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Godrej & Boyce Wiig. Co. Ltd. PLANT—12, ‘Yuuiuall, Bombay~400079. ‘STORAGE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE USE OF STATIC PALLET RACKING Wn st THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE AND THE COUNGIL OF 'SEWA CONSIDER THIS CODE TO REPRESENT CURRENT Good ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE, ITIS NOT MANDATORY AND SHOULD, WHTTOUT PREJUDICE TO ANY LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FROM TIME TO TIME IN FORCE, BE REGARDED ONLY AS A CONSULTATIVE DOCUMENT ON THE SAPETY ASPECTS OF THE USE OF STATIC PALLET RACKING. ‘SEMA SHALL BE UNDER NO LIABILITY OF WHATSOEVER KIND HOWSOEVER CAUSED WHETHER OR NOT DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE OR WILFUL DEFAULT OF SEMA OR TS, SERVANTS OM AGENTS ARISING OUT OF OF IN CONNECTION WITH THE CODE OR ANY PART THEREOF. Cony © sromaaeeeueuent MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 389, sea FLOOR, gAIDGEHOUSE, oped ~ Decanter 1094 ‘SMALLBROOK QUEENSWAY KINGHAMIBS ‘ner andres ol oft 6493577. Fac 021-68 £058 PREFACE “This Manual has bean proarod by opresentaves of racking manufacturers and TENe's Goneierabie woah of txperince in tho porformance of racing products (sod ina multe of apps. ‘such co-operation ony emphasises the msl gard not oly for the need fo estat reco pccgn paramor, bu tha Sone tat aching sutures should contin © be ease Tae doa carat be mpiemortod witout the co-operation of user to whom {ae Manuals ecommondea, Ove consieratin shoud be vn the salty of akg te, Act 1078 a insafetins as maybe nocasary under the Hoa and Safty at Work ‘guindor Menagurert of Healt and Salty st Work Reguatons 1852. CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE USE OF STATIC PALLET RACKING CONTENTS Foneworo 1, GENERAL, $1 SCOPE 2, INMIALINFORMUATON 21 Palas 22 UntLoas 2 Pale ang Equant 26 Open Conins {4 PROVSION OF INFORMATION BY THE SUPPLIERS Si imation eauro® 532 Gapiyaoraton - «4 SAFE RACK LOADING CONDITIONS ANDO STRUCTURAL RGnetooramons OF Bena AID FRAMES 5, ney OPERATING CLEARANCES SE tos Gonos Rove esa 52 Tuactypes 53 clones 4. STABUTY Er atu Regurement or so ing 152 fasting Comecons 4. OPERATION AND MAICTENANCE i tapas 182 erage AequtingReplacoment 183 Hans Reasng Aterton| ‘Be fackPrteton Bg Acotee to Stored Goods 188 Ownage onacing $5 Rearament of Drage to Uris and Bracing Mambers 1 Assesomert 9 Darageo Beas 9, PALLET BACKSTOP: APPENDICES etd |i Pet ocaion- Ene Elevation Mh Pata Lecatrs Fortean ik Pale Lorene Font oalon IN Maitnanee Char and Wing Noce Brag! Sle Load None agp No. 0 some 8 FOREWORD ‘SEMA has produced his document as a Code of Practice to provide nfrmation for uses of pa racing, civ; vretiking a eve tough racking made rom ols formed or het old stow structural mamber. tis ninded {Sprowls guldanee on te corel uae of racking and ascites equment to ensure hat al recognised elements tf eatly a mastaned whl oblaring he optnum use rom the syst. Its almostinovtable that ry specication shouldbe out of dat as son ass completed and mustbo accopted reste inpor of propiary and specal forme of constuction ava far excoed the praccabity of a uly ‘omprenonsive Code of Prat, “To moet this stetton, atlontion has been paid to standard woking practioas ubich have been considered in Fe ee ata ocuifomento prongs ale working environment when using these pradus, By ts means [ir etetdod at ine Gade wll encourage an emvroamenttoconinaed development rather than provdoastaight jacket of established prac, “The Godel document fe Designers and Users of pallet racking product ad ithas been assumed in cating Tee Gao tet design of pale rackng stuctures andthe management of such aysters, whenin uso, unde the ‘action of quad supervision [Alien Standard