Classroom Behavior and Expectations

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Footes Classroom Behavior and Expectations

This code is designed to aid the instructor in establishing a positive learning environment.
Basic Assumptions of the class:
1. No one will interfere with the instructors teaching
2. No one will interfere with the students learning
3. Each student is responsible at all times for his/her behavior and learning
A. Behavior
1. Respect others and yourself
a. When either the instructor or a student is speaking, do not interrupt!
Everyones ideas are important.
b. Using cell phones and other electronic devices will not be allowed in class,
unless given permission by the teacher.
c. Insults towards other people will not be tolerated!
d. Do not use crude or vulgar language.
e. Keep your hands to yourself.
f. Only water, fruits, and veggies in class, no exceptions!!
g. Keep your area clean! Writing on desks or leaving trash = detention!
** Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students engaging in disruptive behavior, e.g., talking during class,
using cell phones, sleeping in class, entering class late, reading extra-course materials, etc., WILL be penalized.
Such behavior is not only distracting to the instructor, but also annoying to your classmates.**

B. Seating
1. A seating chart will be created.
2. Students are expected to sit in their assigned seat (unless notified by teacher)
3. Dismissal at the end of the period is from your assigned seat and is signaled by the
teacher, not the bell!!
4. Restroom passes will be issued with your Student Handbook for emergency
purposes only! (Admin. Rule)
C. Supplies
1. Bring to class everyday
a. Class text (If requested by teacher)
b. Your notebook or binder including plenty of white, lined paper
c. A writing instrument (pen or pencil)
d. Any previously assigned work that is due (Daily Worksheet)
e. A rested mind and a willingness to participate and learn
D. Home work and Assignments
1. Due Dates
a. Homework and Daily Worksheets are to be completed and ready to be
collected at the beginning of the period on the assigned due date.
Footebooks will be collected on each test day.

E. Participation
1. A portion of your grade may be awarded for participation.
a. Participation may take form in openers, review games, class discussions, etc.
b. Extra credit points are available only when assigned by teacher (Do not ask!)
F. Tardy Policy
1. This class will adhere strictly to school policy.
2. Be prepared to discuss with teacher, and dont make it a habit!
G. Attendance
1. This is not a correspondence course you are expected to be in class!
2. Students are responsible for requesting missed assignments from the teacher
(website) and acquiring class notes from a fellow student or the teacher.
H. Make-ups
1. If agreed upon by the teacher, late work may be turned in for partial credit, no later
than the day before the test date for the current unit.
2. Unless other arrangements are made, no other late work will be accepted!
(exceptions: If you knew of a test date or due date for a long-term project in
advance, you are expected to take the test or turn in the completed assignment!)
3. Make an appointment to discuss make-up work.
a. Failure to keep appointment will result in a grade of 0 points for the
I. Grading
1. Grades will be assigned according to the students percentage of total points:
a. 90% - 100%
= A
b. 80% - 89%
= B
c. 70% - 79 %
= C
d. 60% - 69 %
= D
e. Below 59%
= F
2. Grades will be kept in a grade book, then transferred to the computer for students
to view on Infinite Campus and discuss upon appointment.
a. Each student should document assignments when assigned and returned.
b. Each student is responsible in insuring that all work is turned in and
recorded properly.
c. Keep all returned work as protection against error.
d. If a student is on the verge of not passing the course, a grade report will be
available on the Infinite Campus Network for parent signature.
3. Grades are not given they are earned and you are responsible for your learning!
a. If you do not understand ask!
b. If you still do not understand, make an appointment with the teacher for
individual help or clarification.
c. Pay attention, do the work and you will succeed!
4. For your protection!
a. You are responsible for your materials and liable for any missing or damaged
materials issued to you.

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