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394 Design of Machine Elements Design of Welded Sons oe 15x10° _ 1337, 1 Na? © Solution: Bending aes, Oo" TT" Tigv7 Th h This problem canbe solved by the following two methods: Resultant ses, cording o mame shear srs theory Method 1 : : rows PSG 113, he ses induced in this type of welding Leafy ,,,(2 toa beer = 2 (BP 66M, oe HE) ool E) goats aD enss . ar 2285 vin? 566.5410 ot 170 = ee! a=) f hx Rx50? i ) ‘Alowable shear ses inthe veld material oe om smokin tress 125 7 j= BBL ste 125 125 actorof fey 16 Method 2: Equating this Teac with the allowable shear stress of 78.125Nhun* mans 2 572.85 7125 =8.6mm Say Sum Ans, Result: ‘The weld siza, = 9mm A manual winch for a sailing ship is shown in fig. 3.5%. The maximum tensile force from the sail during trimming ‘operations is ISKN and ate at a distance of 100mm from the deck plate. A deck plate is welded to the pivot support tem of 50mm diameter as indicated. Determine the required size of filet weld for the support stem to deck plate connection if the allowable shear stress in the weld is 85MPa. Fig. 3.57 ‘The welded joint given ithe problem is subjced to direct shear stress and bending sts Area of weld, A = x Dt= x x 50 x 0.707 x h= 111A mm? P_ 15000 135.5 atin 7 Nm Bonding moment, M, = Px ¢ = 15000 x 100 = 1.5 x 10°N-mm Frow able 32.6 oc PSGDB 11.6 Direct shear stross, t= I weld thickness is considered : (22 orm = PS orth 1388498 Ane My _ 1sx1o _ 1080.54 7,7 Teak Resultant stress, accocding to maximum shear stress theory Bending stress, = 1 2 1 /f10s0.s4 135) _ 356.8 tae tye, eae Eff M8054) 4 (185) 556.8 vie aoa = SEY oY = Sr tis uequetooe sen me 5568 : -SSmum Say Tun Ans. Result: ‘The weld size, h= Tmt 3.96. Design of Machine Elemer Bei ees A plate bracket used to support a machine, support plate and a central loading plate, as shown in fig. 3.58. Calculate the necessary size of the fillet weld if the allowable shear stress in the weld is $0MPa. The arrangement should provide a factor of safety of 1.6. assembled using steel angle sections welded to a | orate on supe pate ee ij ston ‘calor Fig. 358 Given data: WY SON MPa FOS = 1.6 To find: Weld size, © Soluion: ‘Tho weld structure given in the problem is subjected to direct shear and bending stresses ‘Area of weld, A= 600 +900 + 50 50-4 50 + 50) x 0.707h A= 1414 om? B_ S0xl0” _ 3536 Direct shear stress, e= Ze ST = SS Bending moment, Ms = P xe 0 x 10 x 1800 = 90 x 10°N-mm L Section modulus, Zp —% » Design of Welded Joins oreo 3.2.7 or PSGDB 11.6 i bed a oon eee wold is considered a fine of unit thickness. Since the structure is oy) 00 ee eee ee weld portion (1, 28.3). Kea | Ret Then the value is multiplied by 2to pot x offal portion Tar" Te hat by= lo, PAUP) + (log * Aah) + (lo, +Aghs) A,= 1x 900 9000? to 0 1 = Snot mm) bd? 1x900° Toy = SL 200 50.75 x 1h vr Bd 50x? Jam fg, = 2S = 4.167 mnt By AIS hy = F—y, =450~450=0 450-0 450m + d= (60.75 x 1084900 C+ (4.187 +50 450%) 4+ (4.167 +80» 450°) 81 x 108 For fill orton ofthe wld stwture Fox =2 = 81 «10° = 162 x 10%mm* 1 Section modulus, Z, © 200 ) y= P8450 thickness of the weld is considered Z = 360004) « 0.707 = 2545208 mn? 4G _ 90x10" 3536. Bendingstes, o9= = og pwn! Resultant stress, 3.98 Design of Machine Elements ( blo shear sires, 1= 2 = 3D 4 Sonim” ‘lowable shear stress, ¢= “ESE = FE quating the value of taf the allowable shear stress, 1803 i cf 3s6mm Say donme 50 Result: Weld sizo, h= 4mm 1A fabricated sel bracket frms th suppor fora machine hosting system as shown in fig 3:0 snd const of two boted connections and a welded pate connection. Calculate the required filet weld sie forthe 30mm thick plate o baseplate connection i the allowable shear tet in the weld is 20M 15} (2st) To find: Weld size, h Design of Welded Joints 3.99 © Solution: From table 3.2.4 ar PSGDB 11.3, for this typeof weld 424PL _ 424x250? «280 ae Pol T* Bending stress, = = 28914 vp? OT01P _ O707H25«10" Diret shear stress, r= S77 pets According to maximum shear stress theory, resultant shear stress = 6.8mm say 6.5mm Au. Result: The weld size, b = 6.57 ae aes Apts Stn lng ard 3mm hick is welded aright ane te enor plata by mm fll wld ae shown in fg 46 Catala the manson torque that can be exerted by the plate if the permissible shear stress in weld material is 45N/mu’. Given data: Length of weld, /= 500mm Size of weld, h= 12mm Permissible shear stress, t= 43N/inum? To find: Maximum torque exerted, Mr 3.100 Design of Machine Elements Design of Welded Joints aor @ Solution: = AGB AB = JGO) +50" = 583mm From table 3.2.4 or PSGDB 11.3, (e0y Maximum shear stress on this type of joint, core = FF, 30 424M, we 42a, © Gyr BM.=31.76 x 10Nmm =31.76<10Nm Ams Result: ‘Maximum torque that can be exerted, Mi= 31.76 x 10°Nem A bracket shown ie fig. 3.62 caries a load of IOKN. Find the size of the weld ifthe allowable shear stress is not to exceed 75N/mm’. [MU ~Apr'97] Given data: Load, P= 1OLN= 10 10 Allowable shear stress, = 75Ninan?* To find: Size of the wold, © Solution: Azea of the wold, Fig 3.62, A= 2x 0.707 hx f= 2 0.707 x hx 60 = 84.84xh mn? Primary or droet shear stress, Lond(P) _ 10x10" _ 117.8689 ‘Area(d) MR Ninn? seen «= 2120-1500 ‘Twisting moment, M,~P x e= 10 « 10° x 150 = 1S00000N-mm = St eosias a3 From table 3.2.7 or PSGDB 11.5 Polar moments tinea, J» #2384") ‘ jp _ CP 060), rope Ee reoror a 6 Jo 237552 emt Xr _ 1500000%58.3 _ 368.1299 Secondary sess, 2 1500000583, te 237852 A Nooo Resultant stress, ¢= he 587mm say, 6mm Ans. u Result: Size ofthe weld, = Gam A plate of 200mm width and Oda long is welded to a vertical plate by placing it on tke vertical place to form a cantilever with projecting length of 480mm and overlap between the lates as 120nan. Fillet welds done onal thee sdes A vertical load 30kN sapped athe fee nd ofthe cantilever plat pralel tits wlth of 200m. If the allowable weld stress is 95MPa Determine the weld ise. BU-Now'96) Given data: 3.102 Designof Machine Elements ‘With ofthe stot plate, d= 200mm 20 Length ofthe plat, Z = 600mm Projecting length = 48000 Overlap between the plate = 120mm Vertical load, P= 30kN=30 x 10° Allowable weld stress, = 9SMPa = 95 x 10°Nin® = 95mm To find: Size ofthe weld, © Solution: [As discussed in the chapter 3.2.8, thero are two stresses induced in this sytem @ Primary shear stress (1) Gi). Secondary shear stress (x2) due to twisting moment (M) ‘Area of the weld, A =0.70Th (2b + d) = 0.707 x x (2120 +200) = 311 mn? 30x10" _ 964 = 288 Nim 3 1207 = po = 7mm = 33mm Gain 3007 overt, e = 480+ (120 ~N,)=480-+ (120 ~33)= $6 ‘Twisting moment, Mi= P= ¢-=30 % 10? $67 = 17010000 —— AB F = o- wv, F 2 r= (00-33) +1007 ~ 132 548m GB RT i258 From table 3.2.7 (or PSGDB 11.5) and considering the thickness of weld ‘t’, the polar moments of inerti, r= 0B AB = 0,656 Design of Welded Joints 3.103 2 2bed [2% rea] tH [ese 120° (20. 2007 soe orem [#2 0.7074} 2649407 Sh Sccondary sess, = MX? 17010000%132.548 $1 J,” 2689407 Sh Resultant strss, v= fr} 423 + 25,5,Coxd Sh mm? 6s 7 b= EN este pm Aa Result: Size of the weld, = 10mm "Calculate the value of P, ifthe weld size is ‘15mm and the allowable stress is not to exceed 80Nimm. (w-0e 97] Given dat Load = P Weld size, b= 15mm Allowable stress, ¢ = 80Nimm? Tofind: The load, P| © Solution: Arca of weld, A= 0.707 h (2+ d) Fig. 3.64. = 0,707 « 15 x 2 150-+200) = $302.50? fete Por s8610 Winn? Primary shone stress, = “Area 33023 3104 Design of Machine Elements Ecconticity,¢= 400 +150 Ny From table 3.2.7 (or PSGDB 11.5) Nyx = On asm Bid ~ Quiso)s200 = 400 + (150—45) = 505m ‘Twisting moment,M/=P x e= Px 505 =505P Nm oo aa a 05 +1007 = 145mm GB 10s cosg= Bo M2 wo704 rus (-00=150-N, 150-45 «10Snn) M, Secondary shear stress, = Polar moments of inertia bs? Besa) |* i ab+d he [esueezor ss s0 207) aro eta 2 25150200 Jue = 52008687.Smmm% 505 PS 20086875 Resultant ses, [rah 42,1, cos [iasenao™ of «Gaon cio pf «2x 686.10" P) eG aonn10P)o724 80" 1.549% 10°P Nim? 408 x 10°P Ninn? P=51639.7N= SL.64kN Ans. ct Result: Load, P= 51.64N Design of Welded Joints 40s A eae A route board of a resaurant placed on the platform has the dimensions indicated as shown in ‘fig 365. Ditto wid presure effects a masinum horizontal load of 4RN is considered to apply athe centre ofthe sgn. The vera supporting column consists ofa 100 mim aside diameter pipe and is welded to a base plate, Determine the necessary weld site for the count bate plate connection. Toke + SMP © Solution: ‘The structure given inthe problem is subjected to direct shear, secondary shear as well as bending seca Direct shear ss, cou! hn 4 4000 mda 1000 TAOOO7ET eters kn Ba = Winn ih From table 3.2.3, or PSGDB 11.3, when the structure is subjected to the Fig. 3.65. twisting moment only, the secondary shear stress aw 28M, _ 2.83%4000%1000 RD? x hxl00? 360,32 h Myxer "Note: scan also be calculated by using the relation, Resultant shear stress due tory and 3 af 36032)" _ 3606 a 7 3.105 Design of Machine Elements From table 3.2.3. or PSGDB 11.3, when the structure is subjected to the bending ‘moment only, the bending stress 566M, ADP 5.85 %.4000%3500, ( 3+ f.35m=2500nn) xt OO" ee 2 M, Note: c can also be caleulted by using the equation o = ‘According te maximum shear stress theory, the resultant stress due to and cis HE) 4 toe a 3 _bu2 tne OY Equting this val fo the given + value wiz = BLD fi h n= 15.4mm say 16mm Ans, 3 Result: ‘The weld size, A~ 6mm ‘The 50 mm square arm is connected to the flange plate via a continuous fillet weld. Determine the minimum weld size for the square arm to flange plate connection assuming the vertical load Of LIKN ifthe allowable shear stress in the weld is 75MPa, Design of Welded Joints Fig. 3.66 Solutions The wel rst gon in he beni eel te lowing ee 1) Dishes dtl 124 1) Sony wr es den tvising moment (1:22 20m) i) Bogs bing mom (1.27 4500m) Dirctser sens o> Be ge HHO 8 A” Boxa)0707 "i M,xr Secondary shear stress, t= “wistng monet Mi Pe; = 1200 x 200 = 2400008 From able 3.27. or PSGDB 1.6, for rectangular section, jn Ge 6 A wold thickest considered bea) Jee 6 <0.707h = GOS 0.707h= 11783334 307 Design of Machine Elements Tho diane, r= faBPaac = seas" =3535 = 240000%35.35 72 yi, T7s333h he mes Pxe, Resultant shoar stress, «= Ms Bending tess, o»= Z. from table 3.2.7 or PSGDB 11.6 If thickness of weld is considered 2e=(niadS jorera z (oso fo 07h Z,= 2356.67 gy= 1200x450 _ 229, 6" 735667 ‘The resultant stress du to + and op according to maximum shear stress theory. psy _ 2 7 a 1 Io Feae = pie [= h Enquating this tgac With the value of given in problem am 5-2 A = 36mm — say dmm An. Result: ‘Weld size, = 4mm Design of Welded Joints RSS The suspension stub al essen fora wehice trailer ie shown nf. 267. The whet reaction each sub ae SKN. The suspension assembly soled rectly ont the chas by means of four bolts, whist « 30min, diameter circular section is welded onto the suspension bracket Calulatethe weld sze‘W required f the permis shear sires in the welds 00MP © Solution: ‘The weld structure given in the problem is subjected tothe following stressos (Direct shear sess due to load 15k (Gi) Secondary shear stress due to twisting moment (1,54 x 305mm) (Gi) Bending stress due to bending moment (1.SEN « 400m) P_ 1500 | _1300 225 Ditet shear ess, = 2 tt = Nin? st A mxDt x30x0.107A b bs Secondary shear stess due to twisting moment can be calculated from the equation given in able 3.2.3. or PSGDB 11.3 (considering only Mon the structure) 283M, 4579 naa 2,83%1500%305 RD x h : Ninn x30? "Note: 4 an also be calculated by the equation t2 Resultant shear stress due to rand tis BY PY tne 3.10 Design of Machine Elemenis ‘Bending stess due to bonding moment can be calculated from the equation given in able 3.23. or PSGDB 11.3 (considering omly Ms on the structare) 366i, conts0400 De x30? xm = 2? ih ‘According fo maxiaurn shear stress theary, the resultant stress due to and eis ae (ay (Sey Eaquatng ths tp value with the given valu of 100MPa 755.54 too = 554 a A= 788mm say Som Ans. A circular bar is welded to a steel plate as shown in fig. 3.68. The maximum load 1SKN is “applied repetitiously. Determine the size of weld required for 10,000,000 cycles. Design of Welded Joints Sud © Satin: "The odin tesa profes det sha ada eng adn he jon Diet sheets 20 P___ = SHI? ise, “reaoftd “axa (etdisreted ane, = 11936 fom Tobe 3.24 0 FSGDB 11.4, fr lar coe eton 2-7 olds wate sine) My. Pxe _ 15x10 Bending stress, oy = 2b wx PE. 15x10°x250 Ze Ey Raye 4 = 2984N/inm Resultant stress sto drct shear and bending soos tea foroe = (Gonay G93 =2986:38¥/mm ‘The maximum sttess varies fiom 298638nm in one direction to 2986:38Minm in the opposite direction, ‘The allowable fatigue foree’mm for 2,000,000 eycles is 8914 i or 1537.6N/nm vshichever is less. 1 since the load is completely reversed, sole ‘The allowable Gag ores por mi of wld fOr 10,000,000 eyes is 2,000,000 = 482Ninm ‘The weld size can be obained by dividing maximum shear sizes to allowable fatigue force por mi of weld 298638 482 = 594.27N/imm J" 6 e201 forbatin) = 6.19 say 65mm Ans. Result: ‘The weld size, = 6 Smum 32 Design of Machine Elements Leone eee Ee CHAPTER -3.3, 3.3. BONDED JOINTS — 3.3.4. INTRODUCTION Bonding with adhesives, is 2 very popular method of joining, whose history dates back to 3000 years. It finds application in assembly technologies very rapidly and extensively, some of them being Iabeling, packing, book binding and footwae. It’s usefelness came into light during ‘World War Il when it wae applied for assembling of load bearing components in sierafs. 3.3.2, ADHESIVES. Adhesive is « filler material that binds pats together. It is a non-metallic substance, mostly a polymer. The parts being joined are called “achenands’ ‘Types of adhesives ‘Adhesives are very many in number, They can be classified as follows. 1 According to thelr function 4, Structural adhesives ‘These perform the mechanical load bearing function (e.g Thiokol - automobile rear window adhesives) ’. Holding adhesives “These can, bear only Himited loads, but mainly form unstressed joints. (e.g House hold appliance) «. Sealing adhesives Perform the fimction of excluding gases or liquids from a joint. (e.g Caulking components). 2. According to chemical structure a, Natural adhesives (Starch, Dextrin), Design of Bonded Joints us ’. Inorganic adhesives (Sodium siticate, Magnesium oxychloride) ©. Synthetic orpanie adhesives 1) Thermoplastcs. fi) Thermosets 3. According to the parts being jointed. a Metal — metal adhesive b, Metal ~ plastic adhesive, ¢. Plastic ~ glass adhesive. 4. Classification of synthatie orgamie adhesives: & Chemically attractive (@g Polyethylene, epoxies, modified acrylic, phenolics, polyamides) b. Pressure sensitive (e.g, Natural rubber, butyl rubber, nitride rubber, polyacrylates) «©, Hot melt (eg, Polyester, polymides, polyolefins, and other thermoplastic elastomers) 4 Evaporative or ditfusion (e.g. Vinyls, aryles, phenols, synthetic & natural eubber) «©. Blastcally and thermally conductive (c.g. Epoxies, palyurethenes, silicones, Piles such ss silver, copper aluminium and gold are used to get electrical conductivity) 5. High temperature applications (up 260°C) 1, Polyimides. », Polybenaimidsaotes Choosing an adhesive Choice of an adhesive is to be made taking into account various parameters. Some of them areas follows: 1. One-part adhesives are better than twa parts. Two parts may result in improper metering and mixing due to human ignorance or negligence 2. Tape and film adhesives are better than Tiquid and paste systems because of ease of handling, Also shrinkage problems are eliminated, resulting in strong bond 3. Thermal expansion properties of the metals being joined should be given utmost mportance. I diffeence of expansion very is high the bond may fal 4. Better to go for adhesives which are les critical about the cleanliness ofthe surfaces being joined, 5. Adhesives with harmful chemicals are to be avoided to protect human health, 6. A single adhesive cannot perform in the same way in all the eases. An adhesive Which is perfect for metal-metal may not be so for metal-plastic: Table shows some commonly used adhesives for various materials 31M Design of Machine Elements Desten of Bonded Jos ae Gas aie 333. JOINT DESIGN ‘Material Adsives generally offer les strong joints compared to welding, brazing, or soldxing. An ‘ABS “Fayesies Epo, Alp onary, Nive — phenali, eoes. | achesive joint in general maj be subjected othe following types of ses. 77 wang | Epo Brow weno, Nslon-opxisspalarctane bbe, 1 Mechanical, 2. Thermal — polystrs, alpha ~ eymoaeyate, polyamides, polyvinyl phenolic, Hacperaiddated alloys acces ses _|_reoren pena cis Adhesive joints experience the following types of stresses due to mechanical ein Tony, cellulose exter, Ving] clone ~ Vinyl atts, pobyanyl va om ® Loading tour, args i 3. Compression 4. Cleavage or pect Gaoniae pen ‘These re shown in fg. 3.69, Copper and te Polyester, Epoxy, Alpha ~eyanoaciiae, polyamides, polyayl : : : F alloys thenokc, olyhydeonvehtr, acrylics Ades I - Fpas, Epa phenol, Alpha -cyamoasg ino, enlace a, oo - vinyl chlovde, vinyl acetate polyvinyl bua, acrylics. ay cpa a ft i “Via corde, vngl aoetate,polyvingl butral, olyiydronpeer, Teision ‘Shear —=— Min oc 80N na whichever sls ivi 2 Minimum stress Where, x — Minimum stress | Kemi spee =~ 1. Since tho load is completely reversed. Tins fatigue strength, 50 vig 2 ‘The fatigue strength for 1,00,000 eyeles is oy, for Weycles: By equating this 6,0 typ 533.956 A f= 19.63mm Say 20mm Ans. 2: 3122 Destgn of Machine Elements Result: ‘The weld size, “An eccentrial loaded pat pelted frame as thin fig. 3.77 Design he welded joint “If te tensile stress in the plate should mot exceed 1OON/nt and that in weld is 8ON/men. [Anna univ.