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Transponder (aviation)
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A transponder (short-for transmitter-responder[1] and sometimes abbreviated to XPDR,[2]

XPNDR,[3] TPDR[4] or TP[5]) is an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a
radio-frequency interrogation. Aircraft have transponders to assist in identifying them on radar and


on other aircraft's collision avoidance systems.[6][7]


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Air traffic control units use the term "squawk" when they are assigning an aircraft a transponder
code, e.g., "Squawk 7421". Squawk or squawking thus can be said to mean "select transponder
code" or "I have selected transponder code xxxx".[6]


1 History
2 Secondary Surveillance Radar


3 Transponder modes

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6 Transponder codes
6.1 Code Assignments


7 See also

Cessna ARC RT-359A transponder (beige box),

beneath a VHF radio. In this example, the
transponder code selected is 1200 for VFR flight.
The green IDENT button is marked "ID".

6.2 Codes assigned by ATC

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The aviation transponder was originally developed during World War II by the British and American military as an "Identification friend or
foe" (IFF) system to differentiate friendly from enemy aircraft on radar. The concept became a core of NORAD technology in the defence of North

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America during the Cold War.[citation needed]

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This concept was adapted in the 1950s by civil air traffic control using secondary surveillance radar (beacon radar) systems to provide traffic
services for general aviation and commercial aviation.

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Secondary Surveillance Radar


Main article: Secondary surveillance radar

Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) is referred to as "secondary", to distinguish it from the "primary radar" that works by passively bouncing a
radio signal off the skin of the aircraft. Primary radar determines range and bearing to a target with reasonably high fidelity, but it cannot
determine target elevation (altitude) reliably except for at close range. SSR uses an active transponder (beacon) to transmit a response
whenever it senses the beam of the primary radar hitting the aircraft. This response most often includes the aircraft's pressure altitude and a 4digit octal identifier.[7][8]

Transponder modes


Main article: Aviation transponder interrogation modes




A pilot may be requested to squawk a given code by the air traffic controller via the radio, using a phrase such as "Cessna 123AB, squawk
0363". The pilot then selects the 0363 code on their transponder and the track on the radar screen of the air traffic controller will become
correctly associated with their identity.[6][7]
Because primary radar generally gives bearing and range position information, but lacks altitude information, mode C and mode S transponders
also report pressure altitude. Some lower-end altimeters do not normally have a built in encoder and so a modified Gray code, called a Gillham
code, is used to pass altitude information to the transponder. Around busy airspace there is often a regulatory requirement that all aircraft be
equipped with an altitude-reporting mode C or mode S transponders. In the United States, this is known as a Mode C veil. Mode S transponders
are compatible with transmitting the mode C signal, and have the capability to report in 25 foot increments. Without the pressure altitude
reporting, the air traffic controller has no display of accurate altitude information, and must rely on the altitude reported by the pilot via radio.[6][7]
Similarly, the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) installed on large aircraft needs the altitude information supplied by transponder



All mode A, C, and S transponders include an "IDENT" button, which activates a special thirteenth bit on the mode A reply known as IDENT,
short for "identify"". When radar equipment receives the IDENT bit, it results in the aircraft's blip "blossoming" on the radar scope. This is often
used by the controller to locate the aircraft amongst others by requesting the ident function from the pilot, e.g., "Cessna 123AB, squawk 0363
and ident".[6][7]
Ident can also be used in case of a reported or suspected radio failure to determine if the failure is only one way and whether the pilot can still
transmit or receive, but not both, e.g., "Cessna 123AB, if you read, squawk ident".[7]

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Transponder codes


Transponder codes are four digit numbers transmitted by the transponder in an aircraft in response to a secondary surveillance radar
interrogation signal to assist air traffic controllers in traffic separation. A discrete transponder code (often called a squawk code) is assigned by
air traffic controllers to uniquely identify an aircraft. This allows easy identification of aircraft on radar.[6][7]
Squawk codes are four-digit octal numbers; the dials on a transponder read from zero to seven, inclusive. Thus the lowest possible squawk is
0000 and the highest is 7777. Four octal digits can represent up to 4096 different codes, which is why such transponders are often called "4096
code transponders." Care must be taken not to squawk any emergency code during a code change. For example, when changing from 1200 to
6501 (an assigned ATC squawk), one might turn the second wheel to a 5 (thus 1500), and then rotate the first wheel backwards in the sequence
1-0-7-6 to get to 6. This would momentarily have the transponder squawking a hijack code (7500), which might lead to more attention than one
desires. Pilots are instructed not to place the transponder in "standby mode" while changing the codes, as it causes the loss of target
information on the ATC radar screen, but instead to carefully change codes to avoid inadvertently selecting an emergency code. Additionally,
modern digital transponders are operated by buttons to avoid this problem.[6][7]
The use of the word "squawk" comes from the system's origin in the World War II Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system, which was codenamed "Parrot".[9][10]

