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How to get settled in Qatar

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How to get settled in Qatar

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Getting settled in a foreign country usually involves a number of administrative
In this booklet, we have assembled some practical information, which might
be useful to you as you are planning your move to the Kingdom of Qatar We
have put this together with the help of other colleagues, who have recently
made the move from abroad and who wanted to share their knowledge in
order to make your experience a successful one.
Should you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact our
KPMG Bahrain & Qatar HR Manager (direct dial +973 17222301).



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Table of Contents
Physical Characteristics



National flag: The national flag is maroon colour with a broad vertical white stripe at the
pole, the two colours being separated with a nine-point serrated line.
Meaning of the flag:

Capital City







Commercial hours

Currency & Banking







Furniture and Household Goods






Dining and Entertainment




Education & Schools


Car Hire




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Physical Characteristics
Qatar is an independent state in the Southern Arabian Gulf
surrounded by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab
Emirates and Iran. The country is situated midway along
the western coast of the Arabian Gulf between latitudes
24.27 - 26.10 North and longitude 50.45 - 51.40 East. It
is approximately 11,437 square kilometers on a low-lying
limestone peninsula projecting northward about 160
kilometers into the Gulf. The coastline is 550 kilometers
long and bounds the country to the west, north and east.

total: 11,437 sq km
water: 0 sq km
land: 11,437 sq km

National flag:
The national flag is maroon colour with a broad vertical white stripe at the
pole, the two colours being separated with a nine-point serrated line.
Meaning of the flag:

A- The white colour reflects the internationally

recognized symbol of peace .B-The maroon colour
symbolizes the bloodshed during the several wars
Qatar had undergone, particularly in the second half of the 19th century.CThe nine-point serrated line indicates that Qatar is the 9th member of the
"reconciled Emirates" of the Arabian Gulf in the wake of concluding the QatariBritish treaty in 1916. This information on design and colour of Qatar flag was
mentioned in the Archives of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1931.

Capital City



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In March 2004, The Planning Council announced the preliminary phase
results of the new population census. According to the 2004 census, Qatars
population reached 742,883 increasing by 42.3% from the 1997 census of
The 2004 census shows an average annual increase of 6.0% during the
period 1997-2004, compared to the annual average increase of 3.7% during
1986-1997. The rapid increase in population over the last few years is
attributed to the strong performance of the economy, which has resulted in a
large number of projects coming online, thereby leading to the influx of
professionals, service and contracting sector staff and others.
Islam is the official religion of the country, and the Shariah (Islamic Law) is the
principal source of legislation in the country.
Arabic (official), English commonly used as a second

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani became the new Emir of the State of
Qatar on June 26, 1995, continuing the rule of the Al-Thani family that began
nearly two centuries ago. Sheikh Hamad was acclaimed
Crown Prince in 1977 and at the same time was appointed
Minister of Defense. In the early 1980's he led the Supreme
Planning Council, which sets the Qatar's basic economic and
social policies. Since 1992, Sheik Hamad has selected Qatar's
cabinet and been responsible for administering the country's
day-to-day affairs. He has also led the development of Qatar's
oil and natural gas resources.Sheikh Hamad, who was born in 1952, began
his education in Qatar and attended Sandhurst Military Academy in England.
Upon his graduation in 1971, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant Colonel
in the Qatari armed forces and commanded the 1st Mobile Battalion, which
has since been designated the "Hamad Mobile Battalion" in his honor. Sheikh
Hamad was later promoted to the rank of Major General and appointed
Commander in Chief of the Qatari Armed Forces. He oversaw an extensive
program to modernize Qatar's military, increasing manpower, creating new
units, updating weaponry, and improving training. The effects of this program