Documents refered toi tis Code are those curent athe time of pubscaton. Sept 1908 Beach Sai Ta Scope “The purpose of thie Code isto provide information for users of pallet-acks, driven and drivo- through racks made from cold formed or hot rolled stool structural mombors and associated ‘equipment to ensure that the best use of the equipment is achieved and that the recognised ‘eloments of safety are maintained. itis important that the usor shall understands much as possible about the equipment he intends touse for the storage of goods, This not only concerns the racking system but also Involves the ‘quality and type of pallets and mechanical equipment used to load and offload the racking {ystem, To assist in understanding this Code fully, a glossary of terme Is published by SEMA "Terms and Descriptions of Storage Equipment” 2. INITIAL INFORMATION Beto the user purchases racing enupment is [aa Storage Area ‘mporant that adequata information is provided tote supple Dimensions, obstructions, foor 1ype (suspended or (gourd bearing), floor consrcton (bituminous or Detals normal requed include: ance) Por ean capacity bing tees inctucing Tength of fixing an dopth of oor, access, egress and otto PSarae etic ea aoe (eserseneeg ces ‘Tominoogy or Paleo Matrals Handing) andioad caryingeabasty Forérvnandvethroughraceng Type cfgoodstobe stored, requoncy o movement and inealotons.qulivandiypemaybecrtcal.Oreniaton fre protection reauirorents| (fuse must be spt. (aetna Weight (rtucng weight of pal) overal mensions, secur and sabi. Typo, capaciy, medmum it height nd minimum practical operating aso (soe Apne 1). Fr cve-n find crve-hrough racking instllaions.prysical ‘dmansons ofhaning quart wil berocossary to ensure adequate operetng earances, 3. PROVISION OF INFORMATION BY THE SUPPLIERS. Information Required a ‘3 Diaplay of information “To ver shoud bo provided wa formation regaréna (otha technical talons of th us ofthe racking n respect of oad eaying capaci. (othe dangers ofre-arangingtheracking without riot onstato wah He supe: “The supper should provide a Safo Load Notice, & Maintenance Notice and a Waring Notice each MMoasuring net ess tan 125mm x 260mm, The Safo {loa Nobee shou inate the maximum porissabie ‘nit loads and shoul be depayed prominent inthe Garonouee. The maintananeo notice should st the brave requirements fx maintaining tho slaty of the Faking and should leo be prominently deplayod ‘Bramgles of ots are showin Appendix V and V. Loading notices or Kenting systems should bo Changed i tho arengerent ot boams or frames is ‘modi (se 422) | J em mm me AHOAHDHNHRAAALOPEE nD Sheets ‘4. SAFE RACK LOADING CONDITIONS AND STRUCTURAL CONFIGURATIONS OF BEAMS AND FRAMES: ‘Beams are designed onthe basis of tho fad boing unrmly stbuted (UDL over the whoo lengh afte boams and on the basis that load is shared oquaty ewoon Font andback beams of apar. Manuactrors ‘tually sat the sate UDL wrich ean bo supported by ‘prof beams For inbor pals suportearocty by ‘pair of beams, the UDL conaton is usualy mot. For postales, pasts ith ts, theboamissubjectod tbaseros oteancenraadpolntioas, These conations sfloadg can sun higher srosss andor detections Sand the manufacturers acc shouldbe soughton the boa size to bo used, Baan detestons shoud not ‘xco0d one tweshunedth (1/200) ofthe span, 9. ‘5mm on adios span baween useghsot2,7oGmm \Wnsometyeesothanding equpmentalowerdafecion Imtmay benecessary (S008 0). Physicalatratonsto ‘ame, suchas welding on adlzonalboarrs cleats, ‘to, oF changes of use fom timber pallets to. post Palos, shou not take lace wihout te agreoment of the maniac [Banter] Frama consisting of pals o uprights braced together fara_dengned on the bale of complox esos which {Jovern bah te srengih and stabaty ofthe stalaion ‘Generally, manuactrrs stato a maximum aa oad ‘tapacty Basedonasd bay, mult beamlovalstuaton, Thisleanvopersaf ink whicn should not baxcooded Under any ereumstances, but the load which a ram ‘an suppor under @ glen sot of crcumetancos is ‘ovemed by tree man factors (0 Tho spacing ofthe beams, ‘Tho thor apart to boas ar spaced verealy the lowers tho upright oad caryng capaci (i) Tee bam se and rumberf bear als in a by. {W)_ The numberof bays in tho rack ont 4.2.4, Factors (and @ govern ho overt stat ot {rock There are epi design rues for singo Cay ‘esr sing boar ovel racks. 