Phosphenism - Books of DR Lefebure

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sos Phospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure BOOKS OF Dr LEFEBURE ssymbot: FE electronic book in pa forma, Whats an electronic book? (avaiable in Engish) - (ithe course of translation) ‘THE SUBUD INITIATION ‘or The Transmission of the Great Life Force through oscillation of tho Point of Concentration. Initiation is a beginning - the beginning of an EXTRAORDINARY PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE. THE SUBUD INITIATION describes Dr LEFEBURE's early research on Phosphenism. In this book, he analyzes two methods of initiation: the Zoroastrian method that that his mentor Galip taught him, at the age of 18, and the method he learned from the Indonesian Magus Pak Subuh, at the age of 44. Part two: CEREBRAL DEVELOPMENT WITH PHOSPHENISM. ‘This introduction to the works of Doctor LEFEBURE starts with the explanation of the basic exercise of Phosphenic Mixing. Enough details are provided to enable you to practice this exercise. The results you will obtain will convince you of the value of Doctor LEFEBURE's works. Practical exercises prove to you the genuine efficiency of this science, Phosphenism being the highest intiatory teaching, ‘Binet: Lot_pat-prico: ¢ (approx. 5:3 USD - 6,75 CAD - 356 GBP) -| Cui PHOSPHENIC MIXING APPLIED TO EDUCATION Developing Memory, Intelligence, Creativity and Intuition, through the Combination of Thoughts and Phosphenes. Phosphenic Ming consists in minging_o thought wih phosphene. The (5, | phospnene channels the individuals attention towards tne chosen thought ths Improvement inatenion remains between sessions, Moreover. mixing tnoughis and phosphenes produoes a release of energy that increases the assoction of J] eas and thus an increase in eligence. intelectual cursty and the spt of inatve are also improved PHOSPHENIC MIXING TRANSFORMS THE ENERGY OF LIGHT INTO CEREBRAL ENERGY. ‘The effects of Phosphenic Mixing on sleep are remarkable. Many cases of sleep disorders have been cured by it. Dreams become more lucid and colorful. Older people experience a cerebral rejuvenation, ‘Bret: Lo2_pat- Price: 12€ (approx. 1272 USD - 16,2 CAD - 8 52 GBP) Cui ‘THE PNEUMOPHENE or The Breathing Technique that Opens the Doors to the World Beyond, followed by Phosphenism and Rhythmic Thinking. In the East just as in the West, breathing is considered as an essential part of Va) SPittual development s ‘The first part of this book demonstrates that Yoga is constituted by A SINGLE breathing exercise that gives access to the world beyond where the "prana’ or ‘breath of the sou” of the Hindus can be perceived. Inthe second part of this book, the practice of rhythmic thinking is set out. To practice meditation with efficiency, one main condition has to be respected: a rhythm has to be incorporated in thoughts, When they are rhythmic, thoughts acquire an exceptional power that produces the development of supranormal abilties of perception. Inttiatory traditions have always known this fact. This is why their secret resides in the practice of rhythmic thinking titan phospherism.cerivres ml 16 sos PPhospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure associated to focusing on a source of light. ‘A fast rhythm used in thoughts tends to provoke out of body experiences and astral projection. Fast rhythmic thinking puts the psychic centers or chakras in motion and opens them, triggering phenomena of ilumination, ie. the perception of an inner light that brings the individual closer to the subtle planes. Doctor LEFEBURE spent his life designing initiatory techniques, In this book, he reveals the nature of the powers of initiates. ‘Biret: Los_pat- Price: 16€ (approx. 1886 USD -21,6 CAD - 11,96 GBP) - Cue CEREBRAL DEVELOPMENT WITH ALTERNATING HEARING. Alternating hearing consists in listening to a sound (a buzz or a click or both associated) alternatively in the left and in the right ear on an adjustable regular rhythm. Music or an oral lesson can also be used as a sound source. The effects have been verified in various French State laboratories, the C.N.R.S., the National institute of Sports and at the P.T.T. Central Laboratory, ‘Alternating hearing is used mainly in two areas: Pedagogy: Using the Alterophone for studying and reviewing lessons helps improving ‘comprehension, Attention is sustained without effort; intelectual work is more organized and of better quality. For this reason, the device is used very often by students in preparing for their exams. Subjects of study, even the most difficult ones, become more attractive during alternating hearing, One develops a greater motivation for studies. Psychic development: Likewise, associating the Altemnophone with initiatory techniques makes them more efficent. Many psychic phenomena are thus experienced, as well as states of relaxation and calm of mind, Dreams become more colorful, There are dreams of ascension and prophetic dreams with revelations for personal meditation themes as well as intiatory exercises. ‘Bret: Loa_pat- Price: 8¢ (approx. 