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Governing Document






Constitution of the
Collegiate Texas
Music Educators

e, the future music educators of the state of Texas, in order to
promote the interests and opinions of student music educators, and
united by a desire for the advancement of music education in our
state, establish and approve this Constitution and Bylaws for the
Collegiate Texas Music Educators.
ARTICLE I Name, Mission and Affiliations
The name of this organization shall be the Collegiate Texas Music Educators,
hereinafter referred to as CTME.
SECTION 2. Mission
The mission of CTME shall be to provide pre-professional development for students.
SECTION 3. Affiliations
CTME shall be a dependent of CTME only.


ARTICLE II - Membership
SECTION 1. Eligibility
A. Every registered student at an institution of higher learning, as defined by their
institution of higher learning, shall have equal access to membership in CTME.
B. Membership will not be denied or discriminated on the basis of gender, sexual
orientation, physical disabilities, ethnicity, nationality, religion, institutional
affiliation or any other quality irrelevant to a members participation in CTME.
C. Each member must hold a professional membership in TMEA and/or TMEC,
be suggested to become a member of NAfME and support music education or
actively participate in their institutional music education organization.
SECTION 2. Rights and Privileges
All members shall be entitled to:
i. Attend General Business Meetings and business meetings of the
Executive Board.
ii. Provide feedback and input
iii. Hold equal voting rights in the consideration of business and election
of officers.
iv. Be notified of CTME meetings, events and operations.
ARTICLE III Composition, Government and Powers
SECTION 1. Composition and Constituency
A. The composition of CTME shall consist of all eligible members, member
chapters and an elected Executive Board.
B. All eligible members and member chapters, hereinafter referred to as the
Constituency, shall have legislative power of CTME and consider resolutions
presented to it in accordance with the CTME Constitution.
C. The Constituency shall have the power to amend CTME governing documents
and elect officers of the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. Institutional Governance
A. The governance of member chapters shall be controlled and upheld according
to the individual chapters governing documents.
B. The function of member chapters shall be to act as the official voice of their
SECTION 3. State Government
State government shall consist of the policies and procedures established by CTME in
accordance with NAfME and TMEC.
SECTION 4. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall have the power to:


i. Develop operational policy and execute CTME programs, as set by

the Constitution and Bylaws, and, in the case of all business
operations, as mandated by TMEC.
ii. Manage and oversee fiscal matters as related to the operation of
CTME in accordance with TMEC.
iii. Act as the official voice of the Constituency.
ARTICLE IV - Executive Board
SECTION 1. Composition
A. The Executive Board shall be composed of a President, a Past President, a Vice
President, a Secretary/Treasurer and an Outreach/Chapter Coordinator..
B. No more than two members of the Executive Board may be registered students
of the same institution of higher learning.
SECTION 2. Duties of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall:
i. Be vested with fiscal, administrative and supervisory responsibility of
CTME in accordance with TMEC.
ii. Be responsible for the execution of resolved actions passed at the
previous CTME General Business Meeting.
iii. Be responsible for upholding all policies and procedures of CTME.
iv. Determine the time and place of CTME meetings and programs with
approval from Advisors.
SECTION 3. President
The President shall:
Preside over meeting of the Executive Board and the Business Meeting at the TMEA
Convention. Communicate between the Executive Board of TMEC and CTME. Lead
planning for the yearly CTME Leadership Summit. Represent CTME at meetings
outside of the organization. Serve as the Past President for one year after the President
term ends.
SECTION 4. Past President
The Past President shall:
Act as an advisor to the Executive Board. The Past President may be called upon at any
time for advice or insight from their time on the executive board. They are not required
to attend all meetings but must attend at least one per month.
SECTION 5. Vice President
The Vice President shall:
Preside over meetings of the Executive Board that the President could not attend.
Assist in planning for the CTME Leadership Summit.
SECTION 6. Secretary/Treasurer


The Secretar/ Treasurer shall:

Responsible for all of the organizations internal and external correspondence. Record
and distribute meeting minutes. Monitor and keep track of the organizations budget.
SECTION 7. Outreach and Chapter Coordinator
The Outreach/Chapter Coordinator shall:
Create flyers and Facebook events for all CTME Events. Oversee and contribute to the
CTME Facebook page and website. Communicate between the CTME Executive
Board, and NAfME affiliated collegiate chapters in the State of Texas and facilitate
communication between chapters
SECTION 8. Advisors
The Advisors shall:
i. Consist of the TMEC Collegiate Chair.
ii. Serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Executive Board.
iii. Act as consultants for CTME operations.
iv. Act on behalf of CTME in matters of finance and support.
v. Oversee all aspects of officer elections and manage all nomination
paperwork transactions.
vi. Be empowered to approve or deny assignments for vacancies in
vii. Manage and communicate all required deadlines for the submission
of CTME articles to sponsor publications.
ARTICLE V - Meetings of the Executive Board
SECTION 1. Time and Location
All meetings shall be held at predetermined times and locations as set by the Executive
SECTION 2. Conduct of Meetings
Current Roberts Rules of Order will be implemented at every meeting or as modified
by the CTME Bylaws. The order of business shall be conducted as follows:
i. Call to Order
ii. Roll Call
iii. Approval of Minutes
iv. Guest Speakers
v. Report of Executive Officers
a. Outreach and Chapter Coordinator
b.Secretary and Tresure
c. Vice President


e. Past President
vi. Old and New Business
vii. Announcements
viii. Adjournment
SECTION 3. Agenda
A. Agenda items shall be determined by the President in consultation with the
Executive Board.
SECTION 4. Motions
A. Motions may be made at appropriate times by officers, seconded and voted on
as set by Roberts Rules of Order.
B. Voting may only be carried out by either voice or hand vote as determined by
the President.
SECTION 5. Business Meetings
A. Business meetings shall be scheduled at the first gathering of a newly-elected
Executive Board and in consultation with the Advisors.
B. Dates may be rescheduled pending approval from both the Executive Board
and the Advisors.
C. All business meetings shall be open to the Constituency and their advisors.
SECTION 6. Special Sessions
A. Special session meetings may be called by the President or Advisors at any time.
B. Notice of these special sessions shall be given to the Executive Board at least
three days in advance.
C. All special session meetings shall be closed to the Constituency and may
immediately follow a regularly scheduled business meeting.
SECTION 7. Quorum
Four voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the
consideration of business.
ARTICLE VI - General Business Meetings
SECTION 1. Time and Location
General Business Meetings shall be held annually during the TMEA Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 2. Conduct of Meetings
Current Roberts Rules of Order shall be implemented at meetings or as modified by
the CTME Bylaws. The order of business shall be conducted as follows:
i. Call to Order
ii. Chapter Roll Call
iii. Approval of Minutes
iv. Guest Speakers
v. Report of Executive Officers


a. Outreach and Chapter Coordinator

b.Secretary adn Treasurer
c. Vice President
e. Past President
vi. Elections
vii. Old Business
viii. New Business
ix. Announcement of Election Results
x. Presidents Farewell
xi. Adjournment
SECTION 3. Agenda
Agenda items and referenda will be prepared by the President and as approved by both
the Executive Board and Advisors.
SECTION 4. Motions
A. Motions may be made at appropriate times by members, seconded and voted
on as set by Roberts Rules of Order.
B. Voting, with the exception of elections, may only be carried out by either a
standing or hand vote as determined by the President.
SECTION 5. Quorum
The Constituency in attendance shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE VII - Elections
SECTION 1. Election Procedures
A. Elections shall be announced annually during January by the Advisors.
B. The self- nomination of candidates in all categories shall be open to the
Constituency. Nominations shall not be taken from the floor during elections.
C. In the event that there are no nominees for open positions, the Advisors shall
contact chapter faculty advisors to recommend names of perspective
D. All forms shall be due the last day of January.
E. Immediately after candidacy speeches, the Executive Board shall be elected by a
silent ballot and favorable majority vote of the Constituency.
F. In the event of there only being a single candidate for an office, the candidate
may be elected by acclamation.
G. Candidates:
i. Must have an Advisor Nomination Form submitted by their dean,
department chair or local chapter faculty advisor.


ii. Must submit an Announcement of Candidacy Form to include a

written statement of intent and photo. Statements should include a
biography and organizational objectives to exceed no more than five
hundred words.
iii. Are expected to provide a one-minute speech detailing their
credentials and intentions before ballots are cast.
SECTION 2. Eligibility
A. All candidates for the Executive Board must:
i. Hold joint membership in TMEC/MENC.
ii. Be current students at an accredited institution of higher learning and
active members of their local chapter.
iii. Have and maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
B. No more than two officer nominations may be submitted by a dean,
department chair or faculty advisor per institution, except for the incoming
presidents university which is only allowed one nomination.
SECTION 3. Ballots
The ballot shall be pre-printed, ordered by hierarchy of office, alphabetical within
offices and uniform in composition.
In the event of a run-off for any vacant position, the election will be held immediately
by secret ballot. The announcement of the winner will follow the conclusive ballot.
SECTION 5. Re-elections
All members of the Executive Board may serve consecutive terms so long as they meet
all eligibility requirements and procedures prescribed by this Constitution.
SECTION 6. Length of Terms
A. Members of the Executive Board shall serve at least a one-year term.
B. Elected officers shall assume their duties upon adjournment of the CTME
General Business Meeting.
SECTION 7. Date and Location
Elections shall be held at the CTME General Business Meeting held during the annual
TMEA Clinic/Convention.
ARTICLE VIII- Resignations and Recall
SECTION 1. Resignations and Assignments
A. Resignations must be submitted in writing.
B. Excluding the President, should any other member of the Executive Board
resign, the next available runner-up candidate shall fulfill the duties of that
office for the remainder of the fiscal year.