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were evident during the Gulf War when Qatari forces helped liberate Kuwait
and led the battle for the recapture of the Kuwaiti town of Khafji. A keen
sportsman and an accomplished diver, Sheikh Hamad has played an active
role in promoting and developing athletics in Qatar. His activism has
enhanced the country's involvement and performance in a number of
international competitions, including: winning an Olympic medal in track and
field; hosting a wide variety of international sporting events such as the GCC,
Asian and World Youth soccer championships; and initiating the Qatar Open
Tennis Championship which has grown to become one of two premier tennis
competitions in the Middle East.
Qatar is a small peninsula some 11,437 square kilometers in size located halfway down the west coast of the Arabian Gulf and the territory of the State is
comprised of a number of Islands including: Halul - an oil storage center,
Sharaauh, the Hawar Archipelago and Al-Bashiriya, Al-Safiliya andAl -Aliya
The population of Qatar is 742,000 and has been increasing
at a rate of about 9% annually in recent years. The majority of
the population resides in the capital city of Doha, an old port
city with all of the modern day amenities. Some of the
nation's other major cities include: Mesaieed and Al-Wakrah
in the southern part of the country, Ras Laffan and Al-Khor in
the north and Dukhan on the west coast of the peninsula.
Qatar has a flat rocky terrain covered with sand flats and dunes. There are
some exceptional low-rising outcrops in the north and northwest of the
country. The country has a hot desert climate with temperatures ranging
between 25 and 46 degrees Centigrade during the summer, with high
humidity in coastal cities and towns. The months of April, May, October and
November tend to be the most temperate.
The area occupied by Qatar has been settled since the Stone Age. After the
rise of Islam in the 7th cent. A.D. it became part of the Arab caliphate, and
later of the Ottoman Empire. In the late 18th cent. it became subject to
Wahhabis from the region of present-day Saudi Arabia; they were later
supplanted by the Al Thani dynasty. During the Turkish occupation from 1871
to 1913, senior members of the Al Thani family were named deputy
governors; subsequently, Qatar became a British protectorate, with Abdullah
bin Jassim al-Thani recognized as emir. In 1971, Qatar became independent
of Great Britain. In 1972 the reigning emir, Ahmad ibn Ali al-Thani, was
deposed by his cousin Khalifa ibn Hamad al-Thani. He in turn was deposed in
June, 1995, by his son and heir, Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, who as crown



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prince was credited with having launched a major industrial modernization

program. In 1981, Qatar joined neighboring countries in the formation of the
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to strengthen economic relations among the
participating nations. The country's stability was threatened by the Iran-Iraq
War throughout the 1980s. Territorial disputes with Bahrain over the Hawar
Islands and gas fields in the separating sea erupted in 1986, and there were
armed clashes with Saudi Arabia in 1992 over their common border. These
disputes were not completely settled until 2001.
During the Persian Gulf War (1991), international coalition forces were
deployed on Qatari soil. Palestinians were expelled from Qatar in retaliation
for the pro-Iraqi stance of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), but
since the war relations with the Palestinians have returned to normal. After the
Persian Gulf War, Iraq was still regarded as a threat to Qatar's oil interests;
Qatar signed a defense pact with the United States but also restored relations
with Iraq. Adopting a moderate course of action, Sheikh Hamad in the late
1990s eased press censorship and sought improved relations with Iran and
Israel. He also has moved steadily to democratize the nation's government
and institute elections. In 2003 voters approved a constitution establishing a
largely elected advisory council with the power to pass laws, subject to the
emir's approval; women have the right to vote and hold office. The constitution
will come into force once it is promulgated, which, as a result of the emir's
endorsement in 2004, is expected in 2005. The Al Udeid air base, in S central
Qatar, has been used by the United States military since late 2001, and the
U.S. Central Command established forward headquarters in Qatar prior to the
2003 invasion of Iraq.
Commercial hours

Government offices are open from 7:00am to 2:00pm daily from Sunday to

Banks are open from 7:30am to 1:30pm Sunday to Thursday.

Commercial offices normally open from 8:00am to 1:00pm and from

3:30pm to 6:30 pm.

*Friday is the day of communal prayer for Muslims and is the primary
rest day in the country.



