climb a dangerous mountain? [ves Eno Gimy Goals Jobs That I Know About Do you think the world wil be better or worse in 50 years? Why? . Jobs I Want to Know More About EXIGE Get Involved! of the projects presented, the one I would ost want to pactilpate la was: Skills That I Want to Learn 1 was inspired because: wen IRKsHOP 5 | PERSONAL INQUIRY ocd What does it mean to be American? Coming ‘to America Ask Questions nce See Where Young I, Too, Sing I Hear ») Refugees América America Fictional Finda Place » Singing nor z= coo Story of alifetime 70 * [Vv === Analyze Images 56 Ermer What does it mean to be American? ‘Who are your fellow Americans? In this workshop, you'll meet people who share what being American means to them. Start your exploration now. > Anchor Your Knowledge Watch the Anchor Mea, “America Speaks.” Sarah jones is an award-winning playwright whose sho, Bridge & Tunnel presents the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of a Broup of New York poets ATES a3) Rt Oa} To gain expert knowledge on American identities, you will + read articles and stories that share the voices of new Americans and their Vision ofthe American Dream. + study classic and new literature about the shared experience of being American + learn important skils and strategies that will help you understand what you ead, + dovelop 24" century: images and ask questions. toanalyze + write a first-person fiction story based ona new American, + create an oral history project about being American, © Opinionaire Before starting this workshop, put a check mark to the Let each statement you agree with Then, come back after you complete the workshop to see if you changed your min. Toric: vewhee Being American. woos Immigrants tothe United States should ty to blend in with native born Americans. ‘Americans should speak only English ‘The American Dream means making lot of money. Immigrants and native-born ‘Americans have alot in common, Immigrants have easier tives here than they did in their native countries, Having people from many different backgrounds Isa big part of what makes America special Boeucstcak tee © Preview the Expert Project | © Explore Expert Space Preview the Expert rolect on pages 70-73 Atte Goto oer mare tnd otis wrtshop, you wild esearch, conduct soout hopes ts erst. an interview, and present an oral history about an interesting American story > what will you need to know or do to complete the Expert Project? © Personal Inquiry Explore the topic of American identity by asking your own questions. Return toad questions 2s you continue reading Workshop 5. Plant revisit your questions. 7 Expert Knowids il Sarah Jones: Playwright Jones tells 14 American stories every night. Sarah Jones wrote and performed a 90-minute, one-woman show to tell the stories of immigrants living in America. In the play, Jones transforms herself into 14 different characters, who are all gathered at poetry night in a New York City coffeehouse called Bridge & Tunnel. Each character reads a poem about his or her experience. In 2006, Jones won a Tony, the highest award for a Broadway play. How does one woman create such a show? Bg Research nthe Script Jones wrote her script after interviewing {immigration officials illegal immigrants, and randomly chosen people on the New York City subway. Her goal was to prosent character perspectives—in watch how people Wak, ar how the hand might shake ... I watch all oF those things, and then |just practice them.” NAME: Sarah Jones HOMETOWN: New York City 108: Award-winning playwright performer, and poet WORKPLACE: OF-Broadway and Broadway theaters EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts WORKPLACE LITERACIES: Researching roles, interviewing, examining perspectives, writing, acting Warming Up] Bolore Jones depicts her characters, she "calls all fof them into the dressing room.” As if conducting & proshow interview with each character, ahe imagines what the union organizer or emese experienced during the day. HER HERO: Jones play was produced by Academy Award ‘winning actress Meryl Strep. PAY: Host actors earn between $8.47 and $22.51 per hour. Jones uses her imagination to ‘enhance the characters. “Tl ‘wake up at night and writ, "Mohammed missed his kid's soccer game: Itdoesn'thavo to bein the text, but ithe missed it itfigures int the performance, RELATED JOBS: writer, sound and lighting engineer, camera operator, director, producer nKsHOP Ss Creuse Cia eg) ANALYZE WORKPLACE SKILL B Performing Onstage |__ ach night, Jones shilts gender ages, and ethnicities fourteen times, Jones changes jackets, ‘glasses, and hate to become anelderly woman, a young rapper, and an I-year-old git. In this coffechouse, "so-called ‘ordinary people’ have a few ‘moments onstage to say what is Important to them.” 1, Gather Information ‘What questions might Jones ask a person on whom she was trying to bas character? 2. Understand Multiple Perspectives Why does Jones want to present ctf. points of views? How do her characters help her accomplish this goal? This is an excerpt ‘rom my poem entitled, "No. Realy. Please don't get up, 3. Analyze Media ow does Jones use her show to share her on belies and values with others Pend | Pain mathe Bridge and Tunnel hanging out with some immigrants. I could relate cause sect gma black man, feven though {was born here, its like black people got “LAm a Poet Too” stands for “Immigrant and ‘Malticultaralist American Poets or Enthusiasts Traveling Toward ‘Optimistic Openness.” EE f@genpert space cot tolear more about ah ones; Cre ee Before Reading 1 Gino «|= fa People fom many ations How might you feel if you had to leave your home behind ‘come to America to build new ‘and adjust to life in a different country and culture? In this es nme TY dounetay transcript from a TV documentary, four teens talk about about chat this experience wes ifr them what the immigrant experience was like for them. Fact and Opinion Afactisastatementthat >» Read the paragraph. Circle the opinion and undertne the supporting canbe proved. evidence. Then answer the question. An opinion isa statement that expresses a personal belie feting ot Lh the diversity in ey community isthe best. On ary day. can eat food preference. Ain opinion ‘fom India Mexico, r Thaland. Aso, theres a varity of musi playing inthe ‘Soften sigaated with ‘Sees and cafes. ts mostly Lat, and my fends and ike to salsa cence toi. words suchas est, wos, cele and teri. Astong opinion is supported by evidence, Such as ats, reasons, and examples. Do you think this opinion is supported by sufficient evidence? Explain why or why not. Transcripts Avansciptisthe writen orprintedtextof be ‘conversation. ‘Wanscripts ae often made of radia and television programs. cle the speaker in this transcr Narrator: Wire on the street today, taking to toons, Hore comes, ‘teenager now. transcript includes thefllowing features Hi there! Gan you tell us your name and where you += Ate dents the name ofthe pogrom. + mara voduces the program and may takepart inthe conversation + Acreditine lis where the transcripts from Teen #1: Helo, My name is Deva. i fom Braz + Apropram canbe divided int segments or pats, +The name ofeach speaker beled at the beginning of section oi of speech mKsHOP 5 CELE E TC Academic Language (EESTI > Rate your knowledge of each word. Then write its meaning and an example sentence. EXPERT WORDS Use these words to write and talk about the workshop topic it 4 person tho offcily My grandfather beoae 4 cite (oun) Wawa city, statejor US citizen m IES coortry immigrant inemirgront (oun) [ACADEMIC WORDS {Use these words in oll your subject classes. profession ro‘fesssion (noun) survive survive (ver) tradition teavdston (noun) CONTENT AREA WORDS {ise rhese words fo talk ond write abou science. ancestors wombors of somaona's fnscestors (noun) “Fy who vad long ae prejudice My brother has « presidice aginst unfamiliar prepuce (ooun) foods stereotype Stereevostype (noun) I dont nw the word, 2 Pve seen itor heard it. 1 know meaning. © 1know it and use it Multiple-Meaning Words Anulileeoning wou'tsa D> Read the sentence. Then circle the correct meaning ofthe word story. ‘word hat at more thn one searing oy ives onthe fit sony. Tofigre out the meaning ofthe ward, think sau the Context af the word within the tale that is told aleve of a building ere es From PBS's In the Mix: Reality Television for Teens Almost every teen worries about fitting in. So what do you do if you are torn between ‘two cultures? Four immigrant teens told their stories to a reality TV show. Discover how they keep their traditions alive while making their American dreams come true. MY NAME IS } | MOVED TO AMERICA FROM CHINA wien | was 16. MY MOM BROUGHT ME HERE TO HAVE A GOOD FUTURE. WHEN 1 GOT HERE, | CHANGED, MY NAME FROM CHEN HOW TO MICHAEL. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOURSELF TO SURVIVE HERE. \ - rif ‘ LUINCYS Daa | WAS BORN IN ea De ue) WHEN I WAS 15 YEARS OLD. Pea ae eg Ce Oe Pog te Ce eu oat Se ee CO Re a ee kee HINA Ce ‘The reason my mom brought ‘me here was for me to have a good future. My mom and live ina small apartment together. When I first ‘walked in, I realized the size of the apartment is really the size of my bathroom in China, Weonlyhavetwo rooms Its amazing that you can put ceverythingin one oom, your kitchen, your bathroom, your shower, your everything. Is basically everything you need in your living room, Ive got my bi-f, VCR, my TV, my own computer. We dont need that much space for us to live. There are a lot cof people in China who think, “IFT get out of China, I will get a better lie even though alot of people who comeere aveto work twolve-hour, twenty: hour days while here, whichis reallyamazing, Youdoritdoanybeter than when you were in China When first gothere, worked ina. Chinesefctoryforalostten hours day. Iewas only fora couple of weeks ‘hough, Workingina Chinese factory Js very hard for anyone, no matter if youre youngorold. Some peoplehave to work twelve hours a day and they ‘make very litle money. During that IKE BOTH THE AIVIERICAN way 1D THE CHINESE way. THEY BOTH AKE My LIFE BETTER. time, my mom didnt havea job, oT was the only one who made money ‘wasnt that much, but I fl really ‘great about making my ovn money. After my mom went to work and I ‘went to school, I stil kept a job part Lime alter school, Life in Chinatown Whenyouwalkaround Chinatown, all the people are Chinese, Living in ‘Chinatown, for mes bad and good. “The good side is I stl eat Chinese food every day, but the bad side is I never really experience anything bout Americ, Allotof people ike my mom don't _gooutinto the American community. “They stay home and watch Chinese television. My mom works really hard to support me so I feel like T have to help. Ifa letter comes, I read the letter for her. I sometimes go tothe hospital with her. Sometimes when ‘we watch TV together, she asks lot ‘of questions. m always urging my moms to learn English, That way, she Read the passage below. Then answer the questions. \Whon Ming woke up onthe fst