Code Assignments


Beacon Code

Allocated Use
Shallnotbeused is a non-discrete mode A code (Europe)[11]
Mode C or other SSR failure (UK)[12]


Should never be assigned (USA)[13]

Military intercept code (USA)[14]
Internal ARTCC subsets assigned by En Route Safety and Operations Support (Discrete codes only except for
first primary block to be used as non-discrete if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]



VFR squawk code for airspace 5000 feet and below from 15 March 2007 replaced by the international 7000
code for VFR traffic (Germany)[15]
VFRsquawkcodeforairspace(above5000feet) from 15 March 2007 replaced by the international 7000 code
for VFR traffic (Germany)[15]


Parachute dropping in progress (UK)[12]


Assigned for VFR traffic under Flight Information Services (BXL FIC) (Belgium)




0500, 0600, 0700

Flights operating at aerodromes (in lieu of codes 1200, 2000 or 3000 when assigned by ATC or noted in the
Enroute Supplement Australia) (Australia)[16]
Allocated to Service Area Operations for assignment for use by Terminal/CERAP/Industry/Unique
Purpose/Experimental Activities (USA)[13]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,
unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight below 18,000' when no other code has been assigned (Canada)[6]
Non-discrete mode A code reserved use in Mode S radar/ADS-B environment where the aircraft identification will
be used to correlate the flight plan instead of the mode A code (ICAO)[11]


Used exclusively by ADS-B aircraft to inhibit Mode 3A transmit (USA)[13]

Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,
unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,


unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


Civil VFR flights in class E or G airspace (Australia )[16]

Visual flight rules (VFR) flight, this is the standard squawk code used in North American airspace when no other
has been assigned (Canada and USA)[6][13]


Visual flight rules (VFR) glider operations for gliders not in contact with ATC, through February 2012 (USA)[17]


Visual flight rules (VFR) glider operations for gliders not in contact with ATC; effective February 2012 (USA)[13][17]



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Assigned via FAR 93.95 for use by VFR aircraft in the immediate vicinity of LAX (USA)[13]

Discrete 1200 series codes, unless otherwise allocated (for example, 1255), designated for DVFR aircraft and
only assigned by FSS (USA)[13]
Aircraft not in contact with an ATC facility while en route to/from or within the designated fire fighting area(s)

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Calibration Performance Monitoring Equipment (CPME) Parrottransponders (USA)[13]

Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) penetration when unable to establish communication with ATC or
aeronautical facility (USA)[13]
VFR aircraft which fly authorized SAR missions for the USAF or USCG while en route to/from or within the
designated search area (USA)[13][18]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,


unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


VFR flight above 12,500'ASL when no other code has been assigned (Canada)[6]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,


unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]

1600, 1700

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Civil IFR flights in Class G airspace (Australia)[16]
Uncontrolled IFR at or above 18,000' (Canada)[6]
The code to be squawked when entering a secondary surveillance radar (SSR) area from a non-SSR area used as


Uncontrolled IFR flight squawk code(ICAO countries)[11]

Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,
unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Ground testing by aircraft maintenance staff (Australia)[16]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,


unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,

2200, 2300, 2400

unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]

2500, 2600, 2700


External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Civil flights in classes A, C and D airspace, or IFR flights in Class E airspace (Australia)[16]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]

3100, 3200, 3300, 3400,

3500, 3600, 3700

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Civil flights not involved in special operations or SAR, operating in Class G airspace in excess of 15NM offshore


Aircraft on a VFR Military Training Route or requiring frequent or rapid changes in altitude (USA)[19]
Non-discrete code assignments in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, 5-2 *Also for use in oceanic airspace,
unless another code is assigned by ATC (USA)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


4200, 4300


External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Internal ARTCC subsets assigned by En Route Safety and Operations Support (Discrete codes only except for
first primary block to be used as non-discrete if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Reserved for use by SR-71, YF-12, U-2 and B-57, pressure suit flights, and aircraft operations above FL600 (USA)


Reserved in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.67 (Fed Law Enforcement) (USA)[13]


Weather reconnaissance, as appropriate (USA)[13]


Operations above FL600 for Lockheed/NASA from Moffett Field (USA)[13]


Operations above FL600 for Lockheed from Air Force Plant 42 (USA)[13]

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Operations above FL600 for SR-71/U-2 operations from Edwards AFB (USA)[13]
High balloon operations National Scientific Balloon Facility, Palestine TX, and other providers, some in
international operations (USA)[13]