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Currency & Banking

The currency of Qatar is the Qatari Riyal (QR) which has full International
Monetary Fund backing. It has a fixed exchange rate against the US dollar; $1
= QR3.65.
There are no restrictions on money transfers into or out of Qatar and it is
normally possible to effect remittances in any currency.
Bank notes in circulation are in denominations of 500 riyals, 100 riyals, 50
riyals, 10 riyals, 5 riyals and one riyal (QR 1 = 100 dirhams). There are coins
of 50 dirhams and 25 dirhams.
Banks in Qatar include the following:

The Central Bank
Qatar National Bank (QNB)
The Commercial Bank of Qatar Limited
Doha Bank
Standard Chartered Bank
ANZ Grindlays Bank, PLC
The Arab Bank
The United Arab Bank
Al Ahli Bank of Qatar
Mashreq Bank
BNP Paribas
Saderat Iran Bank
Qatar Islamic Bank
Qatar International Islamic Bank

Banking hours are from 7.30am-1pm, Sunday to Thursday; with some

branches opening in the afternoons and Saturday mornings. QNB branches at
City Center and The Mall are also open on Fridays and Saturdays. There is an
increasing number of ATMs around town, the airport, shopping centers and
There are numerous exchange houses where you can exchange currency or
buy drafts and they are all licensed by the Qatar Central Bank.
Qatar Public holidays:

Eid Al Adha 3 days

Eid Al Fitr 3 days

Qatar independence Day 1 day




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Types of Visas:

1. Tourist Visa
Applications for tourist visas are submitted to the immigration Department
(Airport Visas Section) by one of the registered hotels. Visas are usually given
within 24 hours and are valid for 14 days. They can be extended for another
2. Business Visa
The firms PR Officer submits an application to the Immigration Department
(Airport Visa Section). Visas are usually given within 24 hours and are valid
for 14 days. They may be extended for another 70 days.

(Qualified Professionals only permitted) over stay one day QR=500

Exit permit: stay more than one month require exit permit for travel.

3. GCC Residents Visa

GCC residents are granted a visa at the Airport. The visa is valid for 14 days
and may be extended for another 14 days. Having a valid residence visa in
any GCC country is a precondition.
4. Visa for the Companies of GCC Nationals
This visa is granted at any entry point.
5. Work Visit Visa
The Ministry of Interior issues approval.
collection of visa single entry.

The sponsor handles fees and

6. Family Visit Visa

The Ministry of Interior issues approval. The sponsor handles fees and
collection of visa.
7. Multiple-entry Business Visa
The Ministry of Interior issues approval.
collection of visa.

The sponsor handles fees and




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8. Working Visa









The Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Interior issue approval. Entry free for
work visas is QR 220 formalities for stamping work resident permit.
a. Medical Examination
b. Finger Prints
c. Stamping Labour Department employment contract.
d. Blood group certificate.
e. One photograph(not to be white background)
One year resident permit for work free QR 1052+ QR 50 total 1102.
Exit permit: work resident require exit permit for travel

Residence Visas
1) Residence Work Visa
The Ministry of Interior issues approval. The PR officer submits the
application, handles fees and collection of visa.
2) Residence Visa ( for families): An application is submitted to the
Ministry of Labour and the following documents are required:
a. Passport photo copies of the Employee, spouse and children
b. Bank Statement of salary for six months signed and sealed by
the banks authority.
c. Marriage certificates r
d. Children birth certificates r
e. Educational certificates for the Employee.r
r: should be ratified by the relevant embassy & Ministry of Foreign AffairsState of Qatar.




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Qatar is a tax-free country and you will not be required to pay any taxes to the




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Social Security
The PRO will take care of your registration with the Social Security Department by
submitting the following documents:
a) Application form signed by employer and employee
b) Copy of passport (details, entry stamp and residency permit pages)
c) Copy of the CPR card
Once you are registered at the Department of Social Security, the firm pays an
amount of 3% of the basic salary to the Department of Social Security. No deductions
are made from the employees salary.