day of school he was sue he was coming down with cold Hs mother ft his forehead and looked down his toa Ten she smile and shook herhead. “Don't wom, Ming. You won't be the only new student. W-ng isstarting today, oo.” ‘What does Ming's mother think about his feeling sick? How do you know? Wiich clues in the passage support your answer? Underline them. Perea Academic Language (ESN —— > Rate each word. Then write its meaning and give an example sentence. [ACADEMIC WORDS Use these words fn all our subject classes. assure to help someone else feel The vurses assure me that I'l feel better assure (verb) ‘Save EF somrathing soon secure sercue (adjective) ‘CONTENT AREA WORDS Use these words to folk ond write about science. foreign Foreign adjective) race race (noun) ‘SELECTION WORDS Use these words to better understond the selection formidable forsmivdarbe (adjective) interpreter interpreter (noun) nationalities lations of people who ratiomartes (ou) ‘vem different countries ersistentl les coughed persistently for masks after Persistent ose) iene staf ects font know the word. > T'vesenitor heard Tnow ts meaning, Thom and use Multiple-Meaning Words (EES —— ‘Awordcan have muitple meanings, | D> Rend this sentence and und ‘or severl defntions. The word wing canbe a noun The president’ office sn the west wing ofthe White House. meaning “part of an inset of Bt ‘hat allows ttf" oan outer part or extension of bulding” clues tothe meaning of wing. Which definition of wing is being used inthe sentence? wat a bird uses to fy part of a building What's it like to be the new kid at school when you don’t ‘speak the language? A Mexican immigrant looks back at his first days in an American school by Ernesto Galarza, from the book Barrio Boy ‘We walked up the wide staircase hand in hand! and through the door, ‘which closed by itself. A mechanical contraption screwed to the top shut i behind us quell Up to this point the adventure ofenrlling me inthe school had been carefully rehearsed. Mrs. Dodson had told us how to find itand we had circled it several times on our walks, Friends inthe barrio explained that the director was called a principal, and that it was lady and nota ‘man, "They assured us that there was always.a person atthe school who could speak Spanish, Exactly a8 we had been told, there was a sign on the door in both Spanish and English Principal” We crossed the hall and entered the fice of Miss Nettie Hopley. Miss Hopley was ata roll-top desk to one side, siting ina swivel chair that moved on wheels, There was sofa against the opposite wal, lanked by two windows and a door that ‘opened on a small balcony. Chaies were set around a table and framed pictures hung on the walls ofa man with long white hai and another with asad face and black beard, “The principal half turned in the swivel char to ook at us over the pinch glasses crossed on the ridge of he nose, To do this she had toduck her head slightly as ifshe were about to step through a low doorway. reassuring (od) giving confidence or courage barrio (o.)a neighborhood where Spanish i the main language Ce ecr esac a —____ Make inferences How do the narator and his mott eel about enclling in schol? ‘Undertin the details in the text that helped you tone thee feetings. ‘Muttipte-Mear 1g Words ‘The word principol can be a noun mear “head of school” oran adjective mea “most important.” Write the meaning and part of speech principal a the word i used inthe thi ‘paragraph on page 23. ‘What is another word in the same sent that i a synonym for princpol? Voice ow would you describe the auth voice or tone nthe ast paragrop Check your answer (Cy factual and impersonal Ci descriptive ond playful + GERD specific words inthe parag. ‘that tell you this, Barco b0 “MISS HOPLEY WAS NOT A GIANT IN BODY BUT WHEN SHE MOBILIZED IT To A STANDING POSITION SHE SEEMED A MATCH FOR GIANTS.” What Miss Hopley said to-usw eyes a waem welcome and whe ot know but we saw in g. only catching the fr lin her eyes while she said words w understand. office, Ima signaled us to the table. Almost tiptoci ered myself to keep my mother between eringo lady. In a matter af secands had tn decide whether possible friend or a menace. We sat down, Then Miss Hopley did a formidable thing, She stood up. Had she been standing when we entered she would ha ed tall, But rising from her char she soared. And what she carried up and up with her asa buxom superstructure, firm shoulders a straight sharp nose full cheeks slightly molded by a curved line along the nosteil, thin ips that forehead topped by bai gathered Inbbody but when she mobilized itto a standing position she seemed a match for giants. I decided I liked her moved lke stel springs, anda ina bun. Miss Hopley was not maneuvered mobilized (i) moved careully rd or brought together Shestrade to door in the far corner ofthe office, opened it and —— Synthesize ‘What can you rediet about Ernest's ability to leaen English from his exper withthe word “battery”? nasnor Like Ito and several other first graders who did not know English, 1 received private lessons from Miss Ryan inthe close, a narrow hall off the classroom with a door at each end. Next to one ofthese doors Miss yan placed a large chai for herself and a small one for me. Keeping an eye onthe class through the open door she read with me about sheep in the meadow and a frightened chicken going to see the king, coaching me out of my phonetic ruts in words like pasture, Bow-Wow 4{T WAS NOT ONLY THAT We SENSED SHE WAS WITH IT, BUT ALSO THAT SHE WAS WITH US.” soy at prety, whichto my Mean ane so many necewry scant Se made vache ipa ten Clue my ja sheep words fn har rend. When we cam ton cach other te, ed inercaping ol Me Ran how we id itin pnih Rast work Se od" and wet cn paste, owen and prety hw ifn acl we ‘wee both covering tgetirthe Sovofthe Engl nguge and [OUUMOR frig tngtheretictgeis [over agente Of or Fep The in reason wae trad with hoor fr grade was tha Thad lle noe ‘ih is yn Herat o-nonee hrc made iter Ba ota ove hero lone hero we woul tea a ot tare hich vat on hate snd the ws al hat shes when Like the fist grade, the rest ofthe Lincoln School was a sampling of the lower par of town where many races made their home. My pals inthe second grad were Kazushi, whose parents spoke only Japaneses ‘Mattia skinny Ttalian boy: and Manuel, a fat Portuguese who would never get into a fight but veestled you tothe ground and jst sat on you, (Our assortment of nationalities included Koreans, Yugoslavs, Poles, Irish, and home-grown Americans. phonetic (od. relating to the sounds used in speaking ruts (n, situations that do not change At Lincoln, making us into Americans did not mean scrubbing ‘vay what made us originally foreign. The teachers called us as our parents did, oras close as they could pronounce aur names in Spanish ‘of Japanese. Noone was ever scolded or punished for speaking in is native tongue onthe playground, Matt told the class about his mother’s go onto carn both a master’s anda doctoral deg. 4085 By the tne Gaara graduated orgonizer who devoted his ad fe ‘romhigh school he had worked» toimprovng the ives of Mexican umber of parttime and summer Americans. He worked to end Jobs. These included farmworker, «isclination against Mexican amp counselor, court interpreter and Americans and to gan eh for Chistas card design faxmworters. CIVIL RIGHTS Galarza remembered AWAROS Galarza was nominated for 35a teacher, writer, and union the Nobel rize in Literature, astounded) amazed or astonished scroll (7) writing rlled up into tube shape CCL Lite Voice What does the tone ofthe frst paragra ‘on page 26 tell you about Ernest's personality? Make Inferences Underine details nthe last wo paragraphs of he story tha show diversity of Lincoln School ‘What did the diversity of Lincoln Set teach Ernesto about his own culture [ewe =,—— Creat and Innovate With 9 ru plan 0 Web page welcoming Students rom ater counties to your ‘Shoo Bsinstorm information ht yo would include, Then raw a plan for your Web page wil ook ie. E— - Respond an Write For finest andnis tends, [Es being proud Americans didnot sean forgetting theron American backgrounds. Tell what beng an American means 9 you. £;—— (e@)eneert space Go to tolearn more about Mexico: Ban 0 1700 1800 19001920 1930 1940 1950 1960 wart its verbal arts ———————- scattina —___________________—- snoken-word — ost Toasting and Improvise wz singing swing behon poetry o beatingar ‘avoir edo artes or postr are Stes enti ons Hpagoaly —BillHolday Chae"Bin™ ee ra pe re bere {Sra anghanate Y Nik Glan! ere falewen tld towne geen tnt Ami Baas iat wathclor trechbeaed a leas ‘poker-werd pot, % Gospel stylings and socially conscious messages Fused with ‘he misery of ving in segregated, fim Crow Retioceae ey prenie . ae febconnng — DAZE ulm thet el They yan holes and work songs improvisation of ragtime and ‘sith instruments thebluesevoled ino ace GOON JAZZ urban blues — iss Peis B.B King Koko Taylor gospel This religious music gets its soul from slave-era ‘music and blues. Mahalia Tackson isa gospel legend. ees . rhythm & bi into work ty uring WW, chythm ‘blues emerged from ‘swing and 12:bar blues asdance music with an} Sama erengue ——_smpissenvoas ‘LATIN AND ~ Dominican —— DANCE MUSIC: Republic ‘ska mambo bossa nova Jamaica Cuba Brazil Read and Synthesij Blues, rock and roll, jazz, and hip-hop are all American kinds of music, right? Yes, but music can move from country to country just as people can, Look = EECIESTEE—————— at tis time tine to see the roots of music you hear everywhere today. Classify and Categorize The headings in god tel about Bay states Pod ofspoen atta conrbuted to to the United ‘evolved into hip-hop. The headings int Black and gree tel abou sles me. that contributed to and evolved into 72000 ‘hop. Circle) three kinds of spoken art Wes hip-hop the tin of sean adhe 1970 1980 1990 cetemonies’ may Born inthe South Bronx ofthe Put he three kinds of muse you itclec Introduces D} or 1970s, hip-hop drew on Afro ‘ito alist by time order. Write the deca warm up acrowd Caribbean influences. MCs ven each kind of music got its stat. foraperformer, rapped over loops, samples, and scratches made by DJs early hip-hop sing trotabls as msi —— Grandmaster Flsh & lnstruments Hip-hop— 2 the Furious Five “America soundtrack for 30 wgarhll Gang years—is now a global fore, a “The Supremes motown _ — meee Qh cau seven | "sckson 5 i $ Run-DMC hip-hop cha Fadi Beastie Boys ‘OutKast Pes Cee Text Format pom Kanye Wet mine wads aio funk ov Fmbsland pages 2 an 25H oes fot ne sudacris ofthis infographic reflect the passage c Siy ope} 5 Mowbe Cogivete "alt west coast . ty arenes —_ Dr.Dre Jimi Hendrix reggae Boyz IT Men} =Z—_— Jamaica Luther Vanda expert space a Whitney oust Go fo wnexpert2con/studen to eam more about ican Mus Puerto Rico/Cuba « tn dancehall trance b&w Jamaica Europe disco Usa American Masi, ica Root ey) Think Across Texts Organize and Synthesize---- 4, Two of the selections you read presented a range of opinions about what it ans to become an American. Complete