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Mini-feasibility Study Outline for LEIS 4362

PROJECT DUE: October 10, 2013 in class

The mini-feasibility study is designed to allow you to determine whether or not you
want to develop a complete business or event plan for your major project. It is
therefore designed to allow you to do some initial investigation on a project without
having to commit completely to the concept. At the end of the project, you will be
able to say yes, I am going to develop the complete plan or no, I am switching
topics. Therefore, the following information should be included:
A brief description of your project should be the first item in your paper. This
description should allow the reader to get a sense of what you are interested in
doing. It should be at least one page in length.
The next item is an assessment of the environment including: the political,
economic, social, and technological OR the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats. Each element of these topics should be detailed with respect to your
project. This part of the paper should be at least 4-5 pages in length. This section
should be supported by any available literature or sources to back up your
statements. Time spent researching this section will be well used for the next phase
of the project when you will prepare the complete plan.
The final part of the project is a brief paragraph indicating whether after conducting
the assessment you are going to go ahead with your initial plans or if you are
changing topics. This section will allow the reader to obtain a sense of the
feasibility of the project at this stage.
The paper should be written in APA format and approximately 6-8 pages in length.

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