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NA SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet JuL29-2016 10:41 am Case Number: CGC-15-547086 Filing Date: Jul-29-2015 10:29 Filed by: ROSSALY DELAVEGA Juke Box: 001 Image: 05011688 COMPLAINT ERIK HELLENBRAND VS. JASON MYERS ET AL 001005011688 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. SUMMONS (sols Pin i BEACON (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Jason Myers; Lyft, Ine.; Does 1 to 50 SUM-100 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Erik Hellenbrand 'NOTICEI Vou have been sued, The cour may decide agansl you withou your being heard unless you respond with 30 days, Read We WWorTaton| below ‘You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after tis surmmons and legal papers are served on you fo fle a writen response at this court and have 2 copy served onthe plain A fetter or phone ca wai ot prtect you. You wien response must bein prope legal form fyou want the court to ea your case, There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these cour forms and more Infocmaton al the Caifornia Courts nine SeitHelp Center (nn courinfo ca gowselep). you county law liar, othe courthouse nearest you. you cannot pay the fling fee. a the court clerk fra fe waiver form Ifyou do not fle your response on time, you may lose te case by default and your wages. money, and property ‘may be taken wnat further warming fom the cout ‘here ae cer legal requirements. You may wartto call an attorney ight away. I you donot know an attorney, you may want focal an attorney refera sence. f you cannot afford an atloreey, you maybe eligible fo ree legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locale these nonprofit groups atthe Calfrria Legal Services Web site (wie aurelpeatoma org), the Cakfomia Courts Online Selt Help Center (www courtnto ca gow'selMep, o: by contacting your loca cout or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a stalutry lien for waived fees and {0s on any setement or arbitration award of $10,000 or mre ina ci case. The court's len must be paid before the court wl dismiss ine case JAVISO! Lo han demanado. Si no respande dentro de 30 alas lo corte puede deci en su contra sn escuchar su version. Lea la informacién a Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO desputs de que le entreguen esta ctacién y popes legales para presentar una respuesta por escrto en esta core y hacer que se entregue una copa af demancante. Una carta una lsmada telfonica nolo protegen Su respuesta por escrito ane que est {en formato legal corecto si desea que procesen su caso en la conte. Es posibie ue haya un fomulario que usted pueda usar pare su respuest® Puede encontrar estos formulanos dels corte ys informacion en el Cento de Ayuda de las Cortes do Calon (suerte ca gov) en la Diboteca de leyes desu condado 0 en fa corte que le quede mas cerca. ino puede pagar la cuots de presentacin, pia al secretaro dela Corte {ue le. dé un formulano de exencion de pago de cuoas. Sino presenta su respuesta @ tempo, puede perde ea8o por mcumpimiente la corte Ie odd qutar su sueldo, dinero ybienes sin mas advertercia, hay otros requstos legates. Es recomendable que lame a un abogado inmeolatamente. Sino conce un abogada. puede llamar aun servicio de remision a abegedes. Sino puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con ls requisfos para obtener servos legales gatos de Un brograma de servos legaes sn fines de ler. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin ies de lira en el sto web de Calforia Legal Services, fhwenviawhelpcab omnia 1g), en ef Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Colfomia (ww sucertea gov) 0 poniandase en contacto conla cote © ef oiegio de abogados loceles. AVISO: Por ly, la cote tiene derecho relamar las cuctae y los castas exentos por mponer un graven sobre cualquier recuperacion de 30,000 6 mas de valor ecbide mediante wn acuerdo o una concesin de ebtraleen un caso de derecho cil Tene que pagar el gravamen de a corte antes de que (a core pueda desechar el casa, ‘The name and address of he courte Tasenamen (pontiac doi core es} San Francisco County Superior Court [CR 400 McAllister St. San Francisco, CA 94102 LHe 15 54 page ‘The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney, or plaintif without an attorney, i (Elnombre, la dreceién y el numero de teléfono del abogado del demandanto, 0 datdemendaate que no tiene abogado, es) Law Office of Nikolaus W. Reed, 135 10th Street, San Frapeisto, C, care