this chart using information from ‘ming to America” and Borio Boy Challenges of Becoming American | Rewards of Becoming American “Coming to America Barrio Boy Compare and Evaluate- 2B, Ar author may wit ta nform, to persuade, orto. Which of he tee selectins di you find most helpful * entertain and share experiences. Write the main or interesting? Give a specific reason for your choice. purpose of each ofthe txts yu read, Support Your answers with evidence from the selections “Coming to America” — A, Uist some ofthe features ofeach text type below. Transcripts — Discuss and Write- 5, With a partner, discuss and take notes on how the * ceadings in Inquiry 2 helped you understand the — {immigrant experience. Then write a response to the ‘question How do people build lives in America? Coe Sue Apply Word Knowledge G ose Word Lab -++sse+es0++ ceseseeseeseeeeee (ame them List three things you Oder, Imagine that you are going * could not survive without * toa new town or country where you don't know anyone. List three . things you would do to make yourself feel more secure ‘hinkabout 11 you could meet one -—_—_ of your ancestors, what two questions ‘would you ask that person? Word Analysis - Read each sentence below. Then circle the meaning of each ‘underlined multple-meaning word, + Emnesto's mother deposited some money inthe bank place of financial business land beside a river Describe them: Give an example ofeach + The next batter stepped upto the plate. + afermidable athlete Liquid cake mix baseball player + My mother hos a blanket filled with awa, + 3 formidable subject at school feathers opposite of up + We ground the pepper into power, EER Use examoles ofthe word land underneath us crushed up persistent to complete the sentences. + The mosquito was so persistent that + My textbook weighs at east o pound tohit with force sixteen ounces “= Lproved that I was persistent by Burren Ask Questions Great questions can help create a transcript of people's stories, like in “Coming to America.” Find out how to ask great questions. Q&A With Daniel Uribe, Small Business Owner Checkout an interview with Daniel Uribe, who turned his passion for skateboarding into a growing business. 60 tof Toolkit expert ite 639 tare repenetou started your own company, Laer Bearings to make bearings for skateboards Why turn skateboarding into your business? Check the spat where i: Skateboarding is what I ove doing he repartrnokes ler Thats the secret fo a successful business: ta she hs done some doing what you love. rere sept: What types of things did you doto start star aspot where the Your business Commo ni I was selling skateboards in high school. I'd aint them and sel them to my fiends. I wanted fo make my own money and my own future ora: What does it take to run your own company ‘5 8 young person? mI you're prepared and motivated, adults wil Took past your young age and talk to you because they want to help, You need to have the discipline to keep tack of costs, develop a business plan, and work hard opr It sounds ke you are doing what you need todo to keep your business onthe right track. ‘What are your goals for Lazer Bearings? mide Because I'm creating bearings, can expand To other niches, beyond skateboarding, afterall anything that lls uses earings. gre brotow these steps to conduct a successful interview: = NOW Tp tesachte parsers bakgrowd se pint or Sop. Cont tetris Be ite, pk ly nine sere ns shews he ou espe! the Soden fay Ak yo eon ear duo's ined yuan as vse ht itecomeraton uate notes ok tejond bse mena toon evstonta ge moreno. Stop2 Prepare your questions. hk questions tat aw Thank your sbi autinteresting deta Avia guestions that canbe Step. Teansrbe, or write ot, the iterview and your nswered with yes 09, notes Circle quotes thot are interesting ad cola Apply: Conduct an Inter workin pairs with someone in your class. Interview teach other to draw out interesting stories you might not have known about your classmates. Focus on what you's ike to learn about your subject. Write down what you know about your classmate so far. What wouls you bike to learn? What stories might the person have? B,, Prepare your questions. Ask open-ended {questions that allow your subject to tlk ‘and specific questions that wil raw out interesting details. Be prepared to ask ollow-up questions Write your best {questions in the Notes section below. B,, Conduct your interview. Listen carefully be polite, and take notes below. Don’t forget to thank your subject _,Transcribe your interview. Circle the quotes that are most intresting to you Reporter’s Notebook ——__ vest uestio 20 century Sk FCSECEETE! WHERE YOUNG REFUGEES FIND A PLACE TO FIT IN In Utica, New York, immigrant teens from around the world have found a new home on a local soccer team, where language ‘and background don't matter if you know how to kick a ball Wat city or terest ould you esity share wh ‘ewwomer who dors not Speck your anguage” Explain Your answer. Make Inferences EEN@aaoCm When you make an inference, yourake logical guese based on: >> Read the passage. Then answer the questions below to make an inference. ‘evidence from the text ‘what you already know. When you read noncton, you en make inferences bout situations an author ‘oes not ally explain “The United Nations knew there were peopein the word that had been forced to leave their countries. Some ofthese people had spoken out against injustices in ther government. many counties oppasing te governments punishable by impriserment or death. Others let hel homaands to escape \olence. In 1951, members ofthe United Nations reached an agreement to hal these people, Then, in 1967, the agreement was changed to protect even ‘more people whe could no longer ein their homelands, | | ‘What would most likely happen tothe people if they stayed in their homelands? | \ ‘What details from the text support your answer? Underline them. Chronological Order EEE sical orders the ‘order in which event happen, To dently the order of events in ater, ook or > In the paragraph above about the United Nations, circle the words that tll you ‘when events happened. Then write the numbers 1-3 next to each event below toshow the sequence. vine der words suchas ‘The United Nations agreed to strengthen thelr agreement to help people Fist ned, Before, and afer + words that tll the tine, ay, month or year when Ban event happened The United Nations decided to help people who had been forced to leave their homelands, People were forced out of their homelands. COCCI eS orc) Academic Language (EST $$$ >> Rate your knowledge ofeach word. Then write its meaning and an example sentence. Word es esc EXPERT WORDS Use these words o write nd tak abou the workshop top. 4 person tho is forced to vafuge diving the war, wy grandfather refugee tebe ha or her entry, fotnd aren howe m the United States ref-urgee (noun) Fe sae oe aed, — ee [SELECTION WORDS These words are ey tunderstondng this selection. accent | tecent (oun) confront Conran (eb) influx ‘he sudden arrival of erany infu noun) resettlement reesettlement(odjectve) ‘CONTENT AREA WORDS Use these words to talk and write about socolstudles coup £2 an) multicultural Welcoming immigrants From lands leads | la co) ecoraemanet fom cy textile textile (noun) ve seen itor heard it, > Tknow is mening. Throw itand use Roots KOOIESS — ‘cot fea word part from another > How do the meanings ofthe roots help you understand what guage sch Latin or Grek that “anthropology means? forms the basi of an English wor om any words in English share roots. The root antvap comes rom the Greek word ‘ontop, meaning “human being.” The youn wa =G a G SES =O els rt an Young refugees from around the world have found common ground on an American soccer field... and the community where they live has a new sense of hope. UTICA, NY, ~ Standing on the mide line, Win Zaw bellowed, “Let” and Murai Ukash dashed toward the left comer ofthe goal box, where the ball Win had arched perfectly landed at Muri’ feet. With a leg-twisting dribble, Murid eluded the goalkeeper to score. Gosh, these guysare incredible," Joe Koperda,afreckled AByear-old with braces, said from the sidelines. Under a sprinkle of rain on a recent Saturday afternoon, Win, who is 14 and came here three years ago from Myanmar, formerly Burma; Muridi, also 14 and from Somalia; and a mélange of other refugees from at least a half-dozen countries were competing for spots on a travel soccer team coached by Joe's father, Mike Koperda, who was born in Utica 47 years ago. WHO IS A REFUGEE? Refugees are people who cannot return to their home ‘countries for fear of harm or persecution. There are more than 12 million worldwide, according to one estimate. ‘Only a small fraction ever get resettled in new countries. In 2005, fewer than 81,000 refugees were accepted by ‘other nations for resettlement, according to the United Nations, with the United States taking 53,000, the most by far. Refugees are just 2 small part of the larger picture of immigration to the United States. Of the 11.2 million ‘immigrants who were admitted legally between 1993 and 2005, about 1.1 milfon were refugees. Throughout the summer, some of these players joined in a series of pickup games in the park that resembled a younger, sweatier United Nations summit meeting. But the eight competitive squads in Mr. Koperda's New York Dash Soccer Club offer the only year- round soccer option in this down. fon-tts-luck city with little else to offer teenage boys from far away. The players would probably never meet other than onthe soccer field, where, they say, it does not matter how well they speak English; ‘a nod or a simple “right” or “eft” ‘is enough to send a teammate to the sweet spot “In school, the Americans bother me because they know how to speak English better than sme,” said Muridi, a member of the Bantu tribe, whose members were ‘enslaved and persecuted in Somalia until the early 1990s, when civit war forced them to flee to Kenya's desolate refugee camps. “Here,” he said, surveying the field, “everybody is the same.” In Utica, a robust influx of refugees over the last 15 years kept the housing and job markets afloat during tough economic times. But the local resettlement agency, like its counterparts around the ‘country, has struggled since the Sept. 11 attacks, as government funding has dwindled along with the number of refugees admitted tothe country, The agency, the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, has cut its staff in half and canceled youth programs, said its executive director, Peter D. Vogelaar. Soccer has since become a critical assimilation tool for teenage boys, ‘who often confront extra problems in trying to adjust to their new lives in the United States. (Mr. Koperda's club is opento girls, but refugee girls tend not to join the ames here.) “When you watch 2 middle class American kid playing next to this refugee kid, sharing tips, laughing together, i's amazing,” Mr, Vogelaar said. "These games are about creating opportunity for people who would not otherwise relate to work