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East Jackson Comprehensive High School

Analytic Geometry Syllabus

Teacher: Jocelyn Newell
Phone Number: 706-336-8900
Grading Policy
The grading of your work should be an indication of what you learn in mathematics.
Your final grade for Analytic Geometry at the end of the semester will be calculated as follows:
Unit 1A
Unit 1B
Unit 2
Unit 3A
Unit 3B
Unit 4A
Unit 4B

Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs

Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs
Right Triangle Trigonometry
Circles and Volume
Circles and Volume
Extending the Number System
Extending the Number System


Student Materials List

Scientific Calculator (preferably TI-30XS Multiview)
3-ring Binder (1 or larger)
Lined Paper

Unit 5A
Unit 5B
Unit 6
Unit 7

Quadratic Functions
Quadratic Functions
Geometric and Algebraic Connections
Applications of Probability


Classroom Supply Wishlist

Black EXPO Markers
Copy Paper

Good attendance is essential to being successful in this course. It is strongly recommended that students miss no more
than five days per semester; this is consistent with the elementary and middle school attendance policies as well.
Tardiness will not be tolerated and the school policy for tardies will be followed closely.
Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. All notes missed should be obtained from another student. Students
will have a two week period upon the return to school to complete the work missed which is the policy of EJCHS. If a
student is absent when a test or quiz is given, the student needs to make arrangements with the teacher for a make-up time
before or after school or used study hall at the end of 3 rd period each day. After the two week period, the grade will
become a zero if it is not made up. All make-up work must be completed within the grading period that it was due;
students will not be allowed to complete work that was due in January at the end of the semester in May.

Class Rules:
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared.
3. Follow all directions.
4. Respect everyone.
5. Follow all rules stated by EJCHS and the Board of Education.
1. Verbal warning/Student conference
2. Detention/Writing
3. Parent contact
4. Referral to advisor
5. Administrative referral
***Any severe disruption will result in an immediate administrative referral.
***Cell phones or iPods should not be out during instruction or a testing time.
Students may use such devices from time to time with teacher permission.
**Students and parents may check their grade at any time using the Infinite Campus service.
Students may obtain their codes in the counseling office for this service.
**Extra credit may be given on tests and quizzes from time to time.
No individual extra credit will be given.
**In case of inclement weather, students will be provided with an assignment that will replace the activities that
were missed.
Extra Help: Extra help is available before or after school during regularly scheduled times that will be
determined no later than the second week of school.
Cheating / Plagiarism: Any student who is caught cheating in class will receive a 0 for that assignment and will not be
able to redeem the grade.
Note to Parents: I am looking forward to teaching your child this semester. Expect him/her to have a small homework
assignment almost every night. Please encourage him/her to keep up with his/her work.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Jocelyn Newell
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We understand the syllabus, policies, and expectations for CCGPS Analytic Geometry.
Student Name (please print):___________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________________________

Email/Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________

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