SUL2.9 2015 CLERK OF THE ap ueGe y (Fecha) (Secretar) (For proof of service of his summons, use Proof of Sar 3. C1 onbehat of speci under 2] cep 416.10 (corporation) 5) CoP 416.60 (minor) cP 416.20 (defunct corporation) [=] GCP 416.70 (conservatee) TS ccP 416.40 (association or partnership) [—] CCP 416 90 (authorized person) J other (speci 4 [1 by personal delivery on (dato) rage tatt otiacalCanettcateroe ‘SUMMONS Cae Cot heen a0 5 tn Be iy 3 PLD-PI-001 J Nikolaus W. Reed, Esq, SBN359951 Law Office of Nikolaus Reed 135 10th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 reLersoneno: 415/940-7766 xno Oxon 415/940-7706 0 A0ORESS (pra) rrome Foran) Plaintiff, Erik Hellenbrand ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco stmeeracoress: 400 Mcallister St. cerrawwaecooe San Francisco, CA 94102 seancurane Civil Division PUAINTIFE. Erik Hellenbrand DEFENDANT: Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc. ) woes ito 50 ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (AMENDED (Number (check all that apply): MOTOR VEHICLE — [—] OTHER (specity): [1] Property Damage [_] Wrongful Death Personal injury () Other Damages (specify): ‘Jurisdiction (check all that apply) (1 ACTION Is A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded ~[_] does not exceed $10,000 (J exceeds $10,000, but doos not exceed $25,000 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) [5] AcTION Is RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint ) from limited to untimited © trom unlimited to ft ys “but 1. Plaintiff (name or names) Erik Hellenbrand alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names): Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc.; Does | to 50 ted opt 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists ofthe following number of pages: 3. Each plaintif named above is a competent adult a. [J except plain (name): (1) [2] a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) [=] an unincorporated entity (describe): 8) F] a public entity (sescnbo) (4) 2) aminor [7] an adutt (2) (=) for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (0) [7] other (specify): (8) other pect) b. [] except plaintiff (name): (1) C2) a comoration qualified to do business in California (2) [_) an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) 2) 2 public entity (describe): (@) EJ aminor I) an adut (a) [7] for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (©) J other specity) (©) other apecity: information about action plaints who are not competent adits is shown in Attachment 3. =e ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property poets PAB (er sna 207) Damage, Wrongful Death Tam oo Boos $512 PLD-PI-001 ‘SHORT TITLE: CASE aR Hellenbrand v. Myers; Lyft, Inc.: Does | to 50 4 (1 Paaintit mame is doing business under the fictitious name (specify) and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. 5, Each defendant named above is natural person 2. (71 except defendant (namo): Lyf. Ine. © [1 except defendant (name): (1) La business organization, form unknown (1) (2 a business organization, form unknown ‘a corporation (2) 2) a corporation (3) [2 an unincorporated entity (desenbe) (2) J an unincorporated entity (describ: (4) [= a public entity (desonibe): (4) [2 a public entty (describe) (6) other (specity) (5) other (speci) ». (J except defendant name): 4, (J except defendant (name) (1) La a business organization, form unknown (1) LJ abusiness organization, form unknown 2) a comporation 2) I acoporation @) Tan unincorporated entity (dosenbe): (©) 1 an unincorporated entity dseribo). (4) Ca public entity (describe) 4) a public entty (describe) (5) [J other (specity): (8) [7] otter (specify) [[) Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment 5. 6 The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plant. a. Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): | to 50. were the agents or employees of other named defendants and acted within the Scope of fal agency or employment ». [21] Doe defendants (specity Doe numbers).1 t0 $0 ate persons whose capacities are unknown to plaintt. 7. [1 Defendants who are joined under Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8, This courts the proper court because 2. ETatleast one defendant now resides in its jurisdictional area, ©. [1 the principal piace of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association isin its jurisdictional area &. [A injury to person or damage to personal property occurred in is jurisdictional area, 4. [J other (specity) 9. 