together. Ideally, that’s what we'd lke tosee happen in the whole city." Utica was once a bustling industrial hub, dotted by textile mills that hummed day and night ‘and employed thousands of Irish, lalian, German and Lebanese ‘immigrants. Locomotives chugged ‘along avast network of tracks and boats plied the Erie Canal, ferrying ‘goods and spurring growth deep {nto western New York State. At its peak, in the 1950s, the city had 125,000 residents, an Air Force base, and a collection of ornate buildings that belied its blue-collar roots. But as the textile industry crumbled and factory jabs migrated south, Utica lost half its population over 40 years, exhausted its finances and stood perilously close to collapse. Inrecent years, though, an influx of refugees has helped stem the decline: as of 2003, about 11,000 of Utica’s 60,000 residents were refugees. "We were hemorrhaging,” the city's mayor, Timothy julian, said inan interview. “Then the refugees started coming here and we got this new burst of life.” “In many ways,” Mayor Julian added, “we owe our survival to the refugees.” [Soe corxme| mechementes blue-collar (o3.)having to do with jobs that involve physical work hemor i («) losing rapidly Ceo enr emu rs| — Chronological Order 77 Review paragraphs 1 through 6 Fad Circe) the paragraph where the author begins to backtrack when Aescribing the sequence of events + What does the author's backtracking hop the reader to understand? Make Inferences Review the last paragraph inthe Second colun of page 39. Why might the author describe the tves of refugees as lonely? «Undertine an example rom the texty sed to make your inference. (exe 73 —— 3) Solve the Problem How could you make refuges fel welcomed in your community? Brainstorm and then resent you est idea tothe clas. Peoumunteste — Read and Write Write a journal entry describing ‘what you believe would be the hardest part of being luge Abdi Chivala, 19, 2 courteous Somali Bantu who speaks with a slight lisp, is too old to join Mr. Koperda’s club—players must be 8 to 18—but he was a regular at the summertime scrimmages, which ended in sideline chats rich with accents, and showed up for the tryouts anyway. After 12 years ata refugee camp In Kenya where education meant disjointed lessons in dirttoor huts, Mr. Chivala said he struggled at school, unable to read or write, when he moved to Utica in 2004 He did not know how ta dress for class, he said, or what to do once he was at his desk When he stepped inside Thomas R. Proctor High School here for the first time, he was terrified. “I didn't know nobody, I didn't have no friends and I didn’t look like the other people in my class,’ Mr. Chivala recalled of his rst days. atthe school. "The kids, they looked at me because I was different. Win, the Burmese boy, had similar feelings. “I was the only Asian kid in the roam,” he said in the living room that doubles as a bedroom for himand one ofhis five brothers, Pyae Phoe Aung,a9-year- ‘old who spends most weekendslost inhhis video games. At the refugee camp in Thailand where he grew up, Win said, he played soccer with members of Myanmar's national teem, who hha also fled the country after its bloody military coup in 1988. Mr. Chivala, for his part, made soccer balls at the refugee camp in Kenya by tying Tshirts tightly together, ‘and fashioned goalposts out of branches or broomsticks “atthe camp, we played soccer to forget,” Mr. Chivala said, shivering ina sweaty jersey after the tryout, Here, young refugee boys play soccer to belong. Win played for his middle school’s team last year, and in March he joined Mr. Koperda's soccer club, making his first American friends. set [SeeStmsene | ines “Many of these kids here don't even have the benefit of having theie parents watch their games,” he added. “Refugee parents are always working and the kids are raising themselves in rough neighborhoods, but soccer can offer them some type of stability.” feet incr) :—_ Chronological Order Review paragraphs 6 and 7 in the fst ‘column on page A, Select 3 events fot Win’ story and place them In order brow. Make Inferences Review paragraph 7 in heist colunn page at, What a Mr, Chival play soe toorget? soma: 10,357 sussi: 6,003 cups: 3,143 vieTnaw: 3,039 tra: 2,792. REFUGEES IN THE U.S. tops counnies of origin 2008) jersey (7. soft shirt worn by sports players nimble (05), able to move quickly and easly Roots The root of refuge isthe Latin word Jugere, meaning to fee. Write another word that has the same Latin root What was Wins family Recing from? here Young RlugesFinda Place to FT * Soccer is the most popular sport in the world with players and fans in 200 countries. * The World Cup, the biggest competition in soccer, is held every four years. There are tournaments for both men’s and women’s teams. '* People frst played soccer as we know it today {n the United Kingdom in the 1800s. However, game similar to soccer was most likely played in China more than two thousand years ago. ‘People in many countries refer to soccer as “football.” The word soccer comes from the abbreviation for association: assoc. * Soccer players really use their heads—lterally! Players can hit the ball with their head, but they should use the front part of their forehead to avoid injuries, eestor s Resettlement experts said that young refugee children were apt to quickly learn to speak English without an accent and adapt to school routine, but that teenagers typically found themselves in 2 frustrating race against time, ‘trying to cram a full education into a few years. (Age, not academic background, determines the grade placement of refugee children in schools in the United States.) In most cases, these teenagers hhave todecipher the language and culture on theirawn, since parents do nat know itor are too busy to be able to help. “They're guys with big feet,” said Rubén G. Rumbaut, professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine, who studies the refugee experience in the United States. “They're stumbling around, trying to figure out their place in the adult world, and they don’t always get it right.” ‘A 2002 study by the nonproft Center for Multicultural Human Services in Virginia found that inadequate education, lack of family support, and cultural flvides may lend teenage refugees to aggression, vandalism, and serious violation of rules, such as skipping or dropping out of school and running away from home. aggression (».)hosile behavior =e | What problems car some teenage efugeos face? But young refugees who take partin structured activities are less likely to get introuble, said Julianne Duncan, associate director for children’s services in the Migration and Refugee Services office at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, one of the country's largest resettlement agencies. “And to a lot of these kids,’ Ms. Duncan said, "a team sport like soccer works as the greatest equalizer.” After the soccer tryouts here, Muridi, four other Bantu boys, and Yo Yoh, a13-year-old Burmese who arrived in Utica last year, went to dinner at the home of Richard Mueller, an assistant coach at the soccer club. As chicken sizled on the grill, three of the boys played pool and Yo played table tennis. with Mr, Mueller’s teenage son, Paul Meanwhile, Muridi and Shay Callahan, an 11-year-old girl with long blond hair who also plays socceratthe club, danced and sang ‘along to a Justin Timberlake tune that boomed from the stereo. Peter aur) a Make Inferences Review the first paragraph in the secon Colum on page 43. Why might taking ina structured activity, ite the soccer club, kep refugee kids out of trovble? —>—_ Evaluation Review Ms. Duncan's statement it the second paragraph inthe seco column of page 43, Do you agree that sports tke soccer work as "the greates equalizer"? Explain why or why no. io =s—_—_ Designing Creat 199 othe soccer cub inthe passage. Draw describe what he oo tok he, Prov Bn explanation that shows how the log appropriate Read and Write Imagine that youre aretugee and | ‘member ofthe soccer cub A ‘described inthe article. Writea letter to another retuge. kaplan hy he o she should join the lu. 3——— pert space 0 to to learn more about Hy2n2 Where Young Reluges Find alco FL Eritrean "3 [ol 1, TOO, SING AMERICA on scciss ee Inverse eure het, For many immigrants, becoming an American means learning | siirng Te we, to bridge the gap between two cultures and two sets of values. tipainwy. In this reading, Dominican-American author Julia Alvarez explains how a famous poet showed her the way. | Figurative Language ‘LITERARV ANALvsis los Draw a line to match each phrase with ts correct type of ‘readers form vivid mental orative tam tres they read ‘s ine | = astmite compares two The sky cried huge tears metaphor | Gate things using the ord te ores Hope i ight in the darkness simite ‘A metaphor compares two unt things ec His shoes areas shiny as crows’ feathers. personification Personification is sving human qualities to an Bama, abject, or ea, Fact and Opinion ‘An opinion sastatement > Read the dialogue. Then answer the question below. that canot be proved. ‘An opinion expresses boil ora preference Luis: | want to leam to speak and wnte English wel. | have American ends, that someone ese may and we prepare American food together. plan to goto college in sage with ‘America and become a reporter. | baie i's important for people om To evaluate an opirion, front cites to Wve tke Americans. saehow wel tissuppored bytes eames oF Inabet:| speak Spanish at home and sk wh ater Latino is, |think my reasons Latino culture is more fun than American culture Which speaker's opinion is stronger? Explain why. Peters nurs Academic Language (EESy——— >> Rate each word. Then write its meaning and an example sentence. EXPERT WORDS Use these words fo write and talk about the workshop topic imilate to absorb into the hen I moved to a big city, it nas, assimilate teaser tee Bremen oe ee diversity versity (noun) ‘CONTENT AREA WORDS Use these words to talk ond write about scence. culture culture (noun) | hemisphere (noun) SELECTION WORDS Use these words fo better understand the selection. bilingual itinrgual (fective) dictator dictator (roun) homeland homestand (noun) subversive ‘In the early 18005, only subversive Worn subversive adjective) wore porksin pub. don't know the word ‘ve Seen heard it, Thnow its meaning. =) Tkrow itand use Roots KETENE - Many wordsin English area What fs a blogeaphy? _ ‘combination ofto word pats, “The word bagrophy fs made up the oot io, meaning ie” What the ttle ofa biography that you have read? 2nd graphy. meaning "writing Before Reading o »- OmG 5. eae Ans Teck me F 4.4m OBsr Bet yy SBCEc wee Ky 1, TOO, SING AMERICA nan ALVABEL py JU After her family was forced to flee the Dominican Republic, Julia Alvarez felt torn between old ways and her new life in the United States. Then the words of a famous poet helped Alvarez realize she could be uniquely American while honoring her roots. Tse up the 19508 ina dictatorship on the lite Caribbean halfisland ofthe Dominican