- Now-2004 20mm Given data: ‘Maximum stress, = 100N/nn* Maximum load, P= 60RN= 60 x 10°N To find: Design ofthe welded joint (Size of the weld, i) Length ofthe weld atthe top, (Gi) Length ofthe weld atthe bottom, @ Solution: Since the tensile sress inthe plate should not exceed 100N/nm? dhe maximum thickness ‘can be caleulated by using the equation PLP 4 bat 60x10” 100* Hox Sm say Som plate “The size of weld should not exceed the thickness ofthe plats =Smm Aus. ow Design of Bonded Joints 3.123 (Gi) Lengih of the weld atthe top, from table 32.40rPSGDB113) LAM Pxe, _ 1414 60x10? «80 oxhxb 100%5%130 = 104mm ‘Actual length, y= 104.4 + 12.5 Say, Length ofthe weld atthe top, 1e= 17mm Am. (ii) Length of the weld atthe bottom, s (from table 3.2.4 or PSGDB 11.3) 1al4x Pxe, 1 210? x50 oxhxt 3x130 = 65.26nm Actual Length, y= 65:26 + 12.5 = 77.76mm Say, Length of the weld at the bottom, b= Tram Ans, 7G Result: Design ofthe welded joint Size ofthe weld, f= Sian Length ofthe weld atthe top, fy = 117i Length ofthe weld atthe bottom, f, = 78mm A plate 106mm wide and 125mm thik sto be weled to othe plate by means of 0 paral {ler welds. The plates are subjected to toad of SORN. Find te length of the meld so that he sarin snes doesnot exceed 86NIont (Do the caleuations under tats oaing) Una Unis Nov. 2005) 8 Solution: ‘Since the thickness ofthe plate is 12.50m, we choose = 125mm Area of weld, A= 2 0.707 x hic = 2x 0,707 x 125 x1= 17.6751 Allowable shear stress, t= be ‘dra 50x10" 176751 0Stmm Ans. i sign of Machine Element 7) Design of Machine Elements Result: Length of weld on each side, = 51mm 3.5. TWO MARK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1, What are the purposes of screws? (@ To secure members, (@ To transmit power 2. Define: Pitch, Lead. Pitch: {tis the axial distance from a point on one thread to comresponding point on next theta Lead: Ttis the distance the screw moves in one tum. 3, List some pes of commonly used thread forms. @ Square (i) SO metric Gi) ACME. 4. How is « bolt designated? ‘A bolt is designated by a eter followed by nominal diameter snd pitch in mm. BSW pa 5. State the advantages of coarse threads. @ Easier top cut Gi) Less seizure (Gil) Even stress distribution. 6, State the advantages of threaded joints. @ High clamping Gi) Small ehioning force requirement ‘Easy manufacturing Gv) Simple design. 7, What are differential and compound screws? ‘A difforential screw gives a motion equal to the difference of two pitehes. Compound serew gives a motion equal to the sum of two pitches. & What are the advantages of preloading? Hestops leakages. Gi) Teimproves fatigue strength. 9, What factors influence the amount of initial tension? @ External load (i) Material used Gi) Bott diameter Design of Bonded Joints 10, What is bot of uniform strength? A bolt of uniform strength has equal strongth a the thread and shank portion. 11, What are the ways to produce bolts of uniform strength? (@ Reducing shank diameter equal to root diameter. Gi) Drilling axial hot 3.125 12, What stresses act on screw fastenings? Initial stresses due to serewing up (i) Stesses due to extemal forces (ii) Combined stresses, 13, Define the term self-locking of power screws. [Anna Unis. Apy’04) If the friction angle (4) is greater than helix angle (x) of the power strew, the torque required to lower the load will be postive, indicating that an effort is applied to lower the load. This type is screw is known as self-locking sotew. The efficiency of the selflocking sorew isles than 50%, 14. Define welding. Welding can be defined as a process of joining two similar or dissimilar metals with or ‘without application of pressure along with or without addition of filler material | 1S. Why are welded joints preferred over riveted joins? ‘JAnna Unis. Nov'03] Material is saved in welding joints and hence the machine element will be light if ‘wold joints aro used instead of rivetd joints. Leak proof joints can be easity obtained by ‘welded joints compared riveted joints, 16. How is welding classified? (@) Forge welding (i)Btectic resistance welding and (Gil) Pusion welding, [Anna Unis. Apr'O5] 7, How is forged welding performed? ‘The parts to be welded are heated (o reach the plastic stage and the joint is prepared by applying impact force > 18. State something about elecric resistance welding. ‘he parts are pressured together and an cletrie curent is passed through thera So, the ‘etal is heated tothe fusion temperature 3.126 Design ofMachine Elements. Design of Bonded Joints sur 19, State the main principle of fusion welding. 2S, Define Teejoint and commer joint “The «wo pioees to be joined are hested to the fusion teperamre by an oxy-acctylene Tioint fame or by an electric arc and then joined together by an additional filler material from a ‘The two plates aro arranged in *T” shape, which means the plates are located at right welding rod angles to each other. Corner weld 20, What are the general applications of welding? reece eee (Weng can be wed a a substi frarveted int ‘Twoplaes are ranged sight anges ach hatte a ng Gi) Welding can be used 98 a fabrication medium to join parts permanently and to 26 Define edge joint, form built-up pars For patos of thioknet le than Gram, the ends of the overlapping plates can be dsccly welded at the edges called edge weld Gil) Welding can be used to substitute casting and forging manufacturing methods. 21, What are the advantages of welding? (Welded joints are lighter in weight and have higher joining efficiency. (i) Welded joints are lesk proof and economical from the point of view of cost of material and labours. Git) The design of welded assemblies can be easily and economically modified to meet the changing product requirement. (Gv) The production time is less for welded assemblies. 22 State the limitations of welding. () _Ithas poor vibration damping characteristics. (ii) Welding results in a thermal distortion of the parts, thereby including residual stresses. Therefore, it nec stress relicving heat treatment Git) (iiyThe quality and strength of welded joints also depend pon the skill of the labours 23, What are the types of welded joints? ( Butt joint Gi-Lap joi iT joint (Go) Comer joint. (Edge joint: 24, Define butt and lap joint. But joint ‘The join is made by welding the ends or edges of two plates. Lap joint: “The two plates are overlapping each other for a certain distance. Then welded, Suck ‘welding is called filler weld. 217, State the weld symbols for double U-joint and single V-oint romans FP a sav.ns Fig. 3.78 28 State the types of force involved while designing. Tension and compressive forces 20, When will de edge preparation need? IF the two plates to be welded have more than Gam thickness, ths edge prparation shouldbe carried out. ee 40, Write down the formula for tensile strength ofa double V-groove but joint P=t+h) oo Where, P- tensile stress ny Bey weld sizes, 1 = lengh of weld = Allowable working ses. i, What are the ov types of fle weld? @, Longitudinal pata! it weld i) Transverse filet weld 432, Write dwn the formula for strength of fle and double fille For single fille, Pe Ax 0,707 hit For double filet, P=2Ac= 1.414 ht Where, f= weld sie length ofthe wad - Tensile tess 3.128 Design of Machine Blements 43. Write down the formula forthe strength of single transverse fillet weld. P~Ao=0.07Alo Where, o Compressive stress, 34, Differentiate with a neat sketch the filet welds subjected to parallel loading and transverse [Anna Unis. Apr'04) 2] eee Flot wold subjected fo lwansverse loading loading, et wold subjected to ‘paral loading Fig. 3.79 35. Write down the formula for the strength of the combination of single traverse and filet welds Po Poamere * Pputet 0.707 h lea +2 x 0.707 x b be JOT hho LALA be 0.07 hho hs) 36, When will the weld deposit be weaker? ‘When the components are made of high earbon stel or alloy steel, the weld becomes ‘weaker. 37, Define eccentrically loaded welded joints. ‘The external loaded where applied may not pass through the geometric centre in structural joints called as eccentricaly Ioaded joints. 538, What are the two types of stresses are induced in eccentric loading of load joint? 4, Digest hose srs, ii, Bending or torsional shear stress 39, State the two types of eccentric welded connections. (Welded connoctions subjected to moment ina plane of the weld Gi) Welded connections subjected to moment in a plane normal to the plane of the weld Design of Bonded Jotnte 3.129 40. Write down the formula for maximum shear stress according to maximum sess theory. tant Ser 441, What isthe stress concentration factor? Where does it oceur? Due to abrupt change in cross section, some stress concentration will be formed, It ecurs a toe and heel pints. 2. What are the significances of welding specification? (To convey the designers idea to the welding operator by placing it t0 a suitable place ofthe drawing. 3) To specify the type of weld 43, What are the main indications of complete weld symbol? © Abbasic syabol is to specify the type of weld. (ii) An arrow and a reference lin to indicate the location ofthe weld, Gi) Supplementary symbols to indicate spocial inetrctions. (iv) Dimensions ofthe wold in exose section end lent, 3.6. REVIEW QUESTIONS What are the various types of screwed fasteners used in machine construction? Compare square thread with trapezoidal tread. List out the application areas of square, buterss and trapezoidal threads, Draw the bolt-deformation diagram and explain State how a bolt of uniform sttength is produced, ‘Whats a self-locking serew? Define, Welding and what are the main types of welding? ‘What ere the important general applications, advantages and limitations of welding? Explain the different types welded jie with et shetohes, 10, Write down the design procedure for longitudinal and transverse filet weld 11. Write down the design procedure for eoventrcally loaded welded joins 12, Write short notes on stress concentration factor. 13, Deseribe welding specification with ite elements and sketches. 3.7. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE L.A bolted joint is used to connect two components, The combined stiffness of the two ‘components is twice the bolt stiftess Initial tightening load is SEN. The extemal force of | LOK creates further tension in the bolt. The bolt is made of plain carbon steel 30C8 for ‘which yield strength in tension is 400N/num?. Using a factor of safety of 3 and assuming coarse threads, seloct a suitable bolt size, (Ans: M12) 3.130 Design of Machine Elements 2, Acsteal plate subjected toa force of 3AN and fixed to a vertical channel by means of four identical bolts is shown in Fig 3.80, The bolts are male of plain carbon steel 45C8 (Wield strength = 380mm?) and the FOS is 2. Determine the nominal diameter of the bolt (Ans: 6.220) au 3. Aste plate subjected toa foree of SKN and fixed to a channel by means of threo identical bolts is shown in Fig 3.81. The bolts are made of plain carbon steel 30C8 (Yield strength {00W/man?) and the factor of safety is 3. Determine the nominal diameter ofthe bolt. (Ans: 11.860) 4, Find the size of the weld for the conversion shown in fig. 3.82. Ifthe tensile load acting ‘on the connection is 115EN, Assume permissible shear stress onthe weld is 90? Design of Bonded Joints Bua ae aa Fig. 3.82. 5. A bracket shown in figae carves a load of I3SKN. Calculate the size of the weld, if the allowable stress is not to exceed TON? Fig. 3.83. 6. A plate 120mm wide and 12.5ym thick are to be welded to snother plate by means of single transverse and double parallel filet welds, Determine the length of weld ran in each oso, ifthe joint is subjected to varying Jouls, Thy recommended design stress in tension is not to exceed 90M” and in shear 64Nimn? for state loading, 7. A rectangular sicel plate 100mm wide is welded to a vertical plate to form a cantilever ‘with an overlap of SOmm snd an overhang of 150mm, Itcatres a vertical downward load of 60AN at free end, Fillet weld is done three sides ofthe plate for a permissible stress is |400Nnan?. Determine th siz ofthe weld, [MU-Apr'2001) Ans: Size of the weld, h= 20.23mnn 8. Fig, 3.84 shows a welded conection subjected to a force the member is 1.5mm thick hot rolled stce] and welded to she support using two 8am paralll fillet welds. Estimate the safe force Ffor a factor of safety as 1.8. Assume permissible stesso be SOMPa, Design of Bonded Joints 3182 Design of Machine Berens a 11, A bracket shown in fi. 387, welded toa plate, The welds have the same sao end he ey permissible Force per mim of wel length is IRN, Caleulate the lengths / and Ti load? os = 1008 (BU Apr 98 (Ans: &)= 70-7; = 1257] Le o Fig. 3.84 9. An eccentrically loaded plate is welded to a frame as shown in fig. 3.85. Design the syelded joint 1 the tensile stress in the plate should not execed L40Nmm? and that in weld m is TON mn? Fig. 3.85. 10, Fig, 3.86 shows a welded connection gubjeoted to force the member is 10mm thick hot rolled stec] and welded to the support using two Gm parallel fillet welds. Estimate the safe force F fora factor of safety of 2.8. Assume permissible stress to be SSMPa, [BU-Nov'98 & MU-Dct'96) Fig. 3.86. 000%) Fig. 3.87. 12, The bracket arrangement is shown in fig. 3.88. The protruding portion of this bracket consists of a ‘toe’ cross-section with the dimensions indicated and is welded to a back plate, The load to be supported is 40K and the arrangement should provide for a factor of safoty of 1.6. Determine the size ofthe weld, Assume permissible stress to be SSMPa Back, 4: 13. A manual winch for a sailing ship is shown in fig. 3.89, The maximum tensile force from ‘he sail ducing trimming operations is 15KN and acts at @ radial eccentricity of 80mm to the axis of rotation of the pulley. A deck plate is welded to the pivot support stem of 50mm diameter and is secured to the ship deck by means of the four MIO bolts as indicated, Determine the factor of safety used for the bolted connection assuming % for the bolt materia, S134 anions Fig, 3.89. 14, A machine member is bolted to the base by means of 3 bolts and loaded as shown in fig, 3.90, Find e suitable bolt diameter if the allowable stiear stress of the bolt material is sonra, (Ans: M33) UNIT 4 DESIGN OF SPRINGS AND LEVERS. Design of helical, leaf, disc and torsional springs under constant loads and varying loads - Concentric torsion springs Design of Levers. ~ Belleville springs - TE Penne Unit - 4.1 4.1, DESIGN OF SPRINGS ——__EDESIGN OF SPRINGS 4.14 INTRODUCTION A spring is an elasic member which deflects under the action of load and regains its original shape after the load is removed. Springs are quite commonly used in automobiles, railway wagons, valves, watches ete 4.1.2. FUNCTIONS OF SPRINGS ‘| Springs are usually required to perfor the following functions: (To cushion or reduce the effect of shock or impact loading, Example: automobile springs, aircraft landing gears, railway buffers and shock absorbers i) To measute forces in spring balance, meters and engine indicators. (Gi) To store energy like in clocks, toys, cireit breakers and starters. (Gy) To apply forces and to control motions as in brakes and cluches (¥) To control motion by maintaining contact between two elements as in cam end followers 4.1.3, CLASSIFICATION OF SPRINGS ‘The most common types of springs are 9 follows: ) Helical springs: Helical springs are made of citcular wire coiled into a helical form, the load being applied slong the axis of the helix In these springs, the major stess is shear stress duc to twisting, The helical springs are classified into (@) Close-coiled or tension helical spring. (5) Open-coiled or compression helical spring, ‘The springs which are sustaining tensile force along their axes, ae called Helical tension or ~ Factors for springs of rectangular section which ean be taken from the following table 4.2 P— Axial force. cay Design of Machine Elements Table 4.2: Factors for rectangular wire wT aS 7paTs 3 OQ, | 7] SI | 456 | B0R | 356 | 336 | 336 2, |e | aa5 Bai [352 | 335 | 325 For rectangular eross-section wire spring, the ratio 6/ is usually kept between 1 and 3. The design procedure i similar to that of circular wite helical spring, For square wire spring, the dimensions & and fare equal ied ‘Maximum shear stress, ¢= (420) Deflection of spring, » ay (422) 4.4.12, BUCKLING OF SPRINGS xed Fig. 413, Buckling of compression springs ‘The helical compression spring behaves like a coluran and buckles at a comparative by smalt Toad when the Iength of the spring is more than 4 times the mean coil diameter. It is found experimentally that a compression spring may buckle ifthe following condition isnot satisfied bg 26 a2 D Const Design of Springs _ Design of Springs ts where, Const = Constant 5 for both ends fixed = 0.707 for one end fixed and the other hinged, ‘= L0 for both ends hinged, ‘The crippling load under which a spring may buckle can be found by the formula Pama Ku ly 424) where, 4g Spring stitfness Ey-—free length of the spring ‘K,—Load conection factor which can be found from fig. 4.14 os - Hinged once Factor. hi Pato, tyr Fig, 414. Cucve for buckling load correction factor 4.1.13, SURGE IN SPRINGS Let us consider a helical spring resting on a rigid support at ane end. When a compressive load is applied sndenly to a helical spring, the coil at the contact end gets deflected and sends 8 compression wave that travels along the spring upto the supported end where it gets deflected and ‘ravels back to the deflected end. If there is no damping present, this wave travels along the spring indefinitely. The material is subjected to higher stresses which may cause early fatigue failure This cffect is called spring surge. When the tine interval betwooa the load applications is equal to ‘the time required for traveling the wave resonance will occur, Under this condition, spring will be subjected to very large deflection and correspondingly high stresses Natural frequency of the spting should be at least 20 times the frequency of application of Perioic loadin order to avoid resonance, The natural frequency is given by’ a4 Design of Machine Elements (428) where, = density of material 4.4.44. SPRINGS IN SERIES AND PARALLEL When two of mare springs are arranged in sories as shown in fig. 4.15, their equivalent stifness is given by (426) Gn where, Qs Siiness of first spring Qs Siiness of second spring (Qa ~Stiness of nth spring Qn ~ Sifiness ofthe equivalent spring, ® 4 Fig, 415. Springs in series Fig, 416. Springs in paraltel When two or mote springs ate acranged in parallel and subjected to load P, their equivalent stiffness is given by Geman ast tae 7 aan Where, G5, 42 Gn Stfiness of individual springs oye ~ Stiflness ofthe equivalent spring 4.1.45. SPRING MATERIALS ‘The springs are commonly made from high carbon sicels with Carbon content of 0.7 to 1%, ‘medium carbon alloy stools, phosphor bronze, brass oe 187 stainiss steel, Helical springs are citer cold fonmed ox ot formed depending onthe size of wire, Small sizes (up t9 Y2m) ate wound hot Afer winding, tho spring is seat for stess relieving heat treatment, Nickol steel, ‘chromium steel (tanlss ste!) bras, phosphor bronze, monel metal and other metals that ean be ‘hard davon are used in special cases to increase fatigue resstace and temperature resistance Design of Springs 415 ‘The following table 4.3 indicates the safe stress and modus of rigidity for some of the material for springs. Table 43. Spring Materials, Fe shear ~| Noda o? ee stress, Minn? | rigidity, Nin? Fig ato ead BO oes Oiempeed cabon ele 700 crea Sines ak 335 OF=10 Wise wire : a0 OaxI0" ‘Monel 230 O67x 10 Tras one 160 TART Chron vanadium all ead_[ 403 oes Niel iver 30 T3950 Springs are offen grouped into classes, according (0 service conditions. Example: light, average and servere service, Light service: It consists of operation under essentially static conditions and where tho maximum load carries infiequently ic. a total of less thanlOGOtimes. Examples are safety valves, slip coupling and bolted joins. Average service: It includes springs subject to the maximum load 1000 to 100000iimes during service life Example: engine governor springs, automobile suspension springs used in circuit breaker mechanism Severe service: {t consists of a large number of cycles ie. greater than one million of varying load where the ‘saximum oad is one-half or fess ofthe maximum load. Example: automotive valve springs. 