Currently numerous flats are available for rent because of continuous
construction of buildings on the island. There are a limited number of 1bedroom flats available.
Current rates for flats of reasonable quality are:
1 bed room QR 1500 per month
2 bed room QR 2000 per month
3 bed room villas (usually in a compound) QR 4000 upward.
Furniture and Household Goods
Furnishing a 2 bedroom flat would cost between QR 20,000-25,000, including
appliances (TV, video, washing machine, air conditioners etc).
A deposit of QR2000 is required to have a local line at your residence for
making local and international calls. Mobile lines are available using GSM or
pre-paid services, depending your budget you should contact Q-tel for the




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Ritz-Carlton Doha
(West Bay Lagoon)
Doha - Qatar
Tel: (974) 484 8000
Fax: (974) 484 8484
Inter-Continental Doha
Al-Istiqal Road (West Bay Lagoon)
Doha - Qatar
Tel: (974) 484 4444
Fax: (974) 483 9555
Sheraton Doha Hotel and Resort

P.O. Box 6000

Doha - Qatar
Tel.: (974) 485 4444
Fax: (974) 483 2323
Doha Marriott

P.O. Box 1911

Doha - Qatar
Tel: (974) 443 2432
Fax: (974) 441 8784

Ramada Hotel Doha

P.O. Box 1768

Doha - Qatar
Tel: (974) 441 7417
Fax: (9740 441 0941



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Dining and Entertainment

Qatar has an array of world-class restaurants and night-spots, with something
to offer everybody Fun and food for all Hotels in Qatar serve not only their
own guests but also cater for a large number of local residents. Their
restaurants cover the full range, from coffee shops to fine dining and specialty
outlets and the standard of service is on a par with the best in the world. The
night-life is equally varied, with many bars, and discos open until the small
Outside the hotels, small eating places are to be found in all parts of Doha.
While restaurants located outside hotel and club premises are not permitted to
serve alcohol, all are air-conditioned, clean and are often culinary adventures
in their own right
Arabian Cuisine
Qatar is an excellent place to sample all types of Gulf and
Middle Eastern cuisine, including Iranian and Turkish.
However, Arabian food makes up a key part of most buffet
services at hotels and restaurants.
Specialties include, beside various green vegetables:
Homous: a dip made from chick-peas and tahini (sesame seeds paste).
Tabbouleh: chopped parsley, mint and crushed wheat.
Motabel: Lightly cooked eggplants mixed with tahini and garlic and made into
a paste.
Waraq enab: vine leaves stuffed with rice.
Koussa mahshi: stuffed courgettes.
Ghuzi: a whole roast lamb on a bed of rice mixed with
Biriani: very sweet smelling spiced rice mixed with lamb or
Local dishes include:
Matchboos: spiced lamb or chicken with rice.



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Harees: a rich delicacy of wheat and tender lamb cooked and beaten until it
has the texture of a thick paste. Usually served during the month of Ramadan.
Seafood: you will enjoy fresh fish from the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
lobster, cigale, crab, hamour (grouper), shrimp, tuna, kingfish, pomfret and
red snapper.
Delicious regional desserts include:
Umm Ali (literally means Mother of Ali): a type of bread pudding that is full
of nuts and white raisins.
Esh asaraya (meaning bread of the harem): a sweet kind of cheesecake
with a cream topping.
Mehalabiya: a pudding sprinkled with rose water and pistachios.


