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A summary of Mathematics of the ideal villa

Mathematics of the ideal villa is a paper written by Colin Rowe , an architectural historian, critic,
and theoretician, and was first published in the Architectural Review, 1974.

A comparison between Villa Garche and Villa Malcontenta according to the

following points :
1) date :
Villa Malcontenta :16th century, Villa Garche 1920's.

2) Geometry:
Both villas are designed as a cube, same dimension : 8 X 5.5 X5 unit.
Same ratio on the exterior 2:1:2:1:2

3) Structure:
Villa Garche : column- supported structure. Villa Malcontenta : Bearing wall structure.

4) Plan:
Villa Garche : open plan, the use of piano nobile to exemplify that the house had become a palace.
Different arrangement of spaces on each floor: the function and distribution of the rooms follows an
a elementary program: entrance and large hall, secondary entrance, garage , and a living room with a
library. On the second floor there are 2 bedrooms with sitting rooms and bathrooms. On the third 2
guest rooms with bathrooms and servant rooms.
Villa Malcontenta: Centralized traditional plan. All floors are the same

5) facades:
Villa Garche facades are expressed as a series of horizontal strips.
Villa Malcontenta: the facades have 3 horizontal divisions: base- piano nobile and attic.

6) roof treatment:
Villa Garche: flat surface with a sculptural feature (elliptical tower)
Villa Malcontenta: Pediment and pyramidal elements

How far did Le Curbosier achieve his "five points of architecture" ?

Le curbosier exemplification of the 5 points on villa Grache :
1) The open plan: since there are no bearing walls, the distributions of the spaces are different on
each floor.
2) Free faade: the faade is expressed as a 3,4, of horizontal strips.
3) Roof garden: a roof terrace with elliptical water tank.
4) Ribbon window
5) column-support structure, the structure is isolated from the other components of the buildings.
Piano nobile: the main floor of a renaissance building, elegantly decorated, with grand exterior stair

Mathematics of the ideal Villa. Colin Rowe, 1947.
Le Curbosier "regulating lines" for the villa at Garches and other early architectural works. Roger

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