48 USD - 108 CAD - 5,68 GBP) THE INITIATION OF PIETRO This book was intended by the author as a completely initiatory book for everyone, Doctor Francis LEFEBURE was initiated at the age of 18 by A. GALIP by a laying on of hands. This initiation provoked phenomena of esoteric clairvoyance. Galip himself was an initiate of the Magus caste of the Temple of Zoroaster. Inspired by this initiation, F. LEFEBURE, a physician and physiologist, spent his life and devoted all his energy to the understanding of the deepest secrets of ths initiation, ‘Thanks to phosphenic experiments and to applied cerebral physiology, he discovered that this initiation can be acquired without a master and that, although supernatural, it is open to anyone ‘who makes the effort to receive it, This well-conceived book initiates the reader progressively, Including: The 2 keys to Occult Power, the 4 keys of the Magus, sways, rotations, mantras, the fourth light, from clairvoyance to astral projection, and more. A book that will open unimited horizons for those who make the effort to study it. ‘Biret: Los_pat- Price: 0¢- ‘THE YOGA OF TWO SECONDS ‘A companion book to "The Intition of Pietro’ focusing on the practical applications of the traditional Zoroasrian exercises described in the previous volume, Regular practice is the key to the awakening of supranormal psychic abilities and the manifestation of wondrous phenomena such as illumination, prophetic visions and phenomena of premonition and clairvoyance, titan phospherism.cerivres ml sos PPhospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure | This technique, based on cerebral physiology, is the perfecting of ancient and ‘empirical methods that brought resulls which were sometimes grandiose but often inconstant, Usually, the subject feels a deep contact with a genuine occult force as soon as the first experiments are practiced. This technique is the only one that reveals so much so quickly. ‘Binet: Los_pat- Price: 8€ (approx. 8 48 USD - 10,8 CAD - 5,68 GBP) | FROM THE PRAYER WHEEL TO THE SPIRITUAL DYNAMO or the Kundalini Triggering Device Volume | ‘Awakening Kundalini is the goal of all Yogas and its equivalent can be found in the mystical training of all religions, as the awakening of this energy gives access. to the powers of the spirit. Kundalini is considered to be the deepest, the most powerful and most mysterious of the forces of the universe. Is its use and awakening dangerous? NO, says Doctor Francis LEFEBURE. When one has understood that this force, the awakening of which is the goal of Yoga, is a ‘gyroscopic meditation, one realizes that Kundalini is a very simple and beneficial thing, harmless and easy to obtain, contrary to outdated dogmas based on hasty westem interpretations. Doctor LEFEBURE explains precisely how each person can build a device that can TRIGGER THE AWAKENING OF KUNDALINI IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS, AT THE RATE OF ONE HOUR OF PRACTICE EVERY DAY. In a short period of time, the power of this awakening can usually produce the classic effects Fesutting from the rise of this force and provokes ilumination when it reaches the head, generating a multitude of surprising and reassuring experiences. The person cannot doubt that he or she is in touch with the “genuine” Kundalini within. The resuts are absolutely convincing. ‘The person is then free to stop the practice or to go even further in his or her development with the Gyrascope. ‘This book makes Kundalini accessible to everyone by explaining scientifically the nature of this energy. ‘Bret: Lo7_pat- Price: 16 € (approx. 16,56 USD - 21,6 CAD - 11,96 GBP) - Cue 7 KUNDALINI volume II - Before Doctor LEFEBURE’s works, people believed that only a very few number + of individuals had access to the supranormal powers of the mind, and only after a A long and difficult period of asceticism, “ej 2) | The results obtained by the persons who practiced gyroscopic meditation were of such importance that observations and experiments, carried out all over the world, allowed Doctor LEFEBURE to design new and even more powerful modes of application. ‘This is why gyroscople practice seems to be the most complete and powerful key known today for the awakening of Kundalini, as well as the key fo cerebral development necessary to any intelectual activity From this point on, initiatory techniques belong to the solid framework of cerebral physiology, and the practical and critical-minded individuals in search of the world of the spirit wil find that {an infinte field of experimentation opens before them. From now on, it is out of the question to believe without being able to verity through firsthand experience. But the main innovation of this ‘second volume is certainly the concentric Gyrascope. This device, according