Anvita Patel 1

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M.S. Electrical & Computer Engg.

B.E. Electronics & Communication Engg.
Rutgers University
Gujarat Technological University

Expected May 2016

June 2013


Frameworks and IDEs

C, C++, Java, Python, SQL, MATLAB

Microsoft Visual Studio, NetBeans, ASP.NET, Arduino Environment, Simplescalar
Intel 8085, 8051, ATMega328

Summer15 Intern, Bank of America, New York City
Document Management Project: Developed/Integrated a tool in a web application with JavaServer Faces to merge
several PDFs into single PDF with iText Java library, Research on Java libraries Apache POI, Documents4j, Aspose,
JFreeChart, PDFBox, JODConverter, JasperReport to evaluate the suitability to convert office documents to PDF
Qrystal UI Improvements, Team of 4: Designed a module in Python to apply data consistency in UI of various trade


Data Structure & Algorithms, Programming Finance, Software Engineering Web Applications, Computer Architecture,
Advanced Information & Network Security, Image Processing, Embedded Systems


Stock Forecaster, Team of 5

Spring 2015
Designed a web application in ASP.NET MVC framework for personalized stock portfolio, market charting and
long/short term prediction allowing users to securely login through Gmail and Facebook
Stock Account Management System
Spring 2015
Designed a system to handle Stock Portfolio account and Bank account in C++, interfaced with MATLAB to allow
interactive analysis
A computational study of the structure of polymeric molecules in solution, Team of 4
Spring 2015
Designed a DFS algorithm in C++ to separate individual polymer chains of polymeric molecules which can be used to
calculate end to end distance of a single chain
Evaluating Timing Measurements For Encryption Algorithms, Team of 2
Fall 2014
Developed Java and Python codes in NetBeans to measure the encryption, decryption and key generation time of
public key encryption algorithms and block ciphers for different key and block sizes
Evaluation of Branch Prediction Strategies, Team of 3
Fall 2014
Evaluated instructions per cycle for instruction level parallelism with simplescalar simulator for three existing branch
prediction strategies on five benchmarks and developed C code to design two new strategies which improved
performance on three benchmarks
Identifying Dialed Digits From The Keypad Using Its Sound
Fall 2014
Designed MATLAB code to identify dialed digits from telephone keypad utilizing DTMF characteristic of the keypad.
The code was robust enough to work in a moderate noisy environment


Training in Java programming using JAVA SE6 with performance category Excellent by Oracles workforce
development program at NIIT academy, India
Winner in Vision Hex C language coding competition, event of Spectrum12, a national level technical fiesta,
India, February 2012
Mentored 3rd year undergraduate students for practice projects with C coding in Arduino for ATMega328
Treasurer, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch, GCET, 2012

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