Republi. Reading or studying was not natty that was encouraged ny faiy expeily for gic. My grandmother only went to schol upto fourth grade. She used ttl ts that she only picked up a book when she heard the teachers donkey braying ast imbed up the hill her hows Boys had to make the sacrifcio and get an education inorder to earn aliving—butin moderation, My cousin was considered strange because hhe not only loved to read, but asa teenager began to write poetry. “Se 1 aenfermar” my aunt would sa, shaking her head everytime she found Juan siting ina chair reading a book. “Hes going to get sick” Twas also growing up in a dangerous dictatorship. Intellectuals, people who read and questioned, were suspect. A book in your hands ‘might as well have been contraband ‘Once, in a social studies class, student wrote an assay in which be praised Trujillo, the dictator, as the tue father of our country. The teacher commented that although Trujillo was one of the fathers of our country, there were surely others. The boy, the son of a general, must have gone home and told his father. That night the teacher, his wife, and his two young children disappeared. moderation (limited amounts contraband (0, illegal goods POET UT rut) EE Fact and Opinion Bei 0s ora “Underline the sentence inthe frst Paragraph that tells when and where Julia Alvarez grew up. “How important aid Alvarez’ family F that reading and studying were? Mar L —| otatall somewhat, . Tena puss Figurative Language Reread the fist sentence of the last paragraph Inthe students essay, now did he desc the dictator Trail? [sthisa simile, metaphor or personification? Roots Dict sa Latin root whose meaning is related to speaking + GERI the oot it nthe word ct inthe last paragraph. + Using clues from the rots meaning details from the story, give a defini of ctor. 1. Too Sing Amit In 1960, my father’s underground activites against Trujillo were iscovered, Fearful ofthe sam fate, we escaped from the Republic ina hueey [for the United States), Overnight, we had lost everything our country our home, and our extended family structure My family and I arrived in the United States at time in history that ‘was not very welcoming to people who were different, whase skins were a lfferent colo, oF whose language did sound ike English, For the fist me in my life I experienced prejudice and playground crucky I struggled with a language and a culture I didnt understand. I was, homesick and heartbroken, My sisters and I, being young, soon rallied to the challenge. We learned the new language, the new music, the new ways to dress and behave oursolves, But our success on these fronts soon created another kind of problem in our family. My parents wanted desperately to keep us othe old standards, and yet also wanted us to succeed in this new culture How could we study hard, earn all As and get ahead, but be sweet and submissive and let Papi make llth decisions? How could we remember our Spanish when we were forced to speak English only ‘outside the home? How could we keep our mouths shut out of respeto for our parents when in school we were being taught to speak up and debate with our teachers? How could we get along with our fiends and yet never go over to their houses for parties and sleepovers? {had become a hybrid—as al of us who travel beyond a hometown ‘or homeland are bound to become. I was not a mainst girl and I wasnt totally Dominican girl anymore, And yet wanted desperately to belong somewhere. -My sisters and T were caught between value systems, languages, and ‘customs, And this was our challenge: how to maintain a connection to ‘our roots while also growing and flourishing in our new country? But the problem was that no one was thinking like that back in those ays, “Thote were the days when the model for immigration was that you «ame to America, you assimilated, and you cut off your tiesto the past and the old ways. That was the price you paid for che privilege of being aan American citizen. submissive (ed wling to obey someone hybrid (7.)a mixture of two things ‘Sometimes painful moments become opportunities for expansion and self-ceation, My intense loneliness and desire to connect with others led me to books, Homesick and lonely in the USA, I soon discovered that the word ofthe imagination was a portable homeland ‘where everybody belonged, I began to dream that maybe I 00, could create worlds where no one would be barred. ‘And so, twas through the wide open doors ofits literature that | truly entered this country. Reading the work of poet ME. Walt ‘Whitman, heard America’s promise and fll in love with my new couttry. "I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear he wrote in his well-known Leaves of Gras, As for melting all our variety into one pot, Mr. Whitman disagreed “Lam lange, contain multitudes” he wrote. “I resist anything better than my ovin diversity” ‘stile? wonder king ove y shoul Washi serie! Ba Me Whitman poems were printed in my English | Make Inferences (Sitouhce hema dxered_| Waysyo in ht at saying wha hs coun sey abou Hew ying tat his com as nal bans cangreaion fe ‘Me Whar worden The Unie Sate tems arcenanaly he geaea pm Hetetsnones aaton at tConignaonoaions andthe Aer ar shal be Koos glade anany hinge sy ee’ Ty crest thiskind of ation sto pees model oa word whee well ddan Bu his Ara can nly De sheed enh pean feta beth ichand comple pron ie rahe Ou fe pares wehavetomake ann onc haa amy In this spirit, I see myself more and more as an American write. With my roots inthe southern part ofthe Americas (my stories, my history, my trations, my Spanish and Caribbean rhythms) and my training and experience and flowering inthe northern part ofthe Ihemisphere, {am truly an all-American writer. bard (0.)0 poet kosmas (x) cosmos the universe COCR R LL) SEE Fact and Opinion + What e lia Alvare’s amity to mo" to the United states in 19607 * How dd ula’ parents feet that she her sisters should behave nthe US, —__— Evaluate Alvarer says that cutting off ties b the past was the price immigrants used to pay for the privilege of being U titzens, What das she mean by his? Figurative Language Sometimes writes use fguativelangu such as similes and metaphors to strengthen the points they are making Reread the third paragraph on page + ‘What does it mean to say thatthe "melting pot”? According to Alvarez, di Walt White feel tht “melting pot” was 2 good metaphor forthe US.7 Explain Yan Sing Amis I, Too, Sing América In this homage to Walt Whitman’ famous poem, “I singing” Julia Alvarez adds her own I know it’s been but not in this voice of the pldtano and the mango, marimba y bongé, not in this sancocho of inglés con espafiol. before Ay st, it’s my turn to oh say what | see, I'm going to sing America! with all América inside me: from the soles of Tierra del Fuego to the thin waist of Chiriqui up the spine of the Mississippi through the heartland of the Yanguis to the great plain face of Canada— all of us singing America, the whole hemispheric famili ‘onistors belting our cancién, singing our brown skin into that white and red and blue song— the big song that sings all America, ef canto que cuenta con toda América: un new song! Ya llegé el momento, our moment under the sun— ese sof that shines on everyone. So, hit it maestro! give us that Latin beat, jUno-dos-tres! One-two-three! Ay si, {y bilingually): Yo también soy América 1, too, am America soles (7) bottom part of the Feet, maestro (n.Javerytalented musician CEU Sule Glossary Figurative Language Inthe poem lvarez asians phys plitano banana human tats to places inthe Americas ‘marimba y bongs rousical instruments Tis scaled = sancocho a tich stew made with vegetables and meat Draw tne rom the otto the placea : appear inthe poem. inglés con espaol English with Spanish eee prea Ayst Oh, yes sine anode Jamia fay plain face Mississippi (Chirigut a province in Panama seamen song, Fact and Opinion ‘canto que cuenta con toda América the song.thatincludesallof America What fet does the Author File tll you una about alvare’ place of bith? Ya legs el momento the moment has aevived SLES Se Alvarez says shes a “Dominica American” What hr opinion about F Yanguis: Yankees; US. citizens writing in terms of heretic backgrou ese sol that sun Yo también soy América I, t00,am America _ Julia Alvavez. Fann march 27,1950, New York, WY ‘CHILDHOOD Jus Avarex's family moved back to ‘heir home inthe Dominican Republi shorty after he lth. 1960, when ANate” was 10 year le, Rm hes amy immigrated tothe Unite States Beeaxx=m ,—_— Create and Laovate With your zroup, create poem that celebrates america, Ty to refet he EDUCATION B.A feom/iddlebury where both chiléen and adults can Alversty of your group inthe poem. Coleg and Master’ Creative learn tore, Ce ~ Wing from Syracuse University. RWRROS group of New York Respond and writ Write 2 paragraph in which you explain wy itis (or is nod Important that immigrants BOOKS Alvarer’smanynovelsinclde Ubraians chose How the Grea Gs How the Gorca Gn ost Their Accents, Lost Their Accents as one of 2 asses Inte tmeor sutermes, nao. ak rr me ast century. ‘merica say connected with Stn both the Dominican Republic and SELF-OEFINITION “tama Oominican, thele pasts the U.S. She alsohas written several hyphen, American. Asa writer, find —— collections of poetry. thatthe most exciting things happen axpart space OTHER PROJECTS Aivarez and her theres ofthat hyphen-the place {Goto husband own acofee arm inthe where two wards collide bend tolearn more about Rafael Tre Dominican Republic They sellthe WHY SHE WRITES “I waite to find out Donsleican Repub Coffe to help funda Dominican school who Lam. Iwite to understand things 1,100 Sing Amici, Julia Atvaree was inspired by this poem fram 1900, in which classic ‘American poet Walt Whitman celebrated the American workers of his ime. | Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman hear America singing, the varied carols | hear, ‘Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong. ‘The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, ‘The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work, ‘The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck, ‘The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, ‘The wood-cutter’s song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown, The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing, Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else, ‘The day what belongs to the day — at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly, ‘Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs. = carols (0) joyful songs blithe (oo. eeming not to care CeCe Figurative Language Review the til ofthe poem. Thistle isan example of which typeof gut language? Csimite Cimetaphor (personification Explain why you selected this answes Make Inferences The speaker ina poem isthe one who ‘expresses the poem's ideas. The speak canbe he poet, but sometimes the pot creates a speaker to voice his or her id ow does the speaker in “t Hear Ameri Singing” seem to feel about the worker of America? How do you know? Analyze ow isthe Whitman poem “1 Hea America Singing” simi to and diferent from the ula Alvarez poem 0 age 50? Give details that support your ideas. a — jexpart space Go to learn more about ear Americ Singin, CSc Organize and synthesize - and "I Hear America Singing” Think Across Texts The three selections you read al touch on the diversity ofthe United States. Complete this chart using information from "Where Young Refugees Find a Place to Fit In,” “I To, Sing America, ‘Ways in Which America Is Diverse Rewards of Diversity America Singing” Compare and Evaluate « B,, The thee selections you read include these * text types: a News article, an essay, and a poem. Write deserpton ofeach tex type Magazine Feature Artie choose one selection. Write what you think its author would say about what it means to be ‘American, daxsnors A, Match each sentence with the type of figurative * language it contains. Then choose the one you ike best and explain its meaning. Theor Americ singing metaphor She's become o chameleon. simile The crowded, warm motel room wasfike a cacoon. personification cuss and Write-+++++ ith a group, discuss how the readings in * <4 Shared Experience” helped you understand ‘ways in which all Americans are alike, Take notes as you talk. Then write @ response tothe question: What do all Americons hove in common? ao Coes urt Apply Word Knowledge Word Lab- Namie it) Name something or * somebody you might have to confont. 