134 - Potraits of Biblical Leadership - David & Goliath

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The Confidence That Counts

|The Faith That Brings Victory|
David is Gods replacement of Saul. God say He has found a man after His own
heart. By no means is David perfect. What sets him apart is his heart that is
willing to be rebuked and corrected, a heart that loves God, a heart that follows
God where He leads David.
Do you trust in God completely?
The Confidence That Counts Is In God

Why Goliath Had To Fall

1 Samuel 17:41-47
1) Protection
Do not trust in earthly protection.
v41 The shield bearer is in front of him yet David has only sticks. What is your
fleshly guarantee for protection?
2) Perception
Do not judge by appearances.
v42 He disdains David because he is only a kid. What are some of your fleshly
judgements that have gone dead wrong?
3) Pride
Do not be full of pride.
v43 Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks. What makes you feel better
than others, and more preferred to others?
2015 Anthony T. Gitonga. All Rights Reserved.
|Website: www.anthonygitonga.com |Twitter: @AnthonyGitonga | Email: anthonytgitonga@gmail.com |
Lead Consulting, Post Office Box 3068, 00200, City Square, Nairobi, Kenya
|Tel: +25472061 56 23 |+25472061 56 29 |

The Confidence That Counts

How To Gain Victory Over Your Giants
Differ from others and determine to follow God's blueprint
1) Different Strategy
Do you wage war like the world does?
Goliath has an earthly strategy of warsword, spear, and shield. That same
strategy had immobilised Saul in fear of Goliath. Its a strategy that gives glory to
no other than self. Of this glory/pride Goliath remarks:
v43 Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks
v44 I will give your flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field.
David contrasts this me, myself, and I strategy by shifting focus to God. Because
his strategy differs from others, David does see what everyone else sees, an
invincible giant. He sees an opportunity to bring God glory!
I have wrestled in the darkness of this lonely pilgrim land
Raising strong and mighty fortresses that I alone command
But these castles I've constructed by the strength of my own hand
Are just temporary kingdoms on foundations made of sand
In the middle of the battle, I believe I have finally found,
Ill never know the thrill of victory till am willing to lay down,
All my weapons of defence and earthly strategies of war,
So am laying down my arms and running helplessly to yours1
Question: In which ways do you market yourself and your products? How does it
relate to how those who do not trust God do?
Question: Does the world place is armour on you because you are only a rookie?
What do you do with untested armour?
The Confidence That Counts Is In God

Verse 1, I Surrender All, Clay Crosse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVrElcu4-Ps



The Confidence That Counts

Song: I Surrender All
2) Different Strength
Do you go in the strength of your might?
David has earlier been anointed and the Spirit of God mightily rests on him (1
Samuel 17:13). From this the Holy Spirit inspiration he remarks:
v45 You come to me with a sword, spear, and javelin....but I come to you in the
name of the lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.
Because his strength differs from others, he recognizes Goliath has no covenant
with God, while he (David) feels passionately committed to Gods covenant.
If the source of my ambition is treasure I obtain
If I measure my successes on a scale of earthly gain
If the focus my vision is the status I attain
My accomplishments are worthless and my efforts are in vain
So I lay aside these trophies to pursue a higher crown
And should choose somehow to use the life that I willingly lay down
Surrender all the triumph for its only by your grace
I relinquish all the glory I surrender all the praise2
Question: Does your confidence hail from your abilities or from God who can do
what you cannot?
Question: Do you believe that God knows what you need and what lays in the future
you cannot see?
The Confidence That Counts Is In God
Song: Some May Trust In Horses


2, I Surrender All, Clay Crosse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVrElcu4-Ps


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The Confidence That Counts

3) Different Success
Do you know why God gives you victory?
God gives us victory that He might receive the glory. David remind s us the
motive of his actions:
v46(b) that all in the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
v47(b) that you may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear;
for the battle is the LORDs.
Because his reason for success differs from others, David wants to make Yahweh
known to the world as the most powerful God on earth.
Everything I am, all I've done, and all I've known
Now belongs to You, the life I live is not my own
Just as Abraham laid Isaac on the sacrificial fire
If all I have is all that You desire I surrender all
I surrender all my human soul desires
If sacrifice requires that all my kingdoms fall, I surrender all3
Question: Do you believe that its the Lord alone who delivers victory in your hands?
Give him glory.
The Confidence That Counts Is In God
Song: My Heart Will Trust In You

Copyright 2015, Anthony T. Gitonga

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without the prior written permission of
the author.

Bridge, I Surrender All, Clay Crosse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVrElcu4-Ps



The Confidence That Counts

The Law of Victory: David Defeats Goliath and
Everyone Wins4
1 Samuel 17:1958
Victory is always fun. No one likes to lose. But when a leader practices the Law
of Victory, it impacts more than the leader. It affects everyone around the
Consider David in his battle with Goliath. By practicing this law, he transformed
the once-paralyzed Israelite soldiers into a force capable of defeating the
invincible Philistine army. Heres how he did it:
1) His perspective differed from others.
He didnt see what everyone else saw, an invincible giant. He saw an
2) His methods differed from others.
He decided to use proven weapons that he knew would work, not the
conventional ones.
3) His conviction differed from others.
He recognized Goliath had no covenant with God, while he felt passionately
committed to Gods covenant.
4) His motives differed from others.
He heard Goliaths threats against the God of Israel and knew God could
beat him.
5) His vision differed from others.
He wanted to make Yahweh known to the world as the most powerful God
on earth.
6) His experience differed from others.
He brought to the battlefield past victories over a[]

John C. Maxwell. The Maxwell Leadership Bible, Second Edition. iBooks.


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The Confidence That Counts

Faith is not merely your holding on to Godit is God holding on to you. He will
not let you go!
E. Stanley Jones
1) In which ways do you market yourself and your products? How does it relate
to how those who do not trust God do?

2) Does the world place is armour on you because you are only a rookie? What
do you do with untested armour?

3) Does your confidence hail from your abilities or from God who can do what
you cannot?

4) Do you believe that God knows what you need and what lays in the future
you cannot see?

5) Do you believe that its the Lord alone who delivers victory in your hands?
How do you give Him glory daily?

Lesson Tracking
First written in 07 May 2015: Date of last Revision: .....
and delivered at .......


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