Air Force operations above FL600 as designated in FAA Order 7610.4 (USA)[13]


Reserved in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.67 (Fed Law Enforcement) (USA)[13]

4500, 4600, 4700

Internal ARTCC subsets assigned by En Route Safety and Operations Support (Discrete codes only except for
first primary block to be used as non-discrete if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


Aircraft flying on military operations (Australia)[16]


Reserved for use by NORAD (USA and Canada)[13]

5061-5062, 5100, 5200

Reserved for special use by Potomac TRACON (USA)[13]

5100, 5200, 5300, 5500

5600, 5700


Internal ARTCC subsets assigned by En Route Safety and Operations Support (Discrete codes only except for
first primary block to be used as non-discrete if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
May be used by DOD aircraft beyond radar coverage but inside US controlled airspace with coordination as
appropriate with applicable Area Operations Directorate (USA)[13]
Reserved for use by NORAD (USA and Canada)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Military flights in Class G airspace (Australia)[16]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]

6200, 6300
6500, 6600, 6700

Reserved for use by NORAD (USA and Canada)[13]

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Reserved for use by NORAD(USA and Canada)[13]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
VFR standard squawk code when no other code has been assigned (ICAO)[11]


This code does not imply VFR; 7000 is used as a general conspicuity squawk (UK)[12]
External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


Used in some countries to identify VFR traffic (France)

Sudden military climb out from low-level operations (UK)[12]


Aerobatic and display code in some countries (UK)[12]


VFR circuit traffic code in the UK


Paradrop activities (France)

7100, 7200, 7300, 7400

External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


Aircraft hijacking (ICAO, worldwide)[6][13]


Reserved for use by Continental NORAD Region (CONR) (USA)[13]


Radio Failure (Lost Communications) (ICAO, worldwide)[6][13]


Reserved for special use by FAA (USA)[13]


External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]


Civil flights engaged in littoral surveillance (Australia)[16]


Emergency (ICAO, worldwide)[6][13]


Reserved for special use by FAA (USA)[13]



External ARTCC subsets (Discrete codes of blocks only except for first primary block, which is used as the
ARTCCs non-discrete code if all discrete codes are assigned) (USA)[13]
Non-discrete code used by fixed test transponders (RABMs) to check correctness of radar stations (BITE)
(Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, USA)
DOD interceptor aircraft on active air defense missions and operating without ATC clearance in accordance with
FAA Order 7610.4 (USA)[13][20]

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Codes assigned by ATC


Most codes above can be selected by aircraft if and when the situation requires or allows it, without permission from ATC. Other codes are
generally assigned by ATC units.[6][7] For IFR flights, the squawk code is typically assigned as part of the departure clearance and stays the
same throughout the flight.[6][7]
VFR flights, when in uncontrolled airspace, will "squawk VFR" (or conspicuity code in the UK)[21](1200 in the U.S., 7000 in Europe). Upon
contact with an ATC unit, they will be told to squawk a certain unique code. When changing frequency, for instance because the VFR flight
leaves controlled airspace or changes to another ATC unit, the VFR flight will be told to "squawk VFR" again.[6][7]
In order to avoid confusion over assigned squawk codes, ATC units will typically be allocated blocks of squawk codes, not overlapping with the
blocks of nearby ATC units, to assign at their discretion.
NotallATCunitswilluseradartoidentifyaircraft,buttheyassignsquawkcodesnevertheless.Asanexample,LondonInformation the Flight
InformationServicestationthatcoversthelowerhalfoftheUK does not have access to radar images, but does assign squawk code 1177 to
all aircraft that receive a FIS from them. This tells other radar equipped ATC units that that specific aircraft is listening on the London Information
radio frequency, in case they need to contact that aircraft.[21]

See also


Transponder-related accidents
AeromxicoFlight498 August 31, 1986 (Aircraft equipped with a Mode A, but not Mode C transponder)
Iran Air Flight 655 July 3, 1988 (Incorrect interpretation of transponder code a factor in mistaken identity and shoot down)
GolTransportesAreosFlight1907 September 29, 2006 (Accident where one aircraft had a non-functional transponder)




^ Mangine, Robert (2007). "The Truth About Transponders"

^ Farlex, Inc (2008). "XPDR" . Retrieved 2008-12-24.
^ Farlex, Inc (2008). "XPNDR" . Retrieved 2008-12-24.


^ Farlex, Inc (2008). "TPDR" . Retrieved 2008-12-24.

^ Farlex, Inc (2008). "TP" . Retrieved 2008-12-24.


^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Transport Canada (20 May 2010). "TP14371 Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM) RAC 1.9
Transponder Operation" . Retrieved 21 August 2010.


