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What is TOEFL? ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

TOEFL Exam Formats................................................................................................................................................... 3
How to Register for TOEFL?.................................................................................................................................. 4
TOEFL Test Fee.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
TOEFL Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
TOEFL Exam Pattern ............................................................................................................................................... 5
TOEFL Score ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
TOEFL Preparation Tips ........................................................................................................................................ 7
TOEFL Junior Test .................................................................................................................................................... 8
TOEFL Scholarship................................................................................................................................................... 8
Other Useful Resources.......................................................................................................................................... 9


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What is TOEFL?
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a test that assesses the capability of an individual to understand
English in an academic context. The major purpose of TOEFL test is to measure the ability of innovative speakers of
English to use and understand English as it is spoken, written, and heard in an American college/university.
The TOEFL tests all four language skills that are important for effective communication: reading, listening, speaking
and writing. It helps students demonstrate that they have the English skills needed for academic success. More than
5,200 colleges and universities worldwide require this test as part of your application.
The test is designed to evaluate your mastery of the English language and your ability to be successful in an Englishspeaking academic environment. Each year, more than half a million students take the TOEFL test, primarily for the
purpose of attending graduate school. The TOEFL is also used by undergraduate institutions and by several
government agencies and other organizations for professional certification.



TOEFL score is accepted by 8,500 institutions
and agencies in 130 countries across the globe
Close to one million candidates take the test every year
The test has 4,500 centres in 165 countries in the world
TOEFL has 30-40 test dates in a year
In India, TOELF in conducted in 73 different centres across the country on Saturdays and

TOEFL Exam Formats

TOEFL is administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). There are two test formats for TOEFL. They are:
TOEFL PBT (paper-based test)
Until 2005, the TOEFL was administered as a paper-based test (PBT) or a computer-based test (CBT) at designated
ETS test centres worldwide.
TOEFL iBT (Internet-based test)
The TOEFL iBT, or internet-based TOEFL, was introduced in the United States, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, and
Puerto Rico in 2005. In March 2006, ETS began introducing the TOEFL iBT to other countries around the world,
including selected cities in Africa, the Americas, Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Gradually, the
iBT started being introduced worldwide. However, the paper-based test is still administered in the areas where the
internet based test is not available.


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How to register for TOEFL?

The candidates can register for TOEFL test through four major means:
Register online
The candidates can register for the test anytime as the online registrations are open 24X7. The payment for the test
could be made through credit/debit cards, PayPal or using electronic cheque. The registrations close seven days
before the test and the late registrations close three days before the test.
A few tips while registering online:
Dont use the Back button while registering
Dont browse any pages outside the registration page during the process
Make sure that you are entering the correct information while making the payment
Make sure that you are spelling your name correctly
Keep all the necessary documents ready with you while registering
Register by phone
The candidates can also register by phone for the test. Make sure that you are spelling your name correctly while
registering. You can also pay with a TOEFL voucher by phone. The registrations close seven days before the test.
The late registration closes at 05:00 PM on a local business day, just a day before the test.
Register by email
Follow the below given steps to register for TOEFL by email:
Download the TOEFL registration form
Fill up the form and make sure that you have spelled your name correctly
Choose one mode of payment given in the form
Send the completed form to the test address. The form must reach at least four weeks before the test date
If you dont receive a confirmation mail from the test centre, call them up at least three business days
before the test date
Register in person at the TOELF test centre
In some areas, the candidates can purchase the registration form, fill it up in pen and submit it in person.


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TOEFL Test Fee

The TOEFL test fee is US$165
Late registration fee is US$35

TOEFL Results
The candidates get the TOEFL results in 13 days after the test.

TOEFL Exam Pattern

The TOEFL test measures four English language skills of the candidates namely, reading writing, listening and
speaking. The detailed pattern for each section is given below:
Reading Test


60 to 80 minutes

Number of questions

36 to 56


The candidates will be given three to five passages of academic relevance. They need
to go through the passage and answer the questions in the stipulated period of time.
The average length of the passage is 700 words and there will be 12 to 14 questions
per passage.