1 Pisin is required to comply witha claims statute, and 2. [1] has complied with applicable claims statutes, or ». [1] is excused from complying because (speci) FORO Re ay AT ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Poon Damage, Wrongful Death SHORT TITLE TERR PLO-PI-001 Hellenbrand v. Myers; Lyf, Inc.; Does 1 to 50 10. The following causes of action are attached and the statements above apply to each (each complaint must have one or more causes of action attached), Motor Vehicle General Negligence ¢, [2] Intentional Tort &. EE] Products Litility 2. LJ Premises Liabiity £ FJ other (speci) 11, Plaintiff has suffered ‘wage loss loss of use of property hospital and mecical expenses ‘general damage property damage loss of eaming capacity other damage (specify): All other damages the Court deems proper b a f a 12. [The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plainti to the deceased are a. 1] listed in Attachment 12 b. (2) as follows. 13, The relief sought inthis complaint is within the jurisdiction ofthis court The relief sought is within the jurisdiction of this Court as Plaintiff seeks relief as permissible under the Jaw and the Court has proper jurisdiction over the Parties in the this matter. 14, Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suit; for such relief as is fair, ust, and equitable; and for a(t) ompensatory damages (2) [7 punitive damages The amount of damages is (in cases for personal injury or wrongful death, you must check (1) (1) FZ2 according to proof (2) [2 inthe amount of: $ 18. [2 The paragraphs ofthis complaint alleged on information and beliaf are as follows (speoly paragraph numbers): 1,6,8,13 Date: 7-28-15 Nikolaus W. Reed » TAPE OR FRAT RAE (BOUATURE OF RANEY OR ATTORNEY) Sapa my BT ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Paro Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-001(1) ‘SHORT THLE CASE NER Hellenbrand v. Myers; Lyft, Inc.; Does | to 50 1 CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle ‘pumben ATTACHMENT TO. Complaint _[—] Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action ) Plaintif (name): Erik Hellenbrand MV. 4. Plaintiff alleges the acts of defendants were negligent; the acts were the legal (proximate) cause of injures ‘and damages to plaintif, the acts occured on (date. December 16, 2014 at (place): Intersection of Folsom Street and 12th Street, City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, State of California, MV-2. DEFENDANTS The defendants who operated a motor vehicle ae (names): Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc. Does I to 50 ». [21] The defendants who employed the persons whe operated a motor vehicle in the course oftheir employment are (names): Jason Myers; Lyf, Inc. Does 1 to 30 ‘The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with thelr permission are (names): Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc. Does © 50 The defendants who erirusted the motor vehide are (names) Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc. Does I to 50 e ‘The defendants who were the agents and employees of the other defendants and acted within the scope of the agency were (names) Jason Myers; Lyf, Ine. 1 does 1 to 50 +. [1 The detendariis who are lable to plaints for ther reasons and the reasons forthe lability are 7 isted in attachment miv-2t Le] as folows: TS Does to Page 4 Pamlerees oe ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle Conran uostaati er Se 207) SHORT TLE ae Hellenbrand v. Myers; Lyft, Inc.; Does I to 50 PLD-PI-001(2) CAUSE OF ACTION—General Negligence page Thurber) ATTACHMENT TO [2] Complaint [] cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action) GN. Plaintif name): Erik Hellenbrand alleges that defendant (name); Jason Myers; Lyft, Inc. TF) does 1 to 50 \was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plant By the folowing acts or omissions to act, defendant negligently caused the damage to plaintiff (on (date): December 16, 2014 at (place): Folsom Street, City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, State of California, (description of reasons for lability): Plaintiff Erik Hellenbrand was walking north in a crosswalk with a flashing walk signal from the south side to the north side of the intersection of 12th and Folsom St. in San Francisco, CA. Defendants Jason Myers; Lyf, Inc.; Does | to 50 were traveling westbound on Folsom St. in San Francisco, CA. While Plaintiff was midway through the crosswalk, he was struck by Defendants who had failed to yield to Plaintiff and entered the intersection of 12th and Folsom street. Due to the violent collision, Plaintiff sustained personal injuries necessitating medical care including, but not limited to, a mild concussion, lacerations above left eye, neck pain, left shoulder pain, and abrasions on upper left leg. os [ae CAUSE OF ACTION —General Negigence aE a, e eal Sr eR mm Fon COURT OREO Law Office of Nikolaus Reed FYI eee weed, dD retemione no 415/940-7766 exxno: 415/940-7706 ‘ore cH OE Caioig scronsey ron none Plaintiff, Erik Hellenbrand JUL 29 IsurERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO L 2015 strezraooress. 