422. Adusimont or removal of boams changes the parameters governing sengh and stably. Such ‘mencimensorany other phy sealatratonsto Uprights {racing shou ot be made wihout erence ote manutachirer 423. Append gvesimportant advice to ser to ‘cure thal salty © matained. Esch rack design Ie based onthe beam loading and he ditance between beam lovle. I hor of those facors noods fo be ‘hanged, ts sont thatharack suppl isconsuies In 1dr thatthe design canbe checked, Increasing the spacing batweonbeamlovelswiloduce the lod carrying capa ofthe ramos beam ads inereas this woud iefoase the tame loacing and ou mean tat a and boa capac in torn of Icadandlor detection couldbeoxcoeded.Tesofactors oul Tendo fale of thor boams or rams. For the sao of employees, operators etc, andthe ‘sour storage of gods tls easedal thal suppliers are ‘ons before any changes are mado 42:4, AppendxVisindeatwe ct hotype ct Sate Load Notices supledby manufacturers. The xamples show some of tha pestle oad configurations. Etch load notice wil state tho palet coniguration Slowed andthe maximum loads ofthe pals tobe florad. would bo impractical to show the. seal ‘tee Normal te oadeoriguraton at cach oval wil be tho samo, Tae example shows some of tho load coniguatens appsceble opal racking, ‘ns important that whore oasng patos vary within a bay orarun of racking th user shoul have dspayed (eal the safe oporating ctor forthe system, “6 apace B04 5. MINIMUM OPERATING CLEARANCES ‘The locaton of pallets within racking instattons ponds on the type of palet under consieraton. ‘Fer pallets talimainyniotwo group wh respects racking dosign-2.way and4.way ony, Detlsofpatet Iocan clearance fo thee two types when viewedin fond elevation are shor in Appendix Location ot plete when viewed in Yrnt levaten Is show In ‘Rependi I This aspects appicable to al types of pales ‘Stages and other cagod pate usu prousion of edaonal accessories to Tccaton wit thoracking, is usual for such pets to ‘be stored wit the depth ofthe Fames ovizontalctarancesreterto ter he pact good, ‘aero these goods overhang tho pallet. Vertical ‘oarences shoud be Ineeasod in proportion to the height of the rack. This ater ecoramenaation can bo ‘vorued whan "ising ca ypectrucklsto be used ‘nore ths operators eovate os pacoront ves, ‘or where th rk hes automatic height select. Dives an Driv-Through Racking require special ‘consideration inorder that tho pales shoule not fal Deiwoen the unnors. Where suppor runner are used ‘tout guides. tarercos should bo as shown inthe Upper ovation ofthe drawing in Append IA ard for tumors wh ues, as shown she ower locaton of thsrawing, maloass, hove clearances shouldake ino account aera deflecon under ia. note: Te Wine side guides ore provides fork tuck perator training shoud highlight the dangers. of trcossve do fore Storing tbe upeghis nthe systor. 