2015 Report

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Professional Experience Office

School of Education
Telephone: 8201 3330
Fax: 8201 2568

Professional Experience Report 2015

Middle & Secondary Schooling
Year 4 Undergraduate & Year 2 Master of Teaching

Pre service teacher name

Harvey Watson


Australian Science & Mathematics School Year level(s) taught

Student No.

10, 11 & 12

Site mentor teacher

Geetha Nair,



Site coordinator

Jayne Heath

University liaison

Tommaso De Angelis

40 day placement
Site Context

School Coordinator - Context statement about your school

Site sector (DECD), Independent.

The Australian Science and Mathematics School

Site size, class size and composition of

(ASMS) is a specialist public school that caters


for the three final years of schooling (year 10-12)

(R-12, Area, Primary, Secondary)

before entry into higher education with a focus on

Physical and/or unique characteristics.

Maths and Science education. Established in 2002,

Students with specific needs.

the purpose-built facility is designed to promote

Socio-economic factors.

and support highly collaborative, interactive,

student-directed learning within an innovative
curriculum. The two-year teaching cycle using
vertical groupings (10 and 11) challenges
traditional structures and classes are taught in an
open learning commons. The interdisciplinary
approach focuses on deep learning and metacognition
through the use of a fertile question and literacy
incorporated across the curriculum. The ASMS has a
focus on student-centred learning, with significant
focus on the development of self-directed learners
and inquiry projects. Year 12 classes are
structured around traditional subject areas
although the teaching philosophy of the central
studies heavily influences teaching practice at
Stage 2. Students are assessed within the SACE
curriculum at Stage 1 and 2.
Mentor Teacher - Summary Statements

Professional Relationships



Harvey attended

Teachers actively engage in personal and

Development events, and contributed ideas. He took

collegial learning within the professional

part in the discussions to clarify doubts and


understandings on the requirement of the tasks. He

all meetings and Professional

also involved himself in the Lunch Time Sport. He

took part in a mini Action Research and discussed
his opinions on Digital Literacies and its role in


Harvey was keen to engage the students in

Teachers foster trusting and respectful

understanding and applying skills in their written

relationships with all learners

work. He was quite flexible with his teaching

pedagogies and was willing to modify his approaches
in response to his student needs. His students were
quite appreciative of his help.


Harvey has attended Learning Conversation which is

Teachers work effectively with

a discussion between the students, their parents

parents/caregivers and the wider

and their teachers to discuss the students


progress. Harvey has also attended the Open Night

to discuss the work of students to the members of
public who visited the site. He also spoke to
parents of students who had not handed up their

Professional Knowledge



Harvey was clear about how to break down the

Teachers know about learning processes and how teaching of skills to enable students to build on
to teach and implement

their knowledge and application of their writing

skills. He worked with a number of students
individually to support their learning.


He was well versed in the knowledge and

Teachers know the content they teach

understanding of the requirements of tasks and

worked towards breaking down the skill to support
student understanding. He discussed his work with
me to clarify ideas and to understand how best to
deliver these ideas to the students.


He also actively spoke to the EALD coordinator and

Teachers know about learner contexts and

School Counselor to discuss the needs of students


in his classes. He was able to discuss specific

pedagogies of teaching these students to enable
them to feel included and to be successful in
completing the tasks that were set out.

Professional Practice



Harvey planned his lessons with clear objectives to

Teachers plan and implement teaching

enable the students to achieve their learning

strategies for successful learning experiences objectives. He also became aware of the need to be
flexible from class to class with his methods to
enable his to gain the best response from his

Harvey assessed and reported the learning outcomes

Teachers assess and report learning outcomes

of the students. He initiated a bench marking

process to enable him to understand how the tasks
were marked the t rubrics provided.He completed the
marking and handed in the grades and comments for
the students in his classes.


The students in Harvey's class were happy to

Teachers create a safe, challenging and

discuss their learning problems with him. They were

supportive environment

happy to discuss their understanding and gain

feedback for their work in his classes. He could
also often be seen joking and talking to his

Pre-service teacher: Comments

I would like to thank the ASMS for enabling me to undertake such an enjoyable, and

meaningful practicum. I believe that this school provides a fantastic environment for
the considered application
of pedagogical strategies, and appreciated the opportunity to implement many of the
approaches I consider significant to my teaching philosophy. I found the discussions I
held with my mentor teacher, and other members of staff to be tremendously beneficial,
and have no doubt that respectful, professional dialogue is
invaluable in the development of quality teaching. I particularly commend the school's
approach to professional development, and believe that the environment within the ASMS
is one that encourages professional excellence. As part of this process, I had the
opportunity to be part of an action research project, where I considered the role of
digital literacy within an interdisciplinary curriculum.
University Liaison: Summary statement
Harvey is to be congratulated on completing a successful practicum. His professionalism
and subject knowledge allowed him to develop a very positive rapport with his students.
His thorough lesson planning enabled him to create and teach interesting and engaging
lessons which ensured most students and their learning styles were catered for in a
positive and inclusive environment. His strength is in his organisational abilities and
this will hold him in good stead when he becomes a teacher. Harvey also demonstrated the
ability to reflect on the effectiveness of his lessons and was able to modify
accordingly. As he related well to
students and had sound behaviour management skills he completed a successful practicum
which indicates a positive future as a teacher.
School Coordinator: Final Comments (optional)
Harvey was comfortable in working in the ASMS learning environment, he made the most of
the flexibility and openness of the space and in working in teacher teams. Harvey made
many valuable contributions to the learning design and worked confidently with the
interdisciplinary curriculum. Harvey's interest in learning more about the school, our
community and the students he was working with was clearly evident.
School Coordinator:
The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for

employment. Please

avoid the use of acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international
employers who are not always familiar with South Australian nomenclature
Name of School Mentor Teacher(s): Geetha Nair Date: 29.06.2015
Name of School coordinator: Jayne Heath

Date: 29.06.2015

Consideration has been given to the complexities and degree of challenge of the professional
experience context in evaluating the pre-service teacher's ability to meet the assessment criteria
for the professional experience.
In our opinion, the pre-service teacher HAS demonstrated competency in the professional teaching standards for registration in SA

University Liaison
Name of


Report ID: 001614

Liaison: Tommaso De Angelis Date: 03.07.2015

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