2... Thikaboutit: Identity something that might be made out of textiles. Deséibe them: Give an example of each, + Acafeteria serving adversity of food right offer and + Ata party where a diversity of music is played, you might hear and —_ Fight: Use examples to complete the following sentences, {0 sport thot fe popular in American culture + Ina ealture, many people like to eat (Compare! The words refugee, Jnmigront, citizen, and resident al escribe people. How else are they similar in meaning? re , {ookat the meaning ofthe word parts or roots inthe chat. * Then use them to write definitions forthe words below. ‘mono (one) photo (light) bi (ite) graph (writing) logy (study) Logue (speech) ‘monologue: sraphology: biology: What word part do dialogue and monologue share? ter Reading tguty Ere Analyze Images Have you ever seen a photo that triggered a feeling for you in a way that a AGT i'ctnmsicsoas oto Toolkit Expert Fie 6.18 to story never could? Learn what makes some images so powerful. Capturing the Moment Analyze the elements of this powerful photo ef tinny 19300 lyze images: Step Takea istlook What do you immediately notice in the ‘Stop2 Analyze th laments. Ones the image draw your ateaton to Something or someone in patclar? What tnd othe dark gues nthe font create? steps Place eek bythe ena Image nthe background The foeground isthe sett eral image nthe foreground The use oftight or dark areas, Can reste mood and send 3 area ofthis photo, nderine caption formation Determine the message and purpase. Hom asin say with tis image Apply: Analyze Images of New Americans > Read the assignment below, and then analyze these images. Asien in mihi bese fess ew stadt in your town. A to ageney as Set you te two ngs Belo Analyze ths images to help you decide what message yu Wat © comes Take a first look. What do you notice when you {B,, Determine the message and purpose. Then, examine each image? What is your eye drawn to? evaluate which mage is most effective for your ad and put a star by it. Image : Analyze the elements. Think about how each * element makes you fel. Make notes next to or ‘on each image. For example, inthe photo onthe right, the focus on the lags makes the crowd feel symbolic, nota collection of individual. My Notes ‘Sport af inafgrant Flees wave logs ‘alts of Writing ais of Wing is a mode assessing and teaching iting. The traits work within e wring proces to support ‘ison ond eating ch puztle piece below presents one ofthe traits that fine good writing, ch rat is made ‘of four key qualities. trait that you mill focus on this lesson is Word Choice. Drsnor 5 Fictional Narrative A first-person fictional narrative isa made-up story about an experience. Init, tone character tells a story fom hs or her point of view. You'll find frst person fetiona naratves in novels, short stories, and graphic novels. Inthis writing workshop, you will write a tional story based on a new American you read about inthis workshop, or somewhere else. Example: This scene from the novel Storm inthe Might shows what heppens {rom the characters point of view. | dream that 'm fying over Honduras, only it doesnt look fe Honduras, There are bright lights, lke Frefies, only brighter. 1 soon fecognize thatthe lights are coming from the lite house of La Rupa below me. nal narrative has the following Look fr these Features in the Student Model onthe next page. 4 An exciting lead that introduces and | undertine the sentence that tells you interests readers in the character. | who the story wil be about. (Organization) features as you read the Model 2A main character telling a story | Gift) pronouns that show thatthe [ign the first-person plat of view. | characteris telling the story inset 3. Events presented in th ‘they | check words that let you know the happened. (Organization) ‘order in which events took pace. 44. Quotations that show the Star % quotations that show what the characters personality. (Ideas) | characters ike. s.GEEERIRIMLETIGTIE specitic | undertine speciic words that paint a and Accurate words that describe | vivid pictute in your mind, the characters, setting, and action > Read Rachel's first-person narrative tld by Abd from “Where Young Refugees Find a Place toFit In.” She changed Abdi's name, because she is tu ig the real story into fiction. ‘Simon's Story By Rach! Goodwin “Run for your les!" shouted as the bombs whistled through the air and crashed through the roo, Abandoned belongings filed the streets. fl the cold fingers of fear around my throat as | searched for my family, but| only could find my mother ‘and sisters My father was gone, We never found ut whether he had le from the ‘advancing army, ori he had been kiled in the bombing We abandoned our vilage and went toa refugee camp in Kenya. There, we had ‘beds and food, but ite ese, | wen to a school, but we never learned how to read Cor rit, We sat on the dirt floc of a smallhouse, and we had a diferent tescher ‘almost every month, Al wanted to do was to play soccer, but we didn't have any balls. | created one, by ting Tshits together With other boys, | used branchos and broomstick to fashion goals. At the camp, we played soccer to forget. \Whon the time came to immigrate tothe United States, my mother made sure ‘that everyone knew that we were leaving for good, We wrote a ete Yo leave with an ‘016 nego, justin case my father ever returned o our village. It was heartbreaking to:say goodbye to my frends. Then, packing up our few belongings in our tattered, single sutcase, we headed forthe airport with the other refugees, In America, everything was different. | was tenied of school. Everyone looked diferent, and the subjocts were very hard. My mom struggled to ind work, However, | noticed a soccer team playing ouside my apartment bulding, | asked if could oi. ‘Te coach said | was too ol6, because had alrady turned 19. Howover, they let me play in the sermmages, Playing soccer has made me happy again | used to play to forget, but now I play to remember my frends. It also helps mo know that | can be {00d at somathing, even when schoo! is ficult. > Analyze how Rachel developed and organized her ideas. Event 4 Event 2 Event a | Event 5 > Read Rachel's notes about how she worked: her fictional narrative. T used the word “ls 4 lo in thas Reine vervitve, thon rossed fT Hoh SGOT Precise nord | le" nd “abana the missing parts ofthe outine Event 3 Simon plays soccer at the vefuges coer. Event 6 Simon plays soccer and is bappy oxi Fictional Natio How Do I Get Started? cca Firstpetson tional nareative Totella story based onthe life ofa new American. your choice Ideas: Finding a Topic Writing is easier when you find a good topic. Use these. ‘bouts to help you: ‘Have I chosen a topic that I really like? + Do Ihave something new to say about this topic? “+ Am [writing about what I know and cave about? STaristele + Have I gathered enough information so that I'm eady to write? For example, the writer of the Student Model dia extra research on fen refugee camps to make sure she wos ready to write. {In this workshop. Notice if each teen has © One way tofind a Story orshow about anew American: te about isto think what gid you like about it? topic to wr ‘of books, TV shows, or movies you enjoyed on the same subject. Use the outline below to jot down ideas for your narrative. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event 6 musvor 5 How Do I Get Organized? met Organization: Creating the Lead te God witers et the ede excted about hel writing sou from te tre Ask yourself these Think About a You work on your aranzaton > crt tnd void gue the eter something neesting think aout ht . tam he star? ' + i he eaer want ee eaing? “ove vied to ge thereade's tention For exon the Stent et tens th bombs resin though eo «itt the reader now what coming? use this guide orate yours bole Go bck to Reading 2, Barto oy” and think about ow Se ge eye the estsentence eds you no the story, peer a > Dractice Thiakupa new opening othe Stadt Model Gest bette Remember tomate ue Your open make sense wt te et of emenbe Samos corm ‘benmast ee eens organization 4d gv the ender somethi Ineretng ha aout : trom heer? sat > write « Paragraph Practice eating lead as you write afst ie draft of one of your first paragraphs her 2. Will the reader want to keep vee - set _ Pater _ Betlav ied to get the reader dient - Pare _ 40d et he eaer know ws caning > Draft Your Essay Write a first draft of your story. Make sure ‘Self Yout ad sil swith he est yur stery revs tn lenge nee works, ova Naat Narrative Writing » REVISE How Do I Use Specific and Accurate Words to Make Better Word Choices? eens Word Choice: Using Specific and Accurate Words Good writers choose their words careful. Use these Think ‘bouts to make sure you choose the best words ‘Have Luted nouns and modifiers that help the reader se a picture? For example, in the first poragroph of the Student Model you can see, heor, ond feel what the bombing wos lite. + Did {avoid using words that might confuse the reader? ‘IF tried @ new word did I check to make sure L used it conrectly? + Are these the best words that can be used? D> sing Speci and Acrate Words > Masle! Go back to Reading 5, “I, Too, Sing América," and find examples of specific and accurate words that the author used to help you form a piture in your mind. > Read Ruth Culham’s writing blog to get advice on improving your writing, Ask the Expert: or ee Q&A: Word Choice: Using Specific and Accurate Words Gerry General Writes: “Sometimes | wonder what to write about. There's alot of fun stuff but just not sure, like to write a