4.1.46, CONCENTRIC SPRINGS ‘Concentric helical springs are used to obtain a greater spring force in a given space and to censure the operation of s-mechanism in the event that one spring will break, To obtain the above conditions, either a two-spring nest ora thtee-spring nest may be used Fig. 4.17 shows two concentric springs having same free length and are compressed equally. Sach springs are used for autsmobile clutches and railway chtches 416 Design of Machine Elements ¢ To obtain a spring force which does not increase in a direct relation to tho deflection, but it increases fester, concentric springs are made of different lengths as shown in fig. 4.18 a Fig. 4.18. Concentete springs Fig. 417. Concentrle springs P~ Axial load ~ Mean coil diameter of outer spring 4 ~ Wire diamotor of outer spring c 1m - Number of active cols in outer spring 1, ~ length of oater spring. : Da, dir, an Late the corresponding values of inner spring, i Assuming same material for Both springs, tien maximuru shear sess induced in both the springs i sme, SRD, 87D; ABD SRD Cc Tg Raa When, K, =X, thea PDP, et Fae aki (4.28) = qd Q both springs are of same inital height, they wil have the same deflection, He Design of Springs 417 (429) When both springs are compressed until the adjacent ccs meet, then the solid length of both the spring is equal. (430) al) Usually, the radial clearance between two springs is taken as“!—"2 Equating the so values of clearance 418 Design of Machine Elements C.-C. 2d Ch -2ch = Ca a (C-2)= 4c (432) | 4,447, HELICAL SPRINGS SUBJECTED TO VARIABLE LOADING Helical springs in many applications are subjected to variable or fatigue load, Example: LC, ‘engine valve spring. These springs which can cary atleast 10 million stress reversal cycles before fatigue feilure are called springs with iyfnite Ie. Springs subjected to Quctuaing stresses are esigned on the batis of the modified Soderberg equation. Springs will never be subjected to | completely reversed loading, i is loaded in one direction ie. load varies from zero to maximum. Let us consider a spring subjected to a load varying between Pra and Pri. The mean and amplitude Toads are given as Poa P Mean Toad, Py = ~8 = 433) Amplitude od, Py = “= (434) Ths ano fio ste, i ee 435) | tam Kae : hers, Ka isthe shear tes corection factor, 61s . Kino lt c 436) ‘he torsional shear stress amplitude, a3 (438) Design of Springs 419 Here, K-— Curvature factor which is given in the following (table 44) for various values of C Table 44. Curvature factor eT3]4#)*]7 12] 7] K [13s | 135 [ras isp | at [1.09] Fig. 4.19 shows the modified Soderberg line, v Vatatie sess Hosted ‘Soseberg Ene eo Fix. 419, Modified Soderberg line ‘The endurance limit for roversed loading is shown at point A where the mean shear stress is 1/2 and variable shear stfoss is slso equal to x4/2. The point A can be found by drawing a line OA inclined at 45° with X-axis, which intersects the original Soderberg line at point A. Point A indicates the limiting valve of stress chun to Fhuemating load! Point H indicates the Kiting value of stress due to static load conditions. The line joining A. and B is called Soderberg line of failure. By taking suitable factor of safety (h) into account, a line CD is dravm parallel to line AB, from point D on the X-axis where OD = en, The line CD is called modified Soderberg line of failure. According to Wahl’s criterion a (639) Where,» ~ Factor of safety 4 Endurance strength = (0.5 00.6) 64 with oy= 050 4 © 420 Design of Machine Elements 4.4.48. DESIGN OF HELICAL TENSION SPRINGS. Fig. 420, Helical tension spring Helical tension oc extension springs are similar to liclical compression springs. Tension springs are usually wound with the coils close and undor an initial tenon ie. itis necessary to apply from 20% to 30% of the maximum load before the coils begin to separate. Th initial tension > can also be calculated by the relation (440) ‘The design procedure for helical teusion springs is similar to that of compression springs ‘except the inital tension. ‘These springs do not get deflected until the extemal force exceeds the (initial tension 8P-PIC n 8(P-P)D'n c Deflection, =

54+2=7 An. Reval (0 Size of the wire, d= 6mm (i) Number of eve sti, (i) Toa murder of cil, A spring made from a wie of 1.2Stum diameter and 750M? ast el eee fas armean diameter of 125mm and 14 active cots Find () Sifnss of spring (i) Solid height assuming ‘hat the ends are squared and ground. Take modulus of lly as .5x10°N/a. ‘fu-02000] a4 Design of Machine Elements \ Design of Springs 425 Giver data: ‘Maximum axel load onthe springs, P= 18 Diameter of the spring wire, d= 1.2500 ‘Number of spring coils, n= 10:5 C ‘Yield strength ofthe spring, =.= 750N/nn Module of rigidity, @ = 0.89 x 10°kinm” = 0.89 « L0°Nun? Mean col diameter, D~ 12.5 nme [Number of active coil, n= 14 Maximum shear stress, i). Total etietion, y Tofind: (i) Factor of safety, @) Stittvess of spring, 9 iene: (ipSolid length ofthe spring, L, ‘(Maximum shear stress, x: Mean col diameter, D =D, d= 80 ~ 12= 68mm Modulus of rigidity = 0.85 « 10°N/mm® © Solution: @) Stiffness of the springs D6 8 Spring index, C= 2 a SS Spring 2 = E-s06 BL 1, index, c~ 2 = 25 i Spring index, C- F = 195 6 0.615 _ 4x5.66 suitess,g= C4 = 088010" 1.25 C” axs66=4* 505 8On axl" 0.948 say q= INimm = Ans. 125 481000%5.66 (i) Solid length of the spring, Lx: wad c nd ofthe spring col is squared and ground 1 125.1Nimen Ans 0 ‘Total number of coils, = n+ 2=14 +216 (i Total deftection, ye : Sold length, f= di +24 125 x 1442.01.25, $2C'n_ se1000»105%(566) 1=20m0m Ame Gd post 12 C Result: 426m ase : (©) Stites of the spring, g= 1mm fe GH) Solid eng of te sping, £,= 20mm eee For C50 steel, yield strength, 6, = 340mm" RE Vieldseess(o,) __340_ 4 hele! pig med of C30 see es on one date. of 80mm and wire lemcer ey | Working iess(@) ~ 725.11 C—Aamm, The spring tas supportamasinum axial lad of IRN. Determine the maxinnum shear Factorofsafey, m "272 say Amo Stes and total deflection Ifthe springs have 10 Sols wide ends ground flat Determine also he fctrof safes. Take G= 0.89 x 107m. Bav-Nwy | Aes: 7 (Maximum shear tes, = 125.11Nnn? 7 eee ameter of i) Total deflection, y= 14.260 Outside diameter ofthe springs, Dy Bem (i) Factor of ay. ne 3 c Wire diameter ofthe spring, d= 2mm us Lae tai suigef Somes 7 Me a ETS. ymin mse ppiin far gmomnansareirrinpremmpaerorhyinskemnitootttit IIHF ‘spring has 6 munbers of active coll Ifthe permisible stress tn shear ts 350N/tut and the | (Axil lon on the spring, P= 893 9N ‘modulus of rigidity & 844Ninm. Find the axial load which the spring can take and the | (io bed deiovirtod tyre ite) ara pola mons 4 ? Given det Frotlem Ss Se eee Diameter ofthe spring wit d= Brom Outside diameter ofthe springs, Dy ~ 75mm Number oF ative tas, n= 6 Permissible shea sess, ¢~ 350m? Mosul of igiity, @ = 8444? 1A helical valve spring isto be designed for an operating load range of 90N to 135N. The deflection of the spring Jor this load range 1s 7.5mm. Assuming a spring index of 10, a permissible shear siress of 480N/mun? and a modulus of rigidity of 0.8 x 10°Nimnt for the ‘material, determine the dimensions ofthe pri [BHU -Apr'97] LO eral, determined af the spring. [BHU-Apr'9T] Given datas Minimum load on the spring, Py» =90N Maximum load on the spring, P= 13517 Deflection ofthe spring, y = 7mm Spring index, C= 10 Permissible shear stress, «= 480mm? Modulus of rigidity, G = 0.8 « 10°N/mn? To find: (Axial load onthe spring, i). Deflection ofthe spring prodeed, y © Soutton: () Axial load on the spring, ‘Mean col diameter, D D Spring index, C= 2 pring 3 To fmt From equation (4), Dimensions of the spring 3 Wahi res ato, K; 2818, 48378-10618 75 © Sota ; © inis=4" B55 (@ Diameter ofthe spring wired From equation 4.7 From equation (4), K.8PC | LsxBxP 98.75 asis_ 410-1, 0615 Peis sear steay,r= SABO «L520 08.75 sess icon sts, ed? x8" Wahi stress fa K Cc 4xi0-4 10 sane isha 78 K 5 bai From equation (4.7), P=8939N sn OD Permissible shear stress, 7 i Detection ofthe spring produced: From equsion 4.1), SpC%n _ stp 9n8:375%«6 1Lig48yt35.10 if S893 98.356 go 8xBe135.10 "Ga 84x10? xB Ho: axd’ #8099 d=2.86mm say 3mm Ano 428 Design of Machine Elements (i) Mean coll diameter, D: From equation (4.2), n= B Spring index, C D> Cxd=10%3= 30mm Ans. (Gi Outer diameter of the spring, Dat ‘Outer diameter, Dy= D+ d= 30-43 = 33mm Ano Gv) Number of active turn, 2: ‘Am increase in load 135-90 5 eauses a deflection of 7mm Pon Gd 8 Deflection ofthe spring, y= _Btsxt0 en Caxi03 nas Ans, a as Assume end ofthe spring coll is squared and ground meds e ‘Total number of eal, (8) Free length of the spring, Lj Solid length, dn +2. Freelength, 5 f+y= 21473" 28Smm Ans. to x5+243=21mm Results: Dimensions ofthe springs (Diameter ofthe spring wire, d= 3mm Gi) Outer diamece ofthe pring, D, id) Mean coil diameter, D= 30mm (iv) Number ofactive um, (0). Froe length ofthe spring, Ly 28.Smm When an axial force is applied toa coiled helial compression spring with a spring rate of 20kN/i, it compresses by 35mm. The ends ofthe spring are squared and ground. Using he data sven Delow, determine: 1) The axtal force applied tothe spring Design of Springs me 1 Theprfered sparing wire dmeer \ 9 Mesping mean danctr ty) he nade af ecous nthe sing Mesa eng ofthe sprig Date ‘Spring nder= 4.75 faci scar stressing marl = SOHN Modus of Rhy of sprig material = #8 GN? Other relevant date: 150 R.10 Range of Preferred Sives for Wire and Sheet Metal (diameters and thickness jammy 2.020 o.09 0.309 2500 12500 0.025 os 0.630 3.150 16.000 0.032 0.160 0.800 4.000 20.000 0.040 0.200 1.000 $.000 25.000 2.050 0.250 1250 6300 0.063 31s 1.600 8.000 ooo 0.400 2.000 10.00 Given date: ‘Spring rate, = 204mm Deflection,» = 35mm [End condition: Squared and ground Spring index, C= 8.75, Meximusn shear stress, x = 35044? = 350Nmn? Modulus of rigiity, G» 83GNin = 83 x 1'Nfinn? To fad: Axial force, 1) Spring wire diameter, d Ui) Spring mean diameter, D iv) Number of coil,» Solid length, £, © Solution: Sugess,q= © > 430 Design of Machine Bomens P O35 _ P20%35=700N An. 1 Maximum shear stress; Wall stress factor, Ke— 1.1678 700%8.75 ad 350: d= 721mm “The standard diameters, d= 8m Ano 3 D™ Cx d= 8.95 x8 = 70mm Ans. BPC'n bp Deflection, ” Pits 8x700%8.79? Bx 2colls Ans Soli length, 6mm Am. in¥2)d=(62*2)8 Result: P= 700 ii)d= Som iit) D= Tom iv)n=62c0ils nee ‘A clse-coled hela! compreslen spring has plan ends ad sto over «250m dhemetr rd. ‘When a compressive force of 1OON bs applied tothe spring i compresses by SOmm. Ifthe spring ‘has a preferred wire diameter of emmy, and the spring material has « mexinume allowable sear ‘ress of 180MNin? and a modulus of rigidity of B1GN/mt, determine The mean coi diameter of the spring. The dlamerricat clearance between the spring and the rod. 4H) The numberof coils n te spring. 49) The solid length of the spring. Given data: End condition: Plain ond Diameter of rod = 25mm Force, P= 1007 Deflection, y= 50mm Wire diameter, = mm Allowable shear stress, «= 1808? = 180N/imn?™ Modulus ofigiity, @= 81GNin = 81 » 10°Nim To find: 3) Mean coil diameter, D ii) Diameerical clearance iD) Number of eos, jy) Solid length, £, © Sotution: Wall sess factor, OsISd_ 40-4 | 0613%4 D Allowable shear stress K,8PD ad sn [24 24) tne 40-16" D 432 180 _ 407-40 , 3.979" 4D-16 wo an (40-16)0277+40)-40 171D = 684.32 = 40" 4D 4D? -175D + 684.32-0 (DP~43.75D + 171.08 =0 D=394tmm Say D= lim Ans 19 Dlanaeal derace 10-4250 umm halls so» Gd* ip Deflection, » 100340" rh 50 a 81x10 a n= 20.28c0its An. oo 1) For plain ends sottd tenga, Kn )=4 2025 +1) smn Ans Result Mean diameter of coil, D=40mm i) Diametrcal clearance = 40mm iit) Number of coils, n= 20.25 1s) Solid length, £, = 85mm A spring loaded punch witha stem diameter of Lom is operated by an eccentric cam as shown In fig. 4.21. In the postion shown, the spring Is fo have an inital compression of Srum, and ‘eten the cam rotates 180% the punching operation requires the stem to move by distance of mum. The ends ofthe spring are ‘squared’ Design of Springs 433 The pring is manufactured from a material with muaximurn shear stress of S1OMNin? and ‘modulus of rigdiy of 81GN/m’. Due to surface considerations the maxinuem acceptable axtat Toad benween the cam and the punch stam i Umited 0 SON Calculate te sifaess of the spring. 1) Referring to rable, select a suitable spring forthe punch ‘i) Determine the shear stress induced in the spring, commenting on the value obtained. 49) Calculate the sold lengts ofthe spring Table: Spring Slee Avaitabi Wire diameter d (mm) | Sprig mean darter, Bum) | No. of cols 00 0 760 06 a 4s Tid 76 Be Tis aT a5 Tas ET 60 Ta ar a3 740 Tra 3s 180 7 79 Ls aoa 1 |? 1 |i ee 510Nan* ol i ow Modulus of rigidity, O= 816? i | | = 81% 10Ninst ate Force, P= SON To find: baal D stithes,g ° finn ii) Selection of spring a fi) Induced sea ses Pg42t io) Soli tenth 434 Design of Machine Elements © Solution: 50 9 sitiess, ¢= 2 = 4:545N/mm y 506 1) From figure, i is else thst the moan diameter ofthe spring must be grester than (10 + a, hence from table, choose a spring of wire diameter d= 1.32 and spring ‘moan coil diameter, D 13.1mm and numberof cots, n= 4.5 Cheek the mean diameter lo+d= 10+ 132= 11320 ‘Which is fess than 13.Lmn. Henee selection is correct K,8eD Shear sires, - vd 21 959 2 fo~1 061s _4n992-1 061s a Spring index, C= Wal stess factor, ; R= 1183 pn HMBx85D% 13.1 m(i.32) = 83245MNin? Since the induced shear stress exceeds the value of maximum shear stress of ‘the material, the design is nt af, sy Solid length, L, = (2+ 3) for ‘squared’ ends = GS43)~122=9.9mm Am. ‘one ofthese springs within the punch assembly. The working stroke of the punch is Sm, and the springs are required to return the handle tits highest postion after cach punching action {In this returned postion each spring has an inidal compression of drum from ts free length. ‘When fly depressed, each spring ist exert an upward force of 27N on the handle and be ‘capable of u further Smmn compression before reaching Us solid length. The springs are ‘manufactured from 1.2Smm diameter wire, having a maximum torsional shear stress of Design of Springs 435 600MNin? and a modulus of righty of 8OGNInt. Assuming the springs to have squared and _srounul ends, design a suitable spring forts application, specifying: D The spring mean coil diameter i) The otal number of cols i te spring 1) The free length of the spring in) The working torsional shear stress, commenting on its value. Given data: Working stroke, yo~ Sram Inkl compression, y,= 4m Force, P=27N) ‘Compression for solid y,= Sram Wire diameter,» 125mm Maximum shear sess, ¢ = 6004@V/m = 600Nnm™ Modulus ofrigiity, @~ 800Nimn? = 80 x 10°Minme ‘Constion: squad and ground, To find: Spring mean coi diameter, D 1) Total number of coils, m, Free length Ly ‘Working shear stress 436 Design of Machine Elements © Solution: 1) From figure, iis clear thatthe spring should have inside diameter of coil more than 4.5mm D-a>45 D>asta D*425+125~5.75nm By considering the clearances, we choose Tm 7 2 49 Sprig indes, C= 2 Deflection, y= Working defection + Intaldelection =544- 9mm sPCn Deflection, y= SEE 9 = 827356" xn 8010x125 117 23.73 = Mcoils For squared and ground end, tal number of cols n=n42=2452>26 coils Ans. {iy Bree length, Ly = 1.454544 6% 125)+1 Ans, K,8PC 1) Torsional shear stress, «= xd AOA 0615 | AxS.6-1, 0615 Wot c Bset" 56 127 C 1278427556 das Wahl shear sess, K: =313.6N/nn? Ano Since the working shear stress is less than the maximum shear stress, the design i safe Design of Springs 437 -250N and maximum force Of GOON and the deflection for thts change in load iso Be 1Smm. The spring must ft in a hole of 30min diameter. The load is static. Ultimate tensite stress is 1393MPa and shear stess ts 6HPa. PMU-Apr'2003] Given data: Minimum force, Pyn = 250 Maximum force, Pao. 600% Deflection ofthe spring, y= LS Outer diameter ofthe spring, Dy Ubeimate tensile stress, 0 = 1393MPa~ 1393Wima ‘Shear stress, x * 606MPa = 606N/mm* Orin Tofind Design ofthe helical spring @ Solution: ( Diameter of the spring wired Assume spring index, C= § 0615 _ 4x5-1, 0615 Wabi stress factor, K, Lanes € 3 Allowable Shear stress, 606 = 1.3105 800025 ad 165 4=4.062mm The nearest stendard diameter ofthe spring wire, d~4.25mm Ans. (Gi) Mean coll diameter, D: Spring index, Bis DeCud-54425-21280m An. Outside diameter of spring, D,=2128 +425 5.5mm The D, is tess than the hole size 30mm, Hence, the design is safe. 438 Design of Machine Elements (ip Number of active turns 2 “The change in load of (600 ~250)N causes defletion of LS, 8PC’n Pon (gatos Nim aa Defietion, = #6002589 gg 80x10 «425 asst ans Assume end ofthe colis squared and ground Total numberof cll, now n= 457421657 A (6 Sot length ofthe spring Ly dn42d= 45 14ST #2 «425 L.