Listening Test


60 to 90 minutes

Number of questions

34 to 51


An audio will be played with a list of lectures, classroom discussions and various types
of conversations that are academically relevant. The candidates need to listen to the
conversations and answer the questions accordingly. There will be four to six lectures
in total with duration of three to five minutes. Each section will have six questions.

Writing Test


50 minutes

Number of questions

Two tasks
The candidates need to write essays based on reading and listening tasks. They need
to focus the essay in supporting an opinion by giving relevant points.



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Speaking Test


20 minutes

Number of questions

Six tasks
The candidates need to express his/her opinion on a topic with valid points to support
it. The candidates are also asked to speak on various topics based on the listening and
reading tests.



Score Range




22-30: High
15-21: Intermediate
0-14: Low



22-30: High
15-21: Intermediate
0-14: Low


0-30 range

26-30: Good
18-25: Fair
10-17: Limited
0-9: Weak


0-30 range

24-30: Good
17-23: Fair
1-16: Limited

Total Score


In addition to the scores, the official score record of the candidate also includes performance feedback that is a
reflection of your performance level and a description of the kinds of tasks that test takers within the reported
score range can typically do. There is no passing or failing TOEFL. The score requirements are set by the individual
higher education institutions and agencies. The score requirements will vary from institution to institution. TOEFL
scores are valid for two years after the test date and there is no limit to the number of times you can take the test.


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TOEFL Preparation Tips

Take as many listening practice tests as possible before the final test to get familiarized with the format
Try to recognize the key points in the conversation as it will help in answering the questions more
Try to figure out the connection between the ideas during the conversation as it will help not getting
disoriented when the ideas get switched in the conversation
Pay close attention to the conversation and dont miss out any information as every sentence is
important while answering the questions

Familiarize yourself with reading English by reading a lot of passages
Practice to skim through the pages as it will help you in reducing time in understanding the idea of the
Try making notes while reading
Improve your vocabulary as it is very important for you to know the meaning of the words while
answering the questions
Dont spend too much time on a question if you are not sure about the answer

Go through the practice tests and make a list of topics that could be asked in the test
Learn to write in simple sentences that convey the messages directly to the reader
Learn to provide the information in a flow without interruption
Prepare fresh paragraphs for fresh ideas
Make sure that you are using the tenses properly
Practice every day by writing text in English

Practice for the test by speaking to friends and family in English
Make it sound personal while you speak with the examiner
Dont use big words if you dont know how to pronounce them
Record your practice sessions and keep on improving each time
Learn to join your ideas to express in words effectively


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TOEFL Junior Test

TOEFL junior test evaluates the English communication skills in the children between the age of 11 and 15 years.
The test helps the students to know their strengths and weaknesses in English language proficiency and improve
the same accordingly.
There are two testing modes for TOEFL junior test:
TOEFL Junior Standard Test Design
It is the easiest test to administer. The test is given in pen and paper mode. The test pattern is as follows:


No. of questions

Scale Scores

Listening Comprehension

40 mins



Reading Comprehension

50 mins



Language Form and Meaning

25 mins




1 hour 55 mins



TOEFL Junior Comprehensive Test Design

This is a complete and comprehensive test that assesses the competence of the students in all the four areas of
English language- speaking, reading, listening and writing. This test is administered online.


No. of questions

Scale Scores

Listening Comprehension

36 mins



Reading Comprehension

41 mins




18 mins



39 mins



2 hour 14 mins


TOEFL Scholarship
TOEFL is offering scholarships for the students from the flowing countries:
Mainland China


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The awarding body gives 20 scholarships worth US$3,000 and one scholarship worth US$10,000.
The scholarships are given on the basis of the following criteria:
Ability of the candidate to communicate in English
Leadership potentials
Participation in extracurricular activities and community services
Ideas expressed in the essay
The candidates can apply for the scholarship online. The last date of application for the TOEFL Scholarships 2013
was April 30.

Meet the TOEFL Scholars from India:

Meet Ankit: From apparel seller to TOEFL scholar
Economics takes TOEFL scholar to Tilburg University
Meet Swathi, only girl to win $10k TOEFL scholarship '12

Other Useful Resources

What is TOEFL test?
TOEFL Test - Tips to take you to the top!
Free TOEFL resources to help you succeed


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