fastidious paper and get a superior score. Can you help me?” Write about something you are passionate about; it will make choosing the boring! it looks like you used the Thesaurus for fast us and superior, ‘Can you replace those words so they sound a little more natural? Reach and stretch, but don't go too far! You want your words to sound just right! > practice Read the sample paragraphs and think about which one specific and acur Star the most specie and accurate nouns and modifers. (GERID the passage that uses more accurate and specif words Sam's Siblings ‘ha ahraye been closer to Sara than Iwas oleae, even ‘hough he and shared a room. Thats because she was a | uly nice parson. Anyway, Imanaged to get along with both ‘oftham. contrast, hey coud get along, Lent kc few ‘times that Sarah got rely mad, though, Thats why this thing ‘seemed so wet to me, ‘Sarah and Isaac | had always been closer to Sarah than Iwas lsc, ever ‘hough he and | shared a small bedroom. Thats because | she was atrly compassionate aly. Anyway, I managed ‘ta get along with both of em. n contrast, they had itor arguments. onl know of afew times that Sarah got really ‘ious, though. That's why ther reationship seemed 30 uncamfartae to me > Revise Now use specficand accurate words to make your writing, clear and strong. Choose a paragraph from your first draft and revise ithelow. Remember to choose nouns and modifiers wisely to create a picture in your readers’ minds. words to make the writing clearer and more vivid. > check your essay for how wel you applied strong verbs toy writing. Then have a writing partner rate it, too Gatepet 3 Makng tr SeWellbone 20m The We A eninest there 1 = Geting sta Word choice 44 Have [used nouns and modi that help the reader see a picture? 2. id 1 avoid using words that might confuse the reader? self 20 Partner © 3.1 Ltried anew word, did ch tommake sure I used it correct seh tne “4, Are these the best words that can be used? ue Revise With Technology Us the dictionary Feature in yo word processing program to be sure that you have sed any new words corel tana narrative Narrative Writing » EDIT FOR CONVENTIONS How Can I Finish a Great Paper? Grammar: Using Pronouns Correctly Pronouns have three characteristies: Case—subject, objec, or possessive, gender—masculine, feminine, or neuter; and Number— singular or plural I's important to use the right pronoun. Subject Object | ossessve [Toowcesiene [meatier |rmemines aur ous we, you, they us, you, them | hisfhers/its ur, ours: your, yours thee theirs Remember: A pronoun must have the same case, gender, and number as its antecedent-the word it replaces inthe sentence. If you'e unsure about which pronoun to use, jst find its antecedent and choose the pronoun that agrees with it. > Practice Rewrite this paragraph correctly below. My parents were immigrants. Them came to the US. to find a better life for her children. When I to visit Panama, me Grandma tld I about the hard life he had. Mechanics: Using Quotation Marks ‘When using quotation marks, follow these steps: 4. Put an open quotation mark (") before the fist word ofthe person's statement and a close quotation mark () after the lat word 2. Ifthe statement ends witha period, a comma, an exclamation point, or ‘a question mark, put it inside the close quotation mark Example: “First, | have to get them to look at each other,” I thought. ‘Aer that. think of something.” a > Practice Rewrite this par Your dribbling skill with the bal are improving, my teammate told me. Do you really think so? I asked. You bet he shouted, raph correctly below. nestor s > proofrend Edit to find and correct any error in your essay. Put a check beside the typeof errors you find. Then write the corrected sentence below. pronouns used correctly (using contractions corecty quotation marks used corectly misspellings | subjectverb agreement other: > > check your essay for correct tse of conventions. Then hav writing partner rate too 3 Sete SeMaking st SeWellDone — 2=00The we oe GxAimon Tare 1 etng St 4 conventions 4. Did | use pronouns correctiy? s a I = ea Partner > write Your Final Bratt Now, using your edited draft, 2. Did use quotation marks begin creating a final draft for presentation. cone (Bh use word processing software to type your final draft. Make sure to Partner Smt your margin and spacing secrdng a your echo’ equest, 3.1 lo the ules of heck your al at agsins the Tits of Weng Scoring Guise on pptaleatn? pages 328-331 and corect any errors before you present it se > Beyo Clas ‘Extend your finished narrative. ‘4 Is the spelling in the essay List two eas for photos that could ilsrate your ety: set Look antine fora blog. message bard, magazine or newspaper where you EEIRENENE————— could publish your essa lexpert space ld publish your essay. Go to student to ind photographs and other visuals to ilstrate your essay List two places you could upload or share your essay for publication. etna Maret Erne) You've learned what new Americans from many lands experience as ‘they become American. Now apply your expert reading strategies to the StoryCorps is creating a picture of who Americans are. BY DAVE 1saY The StoryCorps oral history project was launched to collect the stories of everyday Americans. Since 2003, tens of thousands of people have interviewed friends and family for StoryCorps. Millions have listened to StoryCorps interviews on public radio and the Internet. nthony D'Andrea, 63, terviewed by his daughters foniea Metnerney, 36, and Mary ‘andrea, 35 ECORDEE IN NEW YORK CITY rnthony D'Andrea: I was born on tugust 24, 1930, and my mother id the church bells were ringing. Asa youngster I lived my entice iin the Bronx. The section I > nis called Highbridge, on 170th reet and Shakespeare Avenue was a great outlet for me as a boy playing stckball in the stret and a game called Sewers, where you throw the ball at the sewer and the other syshad to catch, Thebig game was called OfF the Point. Wed all chip there and buy a “spaldeen” pinkish looking rubber ball. And you'd run ‘up and youd throw the ball and try to hit the molding on the apartment building, Ifyou hit it rig her two cents here, three cents td send the ball to the other side ofthe street It was a big game. Weil have people watching us, and people with cars wouldnt want to park near us My dad came here from Italy in 1911, and he honestly believed he cold pick gold of the sterets My father would tell me who the Italian players were on the Yankees, And they had some Tony Laazeri, Frank Croseti, Joe DiMay And so 1 just developed a big interest in the io, for example, Yankees tice Yankee Stadium was 16st Street and River Avenue, and that would be about a twenty: to ‘minutewalkupanddownsomepretty steephills. rarely wenttoaballgame, because we never had any money to-do that, But when T was eleven for twelve, I used to go down in the morning when the Yankees were home to get autographs. You could spot the players readily for two reasons, one of which was all the Yankee players had to wear jackets, ties, shirts. And the second reason is for twenty-five cents you {got a book called Who’ Who in Baseball with pictures of the team. Tt would come out just before the season started. Might’ve been twenty-five kids hanging around, and weld wait by the subway stop. Theres the elevated subway ingyand they all exited pretty much at the same spot, so you could see them coming readily 1 was such an avid fan. On one ‘occasion [found a ball on the street, and [started getting different players to sign it, My father used to get the Daily News every morning, and there was always a story about the Yankees, Whether they won or lost or if they werent playing, thered be a story, And this one day I noticed that it mentioned an off date but thatthe Yankees are going workout. So thought, "Oh, tha llbe a good day to go because there won't avid (ad, very eager or committed renowned (0 J well-known be as many kids around, Maybe 1 ‘ean get the fellows that Tdidatt get yet to sign the ball” So I got down there early, and there werent many kids, The first man to come along was Frank Crosetti. I recognized him right away. And I said, “Me Grosetti, could you sign the ball?” And he sai, “Sure! Then I realized Iwas lacking two signatures to have the whole team, including the managers and the coaches. One ofthe major people was theYankeemanage rman, Joe MeCarthy. 1 thought, “L really should go home, But Tl avery renowned wait a litte longer” Now it was down to two kids. waited, and sure enough he comes out. And I asked him, "Mr. McCarthy, will you sign the ball? Just need your signature and one other” He didnt say much, he signed the ball. And ifou see the ball, its pretty strong handwriting So now I'm down to one, who was a reserve catcher: 1 ited and waited. And now I'm the only one then ‘Well, sure enough he comes out, an Tran up to him, His name was Roll Hemsley, and I said, "Mr. Hemsle will you sign my ball?” He said, “Ge ‘out of here, kid!” I said, “Oh, com ‘on, Youre the only one. Ifyou sig it, have everybody on the team ¥ followed him, and [kept asking hin And finally he says, “AIL right, giv ime the ball” And he signed it an that was that said, “Get out of ere, kid!” ju Sureenoughitwasthe'13 Yankees the world championship team, January 18, 2008 =—,—_— lexpert apace. oto www.expertt.comstuden to learn mare about savy Enter) ousins Cherie Johnson, 72, and Cherie Johnson: Miss Devine, when she said, “I's time to go to Sunday tes Ransom remember visits shebaided your hair your eyes went school this morning, children! their grandmother's home in yin your head. Youll have to sleep And L said, "Miss Devine, I cat go vadenton, Florida, i ‘on two sof pillows because she had to Sunday school today” She sai, {CORDED IN SARASOTA Your hairsotight. Miss Devine was “Not” I. said, "No, mulam’ And ORIDA person thatwouldputthefearof God she said, “Why not?” I sakd, “My into you. She wasn't mean person, mother didnit bring enough clothes mes Ransom: I vant to remind Beno es but she wasstern, And when she said for me to go to § ns sbout a lady named MBS Tite thing, she meant exactly what morning” She sad, “Oh no?” 1 sad, ovine, Miss Devine was a lady Miss Ney she said “No, matam.” She said, “What kindof ought wasan apparition. Shewasa ity lady, She wore summer dresses. James: She would come in on te had a bandana and a straw Sunday mornings and take us to it. And she was the only person Sunday school. And I didnt want knew who had more power thant go to Sunday school with Miss y grandmother, Grandma Minnie Devine. When I saw her come down tsa true matriarch, but everybody the road, Cherie, I thought that the as in awe of Miss Devine leaves would be blowing off the trees and the sky wotild go black! 