= 0mm ans. (0) Froe length of the spring, Lf i= Ly ty= 104+ 15 t= 884mm Ant (rip Pitch ofthe col p: pt +a BATA sas (pa S18Smm Ans, cv iets : 5.185 An Poteet 0x2125) (9 Spring ate 2.3mm sn Result: Design specifications of the helical spring (Diameter ofthe spring wire, d=4.25%mm Design of Springs 439 Gi) Mean coil diameter, D=21.25mm id) Number of active tens, n= 14.57 (iv) Total numberof coll, = 16.57 (2) Solid length of the spring, L,= 70mm (v)Froe length ofthe spring, Z;= 85 4mm (vi) teh ofthe spring, p= 5.155mm (ui) Helix angle ofthe sping, a= 4.4 (Gx) Spring rate, g= 23.3Nimm “Asafety wale of Fon dameter i to low of e «pressure of LIMPa Hiplaced on is sea by «a close-coiled helical spring of circular steel bar. The mean diameter of eacke coit is 150mm and ‘compression of the spring is 25mm. Find the diameter of te spring bar and numtber of active urs required, if the shearing stress allowed ts 130M andthe modus of rig i .084 x sa, [BHU-Apr 1996] Given dat Valve diameter, d= 70mm Valve pressure, py = LAMPo = 1.LN/nmé Mean diameter ofthe eal, D~ 150mm Compression of the spring. y= 250m Mosh of igiity, G = 0.084 10°8Pa = 0.084 « 108m? Allowable shear stress, ¢= 130MPa= 130N/mm? To ft: (Diameter of he spring wire, d Gi) Number of active ts, 2 (© Sotution: (@ Diameter ofthe spring wire, d: wed _ nxto! o 4 Maximum oad on he valve spring, ? Safety valve area, A= 3848.45? P= Valve pressure x Valve area = 1.1 x 3848.45 P= 4233296 Design of Machine Elements 440 From equation (4.7) tome sea see =k 22S, 222 ame 1 $242932960150 10-1 : xa #1283846 rom equation (42) D ing index, C= 2 = 150 Spring index, CF = 35 (ip Number of ative turns, nz rom equation (4.10), Compression (or) deflection ofthe spring, PO nm Ga 854233.296. (6.36) Doss elo" 323.6 Assumme end of the col is squared and ground, From ble 4.1 +208 oval number of coils, = 2 + Resul {Diameter ofthe spring wire, d=23.6mm (i) Number of active mm, n= 6 Calculate the dimensions of lca spring for asring-loaded safety vate fom the following data: Valve diameter = 65mm; Operating pressure = 0.7N/mun”; Maximum pressure when the ‘valve blows off freely = 0.73N/mm?; Valve lift when pressure rises from 0.7 10 0.73? 2 2nom; Maximum permissible srss = 500M; Spring tndex, C= 6; Modula of righty p85 «10° Nim. IMKU-Apr'97] Design of Springs an Given dt Valve diameter, d= 35min Operating pressure, 2, = 0.7N/nm? Maximum pressure, p,,™ 0.73Minm? Valve it (1) deftetion, y= 3.2m Maximum permissible stress, «= SO0N/n? Spring index, C= 6 Moslus of rigidity, G= 0.85 + 10°W inn? To nd: Dimensions ofthe helical spring © Sotuton: (@ Diameter ofthe spring wire, d: Load onthe spring due top, =0.7Ninn? =p, Py= Valve area x py P= 232.8150 {Load onthe spring due tp, =0.73N/mn? = py Pr =Valve area x p= © Fr=2 Maximum load on the spring, P Wohl etre factor, Maxinumn shear stress, 12525 ¥8%2422.3646, ad? P=92.7\mm d= 962mm 4a Design of Machine Elements “The nearest standard diameter of the spring wire, a= Noun Am oo (iy Mean diameter of the coil, D: Spring index, C D=Cxd=6x10 = 60mm An. (ip Number of ative tar, n: Loud to cause the deflection 32m P= Py Pr=2422.364 ~-2522.815 ~99.5492.N Say 100N Pein Denetion, y= $2 __ BA100%6? da5e10% 10 ne 1874 say 16 Ans Assume end of the col is squared an ground ‘Total numberof coils, =n 2° 1642" 18 Ams. XE (Gv) Free length of the eolk 27 “Assuming leet gap between adjacent coils 3s Lm: when the spring is fee state, Ip=nd + (1) 1 16x 104061) 1 Ly NTS An (0) Piteh ofthe col, p: Freelengih 175 mal 6-1 po 1.6mm An. Result: Dimensions ofthe belical spring Diameter ofthe spring wire, d= 10mm ‘Mean diameter ofthe col, D= 60mm ‘Number of active tums, n= 16 Total numberof coll, », = 18 Design of Springs A ies Free length of the coll, Ly= 175m Pitch ofthe coll, p= 11.66mm Habis? ee A solenoid brake iso be actuated by @ helical compression spring. The spring should have a ‘Sree length of approximately 450m and is to exert @ machnum force of H4000N when compressed 1 @ length of 375mm. The ouside dlameter rust not exceed 175mm. Selecting suitable material, design the spring. IMt-Apr97 Se Given data: Free length of the spring, £y~ 450mm 40008" Length of the spring after compression = 375mm Outside diameter of the spring, D, ‘Maximum force onthe spring, 7S © Sotution: Since the spring should havea fece length = 4500une Pres length = md ty + 0.15y Assumed Ano (5 450-375 © 75) Assume the end of spring is squared and ground Active number of coll, = 13-214 An. Selecting the material as oll wimpered carbon steel whose permissible shear stress {=}* 400N/ma? and O= 0.8 > 10°Nman? Deleon y= 22" 15 BOCA rane 080°N nt?) tase st o=sia7 Nem csildanens,D*CXd*S17x28=140t2ne Aaa Outside diameter of coll, Dy= D+ d= 144.12+28=172.12mm ARs, Given condition is satisfied... iis less than 175mm aa Design of Machine Elements Check for shear stress oats 4x5.47-1 aesnar—a "5. 3 . Wahl stars factor, K,= 200, 5, #x14000%5.147 lowable Sheer sese2=K, SEC an 1.3 $1405 17 Y i aa” mx(28)" 304 3Niimm ‘which is less than the permissible value, Hence design i safe Result: “Material: Oil tempered carbon stee! Wire diameter, d= 28mm Spring indox, C= 5.147 ¢ ‘Mean eo diameter, D= 144.12 7 ‘Outside coi diameter, Dy = 172.12mm ‘Number of active coils, = LT Free length, ly~ 450mm Brom a toy guy bullet of 15 is fied. The bllet travels a distance of 121, The compression of spring when the gun is loaded, i 125mm and the bore of the barrel is 22mm. Design @ sade pring. Given data: ‘Mass of bullet, m= 1.5. Distance traveled = 12 m Compression of spring, y= 25mm Bote ofthe barrel = 22mm © Solution: “The work done by the bullet = LS x 12 = 18Nem CS ‘The energy stored inthe spring should be bullet to produce this work. 123m east equal to the work done by the Energy stored = 1 xP xy= 18 2xt8 o os Maximum force, P= 288.N 445 se EEE eee Since the bore of the barel is given as 22mm, the outside coil diameter should be less han 22m ‘Assume the spring index, C~ $ Wabi's conection factor, K= 4C=1, 0615, 45-1, 0615 _ 5195 acn4e sna 5 ‘Assuming that the spring is made of chrome vanadium alloy ste, the permissible shear stress fr this material is-¢~ 40SN/mm™ BPC ad 32885 aa? 405 3105 x d= 3.Abnim ‘The nearest standard diameter of wire, d= 3.5mm Ans, a ‘Mean col diameter, D=3.5 «5 = 17.Smm Ans Outside diameter of coll, D,= D+ d=17.5 +3.5 = 21mm Which i ess than the bore of dhe barrel. Hence the design is safe Fora defletion of 125mm, ¢ rca Ga 195 = $*288%(9) xn oael0 as n= 121.52 cols say 122 turns For squared and ground end condition, the total numberof coils, m= 122-42 124tume Solid length, £,=ain-+2d=3.5 x 1224235 =434mm Free length, £,= L,-+y+0.15y 434 + 125 + 0,15 x 125 Am oo Ly= 571.75 Ans. 4 Since “L-> 3 for thi spring, the may buckle, However, sit ist be mowed in the barel. (Le. properly guided) the chances of buckling are remote, 445, Design of Machine Elements Result: Design specification ofthe spring “Material: Chrome vanadium alloy ste! Wire diameter, d=3.5mam Mean coil diameter, D= 17.5mn [Number ofeoils, m= 122 tums ree length, y= 577.75 ‘A rall wagon weighing SOOKN is moving wlth a velocity of 2.5m. Its brought 1 rest by 0 baffrs with ol pring of 300mm dameter. The maximum deflection of springs is 380rIm. The allowable shear stress in the spring material is G00N/nan? and taking the rigidity modulus of the spring material is 8.2 x 10°N/em. Design the coil spring for the buffers. (BHU-Apr' 1996] Given dat: ‘Weight ofthe rail wagon, m= 300KN = 300 x 10" Velacy, Mean ize ofthe cl spring, D~ 300m Maximum defletion ofthe spring, y= 3500 Allowabe shear sess of pring, «= 6001? Modulus of rigidity, G = 8.2 x 10°N/em* G82 «108 1 10 Wim? = 8.2 x 10" To find: Design othe coi spring for the utes © Sottion: (Diameter ot the spring wie, amber of sg 2 From equation (4.17), nergy stored inthe spring U= 5 x Load (P) x detection 9) x2 U=Pxy Y= 350P Nr 0) Kinetic energy ofthe wagon, U Design of Springs ae ot San? = Fx 300% 10?x 257 375000 Q) Equating (1) and (2), pa 937500 7500 2678 50N [Equivalent toad on the spring, P= 2678.51 “Torque transmitted by the spring, 24, Mot 2 ~26r0s1s 20178: 28m Allowable shear sess, gn 16M, a 00 = 16%401785.7 ad Ans is : (i) Number of turns ofthe spring coi, nz 7 From equation 4.10), Deflection, y = SEM Ga 4350 = 8:267857%(20)) xn ) 821015 n=282 say3 An . Assume end ofthe coils squared and ground, 5 From table 4.1 ‘otal number oF coll, y= n+2=3+2=8 An. co 446 Design of Machine Elements (di Sold longth ofthe spring, Z,: Lye dnt 2.d= 15 x342% 15 75mm Ans, (Gv) Free length ofthe spring, £7 4 y= 425mm Ans. (0) Pitch ofthe coll p: From equation (4.5) . Ans. 7 Ans. z (iy Spring rate (or Stifoess ofthe spring, g:~ From equation (4.1) E WBS) 7.65 Nom Ans. ¥ ~~ 350 7 Results: Design ofthe coil pring forthe burs c (Diameter ofthe wring wie, d= 15mm A (i) Nunterofsctivetum ofthe col, m3 (Gy Tosal sumber of spring coi, my 5 {G9} Solid iengin ote spring, o=75m (0) Free length ofthe spring, 1y= 425mm (i) Pitch oft coil, p> 85mm (i) Hic angle of the cot, ans.tse Spring rate (or Stns of he pring, ¢™ 7.65Nnmt? ‘maximum operating force during the load cycle is 175N. The wire dlameter ls 4am, while the Design of Springs 49. ‘mean colt ameter is 24mun. The spring is mede of ol hardened and tempered valve spring wire of ultimate tensile strength, |430N im’. Determine the factor of safety used in the design, Ginen data: Preload, Ps = 609" Maximum fosd, P, = 175 Wire diameter, d= Anum Mean coll diameter, D= 24mm Spring material: oil tempered valve spring Ultimate stres, «= 1430N/ne To find: Factor of safety soon: srg, c= 2 og Menta ye Fi EA py RaP, 15-60 Amplitude load, 2, =575 From equation (4.36) Direct shear factor, Ky= 1+ 2615 € From table 4.4 (Curvature factor, Ke for C From equation (4.38) abt woes factor. K, isa LIS ve Ko 11025 91.15 ~ 1.2678 From equation (4.37) 1 2678x37.5 28 a Ampliaade stress, =69.6N/mn? From equation (4,35) BK le D _ BxLI02SK1ITS E24 ‘Mean shear sess, p xP aC) 123.7Ninn Yield stress, 1y = 0450, = 045 x 1430 ~ 643.5Minn? 450 Design of Machine Elements Endurance sess, t-) ~0.5 0) = 05 x 643.5 =321.7SNimn* By using the equation (4.39), ‘Where, n= factor of safety 123.1696 , 209.6 1 OBS” HIS =1.935 say? Ans, a Result: actor of safety, n=2. Sra SECS ae ‘A helical spring is subjected toa load varying from 400N to 1000N having spring index of 6 and the desig factor of safety 1.25, The compression ofthe spring at dhe maxinvum lads 30mm. Design the helical compression spring. Take sleld stress in shear as L1ON/mi?, endurance suress in shear as 380N/mn? and the modulus of rigidity for the spring material as 80 x 10 Nn. {-Apr'2000 scum Given data: ‘Minimum load, Py = 4007 Maximum load, Paoc® LOOON ‘Spring index, C= 6 Factor of safety, = 125 Compression (o) deflection ofthe spring,» ‘Yield stress in shear, xy = 110N/re™ Endurance stress in shear, ¢-4 = 350N/nn?™ Modulus of rigidity, 0= 80 » 10°Ninm? To sind: Design ofthe helica spring © Sotudon: () Diameter ofthe spring wire, d: Oram ‘Mean foad on te spring, ‘oon Design of Srings oo Amplitude lad onthe sping, Ps = 10000 spy Direct shear fate, Kans 2815 5 4 9815. saps ‘Mean shear stress, yn BKaPa © _ BX11025 47006 ad nd seta F Wobl stress factor, = Kix K K= 14025115 (+ Fromtable 4.4 for C=6, K-= 1.15) Ke= 1267815 ‘Amplitude shear ste, 2 BKAPLC | bx. 267075%300%6 ed ae e For repeated loading, 2, ‘Substituting ty to Val in the above equation, L1791471_SOLLSL 2581151 Led da 195 iio 380 587996 1162302 Led dE ia he 350 s43eu27_,_33.208 e e 1 __a7s7ise 125 a f= 109.46 d= 104G2mm on Design of Machine Elements Deson of Sori ie “Te not standard diame fom able 4.5,4=10.6mm ARS, Resute Design sposfications of the hela! ping i) Mean coil diameter, D: @)_ Diameter of the spring wire, d= 10.6mm i Goce tad 6) Moan cl ameter, D = 636 spring index, C= 2 => Dac d= 6x 106 a :D=63.nm a Gy Nanberof active tans, n= 15 a panes oo (6) Tota mnber of ok n= 17 : (0) Solid ength ote spring = 180.20 ; (a) Number of active tars: (Gi Free length ofthe spring, y= 210-2 BPC n (vii) Pitch of the spring, » = mm Deflation y= 22am (vil Piteh ofthe spring, » = 12.76 “Ga (rt Het angle ofthe ping, (i) Spring rate, g~ 33.33 bee RE A load of 26s drepped axially om closed cll helical spring fom a hlght of 250mm. The ; ‘pring has 2 effete ums and ts made of 25mm dlameter wir. The spring inde, Pind 7 mento“ ise ans © ‘he maximum shear sires induced ond the amount of compression produced. Modulus of ; ily ney be tena 848 : ‘ (v) Solid tength of the spring, Lt isidty may be taken as 84kNint (MU-Apr'98) tin dne2d~106%15+2%106°1802mm An ven date: ‘Axial load, P = 2kV—2 x 10° (¥) Free length of the spring, Lj ‘Height before the load dropped, = 250mm Tye tye 1802-430 a) Number ofative ms, n=20 Wie dance ofthe sping = 25mm ‘ ying index, = 8 : ca raaatiiecenee Modulus of tigiity, G = 84kMinm? = 88 x 10°Amm? ° Ton: Lt, 7 7 d= M0212 5 1-12:76mm Ans @_ Maxiraum shea a 1 (9) Amount ofa é (vii) Helix angle of the coil, a: ® Solution; (© Mair shear stress: (5) un (2%,)-s0e Aut on eee q ‘Wah! stress factor, K, = Fag 1000333357 an 7 fe 92200038 Allowable Shear stress, Raa 456 Design of Machine Elements Design ofr 435 784i Ams. a Outer spring Coil diameter, Dy = 120mm (i) Amount of compression produced, y: alduae ane ‘Work done dust impact oud, Inner spring: a] Phy) =2000 050 +9) o Coil diameter, D:= 100mm Fquivalent gradually applied oad (?,) required to compress the spring is given by Wire tiameter, d= Sr er ‘otal oad, P= 4000. ton” ext x20 © To find: P0569 @ Prats Bead umn Work done = “xy = BBP cy Sotution: Gates ie @ ‘The springs are having same free length, i From (£0), Pe 7 2000 050-+y)=12.82)? : ‘500000 + 2000y = 12.82)? 12:87 20005 ~ 509000 =0 ‘As both springs have same number of cols and same matt, 3 = 156y~39001.56=0 m= m0. Ge ; (156) (56)° 9001 36 _ 156242466 RxD! Rxoe 2 2 ae . ~290.38m (Faking +veroctonly) Ans.“ ; Results: a Maxima shear sees, x= 77184 qralaAS Flea: a i) Amount of compression produced, y= 290.33 RSS ee A closed col lla pring Is placed inside the coils ofenother spring having same number for ‘cols, axial fee length and same maeral. The mean dlameters of cis ofthe outer and nner springs are 120nim and 100ram respectively. Outer spring is made of 14mm dlameter wire and inner spring i made of Sm diameter wire. Determine te load taken and maximum stress it nck spring the oo springs ar compressed by an axial lod of 4000N. Given data: mom hels GAG & 4 same material) From equation (1) and (2), 3.39P; + P:~ 4000 Pre OLN Ans. P,=30888.N Ans ‘Shear sress inthe outer spring, 83088 8x120 x(a? 343.94.Nimd® Ans, Shear stress inthe inner spring ¢ a 456 Design of Machine Elements 20, 399.07Nimm? Results: ‘Loads on inner and outer springs, P= 30885. Pr=91LA8N ‘Shear stresses on inner and outer spring, y= 243.94Nan? 2238207? concentricaly one inside the other. Both springs re che same numberof eetve cot and same veal length bu Ske mean col act of aa ater oping soe that ofthe taner pring, which s made of bronze: The outer SP inate of suck. The springs are deigned ro at tgetter when a force i apple, s0 hat both safer the seme change bs eng and exch carves haf the force, Determine he roe. ofthe wire arte and the nat of siesses induced in wires, I ee modules of rigidity of sel ee that of brome. Given data: Same overall length, f= fan ys == Din2D. rere 2 2G Mail Outer ping Une ping bronze Tofind: fe ang £2 a © Solution: tis given that = xR xD? xn, Gud Design of Springs 47 Since, m= mp Py (G20; Dy=2D), ans. a Stes onthe ste, Sess on he bones, = £5.23 Ratio, ner, a0) Leta} 2 *\on07 rr Result: Ratio of diameters, { 4, Jeem Ratio ofsresas, “2 = LaLa eS A composite spring has two closed coi hella! springs. The outer spring is 2mm larger than lamer spring. The outer spring has 10 cots of mean diameter Sonim and wire diameter dns Find the sifuess of the inner spring f an axial load of 280N causes the outer spring 10 compress by 22men. Ifthe radial clearance beween too springs is 2mm, find the diameter of the Inner spring wire for 8 actve co. Take G=0.82x10' Nam Given data Whee Outer spring: Number of esis, m= 19 Mean diameter, Dy = 30mm Wire diameter, dj = 4mm Load, P = 280N for» = 22mm Radial clearance = 2mm Inner spring: [Number of eos, G~ 082 x 10'Ninn? To finds Qand dof inner spring, © Solution: Gas _oszx0* xt Stitaes of the outer spring, 45 2210 AO" 9.729% PE Soin 8x0) IO Load ten by ute pring, P,=9.72 «22=213.8 Load taken by inner sping, P,~280~213.8 = 652" ‘The total compression of ping under 2600 is 229 ‘The compression of nner spring nm 62 suitfness of one spring $82: ame pring Inside col diameter of outer spring = 30 Outside coll diameter of inner spring = 25-22" 22mm (+ Clearance =2mm) ‘Mean coll diameter, D; = 22~ diymim Design of Springs 439 Gat Spingsifnes, ga SOE W210" eat 8Q2-a,) xB Solving by hitand tr the wire diameter of ier spring willbe = 249mm Say 2.5mm An. Result Stiffness ofthe inner spring = 6.62 N/mm Diameter ofthe inner spring, d; = 2.5mm rine Two hellal springs ofthe same axial length but diffrent diameters of coils are placed coaxially one inside the other. The axial load is 3000N and the deflection is 25mm. The maximun permissible shear stress for both the springs is ISOMPa. The spring indices are Sand 9, the wire diameters being sume. Neglecting the effect of stress concentration, find the ratio of actual uniberof cols of de two springs. Deflection, »= 25mm ‘Maximum permissible shear stress 1) ~=1— 150MPa Spring constants C;~ 5 and C Wire diameters being same, «dy = de Ta find: © Solution: ‘Since the shear stresses on both the springs are same, P, 88S BBG, dr nde “Kn EPIC ACHK, (ded) cat Design of Machine Blomorts Design of Springs ast an esul: ; Rat, 2 +3.65 ah - 51131 9606 of) Paes: z oxnl6 The folowing table gives the particular ofa concen helical sping The spring b subjected to f ch 2 ‘an axial load of 450N. Determine: Given that, Py {) The compression of each spring From (1)and @) (The toad shared by each spring 0.626P2t P1™ 3000 (ii) The shear stress induced in the wire. Take G=0.82x10°N/mm? 1.626 P= 3000 Wire [Mean Coil Number” of | Fee] a Pan SN | ameter | diameter | netive turns | length - 2 Ro 11S4 98 Toner spring | 4mm [Simm 17 i Outer spring” | Sum —— [mm — [9 Tobe © Sotntins et east AS th le lngth of outer sping t mars than fe length of ine spring, outer sping takes the whole load until its compression i. 100 ~ 85 = 15mm and after that both ihe springs ae compressed together. xd? 4j~ B.28say 1A mm ic, Total load = Load shared by outer spring for {Samm + Load shared by outer spring for further deflection + Load shaved by ner spring for further deflection, leis given that = oh a= 1mm Since both the springs are having the same axial length, Loa shared by outer spring alone for ISmm deflection t yen BACin, _ 82,Cln | “Gad, Gay 47 h&G=G) = SA XC 0.82107 (5)" 1154989" gs P.