Waraq enab

Koussa mahshi




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Restaurant Name




Al Bandar


Doha Corniche




Al-Bustan Hotel




The Diplomatic Club


Al Dar


Doha Club


Al Hamra


Rayyan Road


Al Hubara


Sheraton Doha Hotel


Al Majlis


Al Sadd Street


Al Mina

Sports Bar & Snacks

Doha Marriott Gulf Hotel


Al Safeer

Fine Dining

The Diplomatic Club



Fine Dining

Sheraton Doha Hotel




Roast Beef/Burgers

Ramada Junction


American Fried Chicken


Ramada Junction


Burger King

Suhaim Bin Hamad

Ramada Junction


Dairy Queen

Burgers (Chicken, Beef,


Pizza Hut

American Pizza

Ramada Junction




Baskin Robbins

Dairy Ice Cream

The Centre


Dairy Queen

Ice Cream/Sundaes

Ramada Junction



Frozen Yoghurt

Ramada Junction



Al Hubara


Sheraton Doha Hotel


Cafe Batteel


Salwa Road


Cafe Trottoir

Coffee Shop &

Doha Marriott Gulf Hotel
Doha Club

Coffee Shop
Drive-in Pastry


Hotel Sofitel





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Traditional Markets
Souq Waqif
In the city center. Its shops open early in the morning,
close for noon recess and open again in the evening.
Most of the traditional handcrafted objects, incense,
perfumes and spices are displayed there. This market
has many jewelry, tailoring, embroidery, bishoot (men's cloaks) and abayat
(women's cloaks) shops. Swords, daggers and various goods are also on
display in this market.
Thursday and Friday Market
It displays goods in stalls in a spacious open area on Salwa road. Shoppers
gather in this market from Thursday and Friday morning till
late in the evening, and the market sells miscellaneous
low-quality goods at low prices.
City Center Market
These markets include Souq Faleh, Souq Al Aseeri, Souq
Al Jabr, Souq Al Deerah and Souq Al Ahmed. They sell
fabrics, clothes and small electrical goods and they open day and night.
Education & Schools
The State's comprehensive educational system provides
Arabic speaking expatriates with the full range of schooling
requirements from the primary to the secondary stage, as well
as university studies in Doha. Parallel to this system, there are a number of
community schools in Doha which cater to expatriate non-Arabic speaking
children. Exact details should be checked with Qatar Petroleum prior to
Mesaieed Nursery School
Mesaieed Nursery School has the distinction of being the first education
provider in esaieed. It can trace its origins back to 1982 when a small group of
Qatar Petroleum employees expressed a desire for the provision of Nursery
education for the children in the community.




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Dukhan English School

The facilities provided by Qatar Petroleum at the Dukhan English School have
recently been expanded and made available to all resident children of
Employee Level Staff and Senior staff. The following list of schools, colleges
and educational institutes is intended as a guide only. It is advisable to contact
embassies for further information on schools catering to a particular
Schools, Colleges, Institutes



Al Jazeera Academy

469 3777

468 2555

American School of Doha

442 1377

442 0885

Bright Future Pakistani School

466 3102

466 3102

British Council

442 6193

442 3315

Central English Speaking Kindergarten

467 2570

467 2570

CHN - University Professional Education

437 3931

441 2857

College of North Atlantic

482 5555

482 5500

Doha College

468 7379

468 5720

Doha English Speaking School

487 0170

487 5921

Doha Montessori British School

469 1635

469 1633

Doha Independent School

468 4495

468 7897

French School

483 5800

483 5808

Ideal Indian School

468 4929

468 2939

Jordanian School

466 0897

466 4328

Lebanese School

468 3210

468 9818

Car Hire
Air-conditioned cars at a range of prices are available for hire from local car
rental firms. A chauffeur may be arranged at an additional cost.
Radar systems are now in operation checking speed inside cities and along
highways. The speed limit when driving inside cities ranges from 50 to 100 km
per hour, when driving along highways: 100 to 120 km per hour.
Vehicle Registration
When registering a vehicle, you must have in your possession a valid Qatari
driving license and an insurance certificate valid for three years for the vehicle
being registered.



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In the case of a new vehicle, the car dealer will probably arrange this for you.
In the case of a second hand car, you will be expected to visit the Traffic
Department together with the previous owner.
Car Road License
All vehicles must be licensed before they are allowed to be driven on the road.
Car road licenses are issued by the Traffic Police Office and are valid for 12
months from their date of issue. Renewals are carried out in the same office. It
is obligatory to have a valid insurance policy when renewing your road
license. If the car is three years old or more, a mechanical check-up is
required as a condition for renewal of the license.
Car Insurance
It is obligatory to have vehicles insured and one should be advised as to the
scope of one's insurance coverage for third parties and passengers. There
are several insurance companies operating in Qatar with whom you will be
able to arrange the insurance coverage to meet your requirements. The
yellow pages of the telephone directory has a list of the addresses and
telephone numbers of the insurance companies.
The following is a list of some of the insurance companies operating in

Al-Khaleej Insurance Company

Qatar General Insurance & Re-insurance Company
Qatar Insurance Company
Arabian Insurance Company
Atlas Insurance Company
Swiss Lebanese Insurance Company .