to the individuals and the groups who have experimented with it, is a key to the awakening of Kundalini which far ‘surpasses the previous methods. ‘Bret: Loe_pat- Price: 0¢-| titan phospherism.cerivres ml sos PPhospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure ] THE KEY TO SUPERNATURAL PHENOMENA, ‘The third phase of the phosphene, the “diffuse glow’, is an energy emanating from the brain, It can be photographed and allows the perception of objects in ‘complete darkness. This energy is the source of clairvoyance, premonitory dreams, visions, apparitions, and all supernatural manifestations, Moreover, this energy that is emitted by the brain accumulates in the places ————_ where people have practiced regularly with phosphenes, as well as in the “auras” ‘of people who have practiced. ‘These phosphenic salts are what the Ancients called “egregor” and are al the origin of all the holy and sacred places, as they allow access to the subtle planes, to the invisible worlds. These phenomena are not as rare as one might believe, but a sort of law of silence has been imposed to avoid revealing “intiatory secrets” to everyone. Who could benefit from these phenomena and events? Who needs to hide their nature? Doctor LEFEBURE's investigation sheds light on elements that nobody has previously analyzed. ‘Binet: Los_pat-price: 9¢ (approx. 9.54 USD - 12.15 CAD - 6.39 GBP) Cue PHOSPHENISM AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLAIRVOYANCE ‘A new explanation of the origins of religion Phosphenism was born at the dawn of humanity and has been used instinctively by all peoples at a certain stage of their evolution, by all forms of solar worship that associated prayer with focusing on the sun. This technique is still practiced by the Zoroastrians, whose priests are called ‘magus/magi (pl)". Magic, in its original sense, is the lost science of phosphenes, Likewise, young shepherds often play with phosphenes and mix their prayers with them. And in effect, child shepherds are at the origin of all the major events of the Roman Catholic Church. This is also true for the religion of Mithra, in which the candidate for initiation had to observe phosphenes in a cave. There is also proof of the use of phosphenes by the Tibetans. In each temple, there was a book dedicated to the interpretation of the signs that could be seen when focusing on the sun, Phosphenism is thus a worldwide ideological revolution, ‘Biret: L10_pat-price: 7€ (approx. 742 USD - 9.45 CAD - 4.97 GBP) Cue | EXPLORING THE BRAIN THROUGH THE STUDY OF THE OSCILLATION OF DOUBLE PHOSPHENES ‘The study of the oscilations of double phosphenes can show the action produced ‘on your brain resulting from a diet, a physical posture, a medicine, a mental exercise, better than an electroencephalogram would. A cerebroscopic examination wil allow you to know how to practice the exercises according fo your own brain rhythms. Phosphenes act like probes bringing much physiological and medical information. The main facts discovered by Doctor LEFEBURE were verified by the C.N.RS., at the National institute ‘of Sports and by Professor CHAUCHARD. Biret: L11_pat- Price: 0¢- Siu | THE POWER OF CHRISTIANITY | Has Christianity revealed all its secrets? It seems that it has not. Many aspects have been kept secret, particularly the ‘original teachings. There used to be references in the Gospels to the principal initiatory techniques, but they were obviously deleted from the texts. These techniques had the particularity of provoking a conscious separation of the body and the mind. The stained glass windows of the Cathedral of Amiens show that during Crusades, Catholicism renewed contact with the true origins of Christianity: INITIATORY EXERCISES. ‘An exciting analysis that will ake you from exoteric Christianity to esoteric Christianity titan phospherism.cerivres ml sos PPhospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure Pret: L12_pat -Price: 0€-| PHOSPHENISM IN BURKINA FASO ‘A Digest of Conversations with Master PACERE TITINGA 18 miles from the capital Ouagadougou, in the village of Manega where the father of Master PACERE was the King, traditional dances are used to celebrate the passing of relatives and to help the elevation of the soul ‘These dances express better than anything else the sinusoidal rhythm that all = vibrations are made of. They prepare the person for the experience of this rhythm in the consciousness, a particularly deep form of the presence of God in the self. ‘Bret: 43_pat- price: s¢ (approx. § 3 USD -6,75 CAD - 3,55 GBP) -| INITIATORY EXPERIENCES Volume | The Way of the Senses Since the dawn of Man, intiatory methods have been taught in an empirical way. ‘The candidates for initiation did not know what truly happened to them. Studying supranormal states from the approach of a physician and a scientist, Doctor LEFEBURE analyzes the physiological principles of initiation. The reader will discover the connection