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Advanced Algebra 2 Honors

Phone: (508) 529-2130 ext. 3140
Homework will be Posted on Google Classroom

Mrs. Gilchrist

Course Description: This course is designed to offer you a sound

development of the structure of the number system. The subject matter
will consist of number sentences, relations, as well as linear, complex,
exponential and polynomial functions. It will include a review of first year
algebra skills and the introduction of more complex graphical methods using
the graphing calculator.
Online Texts-accessible on IPADS & home computers (loaner hard copies
available for extenuating circumstances): PearsonAlgebra 2 Common Core
Extra Help: I will be available for extra help after school & during breaks
(by appointment). JUST ASK!!!
Calculators: Graphing calculators are required & can be used on SOME
assignments & assessments as this course will begin preparation for a
Calculus AP course which allows the graphing calculator approximately half
of the time. TI-83 / TI-83 Plus /TI-84 /TI-84 Plus are preferred and will
be used as demonstration tools. Students with other calculators will be
responsible to learn how to complete required tasks on their own.
Calculators will not be loaned out. If you forget to bring your
calculator, you will be responsible for all material that day regardless
(including quizzes and tests that may include calculator problems).
Approximate Grading:
Homework: Homework will be assigned after each class and will be due
the next time our class meets. Homework will periodically be spot
checked for completion and then reviewed in class. Homework will
sometimes be collected so that it may be looked at more in-depth and it
will count as a small quiz. Late homework will not be accepted for credit.
All homework should include copying the original problem (atleast
notes of critical information) from the text and you must show all
work to receive credit. Each checked homework will be worth up to 10
Quizzes: During each of our Chapters, you will be given 1-3 quizzes.
Quizzes may be individual or partner and could be announced or

unannounced. Point value of quizzes will be between approximately 25-50

points each. Unannounced quizzes will be done periodically and count
between 5-15 points.
Tests: There will be a test for each chapter. Tests may be cumulative
and will be worth 80-100 points.
A Midterm and Final will be given: Be sure to keep all tests and quizzes
to study from. The final exam will be cumulative from the beginning of
the year. Midterm & Final exams will be about 100 points each.

Absence: If you miss a class for any reason, (illness, field trip, band
practice, etc.) It is your responsibility to make up any missed class work and
homework. Your student handbook explains time allowances for such
Cheating: Any form of cheating will of course not be tolerated. If you are
caught cheating, you will receive a zero on the assignment, I will call home
and report the incident to administration and National Honor Society if
applicable. Please note that talking during a test or quiz will be
considered cheating (even if you have passed in your assignment). Also
note that whether or not you benefit from the cheating you will have the
same consequences. Please see me or your handbook for further
IPADs: IPADS should be brought to class daily & be fully charged. We will
be accessing assignments, our text as well as demonstration/graphing
applets. Students will be allowed to use IPAD APPs to take notes (text or
voice), photos of important facts or problems done on the whiteboard.
Inappropriate IPAD use: No taking pictures or videos of anyone (including
me) without prior permission. No taking control of the Apple TV without
permission (this will be considered a class disruption and dealt with
accordingly). No texting, tweeting, snap chatting, face timing etc. during
class & of course the school acceptable use policy must be followed. You
need to stay on task while you are in class-if something comes up and you
need to look something up JUST ASK!
Cell Phones: Cell phones will not be allowed in class at any time! If I see or
hear a cell phone it will be taken from you and turned in to the office (per
the student handbook). If it is out I will assume you are using it (texting,
checking messages, taking pictures, etc.).

I have read the above.

(Students signature)

(Please PRINT students name)
(Parent/guardians signature)

________________________________ _______________________
Daytime phone of parent/guardian
Parent / Guardian Email

**Notes from home (questions/concerns)-list here or as always feel free to

email me directly at

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