C. In the event that no runner-up candidate is available, a vacant position shall be

assigned to a member of the Constituency by the Executive Board and in
consultation with both the Advisors and the candidates local chapter faculty
D. All assignments to vacancies must be approved by the Advisors.
SECTION 2. Recall
A. Members of the Executive Board may be recalled by a typewritten petition of
fifty percent (50%) of member chapters.
B. Should a member of the Executive Board be recalled, they shall immediately
resign and have their vacancy filled as prescribed by this Constitution.
ARTICLE IX - Fees, Fiscal Year, Reporting
Local dues are at the discretion of individual chapters.
SECTION 2. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of CTME shall be from the day of elections to the next installment of an
elected Executive Board.
SECTION 3. Reporting
A. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present an annual report including finances,
service activities, programs and participating institutions no later than the last
day of the fiscal year.
B. Each member of the Executive Board, excluding the Advisors, shall be required
to provide quarterly executive reports.
C. The President may request special reporting from the Executive Board on
behalf of the Advisors.
CTME is required to make a presentation at the TMEC Business Meeting at the TMEA
Article X - Powers, Interpretations, Appeals and Supplementary Documents
SECTION 1. Powers
This Constitution shall become the official and binding Constitution of CTME upon
approval from the TMEC Executive Board. All powers of this Constitution shall take
effect upon two thirds absolute majority (2/3 + 1) ratification from the Constituency
present during the CTME General Business Meeting of the TMEA Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 2. Interpretation
A. Interpretation of this Constitution and its supplementary documents shall be at
the discretion of the Executive Board in consultation with the Advisors.
B. All requests for interpretation must be made in writing directly to the Executive
Board through the Vice President.
SECTION 3. Appeals


A. Any interpretation of the Constitution or decision of the Executive Board may

be appealed through the Advisors.
B. All appeals must be made in writing directly to the Advisors at least seven
business days before the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Board.
SECTION 4. Supplementary Documents
A. Supplementary documents shall be created and maintained by allowance of this
B. All supplementary documents and the policies therein shall be subject to the
Constitution and Bylaws.
C. The Executive Board shall be charged to create and maintain Bylaws, which will
govern all operations of CTME in accordance TMEC.
D. The Executive Board shall be charged to create and maintain an Executive
Policy Manual, which will delineate the internal workings of the Executive
Board and CTME.
Article XI - Compliance
SECTION 1. Sponsor Compliance
CTME shall comply with all parameters and points of interest set by TMEC.
SECTION 2. Institutional Compliance
Any event sponsored by CTME at a host institution shall comply with the rules and
regulations established by that institution regarding student activities, organizations and
event planning.
SECTION 3. Ruling Documents
All governing and supplementary documents of CTME are superseded by the TMEC
Constitution, Bylaws and Policies.
ARTICLE XII - Amendments to Governing Documents
SECTION 1. Amendment Criteria
A. Any proposed amendment to a governing document must be made in the form
of a written resolution.
B. Resolutions may be made in the form of striking out, inserting, or striking out
and inserting. Governing documents may not be stricken in their entirety
without an insertion.
C. Resolutions must clearly specify what shall be considered for referenda during
the CTME General Business Meeting of the TMEA Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 2. Amendment Procedures
A. All resolutions must be submitted directly to the Executive Board, through the
Vice President, no later than the last business meeting prior to TMEA
B. Any resolution may be referred to the Constituency for approval after a
favorable majority (50%) vote of the Executive Board.


C. Notification of proposed amendments shall be made by correspondence or

noted in the CTME newsletter immediately after an approval and before

February 1st

D. Governing documents may be amended by a two thirds absolute majority (2/3

+1) vote of the Constituency in attendance.
E. Alterations may not be made to any governing document, in part or in whole,
without the consent and approval of both TMEC.


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