2. Two way ont, singlo sided and wing type Pallets are nol normaly sutabo for use wh Drive-In Facking ination. ‘The ort tuckisthe malorfactrwhichnfuonces tho ‘minimum operating ase Trucks general fl ito two ‘road groups in this expec Releconcoto Append illhepto dferontatebetwean tho types n esto. 5.2.4. Thoterequiing tou trough 0 degreee thin thei folond and ooad (erence pana A,B ag) 152.2 Those which remain paral to tho aisto and having forks operating at 60 dagraos tothe dection of travel reference Appendix |, D&E}. Of tose tucks rtored 0 in 5.2.1, countarbalanca Trucks require tho widest sles, wih reach teks ‘equring tho narrowest (farence Appendix |B & © respeciveh). Catan pedostan operatd rucks may tao requ generous operating space. Wh al pea Inte gu, he ae wth wil bo tare by tho size ofthe pal being handed, ‘Silay, tor aro Wo types of ruck covered by group {5.22 (reforenee Append D&E). Both types usualy porate in asl only a tle wider than the tucks ttomseves, Bocae of tis foatuo an Indopende moans of guiding is normal requires. ‘Gangway learancas ar usualy lss ofa problem with the excopen pemaps of cota ruc nuded win ‘oun 5.22 (Aopendit D & ) For ‘nsance, @rarow ‘Ssiotrvckwnch can only pick rom one face ofthe aisle ‘would req to laa tho ilo a un Brough 180, ‘egraes to reum and pick rom he oppose ace ofthe ‘Sao Thus the gangway woulsnoodtobe wide enough foal for hon at casos, tho tuck manutacturrs ‘ecommendations shoud bo followed in determining ‘Salo and gangway cnonsions annananannsn nnn tals as tae ent aaa. ts é ‘ ‘ € ‘ CSV eiag ‘The main factors effecting tho stably of racing Inatalatione are the heightto-cepth rao and the ‘equremont for racks f0 bo fed to the for. Free ‘ending racks (Le, not fod to the foot) are oot fecommended wheee mecranical handing equement ‘The helght of a rack for the purposes of assosing ‘ght. dopa shal bothehightfhetop most ‘acedboam Where ack ar joned togtherback 1 Sack by run spacer to frm Soube sige racks, the topta oth rack aall be to ovra dep ofthe Wo fremos andthe space been provide that such run Spacers ining te frames together ae spaced at ot tore than 28 metre coies veraly and located fjacent to rame nodes. “Ei Minimum Requirements for floor tng 65.1.1. Where negnléepth ratio does nt excood 6:1 Ss racks are subjected fo superimposed ads pus Fidei hrizonalforces fom oadingandoticedng {GF booms, ony those uprights which are adjacent to fos and gangwaye rogue flor oa. 16.1.2 Where heighopt rao does excead 6:1 bt (oes nol exoeod 10,4 and where racks are subjected {oauporinposedloads,pusincidertalhorontalfrces fom eadng and offioading of beams, all upghts requite for eng. “The xinasreferredto ov should be apple hough ‘ho base pat of tho upright and be capa of sary tossing the antipated horizontal shear and veri! pi foros, Driven and drivothrough racks should always be Considered ae special cases and be designed ‘sccoringly byte suppl, parteuleringotenee being placed on he foe fang. “2 Restraining Connections Ware single sided ack exceed absight io dap rao 1110" but donot excood 20, each ame shal be ‘stained by connection tocho’ substantial structures ‘pablo of providing tho. support necessary. This froin wil be met ithe sgl sldod rack frame Is Comected atthe tp tothe op ofa double sided rack frame. For more specie deal, of fr nformatin on fpplcatons where rack fo subjected to specie oeeontal forces euch ag canes or trucks wich have trast steady devens, the adic ofthe supper shou be ouaht Restraining ties to the bulaing fabric are not recommend, however wen such es are requed, ‘hock shal be rade that such vansnted loads are ‘thin the potential of ho uing suc oorances, fer to Suchronuremerts shold ance ecion ano we racking and Mek Ny For dota ase the SEMA document voting narrow ale 7. ERECTION TO! ERANCES agreed betweont ust Mace. Coss ale op mat bo small and the Ne rong netaaions 100" level lor ruck ‘or odor pickers may or ignment and cs aan baa on casos ‘ge beam deflons. ann ane @ 0 Mthi wewvvvvvovvuvvvesvuvunveeveuneueeevose 8. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE “Te foregoing sections ofthis Manual advise to user cnhow toasaosehie racing requrementssuch thatthe Feulting intallation mests those requirements sdequtaly and safely The purpose of is secton sto Sess tho importance of ensuring thatthe racking ietalaton coring to ba both serviceable and sal. “To est taco fo be coneious of sat, for economy, racking components are produced fom Hah gauge ‘Sectors and ths natural nas tho amount of abuse Stich an bo absorbed wahoutimpaing recognised loves of alt. Fortier formation see SEMA Code (Pract for Design of Stati Racking. Cartan user industries are parca prone to net famage fo the racking, Such contons ccout whore Figh rough and rapid movoriont of goods form the tnain activity, particularly where. reach and (Chuntealanes ruts aro usedin overwide aes, Ut [bods and pats in poor condon can also be ahazar, ‘whist tor ceaninss, operator silleveladconton efor itt woke have a considerable Influence on the ably fo mastain a sto racking instalation. The {oe shoudbepreparodta discuss suchfactor ithe Supoter and'whore hazardous shuatons are dene, ‘hosecan usualy be ascommodated, see 8.3 oppest= ita foregoing has oceved due consideration tsi femal tho responsibity of tho usr to maintain the ‘aching In reasonable conlon This is best achieved Dyer traning and requir inspecton. Inspections loud be son as planned malrionance and cared bouton a rogulr bass i_tnepection ‘regime of regular inspectons of the pat racking Italaton shoud be cared cut a series of evel of competence. 1. Warehouse tatfandtorktnuckoperators should bouneouragedtoreportalldamageimmedatey & ‘sous to ensure appropriate action akon Yo tau the sat of operatives ans others 2. Regularformalingpectons of tracking shouldbe Cindorakon by warerouse supenion at weekly ‘andmonhlyinorvasstoldenty,andac upon. ‘samage not reported in) above 5. Yoary,orhatyeary.ormalingpectons house Carta ou by ecricay competent nial, ‘ily exporonced in he weit and catego- aban of racking damage. This Individual might bea tly rained member of tne management, rack manuactrers focal exper oF an independent constant, For furthor information on theso mater soo "SEMA Guidoinosto,6 Guid tothe ConductofPalt Racing tndShelvng Surveys” Sooalso"Palet Racking Safety: ‘A Users Gulde Monograph No.2 pulshod bythe Inet of Logistics (8.21 That whichsigitcanty changes recignleross- sectional profile of any main load bearing moma {8.2.2 That cn sonicaty dfoms the sraighiness of any main load basing mombers. 1823. That tich sgiicanty woatens ined members ‘trough weld broakages o fale of bts. 8.24 Damaged pales. 31 Me-algnment of acs £832 Incoret oaton of beam comet. 1893 Loosonoss a foo fos. 1834 Disospomont of acossores £835 Spllae of gods 836 Flor sang 8.7 Fock Mckee 30 Maing beam conoctor ot. £39 Wrong pet pals ‘Scapa Stone rtor to m2 and 83 ‘Sve and Froqued, advise on th Hequeney ot inapectons. ea Rack Prowcton ‘were necessary, stops should be taken to protect ‘oror uprights rom bang suck by fork it trucks anc ‘ther vetias. A fst tno of defence should Be ‘Roopporated, such 28 renewable column guards of (Gases, which prevent he ruck goting 100 ose to romain racing struct. Colurn protectin in other seas key one damage shoud elsobeconsiered. {sale means of access to stored goods should be ‘roided whoronscessary Inno crcumstances should Porson! be pemited to clim en racking sutures. 8. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Sie ee {1 Sm or MAK bond in upg! scron Inge mere gouge length 10 metre gouge lena of ae Fig 1. Showing typcal Upright Sections and Method of Measurement OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ‘ny dammago 19 rack uptight wil reduce ts Sead ‘ming capac, The grate the damage the greater tl bo the reduction in srngth un the upright ‘olapees atts normal working load ‘Damage to brecing socton wil reduce the capaci of facing ames to witand accidental onal impacts {ind may algo reduos the al load carving capably frame uprights Inordero minimis the possly of olapsecozuring treough demagod members, the folowing res 2s (Guens 87 and8.8fortmeasurementofsamage are ‘ocommended, using these este noma margins ‘St saey il, however, be reduced, andthe suppl ‘should heotoe bo conse. “37 Rawossment of Damage to Uprights fd Bracing Mambere {874A sles staight edge 1.0 metre ong spaced ortct wth aft surface onthe concave sido of ‘Semaged member such atthe damaged ae is Cantal as near as possible tothe longth ofthe saight fg (200 1.1) 1.7.2 For an upright bont in the direction ofthe rack ‘oamspane hemaximum gap between he upiahtand ‘Shang edge should not exceed 5.Orm, 10.79 Tor en upright bent n tha plane of tho frame fraceg the maximum gap between the Upright and ‘aight edge should not exceed 8 Orn. {8.7.4 For an upright wich has been damages such that hore isa smuanoous bond in bon longitude thd laterldroctone theft to ight and fot to back efomaton shal be moasured seperate a n 87.2 fd 97.3 and the appropiate its cboorved 1875 For bracing members bort n er plan he (ap between slg edge and bracing momber should tot exceed fOr. 187., Tose ros apy oly damage wich prosions trowralendin amembor They donctappythighy {aeaised damage suchas dors, ouckls, oss, ps. Monberssubjestedtothosedefoctshouldberelacod. {eal bonds over a length of es han one mot nay be judged pro-atato ie -Omat lms 6g. ove" 1 ha mete fongts haf ofthe peesciod its app Mombore subocted to tears. and spits should be replaced. 18,77, Under maximum permissible loacng conditions ‘ithmasimem deviation {rom staightnessinany upright ‘rood magnet sat wil st Wherethe ceviatons froin oxcoss of 7.210875, the camaged members ‘Should bo unloaded and the super consuted, 8.1 Beamswinaturalydotctunder normalloading onations fo a madman permissbie of span! $00. ‘Ths deflecton shoud disappear when beans are urioaded and should not be confused vai permanent deformation caused Dy ‘overloading or mpact damage Damage should be measured following teria: 18.8.2 Residual vertical delomation should not exceed 20% of normal deletion under oad as dened ingot. Residual ltra daforation should not ‘exesed 40% of the normal vorial defection cer load os dofined n 8.8. 1883 Beam end connectors which show any ceary ee csmmtonsheub ininaedandexpon ‘vie sought rom tho equipmont suppl. 1.8.4 Welded connectons bawoon boam secon né tnd eonector shoud show no sigs of racking st the 9. PALLET BACK STOP ‘Tho use of pallet back stops attached to racking structure i ot widespread Decauso of th dangor of ‘Sructural damage ang snot recommen. raking layoute are correety dosignea to ave adequate cloarance between back to back patets or lads, ot atecnatvely between s pat or load and any oer (structions ate back af rack, thon back tops ae Uinnocessary fora tranod crver to depost a palit ‘meet ad safely. (Seo Append, Ths th font ‘2 of tho pats place ins preserBed pasion ‘estive oth ont supporing bear then he back ace wil utomatcaly lear any odstucton i the lad or pales ofth size and ypo for which th instalation Sesigned. ‘back stops must be proved thn they should be designed fora: (@)Aspocte load or trust which can bo ‘ogultod, og, such a ean be proviso fe by Shoe trough forks o table wth a sipping uch asa moans of regutng the twos (©) Asa replaceable waning dovice which wil (9ve way without structural damage to any Important ack members. N11 a) “A. Pedestrian Stacking Trucks “Tse combine the freon ofa pale ransporter anda for it ruck and provide high degre of moby. ‘Such units are ideal for short pant tes under cramped conatons. Manually Operated Stacker This elementary type of oad anspor incorporates hycraoaty operated but requires manual