= 166.83 1845x5? Remaining load = 450 — 166 83 = 283.17 ‘This remaining load is proportionately shared by the two springs. ‘Assume xbe further compression of outer spring and total deflection of iner spring Ratio of actual number of coils ofthe two srings, 402 Design of Machine Elements Load taken by the inne spring ~ Stites of inner sping ase 2 e55 pa240n Ano Result: Force required for deflection of SOmnis 2404" POTS ‘A composte spring ha eo close colled springs inserts. Each spring has w mean diameter 10 limes is wice diameter, The diameter of ne spring is 3mnt and it has 15 cols. The second spring has 12 cols, The tiffs of compat spring materials .2Ninm, The safe sires of the spring materta is 360N ion? and G~ 0.8 lO°Nan?. Determine () Diameter of second spring (0) Ling asl tad for compose spring (i) Extension of composite spring under ting load. Given data: ‘Moan diameter ofeach spring is 10 times di. Design of Springs 467 First Spring: Wire diameter, dy = 3mm <2 Mean dimeter, D, 30mm [Number of calls i= 15 Stiffess of pring material, g=1.2N/mm Safe sess, t= 360N/am G08 L0'N/mn? © Solution: ‘When two springs are arranged in series, the total stfiness is given by equation (5.26) a au i te Ga, _ oR x3 Siffess of fst spring, g1™ sl PEE Gen, BRGY HIS 4g Od, _ 08x10" xd, Sitfness of second spring, 2 OSI E oad PAE ES SCF n, | SxGO) IZ Substiuting the value of gy and gy in equation (1) 14 asd, 4~3.62mm Ans = 362mm i oAO=4, 615, A101 0615 gena C axlO=4 "10 Shear tes inthe ist pring, shc dh aK, BecP x10. 1448 ou Panay 364 488 Design of Machine Elements ‘Shea stress ia the spring 2 c oom SP a1Oxd 048 7x02) P= 16182 ¢ + Liming axial load fore spring“ AMLI3N AMS. Deflection of spring under limiting load, Load Sittnese Result: Diameter of wire of second spring, ds = 3.62mm Limiting exial load = 111.1387 Deflection under limiting load At the bottom of an elevator shaft a group of 8 identical springs are set In parallel 10 absorb the ‘shock ofthe elevator incase ofa failure. The elevator weighs KN. Assuming that the elevator as a fce fll of 12m from rest, determine the maximum stress in each spring if each spring is ‘made from 25mm dlameter ro. For each spring asta spring index of 6 and number of active tues 15.6 "84 «10M ¢ Given data: Nusuber of springs, 8 Weight of elevator, P=25kV= 25000 Height of elevator, h= 1.2m = 120mm fe Wire diameter, d= 25mm ‘Spring index, C= 6 c "Number of active tums, n= 15 G= 84% 10°Ninm?* To find: t ‘Streses in each spring Design of Sines 19 sotuton: From equton (4.16) nd (4.17), nergy absorbed by the springs de to inact load, U= PO) =25000 1200-49) TEP isthe effective lad on the sping Then 5 Pey=25000 1200 +9) w Deflection of helical spring, BRC BP x6 xtS ON Behe xe 01232, Gd” axto x25 Substituting y vale in equation (1), », x 0.0123P,~ 25000 (|200 + 0.01237.) 6.15 x 107 x P2=30 x 104307 5P, 6.15 10° P2-307.5P, — 30 « 108 = 0 57 $46.15 10 2615x107 Pen 9O825N (2 Taking +verootonty) ‘This equivalent toad is divided by eight springs. Therefore, load on exch spring, P, . got, $8 Maximum shear stosson spring, BPC _ Bx12397.8%6 ra? mwas? 107.9) 123978 <=303.08¥nnt Ans. Result: “Maximum shear stress induced on each spring, x = 303.08N/mm™ ae ‘An extension spring it be manufactered tthe folloming specification: Wire duet Number of active cols = 13.2 420 Design of Machine Elements Outside colt diameter = Fram Materit: Hard-dravn wire having design shoar stress of 127MPa and modulus of rigidity 0.79 x10 Ninn? Find the following: 4) Spring index and mean spring diameter 1) Freetength 9) Pretoad Spring rate 1) Force required to defect the spring Sram D Deflection caused by a force of 30N. Given de Wire diameter, d= Imo Number ofeoils,n= 132 (Outside eol diameter, Dy = Tum Design shear stress, = 127MPa= 127M? Modulus of rigidity, @=0.79 x 10°N/nn? To find: C.D Lg Pgs P fory = 9mm, y for P © Solution: Mean col diameter, D An. 7 D ing index, C= 2 Ano Spring index, C= 4 Free length, Ly d(n# 1)> 1(13.2+ #) = 142mm An, From equation (4.40), Pre load on the spring is given by past 3K, 4-1, 0615 _ 4x6-1 0615 re, K= SEAL O18, 2815 2505 Were, Ke Terg Co” axéaa* 6 IMTS -G636N Aus Fee 2508 Gd__ 07x Spring stiness,g= OF = OIE Fe Tn BxG HID Design of Springs 47 q7 34GN/imon Ans. 3 ‘The force required to defect the spring by 9mm can be Found by the equation (4.42) Py 4g y~6.636-+3.46 x ‘The deflection caused by a force of 0 W.TIN Ans. Pr, y yo POA, 30-6036 yo 3a y* 6:7S2mm Ans Result ‘Mean diameter of coil, D= 6mm Spring index, C= 6 Free length, y= 142mm Pre load, P= 6.6360 Spring sitness, ¢= 3.46N/mn? Force requied for y= Sm is 37.718 Deflection caused by P = 3017s 6.1752 Design a tension spring fora spring balance when the maximun: load 10 be weighed i 1.2KN. Length of the scales 90m and the spring index is 6, The material has maximum permissible shear scess of #00Nimnt and G= 0.82 x 10°MPa. Given data: Maximum load, P~ 1.24 12000" Length ofthe scale = 907mm Spring index, C= 6 Permissible shear sess, t= 400V/m? Modulus of rigidity, 0 = 0.82 x 10°MPa=0.82 x 10°Ninm* © Sotution: Wa’ stress factor, K, 47 Design of Mechine Elements Fer sping balance pre load should be equal to maximum load und? PSK, saves ; 1200-= Fox L250 : basa Gatstam sy tom ane 1 Date an m= vind 1 sag sates = lat = 20 BOn 10% x8 Ten pt Seip psec espns ae “A helical col tension spring used in printing machinery requires a preload of 40N. The wire ‘Rameter of spring 3mm with a spring index 5. The spring has 16 cos. The maximum permissible sear tess for sping wire is 420MPa and modes of rigidity ts 44m. Determine: {@ The ntl torsione shear sess nthe wire G8 The spring rte (ip The force that would cause a permanent deformation (0) The spring deflection corresponding tthe oad found in Given data Pretoad, 2,400 Design of Springs 478 Wide diameter, d= 3mm Spring index, C= 5 Number af ells, = 16 Permissible shear stress, = 420MPa Madulus of rigidity, @= 84kN nan? ~ 84» 10'Nina To find: +. 4g, Ptequited for permanent deformation and Deflection corresponding to P © Sotuton: Wahl’ sess fator, x,» C= x 0515 _ 445-1, B61 ins Casas cc: 2 ap-cxd=sx @ We know that, preload = tad aoK, gon EO Feist 3105 ano Spring rt, ee BO rn &s 6 When the force equals or exceeds the yield strength (ie, 420MPa) permanent ‘deformation will eur. This loud is given by, po SRE _420xR« ee nes mo BDK, ~ Bxtse1 3108 “ Deflection for load, P= 226.5 7 ye FOE BES Samm dao 1575 Results: Inia torsional shear stress, 1 = 74:%/nm? Spring rate, g = 15.75, Force to cause permanent deformation, P = 226.50 Deflection of spring at load 226.5N'= 11.86 4m Design of Machine Elements ‘44.21, DESIGN OF BELLEVILLE SPRINGS Belleville springs ot Dizespringr ate used whore space limitations require high expacity units Le. applications requiring high spring sit ess and compact spring units. This is obtained at the expense of relatively aon-amiform stess distribution across the section. High stresses are used in the design of Bellville springs. Each spring consists of several annular discs that ere dished t0 conical shape a shown i fig, 423 (2). They are stacked up one onthe top of another as shown in fig, 423 (bn order to increase the deflection. Ptoe : | @ (o) Belov sponge stacked pale! () Ble ings saan aves Fig, 4.23, Betevile springs ‘The unt may beheld in alignment by a central bol or a tubo, The springs placed in series are shown in fg. 4.23 (6) and the deflection is proportional the number of diss. The springs are placed in parallel ae shown in fig 4.23 (b) and have the high load capacity, which depends onthe umber of discs When he oad is applied nifomly aroun ihe eth relaon betwen ape oad P and ial deletions ven by eatin, 2 [-2)6 roe] as) 4 (i—v?)M] — ou wher, P= Api oad 1yDefeton of exch ie Thikness of se Outside ameter of die = Poisons aio fr Bes eight of nested cone 'M Constant depentng upon ato of onside onside et 7 Design of Springs 475 ‘The maximum stresses occurring at the edges aro given by equations (also Refer FSGDB Page 7.104) Elen +c, | atthe inner edge..(45) e-vu(S) phe LU eee} -[e(s-2)-c 4 atthe outer edge .. (4.46) a-voa{: } 7 Wher, Cand C are constants depending upon the rato dye 1 te 2 Seco Pete “ 2. a fe ) im (4 2 as eal Che 2 zo E ; os we (also refer PSGDB 7.104) Foe ae —S + (ato wlee PSCDB fog me wue,($) Bos ue i gos a 7108) i | 02 ‘The value of constants M, Cy and Cy may be 04 taken fom fig, 4.24. In general, the ratio of aid, vaute 10 49 26 94 42 50 should be between 1.5 and 5 2 he mtr ft Flv sig pene materia of the Belleville spring is chrome “ sao ys Te lowe ses frig 7 424 Disrig conto rmaterial is 1500N/mm, and E-2.110°2mme, The poisson’s ratio v = 0.3. "The thickness of the ise spring varies from Imm to 2mm, Diameter of diso at base is 28 to 300mm and hil = 0:4 to 0.75 for sift springs and 0.75 to 0.41 for y > 0.75 h for greater elastic deflections. The ratio vd, varies ‘rom 0,08 to 0.06, The value of cone angle avarice between 4° to 7°, where the best value is 6.5° 4.4.22, SOLVED PROBLEMS ON BELLEVILLE SPRINGS ponauiany ee eee ee A Belleville spring is mate of 3mun steel metal sheet with an outstde diameter of 125mm and the diameter ratio as 2.5. The spring is dished 4.5mm. The maximum stress produced atthe inner 476 Design of Machine Elements ‘edge 1 S60NImin?. Determine (9 the deflection, (W) the load that roay be safely carried. (i) chicch te stress produced atthe outer edge. Given data: Thickness, 3mm Outside diameter, = 125mm Diamerer ratio, 5 225 somm liner diametes, d= "22 = 50m Free height of truncated cone, =4.Smum ‘Maximum stress produced atthe outer edge, 0, = 560mm? © Sotution: From fig. 4.22, the constants M, Cand Cy for diameter rata 2.5 ean be found (M=0.75, C,~ 1325 and Cy=1.54 “Assume poisson’ ratio, y= 0.3 and B= 2.1 « 10°Nnun? From equation (4.45), “The maximum stress produced at the iner edge is mag heed fof gs 2x10? xy vars(3) 2 560 = 78.71y [[5:96-0.6625y)+4.62] 111 9 596)= 0.662594 + 4629 0.6625" — 10.58 y+ 7.11=0 y= 1597y+ 10.732=0 isn [1597 aeRO 2a (Refer PSGDB 7.108) 560= 03 is 97 14.564 2 | 5.266 oF 0.703 Desig of Springs an (neletng higher vale ice itso lng 5mm am ‘The lad tht may be sf care can beclelted by the relation (0 a A 4) vw): zr 2.txt0" x0.703 o-as one (5) pret) (Refer PSGDB 7.104) [2 ).as-o90303] P= 4UIDIIN=4.112kN Ans From equation (4.46), Stress produced a the outer edge ~ only! 2108 «0.703, 1325{ 45-223) 1.54.3] ay ( 2 ) neal coon ya7s (2 18.85 An. a ‘Since the stress produced at the outer edge is vary less than that of inner edge it is sa. Result: Deflection, y= 0.70% Load that can be safety caried, P= 41.124N Stress produced atthe outer edge, 6, = 48.55Ninm* 4.4.23, DESIGN OF HELICAL TORSION SPRINGS, ‘he hetical torsion springs are similar to helical compression springs in form and are loaded by a torque about the axis of the helix. It is used to transmit the torque toa particular component of ‘amachine or mechanism. Example: door hinges, levers, paw ratchet, automobile starters etc. The primary stress in helical torsion springs is fleeural in contrast tothe helical compression (or tension spring where the stresses are torsional shear stresses. It means that bending stress is ‘the predominant siress in these springs. Design of Machine Elements 478 vee Fig. 4.28. Torsion spring By considering curvaue effect, then the stess concentration factor Ky should ome into picture, ence the above equation becomes ad oo" Kye a ge 224 coronaire) i) (one 087.580 ad? Wes, 4c?-C-1 ‘= Stress concentration factor = ————~ 44.48) Kos tation fet = Te on Ki foe reetngular wire 2489) ee be (450) Design of Springs 479 6M for square wire as) on Kx Where, a— cach side ofthe square ‘The value of K,, and K,, can be directly taken from the following fig 4.26, 1 er TTT 120 Rector if f tess Facto hy, BH Seda itay, Ce Fig. 4.26, Stess factors for torsion spring Angular deformation (0) can be found bythe equation, AM Dn, _ 64M Dr, Ef Ba Where, n,—Number of active tums ‘The stfines ofthe helical sprig (@) bendingmoment Mf ‘gulardeformation Edt Dn, ‘The design of helical torsion spring is based on the torgue-stess and the terque-deflection ‘equations. The spring index is generally kept between $ to 15. (4.32) (Glo Refer PSGDB 7.131) oo G33) eee Tasos Ay bl oe dae ete a anal acest neces Gees era Sena eal dee ae eres Ge arrae permissible stress in the spring is SSON/mm® and E = 2.1 x 10°Nimm’. What must be the diameter of wire and the corresponding deftection in degrees? Take number of effective coils as : oe Design of Mochine Elements Coll diameter, D= 40mm ‘Torsional moment, M'= SN-m = SOOON-1om Spring index, C= 10 Permissible stress, 0) = 550N/nn? ERD) x 10'Ninot [Number of effective coils, n,~7 To fina: Wire diameter, d Deflection in degrees, 8 © Solution: From fig4.2, forround wire K, # 1.08 From equation (447), 32K, M Permissible stress, = =~ a sso = 3281.0be2t00 xd @= 100 = Wire diameter, = 6mm Inside diameter of coil, D, Leverage, Number of calls, n,= 4.5 = 45m Sm 7 486 Design of Machine Elements To fin Maximum force, P Deflection, @ in degrees. @ Solution: For monel metal, 59x 10° (Gom PSGDB 1.1) 04> S00Nmnt Assuming safety factor as 2 529 «san? Permissible stress, 6 Fromm equation (4.48), ken HCLRCA 4x85" 85 f GCE GSES From equation (4.47), ‘ ‘The permissible stress for torsion spring, pn KAM. B2LIP SS ay ope) na? a8 50 = 32d PSS x6 Pos7aN Anse From equation (4.52) GAM Dn, _ 64x874x55u51x4.5 Ed 59x10" x6) Deflection, 6: - asin Moanin Anew Result: Maximum load tha the spring can carry, Deflection, 0= 19.63° 74N Design of Springs 485 4.1.25. DESIGN OF LEAF SPRING ‘Simply supported beams and cantilever beams may be used as springs because under a ‘certain amount of iad these beams get deflected and thus absorb energy. These types of springs ‘are commonly called as leaf spring or lat springs. An advantage of leaf spring over the helical spring is thatthe end ofthe spring may be guided along a definite path as it doflects. Thus, the spring may act asa structural member as well as an energy-absorbing device. For example, an ‘utomobile laf spring may be designed not only to absorb road shocks, bt also to cary lateral Toads, brake torque, diving torque et., A leaf spring may have the form of cantilever béam asin fig. 4.27 (a), or it may have the forma of simply supported beam as shovn in fig. 4.27 (0). The main tresses are tension on one side ofthe neutral axis and compression on the other, (a) Consover (©) Sit oppo Fig. 427, Flat or leaf spring ‘The maximum stress may be found from bending equation, Mage ae Design of Machine Blements Design of Springs 437 en ith pe (© Cantilever spring: ot Maximum stress, 0, = S24 438) or Deflection, y= a7 sre BEI 3g bf Defletion y= SP 459 “Aa > BBP Sai ‘Similarly, for sinply supported spring ara (2 Simply supported springs ae (55) Maximum stess, oy 274... (4,60) Eb see ay - ape Maximum stress, 436) Peete Ee bid 441.28, LAMINATED LEAF SPRINGS In order to increase the load carrying capacity, number ofa plates are placed one below the aeneeeat ea pat ther as shown in fig. 4.29 (@) and (0). The lengths of the plates are gradually decreasing at 7 aE, constant rate. Such & spring is called es laminuted leaf spring. These ‘ypes of springs are ‘This analysis shows that an automobile spring having length 2 loaded atthe centre by a load _2P may be treated as a beara of cuntilovor with load P at the end of span L. ‘The main drawback of the above spring is that they are stressed heavily at one specific location and the other pats are stesed lightly. Therefore, these springs can be made of wnifoat sttength by keeping either a constant thiekness or constant width, Generally the thickness ofthese springs is kept constant and width i made variable a shown in fig. 4.28 (a) and (B). (0) Sng supported sting wih ng va (ax canoer pra wah vayeg wan Fig. 4.28, leaf springs with varying width ‘The stresees and deflection of the spring are given as automobiles, rallway wagons, coaches ete ‘The maximum stross and deflection value for these springs are the same as forthe singe pate except that width & is replace by nb. (o) Cane eng (07 Sing supperted peg Fig. 4.20, Laminated Leaf springs © Cantitever spring: 6PL noe Maximum sess, = ae) re Design of Machine Eloments 458 46) (Gi) Simply supported spring: SPL faximum sess, o5 = 22%, ast be abe Spe flection, y~ aon Detection 9 SEER 41.27. SEMI-ELLIPTICAL LEAF SPRINGS “The most common type ofthe leat spring as show in fig, 4.30. This spring consists of number of leaves, which are held together by U-elips ‘The long leaf fastened to the supports i called master af whose ends are bent to form an eye Remaining leaves are small lever called graduated eaves. If heavy loading is there, one or more full-length leaves are provide below the master lef. Such a spring no longer remains beam of uniform strength and comection must he applied for it. The perpendicular distance between the reference lines tothe master leas called camber. 