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Short Questions

Define Operation research?

Name the different Mathematical Models?
What is linear Programming?
Give examples of Probabilistic models?
What is Transportation Problem?
What is Assignment problem?
What is travelling salesman Problem?
What are the advantages and limitations of LP models?
What is queuing system?
Give brief explanation of elements of queuing system.
Define PERT ?
Define Iso profit and Iso cost lines?
What is Duality?
What is the basic difference between Simplex Method and Dual
Simplex Method?
Give general form of LPP?
What is the difference between float and slack?
Explain Simon Model Briefly?
Define a dummy arrow used in a network. State two important purposes
for which it is used.
What is float? Explain the three types of floats.
What do you understand by EMV and EVPI? How can they be computed?
Explain any two criterion used for decision making under uncertainty.
Give two examples to illustrate the applications of queuing theory in
business and industry.
Differentiate between M/M/1:/FCFS and M/M/K: N/FCFS models.

Long Questions
Explain how Statistical Analysis can be helpful to business managers in decision-making under
Explain how Statistical Analysis can be helpful to business managers in decision-making under
Discuss about Simulation Applications
Write short notes on:
(a) Decision making under Uncertainty and Risk?
(b) Simon Model.
Discuss the method of MONTECARLO SIMULATION?
Discuss Project Crashing?
Discuss the advantages and limitations of Simulations?
What is the Significance of Simulation?
Discuss the use of Sensitivity Analysis for post optimal problems?
Discuss the concept of MODI METHOD?
Classify the queuing situations using Kendalls Notation.

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