sri Usually rostctd to moving post pats and hoavy ‘raion parts around to naan, Cant normaly ‘Bek alts up rom te oor (Capacty: 4 Ytonne Max Unt approximately 1.5m ‘A much more robust and sophisticated unt than the ‘marualyeporated stacker, Pecosian o ior convoed ‘ith peter operation oth vrtcaly and herzortaly Can pick allt of tho oor Capacity: 4 1 tonne Max Lift with telescope mast upto 3m ib dh a a: ain aeneannaicicine a aaannan annanem a cam 3. Countorbalance Fork Trucks Paha ator pera deel or gas powered abut uc wich cary thelr oa in ont. The nama ie dered fon the {act toads placed onthe fore are courte roslanced byte weight of the veice over there whoo. Wide feta oot enigns evatabo fo moet he mltude of tasks and environments encounterad LUhtwolght, Pedestrian Controtd Lightweight, Rider Controlled svyweight, Rider Controlled Normal a tree whoeled vehicie which provides « {rotor oad caring capacly and gone greater ‘puathows than that ofa pedestrian stacker, Mostnot ‘Sot the accessories at can be itd othe eonvan, inal der operated for truck can be used. Usod rainy whore stacking ator than transportation ithe prin requremeont ‘Similar to the above but wh operator mount onthe ‘ruck The handing to considerably higher. Ccapacty: 41% tonne ur: ‘Armuch mor robust ruck than that dasetbad above Four whoolodwithalarge arcunt of ef-weightthrown rote rear wheels, giv ta higher counterbaiane fae thus ahigh oad eapaciy. Many attachments are ‘vale for converting tho basi rucko ut ort types of oad Ccapaciy: + -9 tonne Lu Convertionah em, (Special) 12m aa ‘ “This type of unis basicaly afork tuck whose design enables the loadtabe retracted within he wheel bas. This minimises the overall werking lng equted ard allows the ae wh tobe reduced. Moving Mast Resch Truc. Employs forward mounted fad wheels which enable ‘ha erkcariage to move horizontal witin tho wines ‘aso, so thal he forks can axtond fonwar or each 10 pickup or depos heicad. Tha mast. th forks andthe Toad mow togthor. Ride operated. Capsety: Y= tonne Max, Lt: 10m | Roach movement is achieved by a pantograph mecha- nism, whereby te forks andthe ead move away tom the site mas. der oporated, (Capaciy:t-2¥4 tonne Max it 10 é € € € € cf « e € e é € € e € e € € e € e e =] e e€ © APPENDIX | “This ype of equipments requenty confused with or clase together wih Reach Treks. For our purposes, tho Nazow Als Truck can be considered aa ane whose base dogs not havo to tun win the working le © {dopa end vetievo ts load In he way tha iste wih can be Kept toa minimum, Se aE nen “This type ofuntisiealtrlongruns down narow aisles _and can eeom bo boson for epace ving and fr ll ‘oundperfonmance. Tacorveitonalsideloaers stack ‘onone side ofthe slat tine and have the drawback that they rege a age 90" turing ee in ordr to ere on both rack facos. This i to somo tent ‘vercaro on he dual ie fader which also improves Pallet handling tines, butivelves higher eos. Capacity: up 01% tonne Lt Height 9 12m “Tris typ of rk ft with a args telescope mas. (Turet Truck) ‘Apart om the fcity to oxond vrtcaly, the mast is fgidand stacking eatvoved by 2 180° rotating Mead at thotopottha mast The Neadslds smaystcdepost tnd rotieve ten this way, both sides fen aisle an be served without ha neod for to buck to fun ‘und, Nartow aisle rotating fad tucks ae normally | ‘ides by racks aan te floor oral the basa othe rack Ccapacty: 1-174 tomne Max Lit 12 Order Pickers Gaara [= oer rites 78 at vel at and above “The funtion of an ore lke eo provide tho tacit fran operator to hand pick ‘Tonal pcking height, Many diferent designs aro avaiable but in tho main, te unts are dervatves of ‘Totonal fake with a cape added 1 or svosthvted thet fos The machines workin ales on inches igor tha thebase ofthe tuck and are tus Nighy offcont nek