^ a b c d e f g h i j k Peppler, I.L.: From The Ground Up, pages 238239. Aviation Publishers Co. Limited, Ottawa Ontario, Twenty Seventh Revised
Edition, 1996. ISBN 0-9690054-9-0
^ Phil Vabre. "Air Traffic Services Surveillance Systems" . Retrieved 2010-04-15.


. Retrieved 2008-12-24.


^ Getline, Meryl (17 April 2006). "Ask the Captain: Strangle my WHAT?" . USA Today. Retrieved 2008-03-13.
^ Vabre, Phil. "Air Traffic Services Surveillance Systems, Including An Explanation of Primary and Secondary Radar"
Civil Aviation Historical Society. Retrieved 2008-03-13.


^ a b c d ICAO doc 4444 & ICAO Annex 10

^ a b c d e "UKAIPENR1.6.2 SSR Operating Procedures and UK SSR Code Assignment Plan"
November 2007.


^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm
bn bo bp bq US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. "JO 7110.66D, National Beacon Code Allocation Plan" . US
Government. Retrieved 26 April 2012.
^ "Radio Communications". Cleared for Takeoff: Your Handbook for Becoming a Private Pilot (Revision E ed.). King Schools, Inc..2006.pp.416.


. The Airways Museum &

(PDF). UK Civil Aviation Authority. 6


^ a b "Change of German VFR transponder codes A/C 7000 replaces A/C 0021 and A/C 0022"
November 2007.


^ a b c d e f g h i Australian AIP ENR 1.6 para 7.1.4

^ a b FAA ORDER/PUBLICATION: 7110.65U dated 5/18/2011
^ a b FAA order JO 7110.65U


^ a b "FAAOrder7110.65R(AirTrafficControlproceduralmanual) chapter 5.2, Beacon Systems" . Federal Aviation Authority. 21 January 2008.
^ "AeronauticalInformationManual,chapter4 Air Traffic Control" . Federal Aviation Administration. 6 November 2007.


^ a b ENR 1.6.2 SSR Operating Procedures

. SkyControl Aviation & Aerospace News. 6

Aircraft components and systems


Cabane strut Canopy Dope Cruciform tail Empennage Fairing Fabric covering Flying wires Former Fuselage Interplane strut Hardpoint
Airframe structure

Horizontal stabilizer Jury strut Leading edge Lift strut Longeron Nacelle Rear pressure bulkhead Rib Spar Stabilizer Stressed skin
Tailplane Trailing edge T-tail Twin tail Vertical stabilizer V-tail Wingbox Wing root Wing tip
Aileron Airbrake Artificial feel Autopilot Canard Centre stick Deceleron Dive brake Elevator Elevon Electro-hydrostatic actuator

Flight controls

Flaperon Flight control modes Fly-by-wire Gust lock Rudder Servo tab Side-stick Spoiler Spoileron Stabilator Stick pusher Stick shaker
Trim tab Yaw damper Wing warping Yoke

Aerodynamic and high-lift

Avionic and flight
instrument systems

Active Aeroelastic Wing Adaptive Compliant Wing Blown flap Channel wing Dog-tooth Flap Gouge flap Gurney flap Krueger flaps
Leading edge cuff LEX Slats Slot Stall strips Strake Variable-sweep wing Vortex generator Vortilon Wing fence Winglet
ACAS Air data computer Airspeed indicator Altimeter Annunciator panel Attitude indicator Compass Course deviation indicator EFIS
EICAS Flight data recorder Flight management system Glass cockpit GPS Heading indicator Horizontal situation indicator INS TCAS
Transponder Turn and bank indicator Pitot-static system Radar altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator Yaw string

Propulsion controls,
devices and fuel systems
Landing and arresting gear
Escape systems
Other systems

Generated with

Autothrottle Drop tank FADEC Fuel tank Gascolator Inlet cone Intake ramp NACA cowling Self-sealing fuel tank Throttle Thrust lever
Thrust reversal Townend ring Wet wing
Autobrake Conventional landing gear Arrestor hook Drogue parachute Landing gear extender Oleo strut Tricycle gear Tundra tire
Ejection seat Escape crew capsule
Aircraft lavatory Auxiliary power unit Bleed air system Deicing boot Emergency oxygen system Environmental Control System
Hydraulic system Ice protection system Landing lights Navigation light Passenger service unit Ram air turbine Weeping wing

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Rotorcraft manufacturers Timeline
Air forces Weapons Experimental Missiles Unmanned
Commercial airliners by location Fatalities by death toll General aviation Military
Airspeed Altitude Distance Endurance Firsts Large Most-produced aircraft Most-produced rotorcraft

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Air traffic control

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