between unexplained. neurological phenomena and the results obtained by iniiatory exercises as well as practical ‘experiments open to everyone. Doctor LEFEBURE has opened definitively the door to spiritual perception and the phenomena Of clairvoyance, along with the perception of invisible worlds. A-synthesis of the exercises, permitting a rapid access to very advanced phenomena, this will et ‘everyone verify each of the claims of Doctor LEFEBURE. He also stresses the importance of a correct mental attitude that is necessary to produce the phenomena and concludes with the description of a powerful exercise inspired by the initiation practiced by the Lamas. ‘Birot: 114 pat- Price: 0€- INITIATORY EXPERIENCES Volume Il. Visions and Out of Body Experiences From conscious dreams to astral projection. Following Doctor LEFEBURE's initiatory journey, this book relates the discovery of a reality beyond our imagination. Studying these phenomena wil help you understand their laws and thus will help you reproduce such experiences. The author relates his out of body experiences, some of which were perceived by witnesses as ‘a materialization of the double. These amazing experiences will also show you the connection between out of body and near-death experiences, allowing you to understand the essence of initiation. By exploring these states of consciousness, Doclor LEFEBURE offers the possibilty of experiencing this initiation to everyone. ‘Bret: 116 pat- Price: 0€- INITIATORY EXPERIENCES Volume Ill, Mystical Swaying For millennia, swaying has been practiced by many traditions, in order to obtain the opening of the subtle centers or chakras and to produce psychic experiences; they occupy a major place in the practice of all religions, ‘Sways are traditional intiatory techniques that provoke the separation of the body and the soul, ‘opening the door to the world of the spirit where revelations can be found. The accounts of the persons who have gone through near-death experiences confirm the descriptions of the experiences of mystics. Sways are directly connected to the cosmos and to the universal divine force. ‘Biret: 116 pat-Price: 0€- titan phospherism.cerivres ml sos PPhospherism: Books of Dr Lefebure | THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUPRANORMAL POWERS OF THE MIND Using the rhythm of 1/6th of a Second in Thoughts. ‘Transmitting initiation from a distance is much easier than you could imagine, One of the foundations of this process is the use of a rhythm of 1/6th of a second in thoughts, Fast mantras might be one of the greatest secrets of the Yogis. Nevertheless, none of them have been able to explain what their knowledge is based on. Many of them attribute importance to the “meaning” of the mantra and forget that the root of this word means "mental sound’ Rather than the meaning, itis the rhythm that is important, some rhythms triggering a real burst ‘of phenomena in consciousness. ‘Binet: L47 pat - Price: 9 € (approx 9,64 USD - 12,15 CAD - 639 GB) -| | OM, the Natural Name of God and the Mantras ‘The sound that expresses the essence of the cosmos and the law of universal polarity is the same in all religions, Translation problems have hidden this obvious fact, The Hindu word for this sound is “OM” A chart of letters, adapted to the creation of rational mantras, will help you understand the connection between the sacred sounds of all religions. With the help of this chart, you can even compose your own personal mantras in accordance with the goals you are pursuing. ‘Biret: 110 pat- Price: 0€- PHOSPHENISM AND WHIRLING DERVISHES Rotation is @ universal movement, From the electron circling around the atom to galaxies, we live in a universe that keeps us in a perpetual spiraling movement ‘This rotation is a mystery, but, if we are in harmony with the movement of the universe, we emit a kind of spiritual radiation. When they try to meld with the universe, the dervishes can carry along other people's consciousness with their movement because a gyrophene is just as transmissible by telepathy as a phosphene. ‘This explains why the people present at these ceremonies feel themselves elevated above their bodies. ‘Bret: L19_pat-Price: 0€- HOMOLOGIES Or the The Light of Asia Confronted by Science Itis by a reversal, an introversion of the psychological and physical forces that an individual can become an initiate. This is the main thesis and the direction of Dr LEFEBURE's book "Homologies”, which seeks to justify magic in its original form: the science of the magi, the priests of Zoroaster, who possessed the key to the world beyond. This led the author to an in-depth study of reincarnation and its connections with the laws of heredity and the laws of karma, In this book, Dr LEFEBURE reveals the method as it was taught to him by his mentor Artheme Galip. ‘Bret: L20_pat- Price: 0 ¢-SES titan phospherism.cerivres ml

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