uiiston of space Si shits, rotating masts ‘a ont located fork versions are avaiabe on ho larg and sophisticated unis. ‘Conventional “This ype of eer peter 6 basad on a conventional fork unt with approprato mocicatons made to facatatecariago of the opealo. Many sccossoios ineudingeagetrameworss, working platforms androlr piafoen aro avamabe CCapaciy: 6-1 enn LU Height: 6m This classification covers ordr pickers specially ‘eeignedtor te purpeso- mst alte heavy duy anc Soprstcatd end ofthe sl. The nits Incorporate Suchfaciies a traversing load mastsandinmorethan (ne case a dual mast with indopendotloadloperator onto The ede shit allows pallets to be handled for ‘load ‘one greatadvantage oftho oo path ype thtrm ree paths used to deceive those uns whieh ae capable Ermovementoutsdotreracks without guderas-tobe Sty accurata moat trot all lage peers require Soma form of idanca wit te aisles) itathey ean be Wancforred fm one ito to anathor without the necessity of expensive brlége vane uns. AMAAHAAAAATDAAADUDAUDALALITILILT AAR Udy a PALLET LOCATIONS END ELEVATION (All dimensions in mm) 2 WAY ENTRY typea mensions al eae |v ee FA r 70 | eo | 100 | 00 | 700 _| 100 so00 | 750_| 150 veo | so | 150 ro | 70 | 75 sez 00 | mo | 5 ooo | sco | 100 X= overall depth of pale. Y= dimension over ouso of beams = minimum clearance betwoon back 0 ack pallets or eats FN TN ial) PALLET LOCATIONS FRONT ELEVATION (All dimensions in mm) MINIMUM CLEARANCES = Beam el b wie |e e 000 | 75 15 % coo | 7s | 25 | e000 | too" | tor | 125" 2000 | oor_| too | 180" ‘lvaiabe operating postion die dle le ‘Beam Height is the dimension tom for top of beam ‘2 = dearance btweoon pai load a upright = clearance Detwoon adjacent pallets o oads = loarance between undorsda of beam and op ‘tiond or pallet wharo ro automate Nght ‘section fs used i ee + Those dnensons may be reduced in otan Greumstances, fr example for teks wih an ana a eee ip (N20 3\ PSN PALLET LOCATIONS DRIVE-IN RACKING FRONT ELEVATION 4 = 25mm MIN, (thou! pallet guides) b= 20mm MIN, (wth alt guides) APPENDIX IV MAINTENANCE CHART Racking Structures 1. Refer to supplier's drawings and/or technical data for maximum safe load. . DO NOT alter structure without either: a) checking effects against supplier's technical data b) obtaining necessary approval from supplier. = Instruct operators in correct use of equipment. (NOTE - damage due to impact can seriously impair safety). 4, Conduct regular inspections to check for: a) correct application and use. b) loads within allowable safe limits. ¢) accidental damage to or dislodgement of structure components. ». Refer to SEMA ‘Code of Practice for the use of Static Pallet Racking’ for more detailed information. Ifin doubt ALWAYS contact suppliers. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY: ¢ é € é € € € MUALTNTAAATADAITAANADAAAAAKAA WARNING NOTICE FOR SAFETY'S SAKE REPORT ALL RACK DAMAG ACCIDENTS CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY: 'a) Example of Safe Load Notice INT yan MAXIMUM LOADS - Kgs 15140 MAXIMUM BAY LOAD NOTE:6 Boum Levels @ 2480 = 14,9009. Frame Capaciyon thes pches 15.140 Ko MAXIMUM LOADS - Kgs SUPPLIED REF. No, MAXIMUM 3795 MAXIMUM 3795 MAXIMUM 13765 MAXIMUM BAY LOAD ‘EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY: NOTE: 2 Beem Lovels @ S795 « 1,985 Ko. Frame Capacty on these pitches 19,765 Ka, Ou Re CMe lt) Uli) ad MAXIMUM LOADS - Kgs MAX. ee ee LOAD | sema NOTE: Beam Levels 927, 1614 ad 1800 = 4241 Ka, Frame Capac on those pitches 4641 Ko EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY: SULILIALL 111 | MAXIMUM LOADS - Kgs SUPPLIED. REF. No. . |AXIMUM BAY LOAD NOTE: 6 Boar Lavois to eystom @ 2050 each = 11,250 Kq, Frame Capacity on these pitches 12,700 Ka

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