1d in automobile ie the semni-linical leat spring, : 7 - T Reference Ine | be ! Metre Ey contetot et Fig, 430. Semi-liptical leaf spring ‘When the spring is subjected to maximum los, it becomes fet. The hole drilled in the plate for the bolt weakens the spring. Therefore, the diameter of bolt should be subtracted fom width of plate when making calculations for strength of the spring: The pressure exerted by the U-clip reduces the bending stess ia the cental part of the spring. Tee U-clip creates stress concentration atthe edge ofthe sping seat. I Is reduced by providing soft pad berween the eat and scat, The ends of shorter or graduated leaves are clamped by rebound clips. They help to 489 Design of Springs Aistribute the load which is developed by the rebound action, Otherwise, the total load may be saken by the master leat alone and it wil fail easily ‘Te stresses produced in the gradunted leaves and full length or master leaf is given by the ‘equations (Refer PSGDB 7.104). Pe Siess inthe graduated leaves, Gig= PPL 4.66 BF Gn, +2n,) 2 ‘Stress in the master leaves or full-length leaves, Ste= ieee (4.67) ~ BF Gn, +2) ‘The deflection is same for both falHlength leaves and graded leaves. I is given by the equation (Refer PSGEB 7.104) eth... 468 Ee Gn, +2n,) where, ng Number of ll-length leaves any Number of predusted leaves, 4.4.28. NIPPING OF LAMINATED LEAF SPRINGS, may be seen from equations (4.66) and (4.57) thar the stress in the full length leaves is 50% ‘greater than the stresses in the graduated leaves, For economical use of the materials, design the spring bas to be designed such that all the leaves should be equally stressed, otherwise the master leaf will fait. This eon ‘curvature‘than that sed in the graduated leaves before the leaves are assembled to form a spring, ‘This will create an intial gap (2) between the feaves called the nip, When the central bolt is tightened, the full-length leat will bend back and have an tion can be obtained if the full-length leaves are given a greater radius of al stress in a direction opposite to that ofthe normal load, When the load is gradually applied to the spring, tho fulltength leaf is frst, relieved of tis initial stress and then stressed in opposite direction, Such a pre-stessing obtained by a difference of radi of curvature is known as nipping. Consider the ease of equal stress in all the leaves at the maximum load condition. At the ‘maximum load, Deflection of graduated leaves = defletion of full-length leaves + Nip. yante Eye ye 490 Designaf Machine Elemens oe 4p Soe raerar tT i @ web HEE Since the design of pings for qual stresses maximus oad GPL SPL ete a be mb ol Fig. 431. Nipping of laminated spring Substinating Py and P, values in equation (i), 6PLe are. neb? Ebr PL Initia gap, ae 6.) ‘Where, m= mp Fe . “The total load on the cp bolt P requited to close the gap can be determine! by the act that the oral gap (70) Design of Springs 41 “Tho final sess in the spring eaves will be the stress in fll-length leaves duc tothe applied load minus the inital sss. 6b, 6h mF be 2 fp 303 Substituting the value of Py and P and solving, we get ePL nor a7) Note The above formula foro is used only when the leaves are equally stressed. Els, or master leaf and graduated leaves separate formulae (4.66 and 4.67) ae used. 44.28. LENGTH OF LEAVES OF LEAF SPRING ‘The length of leaves may be compated bythe following relations Length of master leat= 20+ (d# 9° .n.{4-72) ‘Where, d~ diameter ofthe eye 1- Thickness of master leat Legh feet = EES «ete gh of ring Lege sata SB te gh ig Lenght t= SEI 1 peng tee [Effective length = 21 ~ width of central band Ineffective length ~ width of central band 41.30. RADIUS OF CURVATURE (R) “The approximate relation between radius of curvature and the amber is given below B any ‘The exact relation is yOR-W=2? 492 Design of Machine Blements ‘44.31. MATERIALS FOR LEAF SPRINGS. hain carbon stel having 0,-1.0 percent carbon in annealed condition is commonly used. (Chrome vanadium and slica-mangencse steels ae usod for the better grade spring. The physical properties of these materials are given inthe following table 4.6. Table 4.6 tee Uitimate strengih | Wield sirengtis Material eee : BCT 1680 — 2200 i300 OCHA VES 1500 = 7200 600 [50ST2 Mado | 1820-7060 1700 “The working tress fora leaf spring shouldbe based onthe endurance limit, which should not cexeed the yield strength. The endurance limit in reversed bending varies from 40 to 50% of the uhimate tensile strength. The factor of sufety based on the endurance strength is between 2.25 to 2.5 for rear spring and ftom 3.25 to 3.5 for front springs in automobiles. Incase of governor springs for stati load, a safety fctor of 1. is sufficient on endurance limi. “The nominal sizes of leaves, as recommended by IS 1135-1996 code, are given in the following table 4.7 Table 4.7. Nontal Wielness (mm) [3243 [$0 [@0 [6S [70] 75 80 [90] 10 [17 Nominal widih my [32 [40 [4S [50 [55 | 60 [os [70 [75 | 80 [90 44.32, DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR LEAF SPRING “The usual design procedure is as follows: Suey Iz Select suitable material from table 4.6 and calculate permissible stess by selecting suitable factor of safety ‘Step 2: Assutne the numberof leaves if nt given IIs usually 5to 10, but in railway ‘wagons it may be increased upto 14 Siep 3: Caleaat the effective length ofthe spring ie. 22. Step 4s The vale of Bi? canbe found from ation o = $2 by substituting the ‘values of given load P, length J-and assumed number of leaves, Step 5: By assuming either b orf, other can be determined, Recommended limits ofthe thickness range from 5to 16 and width 4S to 100mm. {fhe found values ae not ‘in recominended limits, the thickness ¢ or width 5 must be changed and whole procedure is repeated, Design of Springs lan of Springs rc ‘Step 6: In particular case, other factors suchas nipping and variable laf thickness must be taken into consideration in finding the maximum stress and deflection ‘Siep 7: Caleulat the radius of curvature and camber by using equations (4.69) and am, ‘Siep &: The centre bolt or the band will be designed for the load P, which isthe force rodtced in the bolt to reduce the gap tb zero. The bolt or band will be under tension due to load, ealelated by equation (4.70), ‘Step 9: Design of pin the master leaf can be atached at the ends to the chassis of an automobile indifferent ways. One of the methods ie shown in fig. 4.32 Width ofthe master laf =b Then length ofthe pin, b= b+ 2x Clearance ‘The clearance may be taken as 1.5 wo 25 Considering the bearing ofthe pin inthe eye, yb P,= Load on the pin where, ~ diameter of he pin Py~allowable bearing pressure > Load on the pin am) ea (Cheek for Fin: ‘Fig, 432. End Jott (Check for bending Maximam bending moment, Mf 473) ‘Load on the pin is assumed to be distributed uniformly over length Band the pin is assumed to he fied inthe plate. oadonpinxé’ 4 es Induced bending stress should not be more than permissible value (Check for shear ‘The pin willbe in double shear. Equating the shearing load tothe resisting shear (476) De Ba,? xx-Loadonpin 6m Induced shear stress will be less than the permissible vale. [Assume 1” be the thlekness ofthe plate and considering the crushing ofthe pin inthe plate, then 498 Design of Machine Elements 2x dx 1% 0, = Load on pin 478) ‘Where, oc Crushing stength of the plate material From this we ean find the thickness ofthe plate required 4.433, SOLVED PROBLEMS ON LEAF SPRINGS A sembelliptc leaf spring consists of two exiea full-length leaves and ste graduated length leaves, Including the master leaf. Pack leaf is 7.Smm thick and Sm wide. The centre-o- centre dietance between the two eyes is Im. The leaves are pre-stresced in such a way that when the load is masinum, stress Induced tn all leaves are equal to 380N/mmt. Determine the ‘maximum force thatthe spring can withstand. Given data: ‘Nurnber of fll length loaves, mp2 Number of graduated length leaves, = 6 ‘Thickness ofeach leaf, = 7.5mm ‘Widih of each leaf, 8= SOmm CConire-to-cenre distance, 2 = 1m, «. b= 0.5m= 00am Suess induced, 0) = 350¥/nen Stress induced in all the leaves are same, Toi: Maximum force hat canbe aplisd © Sotuton: Since the sess induce inal the eaves ar sams the se, oye th noe = SEEN gong tng 64228) ses00c75) P=2605N The maximum fod thatthe spring can withstand =2P=2x 2525 = 5250. ane Result ‘The maximum load tha the spring can withstand = 5250 NV 495 ‘A semtelliptcl spring has 10 leaves wich wo fungi levvesexiending 650mm. Sum wide and és made of 7mm thick, Design a helical spring, with mean coll dlameter 100mm, which will have approximately dhe same values of induced stress and deflection for any load. Given da For leaf spring: Number of kaves, n= 10 [Number of fll lengths loaves, ne [Numbor of gradusted leaves, c= 8 Length of spring, 2 6500, 2. L= 325mm Width of leaves, b~ 65mm Thickness Af leaves, (= 7m For helical spring: ‘Mean colt diameter, D= 100mm © Solution: ‘Assume 2P be te load acting atthe centre ofthe leat spring or helical spring ‘The maximum stress induced in the leaf spring GPL __ 6x P2325 be Yx6sxc 096127 ‘The maximum shear stress induced in helical spring is BPD _ axPxi00 BED 2 BPA assuming K, ne axg? | Amine The yalue of stress induced in both the spring is same, therefore 25867. onsi2p= 2545 a 4159.55 Gm Ans. 734 Visine ng mne seco YY Whe ho ak aoa be Bin mS} oa esa) then the above equation is ') Cantilever type pin in lever: In this case, the fulorum pia is supported as overbang cantilever beam as shown in fig, 437 (b). The maxizmam bending moment will occur where the pin is supported Design of Levers ie Fab 2 ©) Cantilever type pin in fork: In this case, the clearance is provided between the pin and the fork instead of fever and the pin. The pin is treated as fixed atthe lever seotion. Therefore, double cantilever and the maximum beading moment is given by the relation Fak 2°24 From the bending moment MG of any caso (a), (b) or (), we can caloulate the bending stress Dy using bending equation, My= (2) Cartier ‘ypepininiover Fig. 437 (3) Simply sorpote pe (eyCantlover pi tore 4.2.4, DESIGN OF CRANKED LEVER CCranked levers are commonly used for hoisting or lowering toad with winches, o¢ for starting 8 diesel engine, ete, Fig. 4.38, shows a hanv-operated cranked lover for hoisting winch, The lever is operated by a human boing by applying force atthe handle, [tis assumed that the applied load is point load at tworthird of the length of the handle away from the lever, The length of the handle may be taken as 300mm, when itis operated by one person and 5O0ram, when it is operated by two 41d Design af Machine Elements persons, The foros exerted by one person for continuous operation may be taken as 20007 with 2 velocity of sbout SOm/min, However, the maximum force for operation per person may be taken as {400N, ‘The selection of the lever depends upon the torque capacity and the nutaber of person operating it. Normally, the length ofthe lever Z is taken as 350 0 400mm. “The section of the lever is generally rectangular with average width 2s 40mm and thickness 25mm. ‘The handle of the lever is generally circular in cross section of diameter varying from ‘40m to GGnm. Sometimes, the cranked lever may be inlined from the handle by 5 - 15° to avoid interference withthe operator's hand, “The detailed design of each pat of the cranked lever is given below: spat yum Obes Fig, 4.38. Cranked lever @ Hanates Let F be the effort applied by the operator on the handle, The lever hendle is subjected to bending moment Ms, 2 M-2FI iF Section modulus of handle, Z= Bending stress, 02 4 Design of Levers Aus (Lene As conde Be tin mare esti AA ica te ton mar bos ein AA) coma a te tion Section AA is subjected to the following two types of forces, ; ©) Conte isin mst Mom 27 ¥) Varying bending moment which i maximum near the bos. Assuming he lover tobe entering fo the conte ofthe shaft the maximum beading moment, Ma Prt. The oquivalent torque at the lever due toMy and M; Miy= (M2 4M? Shear stress, x= Mow, Zoe Where, Zpie'= Polar section modulos 2 = [hb for rectangular section of ht 51? forretangular seation of 5 pb for elisa setion of major axis @ and minor axis b (ii) Journal of the shaft or boss: The journal ofthe shaft will be subjected to tho followins forces: i) Twisting moment, Mf; ii) Bending moment, Mf, = Where, stance from side A of boss tothe centre of journal ‘The equivalent torque, WF we know the allowable vie of shear sss 5 then the diantr of jor stearate, ten the danser of ounal can bo calculated by relation : : Design of Machine Elements Design of Levers 47 te Mew Zu) Mi i Where, d= diameter of journal of the shaft “The following relations are used forthe bub diameter and its length Diameter ofthe hub, dy = (1.5 0 2) Length ofthe hub, f= (1 to 1.5) dy 4.25. DESIGN OF HAND LEVER Hand levers are commonly used in machines such as lathe, milling machine, grinding machines, ot. Fig. 439. shows a hand lever of offective length Z from the centre ofthe shaft to the point of aplication of F The force Fis applied atthe handle ofthe lever. The dimensions and b axe width and thickness of the lever near the boss Fig, 4.39, Hand lever This type of lever is designed for bending. It is assuming that the lever will extend fo the centro ofthe shaft, this assuniption results toa stronger section ofthe fever. Maximem bending moment, My = FL Bending stress, Co ‘The value of ois taken as 70N/vn?, ifthe lover is made of wrought ion, From the above bending stess relation, the value off and h can be caleulated, Generally, the height of the lever near the boss is taken as 5 times its thickness. ie. = 0. The height ofthe lever is tapered from the boss to the handle but thickness is kept constant. The leat depth hy, near the sip ofthe handle is kept nearly half the height } In hand levers, the design dimensions are usually obtained by considering, maximum force a ‘man exerted. The normal values of manual fo in various modes of operation are given below: ‘Mode of operation | Tnstantanzous | Continious | Tntermittent Hand operation | 350t0400N | 70% 100N] 200 10 250) Footopsration | 700t0800v | 1S0t0200” | 400t0S00V_} ‘The diameter ‘cof the shat is subjected to combined bonding and twisting. Bending moment, My = Fx Twisting moment, My Fx Equivalent isting moment, M, = Je 4M? = (PE) n (PRO) Fy Therefore, according to maximum shear stress theory Shear stress, Dentro [A } Te dams of the shat anes be obaed by te Rankine’ s mula Eouivlent bending rn, Mie = M, fa = oF OP =F) Bending stress, 0, = a is? oT} 48 Design of Machine Biements “The value of allowable a, and + value for wrough iron will be TON/mm? and GON mm “The length ofthe boss, y= 10 1.25d “The diameter of boss, di = 16a 42 DESIGN OF FOOT LEVER Foot lever is frequently used in machines, and automobiles where the operator can easly catryout certain operations by pressing his foot on the lever. For example, brake in the ea, clutch Jn two wheelers, ete Fig. 4.00 shows a foot lever. It is experimentally found that a normal mam may be able to apply maxiinum effort of 850W¥ on the foot lever. Taking this value as Fit cen be signed in the same way as hand lever. The size ofthe foot plate is taken as 150mm by 20mm and 12mm thick “The design procedure for various other types of levers are explained in further solved problems using problems Design the handle of rectangular cross-section for rotating a shaft of diameter 30mm as shown in fig. 441, The boss fited to shaft by keyway and integral with the handte is vice the shaft diameter. The length of the handle from centre of the shaft is 400mm. The arm attacked to the ‘end of the handle is 125mm long. Take allowable stress in tension and shear are 130N/mn? and 65mm. Gtven data: F=30N Design of Levers 419 d=30mm @ Solution Design of handle: “The handle is subjected to twisting moment and bending moment Twining mane = 20 = (Assuming that offort of 3000” is acting atthe centre of arma) Bending moment, M~ 300 x 400 120000N-nm ‘The oquivalent wwisting moment, Mag = YoE+ME, = ofi20000F + (187507 = 1214560 ‘The equivalent bending moment, Iona Mags = i, el, F +04) )- i(1 120000 + {200007 +751) ) = 120728Nmm Since the allowable stress in tension is very high (almost two times 1), the dimensions of the handle can be calculated by considering shear strength 4120 Design of Machine Elements 7 she? 3 65 228 asaine=2) Sx 2bxb? Beata 216440 Say He jatiites hoy tT atom Be Dosen abs Theat, e242 06mm Ans Teh er =2 ih andl vtabeDet=Binm Ame Deine Toe sje sero eo visi moet ‘Twisting moment, M =2 x 300 x 400= 240000Nnm Shear arcaofkoy, A= Wake “The length of tho Key (is goerally equal tothe hight of the boss bo Bdoum M Shear siessinkey, t= ace 240000 30 Wi3dx 2 bs~ Width ofkey, = 7.24mm Say Bram From PSGDB 5.16,, for shaft diameter upto 30mm ‘The width of key, w= 8mm An. Hooight of Key, = 7mm Aus. Design a spanner to tighten « nut of 10mm bolt. The distance hetween the centers is 200mm and the maximum load applied is 150N. The section of the spanner may be assumed to be Design of Levers an approximately I section, Assume the spanner is made of wrought iron having allowable siress in ending of 70Nimn?. To find: Design a spanner, © Solutions The spanner is subjected to bending Bonding momen, Mf ~ 150 200300000 — Section modulus, z= 222 =O nl) [eee 6H * AsmuningH= 4nd B=31 heH-U-4M- baat b= B-t=31-1-21 Fig. 443 rx) =2r«(2i? ar 1924-160" 17607 2a 2m My 30000 2 fire u 79= 20000 _ 1760 4 A= 58.48 13,880 say dram Bending sess, 4122 Design of Machine Elements Design of Levers ans © Soin: ‘avis proportions of Leet are Heao tnd aso 1) Design ofan Br Ba3t~3x4= 12mm Au 3 ‘The diameter of the handle bar can be calculated fram the following relation. Z ina yy ding at = 300 x 600 = 180000N- ‘Doig he ernted lever shown in fig 444 basing length of handle SOO, length of lve ening moment 300 aint tm ec dn and overhang of journel as 150m The lever i used for operating isting Ce chee Soe ape goth eal ec stance of dimes 2 winch ad operated by ov person ering a maximum force of 600N ata distance of ote the length of the handle fom ts foe end. The permissible stresses in bending and shear should 2~Sceonmodas= #2 rot exceed 7OMPa and SOME i Given datas 1 = 500mm L= 400mm 50mm P= 600w Force ating o 04 x = 0 50 ; y= TOMPa= 70M Diameter of handlebar, d= (Zar) = 50u4Pa~ SON ao eee 1) Design of ever arm a -(A\4* Telove am jee tt wining nd eding mac ‘Twisting moment, M,: 00mm GOON = 80000N-mm 7 he d Bending moment, Ma =F, = 600 x 400 = 240000N-mm Spoken! \ Equivalent torque, Moy = yMZ+Mz = ¥(G80000) (40000) = 30000000 aA LL Fee MOL 2 p= 28 rele tn 2 aps? = 2x 2x al iss evn! Fig. dtd. 4p a Fo" (Assuming A =28) According 19 maximum shear stress thoory, 300000, Ay To find: Design the lover 4124 Design of Machine Fl so= 20000029, 8 6 =23.8mim Say 24mm An. oo h=2x6=2x24= 48mm An. (Check for bending stress, equivalent bending moment Macys {(m. + {apm )= i 8000+ (180000) + (240000) ) 2 = 190000N-mm Seton modulus, Z= 2 bh = 22448? = 216 nm? Mirge 190000 2 stress, oF = S000 20,62 baauavis Zz "36 7 ‘Since, the induced bending stress is less than the allowable stress (70N/mm), the designs sate 1) Design ofournal of shaft “The journal of the satis subjected to bth twitng and bending moment c “ovting moment, M = Fx = 600 x 40 = 2400000 Bending moment, M; = F (0.61-+2)= 600 (0.6 x 500 + 150) = 270000N-nim aquivalnt sting moment, Taz) = Yier0000)* +@ ¢ According to maximum shear ses theo, Muy _ 3612478 Z, a Ze, i ee 7 ‘gq = 251247. 