40 McAllister St. ap CERO i seer sooRess 7E.LUl civ oz cooe San Francisco, CA 94102 Sony ZOURT secur Civil Division — CASE NAME a Hellenbrand v. Myers; Lyft Inc. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation [NNER Untinted [J Limited counter Joinder emanded demandedis | Filed wit fret appearance by defendant | *% exceeds $25,000) $25,000 orless)| (Cal. Rule of Court, rule 3.402) Tons -8 GW TI bo cone (eos shucios pao gE LS = BY TORO [r- Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case. Auto Tort Contract Provistonally Complex Ci Ligation ve 2) [ET eres ot contraciwarany (6) (Gat Rules of Cour als 3.40028403) Uninsured motorist (46) TI ate 3.740 cotections (09) Anttrust trade regulation (03) Other PUPDIWD (Personal Injury/Property — [_] Otner collections (09) F) Construction detact (10) DamagerWrongful Death) Tort Insurance coverage (18) TZ) mass tort (40) asbestos (0) Oe ona?) [secures gan 26 Produc lability (24) Real Property 2) Environmentartoxic tort (30) Merial malpracice (4) Eminent domaininverse (5) tnsucance coverage cane aking rom he [Sl omer evepano ea) eandemaaton (1) shove Isiedprovaonaly sample case Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort 21 wirongts eviction 33) types (41) Business tortuntar business practoe (07) [—) omer ea ropaty (26) Enforeomont of Judgment civ sons (08) Unlawful Detainer 1 Enforcement of judgment (20) (J cefamation (13) ‘Commercial (31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint Fras (16) TE) Resisersiat (22) DB acon Intellectual propery (19) 1 ons 38) TE otter complaint not specified above) (42) Professional neghgence (25) judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition Cher nor-PUPDAND tort (35) HI ‘Asst forfeiture (05) Partnership and corporate governance (21) Eapormen Pettione: arbitration award (11) [=] Gtr peiton ro pected score) 3) ‘Wrongful termination (36) 1 wnt of mandate 02) [J onerempioyment (15 ote ju vow 20) 2 Thiscase [is [/Tisnot — compiex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Cour. the case ls complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management, a. J Large number of separately represented parties — d [_] Large number of witnesses b.L_] Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. [_] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court ¢ 21 Substantial amount of documentary evidence 1. [71 substantial postjudgment judicial supervision 3. Remedies sought (check all hat apply): aZ] monetary & —] nonmonetary; declaratory orinjunctve relet ©. [—Ipunitve 4. Number of causes of action (specify): 2) Motor Vehicle and General Negligence 5. Thiscase [Js isnot a class action suit 8. there are any known elated cases, Ho and eve a note ofrlted cate, (You may use fom oY) Date: 7-28-15 ( Nikolaus W. Reed > [ TESTE ETRE Tf TOETTOR ATT NOTICE fi + Piaintif must fle this cover sheet with the fist paper filed inthe action or proceeding (except small flaims cases or cases fied under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code), (Cal Rules of Cour. ule(3.220 ) Falure to fle may resuit in sanctions Fis this cover sheet in adtion to any cover sheet required by local cout ul Its case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq, ofthe Califia Rules of Court, you must seve a copy ofthis cover sheet on all ater parties tothe ation or proceeding + Unless tsa coecton case under rule 3.740 oa complex case, ths cove sheet wllbe used for statist purposes ony eee CIVIC GASE COVER SHEET coer eae cM-010 INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. If you are fling a frst paper (for example, a complaint) in a civil case, you must ‘complete and file, along with your fist paper, the Civ! Case Cover Shot contained on page 1. This information will be used to compile Statistics about the types and numibers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. In