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Student Profile Sheet for Letters of Recommendation

Full Name: Shannon Harris

Advisor: _Doer________

Name(s) of Scholarship / College

Application Deadline

___Hope Grant/Scholarship___________

__May 20, 2016______

___Pell Grant_________________________


___Chattahoochee Technical College___________

__May 20, 2016______

Where you want the recommendation letters sent? Include any envelopes.
Pell Grant and Hope Scholarship/Grant- I will pick up in sealed envelops
Chattahoochee Technical College- Give to guidance
List several teachers / people from whom you might request letters of recommendations. Two teachers must be core
classes. Give the teacher and their subject area.ui7
__Ms. Chandler (AP Lang) _____________
__Ms. Doer (H Brit Lit) _____________
__Ms. Beck (Law and Justice) __________

__Ms. Bowden (Healthcare) __________

Current GPA: __3.3_______

Academic / Career Interest:
My interest after high school is in the healthcare field. I would love to be a Physical Therapist Assistant working in
rehabilitation centers to help people get back physically where they need to be after an injury.
Awards that I have won:
Community Involvement/ Service:
Being a Jehovahs Witness I volunteer my time on the weekends to teach others about the bible and offer free home
bible studies. As well as donating to local food drives and clothing centers.
Extracurricular Activities (list any leadership positions held):
FCCLA (10th Grade), French Club (11th Grade), HOSA (11th Grade)
Work Experience:
For the past 4 summers, Ive worked at a Daycare Center. My duties were to watching over children, reading to
them, teaching basic fundamentals, and anything else that would benefit them.
Has any a summer experience, work, or study been of significance to you? Explain.
While working with children over the summers, Ive learned to develop better people skills and patience as well as
character building. I think those are well rounded qualities everyone should have that will benefit them and society.
Qualities like that will help you to become a better person.
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Explain

My greatest strength would have to be my leadership skills. Im not afraid to give directions to others when needed
or speaking in front of crowds. I conduct myself in an orderly manner and is able to work with various people to get
the job done. I consider others ideas and make sure everyone is included and able to be a part of end result.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses? Explain.
A weakness that i have would be procrastination. I tend to wait until the last minute sometimes to get something
done. Also, the lack of organization skills contributes to my weaknesses.

Give 3 words that describe you. Include specific anecdotes / examples.

Detailed- I like when my work leaves no room for questioning. When I+
2 put effort into a project, nothing is going to be left out.
Confident- I speak with certainty in what I say or how I do work. My voice is always firm yet gentle.
Open Minded- I understand others feelings and how they value ideas. I dont like to let people feel their ideas arent
welcome. I give everyone the room to express how they see things.
Describe a minimum of 1 major setback or disappointment. Include how you either overcame it or reacted to it.
A major disappointment for me was when I failed my drivers test. I went in super confident and felt like I would
pass for sure. During the test I made a traffic error that cost me my license. I fell into an immediate depression and
thought I wasnt good enough because I failed. Later that week there was an opening to do a makeup test. I was so
relieved. So going in the following day, I was calm and remembered what I did before that cost me to fail; only this
time I passed.
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your life? Why? Please be original and give a thorough explanation.
My father is my biggest influence on my life. He struggles with cancer and other issues that would cause other
people to go crazy. Throughout all of the setbacks he has faced he always held his head up and trusted in God to
overcome them. He continues to make sacrifices for me every day without thinking about himself in the process.
Everything that I want to be, I owe to him and hope that one day I could do everything that he has done for me and
In one paragraph, describe why a college should choose you over another student. What do you think you have to
offer or how will you benefit?
I work hard for what I want and who I want to become. I feel that I can not only contribute academically but also
socially in clubs. The school that I go to will not only remember my name but what I have done for them as well. I
know what I want to do so if accepted that will help me as a student to further my education and to look forward to
tell others what that school have done for me.

In one paragraph, explain why you should receive the scholarship and how this organization / company will benefit
from your receiving the monies.
The organization will benefit by seeing that their money is not going to waste on a slacker. By putting an interest in
me and giving me the chance to succeed I will push myself even harder because I know someone believed in me to

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