1 was afraid of her. clothes do you have?” And Isai, "All T have, Miss Devine, are my pajamas and my tennis shoes” She said, That’ okay, honey. Put your tennis shoes on, Well go to Sunday school” Hooked at Mother, and she looked away. (Laughs) Miss Devine made me walk two blocks in my pajamas and my tennis shoes. I had to sit in church with my friends during She came in the house one sunday school in my pajamas and ‘morning and said, "Children! Good jay tennis shoes. I'l tell you, Cherie, ‘morning, chikéren!” Andeverybody. —Tpever ied again from my mother on’ down, said, January 12, 2006 ‘Good morning, Miss Devine” And James Ransom (eft ah Chere obason apparition (n.) host matriarch 0, woman who has the most power inher family “XS Dr Monica Mayer, 45, interviewed by her cousin and patient, Spencer Wilkinson Je, 29 RECORDED IN NEW TOWN, NORTH DAKOTA, Spencer Wilkinson Jr: What made you choose to pursue a career in medicine? Dr. Moniea Mayer: My father was full-blood German, and my mother pretty tough in the sixties growing, up half-breed, so to speak. My father didnt have any sons, so he raised us like litle boys. And! T must have been im about seventh grade, and 1 wasn't doing well in school. In fact, was maybe geting Cs, and Tm the oldest of thee girls. So my dad packed us up in his pickup truck and took us out to his old homestead land, which is about eighteen miles north of New Town, in the middle ‘of nowhere. Well, New Town’ kind of in the middle of nowhere, but, 1 ‘mean, this i really in the midale of nowhere, And he packed us some lunches and some water. Hedropped ts off out there al seven or eight in the morning and said he wanted all the rocks picked up and putin the northwest corer in one big pile and that hed come bork that night to pick us up, and it had beter be done So there we were, working hard all day,and then he comes back. And were dicty, stinky, sweaty, sore ‘muscles, crying. My dad pulls up, and he gets out of the pickup. And we must have bbeen a sight to see. 1 looked at him and 1 sad, sincel was the oldest—my two ‘younger sisters are hiding. behind me— “Dad, we don't think this is fair we have to work this hard” And I remember him saying, "Is that right? Well, do you think I like working hard Tike this every day?" "No! He sid, "You knows your mother said you girls dont like school and you're not doing very Today, Monica Mayer practcr ‘medicine on the Fort Berthol reservation in New Town, Nort Dakota, Her sister Holy isthe Ditet of Public Health Nurses on th reservation, and her sister Renee ‘Trial Social Services Director well, So talked to Momma, and we cided that you're going to come ‘out here and work like this so your hind ends will get used to how your lifes going to be when you get older Sol sai, "Well if we got good grad do we have to come out here and work this haed?” And he sai, “No. “Thats the deal” Reflect 4. Cirle the expert strategies you used while reading this article A. Predict B. Making Inerences ©. Question 0. other: Well, he didnt have to bust my head twice up against the brick wal My two younger sisters and I were Taughing about that, because they remember that particular day exactly the way I remembered it. One day of hard labor changed everything. July 28, 2005 2.Use the letters above to label where in the article you applied the expert strategies. 3. Select one expert strategy you sea. Explain why you applied ‘that strategy where you di. half-breed (1) offensive term for children ofan American Indian and a Cavcasian person homestead (1) fxm and the land around it, often originally given to someone by the government a ay Lum cy be eR ST eal teed Everyone has a story to toll. Together, our stories make America the country tis, ‘Your neighbor might be a Vietnam vet. Your aunt might have marched with Martin Luthor king Jc. in the 1960s. Maybe your bus driver \was a university professor in the country he came trom. Sometimes, to find out people's ‘most intresting stories, allyou have todo is ask the right questions. baie Broce y Clg ‘You and your clas are going tohelp rake sure that America’s stories are preserved and shared. By yourself or with, a partner, you will create an oral histor eee ‘tenement canes ey PTS cco" ont tea "mene oo Tool Epet File 6.8 far mare owt eater at ee the she nn prec. @] BEGIN BY LISTENING. Visit, an orl history We sit, Listen to some ofthe stories there. What were the most interesting parts of the stores you heard? Diat make each story mae interesting to hear iin the persons ‘own voce? Explain your opinion. Discuss. With your class discus the following theres and choose ‘ane for your oral histories Circe the theme you chose: * family histories * people whe contribute to your community ‘an important event that affected your area ‘© fteresting jobs in your community @} cuoose your INTERVIEW SUBJECT. ‘Think about the people in your life—famly, frends, and neighbors. Who might have an interesting story to te? Brainstorm people you could interview. POSSIBLE INTERVIEW SUBJECTS, PREPARE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW. Use the following checklist to get ready Als, tun the page and ook at the Resource Bank a ee eg Gt contact information for subject Interview Subject Adres: Emit 2 Calor ema he person ose whether he or se fs iting tobe iterviewed. xpath the atervew is fora cas project om American stores [BSet wp tine and place ttl, ao some background research to prepare god questions and dei what you might want focus on, Goto winexpert2 comtadent to oak up Information about the topic you wl be aking about. eck what kind fora sory ou wllerete Se Frsentition Options on page 73) Ase your xen Will youre ate rode? A vicar? Aa ssi? psi, pcp to petra your sujet ese cust fh wAITE your INTERVIEW QUESTIONS. Review the interviewing ip you learned on page 32. Write your interview questions blow For other Teas, see the ist of Questions that Work on next page and brainstorm with a classmate, 2 CONDUCT THE INTERVIEW. ‘To prepare forthe interview, tum the page and review the Tips for Listening. Then, put your interview into ts final form. These] Toolkit Expert Fes an help you: 1.8 Conduct an Interview and 45 Create a Podcast ; TIPS FOR LISTENING GENERAL EVENT THEME What was the happiest moment of your life? ‘What is your most vivid memory ofthe event? The saddest? ‘How did the event affect you ie? What are you proudest of? What would you change if you could? * How has your life been different from what you'd imagined? JOBS THEME ‘How did you come to have this job? *= Describe a typical day at work. FAMILY THEME ‘Where are your parents from? How did they meet? ‘Tell me about your favorite family traditions. ve " Writ an addtional question that fits the theme COMMUNITY THEME your lass chose. ‘What made you decide t live in this community? = What do you se as this community's greatest need? skfolow-up questions. sk several questions on the ame subject, especialy if eres something you dont derstand oe something cu want to hea ore Why did you emigrate from Mexico? ‘My sister had already come to America, She was working as a cook. The restaurant needed more help etalsabout So, were you excited to fy leave your life in Mexico, isten for key words and to join her? Whatever I could do to move here, bases. Words and phrases ke most important and | soften signal important feas, events, and feelings. wanted to do. My sister, as cook here, made three times as much money as I did as a teacher in Mexico. @ Felt it was the only way Pd be able to afford a good life. 2a on the speaker. Look watching his or her ‘pressions What would bea good fallow ‘up question forthe questioner toasknext? tke notes. Taking notes keep you focused on enters, and belp you member which parts were ‘ost interesting or need low-up. Apply Expert Ski PRESENTATION OPTIONS Y ws EES What elements id this interviewer useto createa more interesting podcast? SFX (Sound effects): roar ofan airplane, 04 seconds [NARR (Narrator): Have you ever wondered what it would be like to parachute into enemy territory? World War II veteran Fred Muza dd just that. He was part of D-Day, the day nearly 3 milion, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. Fred, ‘what was your mission? FRED: We dropped in before everyone else—right ater midnight. twas up tous to put mines in place and scale the cliffs to knock ut the German nests Wy was thisa good follow-up SFX: sound of parachuters landing, 04 seconds. ARR: German nests? What are those? FRED: Nests were what we called the groups of Germans hiding inthe cliffs. They were the first line of attack—the ones who were supposed to shoot anyone who landed on the beach. Think of another question the interviewer might have asked Free [NARR: Was your mission successful? FRED: We tried, but there were too many Germans, and we were scared. When more of our troops came to shore, the Germans ‘opened fre and never stopped. We didn't expect that—the mmission was supposed to be secret. It was terible. I'l never forget the screaming and explosions. SP NARR: I can’t even imagine it, How did you survive? sound of bombs exploding, screaming, gunfire, 04 seconds, FRED: | have no idea. A miracle I guess. One of our guys tripped ‘3 mine. 1 was the only survivor in my division. Have head wounds to prove it, [Prsored a Strategy Check Use your knowledge and strategies from the workshop to answer these questions, act and Opinion Based onthe selections inthis warkshop, write * two statements about the immigrant experience in ‘America: Make one a fact andthe other an opinion. Provide evidence to support your opinion Fact ake Inferences Read the sentences. Then complete the chart to * make an inference. (On her dresser, Mila had photos of frends in Russa. Each doy she looked ot them Multiple-Meaning Words A, What is the meaning ofthe ward stage inthe ‘sentence below? Fill inthe circle next tothe answer, The frst stage in learning language often volves merely stening, ® platform that actors stand on © astep ina process © toorganize an event © vehicle pulled by horses LITERARY ANALYSTS Voice Read the sentence. Then decide which ofthe following words best describes the voice ofthe ‘author. Fill inthe circle next tothe corect answer. ‘Most immigrants seek economic success onda beter ‘efor ther fares. ® playful © formal © sarcastic © humorous Figurative Language Which ype of fgurative language sued nthe workshop title “America Speaks"? _, The words graphics and autograph both include * the root graph. What does graph mean? Circle the sett writing vmesHors To s—_—___ Reading Transcripts 7, ice four features tha you would expect to seein a teanscript. Cost of characters Narrator Speakers’ names Segment titles Mlustations Stage directions Maps Title ofthe show == — : Analyze g, took at hese statistics on immigrants to America, Visual Literacy Describe how the message ofthis photo is affected by the composition of its elements z90| 8030307] 103.383, 107307 1990 | 4350403] 979.037] 8407837 Use dates from the table to write two statements about how immigration tothe United States changed between 1890 and 1990. What does it mean to be American? = 4109, vse what ou earned ints workshop to respond tothe expert question Jot down some notes here. Then use a separate sheet of paper to write your respon q strategy Chet

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