816 : Treat Mage = {My 1000)" = 361247.8N-mm > 1. y= 33.26 Say 34m Diameter of the hub, c= 2a, = 2 x 34 = 68ire Ans. Design of Levers Hea nate aes A typical hand lever for operating a part of a machine too is shown in fig. 448. The lover ie ‘eperated by « man applying the maximum force of 350N. Design the lever, ifthe permissibe stresses for pin material are SOMPa in bending and 15MBa bearing pressure. The allowable ‘bending stress for lever is 7OMPa. son Futzum ce Fe 350 (6) = SOMPa = SaN/mn for pin Pe ASMP = T0¥Pa = TON im for lever To find: Desiga the lover © Solution: 1 Design of falerum pin: Let Pbe the foad moved by the lever (i.e) effort ‘Taking moment about tho fuleeum point, 350 «300 = Px 75 = 14000 The direction F and P both is vertically downvvaeds, The reaction at the forum pint will be 4126 Design of Machine Elements R= F+P= 14004350 = 1750N the pin to be bearing in fork (.e) cantilever pin in lever 2 “+ fkom bearing consideration F'= 12 dps) Sores tise 7 1, A sot a Considering the beeing failure ofthe pin in lever a felerum R= hap 1750" 081 x ded» 15 (: he08ld d= 12mm 81 x 12=9.72mm Say 10mm “Thicknoss os at falerum = 10mm = lenet of boos ly Outside diamoter of boss, dy = 2d-=2 x 12 = 24mm Aw. oo i) Design of section of lever ‘The lever is subjected to bending moment, The maximum bending moment is at section ¥;~¥; and is probably weakest, but for convenicace we will design the section of lever at Y— Y and check at section Y;~Y). The section Y~ Y is subjected to bending 4, ‘Bending moment, Mi = {20 +) [My ~ 100800N-mm Let 5 be the thickness of lever and F the height of section at YY, then soction modulus Design of Levers rT Lae 2= 48,8 Assuming thickness 6, ofthe Iever as 10mm M, on ro= iu pelown? +h=29.39 Say 30mm ‘This value 30mm is mare than the diameter of the boss (24nam), ‘Therefore, the desiga is OK. Thus, the section of lever at Y-Y y= 100m Ans. oe = 30mm Ans. "Now, the Tever can be checked a the fulcrum point ‘Maximum bending moment at section ¥; ~ Y= 350 x 300= 10500N-mm hdl id Sestion modulus, Z aso 40 ‘The value of bending stress is higher than the given permissible value of bending stress of 70mm. Therefor, the design is not safe. Now, assume the diamoter of boss ‘equal to the width of boss at section ¥-. 123Wimm Bending sess, of. 4-2 a= 22 «35m ‘Now, section modulus, Z: = 1968,15mm {it) Design of pin at load point Design of Machine Elemenis 0008 1968.75 “This valuc is less than the allowable bending stress TON imam. ‘Therefore, he design is safe =53.33Ninn? Bending stress, ‘Assuming the pin t be beating in fort, 4 dyn Fath = 1dy4tp, (eo rmbeningcomideron hh) Rd, ge BPs 2 Bap, 8 Ao, Bae 8 yr639 (= Winn) wid % nm” 57639 @ 1, 2 nat Considering the bearing failure of the pin in lever at Load point Pub dpe 1400 =0,81e, x ds x15 d= 10,73mm Say Limam Aw. “t= 0:81d)=0.81 « Hmmm = 8.9100 Say 9mm — Ans, ‘The diameter of boss atload poi, | An. y= 2dh= 2x 11 = 22mm “The lever will be tapered towards the effort point. ‘The height of the lever near the 1, 30 handle will bey = A = 23 An. ‘Sm of Levers ‘Propleas 4128 Design the fot lever shown in figs 446, hang the length of 90mm from centre of shaft to point of aplication of load of TSON. The permissible sear tess for shaft material ts 8ON/mi nd forte key material is TON. Assume keight of lever near boss at 3 tes the thickness. Allowable stress for lever in bending is 70N/mm. son! Fig. 4.46. Given daca: L= 900mm F=150N + for shaft = B0N/nn? + for key= TON/an? he3b 0 for fever — PON To find: Design the foot lever © Solution: 19 Design of shaft aed boss “The shaftis subjected to combined twisting moment and bending moment ‘rwisting moment, M= 900 x 750 = 675000N-mm 10 100 = 80000 Bending moment, My (Ge Assuming f= 100mm) 4130 Design af Machine Elements Equivalent pwisting moment Mugit* (a+ME = (GooooF + (675000) ee sh Section modulus, 2= = d* Seton mi, 2= Stowers, x= SOS tx d? e rng Rg ie Dina fh d= 35. Sey Sno An 3 Dunoon, d= L6d= 16336576 Sy Shem AR Lett ba, 12=154=125.38= 8mm As w Deen From PSGDB 5.16, for diameter of shaft 36mm Width of key, 17 = 10mm Depth (or) Height of key, = 8mm Length of key, /= length of boss = 45mm Check for shear of key M,__ 675000 3.33Nimo aru 38 bet asxt0x 2 2 2 ‘This value is higher than the given permissible stress value. Therefore, next size of the key is taken and then checks ence again for shear. The value of + = 69:4N/nn? ‘Therefore, design is sae. Width, = 12mm Depth of key, = Brum Length, = 45min ii) Design of section of ever arm The lever arm is subjected to bending moment ‘The maximum bending moment is at the centre portion of the shaft, but for convenience we will design the section of lover near the ouside diameter of boss section XX, 1-4] = 750] -4 My » 648000N-mm Lot b be the thickness of lover and be the height of section of XX, then section sodulas Bending moment, M, Bonding tress, 5 0 = 848000 aK 2 Thickness of lover, = 18.34inm Say 19mm ans. Height oflover, = 36=19 «3 = ST Ans, ‘Thiclawss of lever will remain constant throughout, The height of lever will be tapered from h to hy Fig. 4.47. shows a simple lever of «safety valve Itis required to prevent the steam pressure in a boiler from exceeding a set value of 2MNin®. The valve diameter is 100mm. The lever is 806mm long and the distance benween the fulcrum and the valve point is 100mm. Allowable stresses in tension, shear and crushing are SON/imon’, 20Nima and 70Nimon? respectively. The permissible bearing pressure for the pin may be taken as 15Nimm. Design the lever. Given data: Pressure, p=2MINin® = 700mm 1= 100mm 007mm Nin? 4132 Design of Machine Elements Design of Levers 4133 For lover, 05 = 50N/nm* 200m TON‘? 15Ninm 5 My= Dxd, xbepyxb 3 2 soxd xb? ade 8 ary a Eee Fig. 4.47, Lever loaded safety valve. 4, © Solution: ’ Maximam force ating onthe lever toad pin, al genie C m x eC i Wa Labep = £00) <2 ~1570796N Bearing force, F=b x dy x p5 : 17.96 ~ 1.253 x dy x dp ¢ ‘Taking moments about fulcrum A, 197.96 = L233 x dy xd x US 7 1570796 « 100 = P x 700 2 P=224399N Diameter of pin, dy = 28.910 Say 29mm Ans. +a Pitch, p= EN 7 3 p= 225mm Ans. xs Result: (@ Diameter of spring wie, d= 17mm (ii) Mean col diameter, D = 102m Gi) Number of active tars, n= 5 Gv) Pitch of the coil, p =20.125mm OU eeaae sa eenaaeamem mann ea teey ‘Asomt slip leaf spring i of Im long and is required to resist a load of SORN. The spring har 1 leaves, of which thee are fll length leaves. The width of central band ix 100mm. Al the leaves are (o be sressed to #20H1Pa. The rato of total depth to width is 3. Take E = 21 10°MPa Determine © The thickness and width ofthe leaves. (G) The inital gp that shouldbe provided beoveen the full length and graduated Ienves before assembly and (Gi) The toad exerted onthe band forthe assent. [Nov'04] Given data: (Overall length ofthe spring, 203 = Le = 100m se Design of Machine Elements Design of Levers = ee 4 Load on the spring, 2P= SOKY = 50x 10'N; 2. P= 25x 10°N Say thickness wet ; i uber offal ength leaves, n.=3 nom moo Noe atewtand re Withet ete, 65% 18 “With of th cenizl band, = 100mm b= 65mm Allowable stress, 03 = 420N/m Width ofthe leaves, b = 65mm Au, -& Ratio of spring depth to width = “F*=3 fei gaee ‘Young’s modulus, £ = 2.1 x 10*N/nm? Initist space between full length and graduated leaves before the band load is given : by To find: ; Pat © Wid of the leaves, 3 GPL 6x25x10° 450" (ii) Thickness of the leaves, ¢ EnbP 21x10? «15%65x13* Gi Initial space, C = 30.386mm Aw. (Ge) Load exerted onthe band afer the springs assembled, Po Load exerted on the band after the spring is assembled, OG ott umber ene, BaP peardnaseae nen tne 1243215 Qn, +3n,) 15(2x12+3x3) ‘Total spring depth to width, = 3636.36N Ans. a sent, Result: > © Width ofthe teaves, = 65mm bre, Gi) Thickness ofthe leaves, = 13mm vv (ii) Initial space, x= 30.386mm bese ® @) Lond exerted onthe band after the spring is assembled, P,= 3636 36N Efoctive length ofthe leaves, 2 2b = 2y~ {= 1000-100 900 = 450mm ‘Since al the leaves are stressed tothe same stress when loaded, ‘Therefore allowable stress, 15x51 P= 2142.86 112.89 A locomotive spring hasan overalength of Lm and sustains oad vaiab is conve. The spring has 3 full-length leaves and 15 graduated leaves with a central band 100mm wide. Alt leaves are tobe stressed to 420N/nnt when filly loaded. The ratio ofthe spring depth to width isto be approximately 2. Take E= 2.1 x10'Nhnt? (Determine width and thickness of the leaves. (Determine the inital space that should be provided between the full length and ‘graduated leaves before the band load i applied. (Gi), What tad is exerted on the band after the spring is assembled? Given dat (Overall length ofthe spring, 203 = 1.1m = 1100mm 4160 Design of Machine Elements Load on the spring, 2P = 73KN= 75 x 10°; ¢. P=37.5 x 10N "Number of full length eaves, ne = 3 [Number of graduated leaves, 4,15 ‘Width of the central band, ¢= 100% Allowable stess, 05 = 420N/nm?* nxt Ratio of sping depth to width = 2 ‘Young's modulus, E = 2.1 « 10'N/nm* Tofind: @ Widih ofthe leaves, b (i) Thickness of the leaves, t (Gi) Initial space, C (iv) Load exerted on the band after the spring is assembled, Py © Solution: @ Total number of leaves, nang sm 71843 = 18 ‘Total spring depth to width, Big b=9 a [Etiective length ofthe leaves, 2 2L = 2, —1= 1100-100 = 1000 L= 500mm Since all the leaves are stressed to the same stress when loaded, ‘Therefore allowable stress, 6PL nor on 6x37.5x10? x500 rte 1653.439 = 1182 Design of Levers 4161 Pile LLC SSESSSSaasnGAEnsAGGEESunsnesesanRsnniNannnnsceeese’ (21 Say thickness of the leaves, t= 2mm Ans. Width of the leaves, b= 9» 12 b= 108mm Width of the leaves, 3 = 1080 Am. i nitial space, x: Initial space between fall length and graduated leaves before the band load is given by 637510? «500° eu SPL 182.1107 1081 Ene =39.8Tmm Ans. a Load exerted on the band after the spring is assembled, Py: rye DERM AP_ DBS K37Su0" Qn, +) WQS 33) = 4807.69 Ans. e Result: (Width ofthe leaves, 6 = 108m Gi) Thickness of the leaves, = 12mm (Gil) Initia space, C= 39.87 mm (iv) Load exerted on the band after the spring is assembled, P;~4807.69V 4.3. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1 Whats «spring? A spring is an elastic member which deflects or distorts under the action of load and regains its original shake aftr the Toad is removed 2. What are the applications of springs? ‘Automobiles Railway wagons Values and Watches, 4.162 Design of Machine Elements aiez sign of Mane 3. State any two functions of springs. (@ Tomeasare foree in spring balance, meters and engine indicator, Gi) To store energy. 4. What are the various types of springs? (Gi)Helialspeings. v)Spiral springs. (1) Leaf springs (vi)Dise spring or Belleville springs. 5. Classify the helical springs. 8 Close-ciled or tension hetical spring. ', Openrcoiled or compression helical spring. 6 How will you find whether the given helical spring is a compression spring or tension spring? [Anna Unis, = Nov'03] Ends of compression springs are flat whereas for tension springs, hooks will be ‘provided a the ends. Coils will be slightly opened to facilitate compression in compression springs ‘whereas in tonsion springs. Coils are very close. 1% Define: Leaf springs. A leaf spring consists of fat bars of varying lengths clamped ogethe: and supported at both ends, thus acting as a simply supported bear. & Define: Belleville Springs. They are made in tho form of a cone disc to carty a high compressive force, In order to improve their load carrying capacity, they may be stacked up together. The major stresses are tensile and compressive. 9. What are conical springs? It is made of round wire wound in the shape of cone. 10. What is spring index? or Define the term spring rate. {Ara Univ. —Nov'05] “The ratio of mean or pitch diameter to the diameter of wire for the spring is called spring inde. 11, What are active coils? ‘Those coils which are free to deflect under load called active coils, Design of Springs 4163 12, What are inactive cols? ‘The coils which do not take part in defloction of a spring, are known as inactive coils 13, Whatis pitch? ‘The axial distance betwoen adjacent coils in uncompressed state i called pitch, 14, What is solid length? ‘The Iength of a spring under the maximum compression is called its solid length. It is the product of total numbor of coils and the diameter of wie. Lanxd Where, n, total numberof coils 15, What are the requirements of spring while designing? (@ Spring must cary the service load without the stress exceeding the safe value, (0) The spring rate must be satisfactory forgiven applications. 16. Write down the formula for shear stress of «helical spring. BPD ue Kx nd Where, —~ Shear stress. D~ Diameter ofthe coil. d~ diameter of the wire. P~ Axial fore. 17, Write down the formula for shear stress correction factor. 1 Kei 26 ‘Where, C= Spring index. 18, What is shear stress correction factor according to the Wahl’ hypothesis? Kw SAL, 0615 c Where, C— Spring index. 9. Write down the formula for deflection ofa helical spring. BPC n Gd Whore, P~ Axial force C= Spring index ‘n=No, of springs. 4164 Design of Machine Elements D~ Rigidity modulo. 20, What is stiffness of spring (9)? ‘Shifvess is the ratio of load to deflection. Load Deflection y Stitfness, 21, Define: Energy stored in springs. Strain energy stored in spring or resilience, o 4K76 C=Shear stress. K,~ Shoar stress correction factor, G~ Rigidity modulus. V— Volume of the spring =nDnxsitd 22, What are the end conditions of spring? 2, Plainead '. Plain and ground end cc. Squared end 4. Squared and ground end 23, What are the disadvantages of springs? (The wire is generally not uniform in cross-section. Gi) The quality of the material isnot good; it is produced in smaller quantities than the round wice (ii) ‘The stress distribution i not as favourable as that forthe round wire, Gv) The shape of the wire does ot remain rectangular or squate while forming tho coil, resulting in trapezoidal cross-section, (9) The charge in eross-sootin reduces the energy absorbing capacity. 24, What is buckling of springs? ‘The helical compression spring bekaves like a cotumn and buckles at a comparative small load when the length ofthe spring is more than 4 times the mean coil diameter. 2S, What is surge in springs? ‘The material is subjected to higher stresses, which may cause carly fatigue failure ‘This effec is called as spring surge, Design of Springs 416s 26, Write down the formula for natural frequency of spring. d_ [Ga xD nV 87 Whee, 7- Density of material 27, What is meant by springs in series? ‘When svo or more springs are arranged in soris, itis called as springs in series, The «reciprocal of equivalent stiffuess of spring isthe sum of the reciprocal value of individuat spring stiffness. Q,-Siiness of st spring 0: Sifiness of seoond spring uy ~ Sines of the equivalent spring 28 Whats mean by springs in parallel? ‘When two or more springs are arranged in parallel and subjected to load P, their ‘equivalent sifness is given by teat at Where, 4 and g2~ Stiffness of the spring owe ~ Stiles ofthe equivalent spring 29 When two concentric springs of stiffness 100N/nwm andl SONinm respectively are subjected to-an axial load of 750N, what wil be the deflection of each spring? Given data: {Anna Univ. ~ Nov'93] 41 100m 42" 50 Nin P=T50N To find: Deflection =? © Solution: Total stilfness, q= gga = 100450= 150 Nin Deflection = LoadStffness = Pig = 750/150 = Sm 4166, Design of Machine Elements 130. For springs in series, the spring rates (stiffness) add reciprocally. ~ Prove. [Anna Unis. — Apr'Oq} ‘Won the springs are connected in series thon total deflection produced by the spring is equal to the sum of the deflections ofthe individual springs, exe 1 Define surging of springs. ‘Ara Univ. ~ Apr 04] Consider & helical spring resting on a rig suppost at one end. Whon a compressive load is applied suddenly to a helical spring, the coil atthe contact end gets deflected and sends & compression wave that travels along the spring upto the supported end whore it gets deflected and travels back to the deflected end. If thre is no damping present, this wove travels along the spring indefinitely. The material is subjected to highor stresses which may cause carly fatigue failure. This effect is called spring surge 32, What are the various spring materials? High carbon stels Medium carbon alloy steel Phosphor bronze and 4. Brass 33. What are the different groups according to service conditions? Light soevice b. Average servi. ©. Sovere service 44, How concentric springs are obtained? “Two or more springs are joint to from nest 43, State the springs index for concentric springs. Design of Springs ‘ast 36. What is Belleville springs? High capacity spring units are called as Beilevlle spring which are having bigh spring stiffness, and compact spring. 