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For children pre-k to grade 4

Megan Connor

1. Dont write an entire paragraph on the

Use key points/phrases/words
A lot of words on the slide will distract kids. Some kids
will read every single word and not listen to what you
are saying or ignore everything because its too much.

2. Use contrasting colors for fonts &

Make sure the words on your slides are visible and the
background color isnt too dark.
Make your background light enough to see the words.
For example, a brown background and red font color
doesnt work out!

3. Dont use too many pictures

Use enough to capture the students attention
Try not to put too many pictures, or make them too large
on slides. Kids at this grade level wont be able to focus.
Avoid cluttering the slides!


4. Limit animations
Put a few animations on your slides because they do
entertain the students and keep them interested.
Make sure they dont fly in too fast.. Medium speed is
Be mindful to not put too many because they take away
the focus of your students from what you are saying.

5. Have a hook!
Its important to hook the audience before starting your
presentation and/or lesson.
Grab the students attention so they are interested in
what you are saying/what the power point says!
Ask questions, make a joke, involve the students as
much as possible!

6. Highlight What You Are Talking

When they refocus on your slides, though, they need to
quickly pick back up where you are, or you risk losing
them again.
Reveal bullet points or table rows one at a time so that
the last one visible is the one you are talking about.
Use bold or different colors to highlight the keywords in
any lengthy text.

7. GO BIG!

text and visuals



as you can.

It makes the text easier to see and read, but larger

images and text make a greater impact to aid memory.

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