item 1, you must check ‘one box for the case type that best describes the case. Ifthe case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1, check the more specific one. If the case fas multiple causes of action, check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action, To assist you in completing the sheet. examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover sheet must be flled only with your intial paper. Failure to fle a cover sheet withthe first paper fled ina civil case may subject a party, its counsel, or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3,220 ofthe California Rules of Court. To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A “collections case" under rule 3.740 is defined as an action for recovery of money ‘owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000, exclusive of interest and attorney's fees, arising from a transaction in which property, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort ‘damages, (2) punitive damages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal propery, of (5) a prejudgment wrt of attachment. The identification of @ case as a rule 3.740 collectons case on this form means that it will be exempt from the general time-for-service requirements and case management rules, uniess a defendant fies a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections case willbe subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740, To Patties in Complex Cases. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Shoot to designate whether the ccase is complex. Ifa plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 ofthe California Rules of Court, this must be indicated by ‘completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. Ifa plant designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served with the ‘complaint on all partes to the action. A defendant may fle and serve no later than the time of its frst appearance a joinder in the plaintiffs designation, a counter-designation that the case is not complex, or, i the plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that oe CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES. Auto Tort Conract Provistonally Complex Cv Ligation Ca 7s 22 Persona nuyPropery ach of Coniractarany (06) Ruos of Gout Rules 3400-3405) amaperongta Death Sieachet Renal care “tot toe Reqaon 03) Unnured Moto (0) ihe ene ot cee SaeenSte ‘rotons clam subjectio Ccontractirraty Sreach- Sever Secures Ligation (2), ‘Saran, onc he tm a a aude epee Enwonmeral Ton Tot 0) ean epegan Bac of Cono race ease ther LPI (Perea nuy! ‘erat ing tom prosonely complex (ine PURDNND Pavoni cone Bo conesetsanany (eta esto See cos aoe en Estacion asbesos 04 so pcan ot aa st asey Darage Se rer ree ee ek ot ‘Asbestos Personal Injury? (inex Promissory NoteIColections Cou gta Beam Ce Confessor of utgrent ron Product Liability (not asbestos or Insurance Coverage (not provisionally domestic relations) a ay fo eat compe sate Secret eee Sars Sting A Wedel aiproctee- tres Covrane rat wpe ryt & Surgeons oer contac a7 PetriCecatn of ty of Comer Potsioal Heath Core Conroe Fat “elpreton Up ance idowecce Ging convor Depte tet fremont of agent oes uPDIND 3) rea rcp ine Fremaee yg. 9 Trent foalanvece scetanois Git Complaint roa ‘Cinooraton 0) co en itera aly nxyP OO Wong Even (3) er rn (tse (eo, scat vaalary Cie eal Prove at te) 26) : : vn aa wanay pone auctte o Soe Emotional Disvess Mortgage Foreclosure arn ego tor ue en Emotional Dsress ier Reat Property (not eminent echenina Uehioit Ober IPOD Semon oct cr ter Commerc complet ‘Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort Toreclosure) Cre alec users Toa Buses Uniawtt Sener er GuComea asco Comme) eee Co ig fe riniaton Resuewal 2) Patachip snd Cxpore ‘ian Drage 8) the case mone ea! mare and reese rigs drei tom cher estamos oetrnaton elena to) repo as Cancale Recaro) meee “3 sual Revi Bere ment Feaut (16) ssl Frc (05) Wace Voce Flea Property 10) Patton Re Aiaton Aware (1) eee Foessera Negierce 25) ‘it Macate(0) owe esol aracice i Sintte Mandamus a ier Betessatiaprctce Vhloneomc nts Gout ee rst eat eve) Case Mater Paton fr Rell Pom ae emp ater ten UPON Ton) vwicOter Lites Court case Can laymen on er it Petion ‘Wrongful Termination (36) Res Other Civil Petit (tre sul Review (20 ther Employment (1) Tae of Heath Ofer rcer Notee of Appeat-Labor Connmesiones Repeats ee CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Late

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