Syllabus For Biology Class: Ms. Brannelly, Room 154

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You must read this with your parents and submit it to me for your first 100

Syllabus for Biology

Ms. Brannelly, Room
Course Objective: Welcome to Biology! This year, you will gain an understanding of
the various organisms that live on our planet, their structures and their interactions,
and the organ systems of the human body. Biology is the study of life, essential for you
to master. You will be subjected to a rigorous course that will prepare you for upper
level science classes and college level science classes as well.

You will demonstrate this by achieving at least (if not more than) 80% mastery on
tests and quizzes. In addition, you will be able to read, understand, communicate,
investigate, analyze, and demonstrate creativity in the scientific field. You will apply
these skills on the End of Course Biology Exam (STAAR) in order to meet or exceed
the statewide average on the test.
STAAR Exam: All 9 grade Biology students will take the Biology End of Course (EOC)
exam, one of the 5 EOC tests that they must pass in order to graduate from high
school. This test will be a major focus of this years class. All EOC exams will take place
in May.
If you follow my lead by participating, attending class regularly, studying, and getting
help when needed, this class will prepare you very well to pass the STAAR Exam.
Topics Covered:


The Structure and Function

of Cells

Cell Cycle

Photosynthesis and

Protein Synthesis

You must read this with your parents and submit it to me for your first 100


Viruses and Bacteria

Evolution and Natural


Plant Structures and Adaptations

Biological Classification

Biological Systems

Expectations: This is a high school class, and each of you is expected to act with the
maturity of a young adult. You are responsible for your assignments and behavior in
this class. Failure to adhere to class expectations may result in exclusion from labs or
other activities, parent contact, detention, and administrative referral.
More importantly, we never want to take away from the time we could be spending
mastering Biology.
1. Follow directions the first time they are given
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. Seek my permission to leave your seat and to leave the classroom
4. Appropriate and respectful language only
5. Use the bathroom before class or after class
6. Stay attentive
7. Do your very best!
Policies: What we must do to make sure the class runs smoothly
1. I dismiss you, not the bell. Remain seated until I tell you to leave.
2. You must be in your assigned seat and have your materials ready to go when the
bell rings.
3. Stay on task. You may work on pre-approved activities if you finish classwork early.
4. Electronic devices (phones, iPods and tablets included) must be put out of reach
while in class unless I have approved use for a class activity. If you are asked to
hand over the device, do so immediately to avoid further consequences.
Norms: Behavior that will push you towards excellence and that I will need to see from
you every day:
1. Punctuality: Be on time. No excuses. If you skip class, I will find out and there
will be consequences both in my classroom and from school administration.
2. Respect: You will show respect for the classroom and its contents, your
classmates, your teacher and yourself. We will earn each others respect. You will
do so by coming prepared and on time, working hard, and treating others with
respect. I will do so by being prepared, being fair, and by working hard to help you
3. Motivation: This means you will be ready to learn, with all required materials,
and will work hard to do your very best. You will actively participate by taking
notes, answering questions, and asking questions.
Consequences: (For inability to meet Expectations or follow Policies/Procedures)


Verbal reminder.
Reflection sheet completed and returned to teacher. Discussion over behavior.
Phone call home.
Administrative Referral

25% - tests

A = 100% 90%

20% - homework

B = 89% 80%

20% - classwork

C = 79% - 70%

20% - projects, labs,



BELOW 70%, which is the minimum
passing grade

15 % - 6-weeks district

Tests/Quizzes: There will be a weekly assessment on the material covered each week.
In addition, there will be two tests during each 6-week grading period. Additional tests
and quizzes will be announced ahead of time.
Make-Up & Late Work Policy:
You are responsible for requesting make-up assignments (before or after class, not
during lessons). Work will not be accepted more than 1 week late, and will be subject
to a 30 point deduction. It is a district policy to attend class every day. If you have too
many absences, regardless of your grade, you will fail this class.
If you have an excused absence, you have 2 days to make up missed work, quizzes, and
Extra credit assignments will be announced periodically, and each assignment will
replace one missing grade with a 70. This is the only way to replace missing grades.
Turn in your work on time!
You will have opportunities to re-take quizzes and tests that you failed within 5 school
days of receiving your failing grade. Your passing grade will replace the failing grade,
unless you exhibit lack of effort or inappropriate behavior. We are working together
towards excellence, so take these opportunities very seriously!
Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating is a very serious problem, often punishable. There is a
zero tolerance policy in this class for those who cheat or plagiarize. All students
involved will receive an automatic 0. This means: D O NOT CH EAT or you will fail, even
if you only let someone cheat off of you! There are no exceptions to this policy.

Tutoring: I will be available for tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15-9:00am and
4:30- 5:30pm. If you need to see me outside of these times, you may make an
Based on your class performance, attendance, and/or behavior, I may assign mandatory
tutoring hours that must be completed for class credit. Both you and your
parents/guardians will be notified ahead of time.
Notebooks: All students are required to keep a composition notebook for this class.
These will be graded several times over the course of the six weeks, including the day
of the 6 Weeks test, and will count as a major grade.
Supplies: Please bring the following supplies to class. Each student is required to bring
the supplies assigned for their class period, plus the supplies assigned to each
individual student. * You will get a free 100 for bringing these supplies in by Monday,
I. Each student MUST bring the two assigned supplies for their class
1st period: a bottle of hand soap ($0.98) & a box of tissues ($1.98)

2nd and 3rd period: Two container of disinfecting (Clorox) wipes , 75 ct ($3.48)

4rd period: a box of markers ($0.50), a box of colored pencils (0.50), and 1 bottle of
hand sanitizer ($1.98)

II. Each individual student must bring (regardless of your class period):

1. COMPOSITION notebook (spiral notebooks will not be accepted)

2. A 4-pack of dry erase markers (please do not get the fine point dry erase markers)
3. A small hand-held pencil sharpener
4. A Pencil in class EVERY DAY

* If you have trouble getting any of these items, talk to Ms. Brannelly after class by
Friday, August 28th.
Queridos Padres,
Si tienen alguna pregunta acerca del contenido de la clase o de los utiles encargados a su
hijo/hija, por favor no dude en contactarme. Mi correo electronico es: Por favor lea las hojas con su hijo/hija y firmela y regresela el
lunes primero de septiembre. Muchas gracias por su cooperacion.

Please complete and return this page only. Due Monday, September 1st

I have read and understand the expectations, policies, and information in the Biology

Student Name:

Student Signature_


Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature_


Questions? Contact Ms. Brannelly by e-mail or before/after school. Or ask them


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