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Hamad General Hospital
Hamad General Hospital extends a highly
specialized care to all the people of Qatar through a
modern and well-equipped facility at Rayyan Road.
The hospital opened in 1982 and has a total of 621
beds for inpatient care, a large outpatient
department providing 65 specialty clinics, an
Accident and Emergency Department, five intensive
care units, eight operating theaters, and a
pharmacy. Modern diagnostic facilities consisting of Department of Laboratory
Medicine and Pathology and a Department of Radiology support all
therapeutic services. Continuous upgrading of all equipment and protocols of
care has kept Hamad General abreast of new developments in all specialties.
The steady rise in the number of patients seeking care at Hamad General
Hospital has stimulated the expansion of services to meet the demand.
Demand for specialized care is the result of continuous population growth.
Hamad General Hospital is one of three hospitals managed by Hamad
Medical Corporation (HMC), the only health care corporation in the state. The
other hospitals are Rumailah Hospital, refurbished in 1977 and Womens
Hospital, opened in 1988. Hamad General Hospital is located at Rayyan
Road in the capital city of Doha and is physically connected to Womens
Hospital and by an access road to Rumailah Hospital.
Rumaillah Hospital:
The Rumaillah Hospital is Qatars oldest health facility. Originally built in 1956,
Rumaillah Hospital opened in 1957 as a 200-bed general hospital with
Following the opening of Hamad Hospital in 1982, Rumaillah Hospital became
a rehabilitation center for disabled adults, elderly people and handicapped
children. With many of its units requiring major renovation, management
launched a 10-year program to rebuild the facility in three phases.
The completion of the renovation program for
Rumaillah Hospital in 1997 was a hallmark for
the Corporation. Qatars oldest health care
facility was refurbished into a modern yet quiet
hospital offering a 306-bed facility with a
spacious, clean and restful environment.




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The Womens Hospital:

The State of Qatar provides highly specialized care to women and infants. A
well- quipped facility for women and babies was built at Rayyan Road and
opened in 1988. The Womens Hospital is one of three hospitals managed by
Hamad Medical Corporation.
The maternal facility is patronized by women of all
nationalities in the state and handles 1000-1200
deliveries per month. The hospital offers a total of
334 beds to women. The private wing offers 31
private rooms and 4 wings for the newly born
babies at the neonatal intensive care unit.
Womens Hospital has 334 beds in five upper floors. Most of the rooms are
twin-bedded with a bathroom. The rooms are grouped according to the type of
care required by the patient: They are antenatal, postnatal, gynecology and
high dependency areas.
The Hospital has highly furnished wing composed of 35 beds, on private hotel
quality level providing privacy, special menu food and cable programs.
The Womens Hospital provides a superb hospital service for pregnant women
and newborns. Most services are accessible to everyone with a minimal
AL Amal Oncology Hospital
With the opening of the QR 90 million AL Amal
Oncology Hospital in mid-2004, cancer patients in
Qatar now have a total cancer care facility that
compares with the best in the world. The new
hospital is a one-stop facility, with services including early detection, therapy,
counseling, rehabilitation, education forums and workshops.
The hospital is operated in collaboration with Germany's University Clinics of
Heidelberg (UCH), one of Europe's top institutions for cancer care and which
was treating radiotherapy patients from Qatar for a number of years.
AI Amal, which has an inpatient facility of over 70 beds, expects to receive
600 new cancer cases yearly and treat up to 4,500 patients suffering from
existing cancers annually. It aims to become the Middle East's premier facility
for cancer treatment, education and training



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Private Hospitals

AI Ahli Hospital: AI Ahli Hospital looks set to be a major private hospital

in Qatar. It opened with limited services in December, and full
operations are scheduled to be launched in phases throughout the first
half of 2005.
AI Emadl Hospital: Besides nursing patients back to health, the
management at AI Emadi Hospital aims to provide comprehensive
healthcare education to its patients. It believes in knowledge-sharing
and planning with patients and their families. Its wide range of specialty
care includes treatment of obesity, general surgery, plastic and
reconstructive surgeries, dermatology, dental services and emergency
services. See page 218 for further details.
American Hospital Doha: Opened in mid October 1999, American
Hospital Doha was Qatar's first private hospital and has recently
upgraded its equipment and facilities.
Doha Clinic Hospital: Doha Clinic started life as a polyclinic in 1994 and
expanded over the years to become a fully integrated hospital in 2001.
It was renamed Doha Clinic Hospital.


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