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Go shopping
A: seller
B: Customer
A: Good morning.


B: Good morning, How much are the


Go shopping

A: they are two dollars a kilo.

B: May I have a kilo, please?
A: sure. Here you are, anything else?
B: of course! How much are the
A: they are three dollars a kilo
B: Ok. I want a kilo, please.
A: Here you are. Its five dollars

A: seller
B: Customer
A: Good morning.
B: Good morning, how much are the
A: they are two dollars a kilo.
B: May I have a kilo, please?
A: sure. Here you are, anything else?

B: thanks. Here is five dollars.

B: of course! How much are the


A: thanks and see you next time.

A: they are three dollars a kilo

B: Ok, good bye.

B: Ok. I want a kilo, please.

A: Here you are. Its five dollars
B: thanks. Here is five dollars.
A: thanks and see you next time.
B: Ok, good bye.

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