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InterAction Viewpoint


February 1, 2010

The President’s FY 2011 budget request, with its increased investments in poverty-focused
development, reveals a profound understanding by the Obama administration of the tremendous
impact these programs have on global security, stability and prosperity. The benefits from prioritizing
such programs will greatly outweigh the relatively small costs.

We applaud President Obama and his decision to prioritize these programs in such a difficult budget
environment. The $39 billion requested by the administration puts us on a trajectory to fulfill his
campaign promise to double foreign assistance by FY 2015. While we praise the president’s overall
request, there are important priorities such as disaster and refugee assistance that need greater funding
to be effective. We look forward to working with Congress in support of President Obama’s request, but
also to focus attention on both development and humanitarian priorities within it.

Contact: Tawana Jacobs, 202-552-6534, 202-297-1696 (Cell) or

About InterAction: InterAction is the largest alliance U.S.-based nongovernmental international

humanitarian relief and development organizations with more than 190 members. Our members operate
in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by
helping to improve their quality of life.

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