37, State the advantage of leaf spring over the helical spring. ‘The end ofthe spring may be guided above a definite path ait deflects. 58, Write dovn the formaula for bending stress and deflection. 3PL Bending stress, op = 2b Deflection, y= Ebr Where, PeLoad £—Length Width of tip (Thickness of stip. 539, Write down the formula for maximum stress & deflection of cantilever spring and simply supported spring. Conver ing: Mosimum sr, o= SPE oF Deflection, y= 22 i Sil spot sping sesioan ars ove 22 3PL befcton y= _ 8Ebr 40. What isa laminated leaf spring? In order to increase, the lad carying capacity, numberof flat plats are placed and below the other. 4168 Design of Machine Elements a A What are semi-eliptical leaf springs? ‘The sping consists of mune of laves, which are held togeier by U-olips. The Tong leaf festenod to the supported is called master leaf. Remaining leaves ars called a3 graduated leaves (£2. Whats nipping of laminated leaf spring? Discuss its rote in spring design. [Anna Univ. -Nos"04] For comonical use of the materials, design the spring such that all the leaves should bo equally stressed otherwise the master leaf wil ful. This condition ean be ‘obtained if tho falleagth leaves ar given a cater radius of eurvatre than that used in the graduated leaves before the leaves are assombled to form a sping. This will eeato ‘an intial gap (2) between the leaves called the ip. When the central bolt is tightaned, the full-length leaf will bend back and have an iil stress in a direction oppsite to that of the none load. When the load is aradually applied tothe sping, th fll-ength teat is first relieved of this intel stress and then stressed in opposite direction. Such & prestressing obsined by a diferene of rei of curvature is known as nipping 43 Why Wohl’s factor isto be considered inthe design of helical compression springs? [Anna Unis. —Nov' 04] When a wie is wound in the form of hos, dhe Feng of inner fre of wite is reduced in comparison to the length ofoutr fiber. This eslts in stress concetration at tte inno fbee. Wah’s factor takes into account the effect of curvature as well as shoar stros covretion facto. 46, What is lever? ‘A lever is a simple mechanical device which is used to get mochanical advantage i.e exert more force with less effort. 45, Mention any four basic terms involved while designing levers. 4) Load, W: A force which is required to overcome the effort is known 2s load ii) Effort, P: A force applied to a lever against the Joad 10 be lifter is known as eff. ii) Mechanical advantage, Mj: It is te ratio of loll to effort, Mocheical © advantage = & 88 Effort P iw) Leverage: It is the rato of tho effort arm length 12 to the foad arm length 46, Classify levers. ‘Type Hever Type Dever Type 3 lever sn of Springs Perens 47, Give the section modulus forthe following sections. @) Rectangular (i tection. For rectangular section, 2= 2H 6 Br aie For L-section, oH #8. Write down the formuta of section modulus for circular hollow section. Monestofinein,1=2(0* a) Cente of gravity, » incest ect y 49, What are the factors to be considered for designing fulcrum pin of the lever? 1. Check for bearing faire 2. Check for bending failure 50. State he general uses of hand levers. Hand fevers are commonly used in mach has lathe, milli machines such as Isthe, milling, machi grinding machines fee ‘St, What are the uses of foot levers? Foot lever is frequently used in machines, automobiles where the operator can easily carryout certein operation by pressing his foot ow Ue lover, For example, brake in the car, clutch in two wheelers, ete, 4.4, REVIEW QUESTIONS. 1. ‘What ate the various functions of springs? Describe the classification of springs Obtain the expression for sifness of helical spring. ‘Write short note on end conditions of springs. Explain buckling and surge in springs. Differentiate hetween springs in series and parallel. Describe some important materials used in spring manufacturing. Explain briefly the different groups of springs according to service conditions. 4170 Design of Machin Elements Design of Springs ia 4 2 8. Rowe tat TP Gay Fi the force, Determine the ratio ofthe wire diameters and the ratio of stress induced 10, State the stp bystp procedure involved in design of lial springs. in wires, i the modulus of sgiiy of soli twice that of brn 11, Eaplan the dsin prude of Blleile spins, 6. A composite spring has two close-coiled springs in sence, Bach spring has « mean 12. Obtain the expression for sities ot hla torsion sprigs. diameter 8 tims its wire diameter. The diameter of one sping is 3m and it has 20 col. 15, Obtain the expression for sins of maximum stess and deflection in laf spring and The second spring has 120coils. Th stiffaess of composite sping material ie 1.SN/nm, lo fr cantilever end simply spporied springs ‘The safe stess ofthe spring material is 360m? and G= 0:8 xl0'Ninm?. Deternie () 14, Obiain the expression forthe deflection somi-liptcal leaf springs. Diameter of second spring. (i) Limiting axial load for composite spring. (ii) Extension 15, Explain the nipping of leaf springs and how itis calculated? of composite spring under limiting load, it Wuat pitt icra ted th eto? 7. A tli valve must Blow off ata pressure of 1.5MPa and should it by Sri for 7% 17, Write down the step-by-step procedure of design procedure for lea springs increas in presture, Tho vals dsmetris Om, Take the sping index as 6. Maximus 18. Classify levers and explain any twa briefly. allowable shear stress of the spring materiel is 650Ninum*. The diameters of the available 19, Explain the various steps to be followed for designing levers. spring wires in mm are 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18. Modulus of rigidity is 81370N/imm”. 20, Write short notes on design of hand lever. Consider Wah’s correction fctr. Take inactive number of tums as 1. Design the valve 48. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE 1 Design a helical compression spring for load range of 2.0 to 2,5EN and deflestion for this range being 5.0mm, Spring index is 5, Modulus of rigidity is 84 2M. Permissible shear stress is 400mm? ‘A coil springs is to be. designed to support an axial load of 24 with an allowable Aeflection of 10mm, The oxtside diameter of the col is 7Smmm and the spring index is 5 ‘Assume suitable material for the spring. ‘A holical spring is made from a wire of Gym diameter and is of outside diameter 70min “The spring has 6 mumbers of active cole. Lf the permissible stress in shear is 300N/inm* and the modulus of rigidity is BOKNinm, Find the axial load which the spring can take ‘and tho deflection produved, ‘A safety valve of 60mm diameter is to below off sta pressure of |,0MPo. it is field on its seat by a close-ciled helical spring of ciccalarstel bar. The mean diameter of eh coil is 130mm and compression of the spring is 25mm, Find the diameter ofthe spring bar and number of active tums requited, If the shearing stress allowed is 125MPa and the modulus of rigidity is 0.095 x 10°MPa ‘Two lose cciled helical springs are arranged concentrically one inside the other. Both springs have the same number of effective coils and same overall length, but tho mean coil diameser of the outer spring is two and half times of the inne spring, which is made ‘of bronze, The outer spring is mede of steel. The springs are designed to act together ‘when a force is applied, so that both suffer the seme change in length and each carries sexing 8, A solenoid brake is to bo actuated by a belcat compression spring, The spring should have a fice length of approximately 40Qr and is to exert a miami force of 15000N ‘when compressed 10 a length of 350m. The ouside diameter must not exceed 160mm Selecting suitable matoral design the sping. 9. A helical spring is subjected to lad varying fom 450 to 1050NV having spring index of 6 and the design factor of safety is 1.2. Tho compression ofthe spring st the maximum load is 30mm. Design the helical compression spring. Take yield stess in shear as 200mm? endurance stess in shear as 36ONmm? and the modulus of rigidity for the spring material at 75 « LON? 10. A Bellville spring is made of Smm sheet metal steel with an outside diameter of 120m anu the diamoter ratio as 3. The spring is dished 6mm. The maximum stress proved at the inner edge is 550mm, Determine (i) the deflection. (i) th losd that may be safety cartid. (i) Check the stress produced at the outer edge, 11 A torsion spring is wound fiom a round wire into col with mean diameter 407m. Tho torsional moment applied on the sping is GY. Assume the sping index as 8. The permissible stress in the spring is S30V/nm? and B= 2.6 x 10°Nmm*. What mast be the diaemetr of wire and the corresponding deflection in degrees? Take number of effective coils 289. 12. A pivoted role follower is eld in contact with the cam by a torsion spring. The mameat ‘exerted by the spring varies from 2.5N-m to GN asthe follower esilates through SO” Design the suitable spring wih a factor of safety 1.8 based on Wak!’ eiterion. Ultimate 4172 Design of Machine Elements strength of spring material is 13S0N/mm* and yield strength 1200Nmm". Assume the siross concentration factor tobe 1.135. Take the spring index as 10 and £=2.1%10°N/nom IBA semi-cliptic leaf spring consists of two extra full-length leaves and seven graduated Tength leaves, including the master leaf. Each leaf is Tom thick and 58mm wide, The ceatre-to-centre distance betwoen the two eyes is 1.2, The leaves are pre-srossed in such way that when the load is maximum, stress induced in all eaves are equal to 370N/mm?, Determine the maximum force that the spring can withstand. 14, A semi-cliptical spring has 12 leaves with two full-length leaves extending 6D0mm. I is “75mm wide and is made of Sonm thick, Design a helical spring, with mean coil diameter 9mm, which will have approximately the same values of induced stress and deflection for any load. 15, Aa antomobile semi-elliptic spring 1.7m fong and carries a load of 8030N. The spring ‘consists of 12 leaves with 2 falllength eeves. All leaves are SSmm wide. Find tho thickness of leaves. Also find the maximum stress induced for a deflection of 80m. 16, Design a leat spring fora suck tothe following specifications ‘Maximum load on tho spring ~ 12541 ‘Number of springs ~3 ‘Material for spring ~ Chromium Vanadium Steel Permissible tensile stress — 620N/nni™ ‘Maximera number of eaves ~ 8 ‘Span of sping ~ 1010em Permissible deflection — 80mm: ‘Young's modulus ofthe spring ~210kW/mm* 17, A leaf spring for a small trailer is to support a losd of 1OKN. The spring has 6 graduatod leaves and 2 extra fulltength leaves of spring stecl of safe stress 360Ma, The overall Jength i 1.2m and the central band is 75mm wide. Taking the ratio of total dopth of leaves to width as 3, design the spring. 18, Design the handle of rectangular cross-section for rotating a shaft of diameter 50mm as shown in fig. 458. The boss fted to shaft by keyway and integral with the handle is 2.5 times the shaft diameter. The length of the handle from centre ofthe shaft is 500mm, The ‘am aitackod to the end ofthe handle is 150mm long. Take allowable stress in tension and shear are 130N/mm? and 65Nimm*. Design of Springs 4173, Fig. 458 19, Design the cand lever shown in i 4.9 having length of handle Sm, length of lever ar as 400mm and overhang of journal as 150m, The lever is wed for operating isting winch and is operated by sno parsons exerting a maximum force of SDN at distant of © ines tho length ofthe handle rom it fie end. The peste secs ia bending and shear should not excood 704dPa and SOMPa, 04, Fig 438 ‘pial han ever for opening a pro machin tal it show in ig, 4.60, The over is oparated by « man applying th mann free of 4SON. Doi the lee, if he peril esses for pia material are SEM in bending and 20MPa Dearing pressure Thoallowabl beading sess or ler is 8M 20 Design of Machine Elements Design of Springs - Be —_ y rH P ean Orem 400m l = Gea pee ; ee eRe f Ley th Fig. 4.60. 21, Design the foot lever shown in fig. 4.61. having the length of 10000 from eentre of shaft to point of application of load of 900N. The permissible shear stress for shaft material ie 85N/nm where as key material is 75WVimm. Assume height of lever near boss 1.2.5 times the thickness. Allowable stress for lever in bending is GON mn Fig. 461. 22, A sosker Ain lover sed ina IC engine operates the vale by wsing cam ad follower as shown in fig 462. The lever is supported in the bracket andthe maximum Jad ating on the valve arm end in SOOQN. Design the lever ifthe rocker arm is made of forged steel having allowable tensile stress of 75iinn and the allowable shear strength ‘of 45Winnn ‘The bearing pressure at pin may be taken as. ON 4475 23. Design a bell crank lever shown in fig. 4.63 for operating hart in for opera well governor with the a ith eh Force at point A= 75000" Allowable stesss fr both ever nd pin are oy 85MPa ie <= 65MPa Po= 10MPa =7otmm Design of Machine Elements ‘rots lever for operating double cylinder, double acting reciprocating pump # ow in Hig 4.64, The lever caries a force of 45000 ating dowomard a in A a {0000 acting upward at pin B. Tho pemisible bending and shear sss f° | lve ni toateriah are 100NImm™ and SON? respectively. Assume the permissible ps ping is 25Nimo. 24, Design a UNIT 5 DESIGN OF BEARINGS AND FLYWHEELS Design of bearings - sliding contact and rolling contact types - cubic mean load - Design of journal bearings - McKee's equation - c Lubrication in journal bearings - calculation of bearing dimensions - Design of flywheels involving stresses in rim and arm. Unit ~ 5.1 5.1. DESIGN OF ROLLING CONTACT BEARINGS 5.4.1. BEARING - INTRODUCTION Bearing is stationary machine element which supports rotating shafts or axles and confines Uhcir motion, Naturally, a bearing will be roquired to offer minimum frictional resistance to ‘moving parts so as to result in minimum loss of power. In order to reduce frictional resistance, @ layer of fuid may be provided 5.4.2. CLASSIFICATION OF BEARING Bearings are mainly classified as follows: ( Based ov the ape of load acting on the shaft 8) Radial bearing 1b) Thrust bearings. In radial bearings, the losd acts perpendicular to the direction of motion of moving parts (Le Sha) tis shown in fig. 5. Fig. 51 - In thrust bearings, the pressure acts along or parallel tothe axis ofthe shaft as shown in fe 52. 52 Design of Machine Elements ewig Besrng Fig, $2. Thrust bearings (i) Based on the nature of contact: a) Sliding contact ') Rolling contact bearings or Aatiftction bearings. In sliding contact Bearings, the shaft rotates in a bearing and there are no interposed elements e~between shaft and bearings. There is a direct contact between shaft and bearings as shown in fig 53,0). 1m rolling. contact bearings, the steel balls or rollers are provided in between shaft and bearings to reduce fiction as shown in fig 5.3 (b) o Fig. 8.3. Sliding and rolling contact bearings 5.1.3. INTRODUCTION TO ROLLING CONTAGT BEARING In rolling contoct bearing, the contact between the bearing elements is rolling instead of _ sling, The shaft is supported on rollers or balls. Since the contact between the bearing elements is rolling, this type has very small friction and thus, itis also called as antifriction bearings. © 6.4.4, TYPES OF ROLLING CONTACT BEARING Rolling contact bearing may be clasified'as follows: 1, Based on the typo of rolling element 1. Ball baring and b, Roller bearing 2, Based on the load to be carried 4, Radial Design of Rolling Contact Bearings 33 . Angular contac, and . Thrust bearing 5.4.5. COMPONENTS OF ROLLING CONTACT BEARINGS. ‘A rolling contact bearing consists of four parts @) Outer race, (ii) Inner race, (ii) Ralling clement and (iv) Retaining cage or separator. In ball bearings, the outer race and the inner race are het conetic wt each oer by isering spoil als chcanferetily a eq iervls of yee, Incl —— bering te oer and ner ar element wih — etre each other by inserting a set of rollers. In rolling contact Coie being he bls orl a Held in poston bythe ring ag whichis abo wed hep bls or es ssaney and they qrveing them fom iting OFS L seme sete te Fig 5 shows the schema dagen of the deep groove ball bearing. — Oxterenes Outer donate 5.4, Deep groove ball bearing. ‘The retainers are thin stips and are usualy in two parts which are assembled after the balls have been properly spaced. Ball bearings are used to tae fight radial and thrust load, Balls are made of high carbon alloy steel 5.1.6. TYPES OF RADIAL BALL BEARINGS ‘As the name implies, itis axial thrust ta certain extent, Various types of radial and thrust ball bearings are shown in fig. 5.5. A brief description of these bearings is given below: imarily designed to take up radial force, they ean also take up Deep groove ball bearing: It has deep continuous raceway all over the circu 1g fo support high radial load along, Construction of the deep-groove ball bearing permits the bea With thrust load ot high apeed. Refor fig 5.5 (#). Selfaligning bail bearings: These bearings are used where a misalignment between the axes of shaft is likely to exist. These bearings are available in two types. i), Self aligning internal, and ii) Self aligning external These are shown in fig. 5.5 (b) and (). Angiar contact ball bearings: Wis mainly used to take up high axial uhrust. This type of bearing Js available in evo types. {) Unidirectional, and ii) Two directional 54 Design of Machine Blements Fig. 5.5 (d) shows a uni directional angular contact bearing. It has a single row of balls. The centre of contact between the ball and the race makes an angle called contact angle. The outer race of these bearings has ene heavy raceway shoulder, while the other raceway shoulder is removed by counter bore. This design permits the bearing to cacry higher radial and thrust load eS (0) Deep rove ) Setataneg - ‘ea Reaing ‘etomel baring (9 Sutatonng (e)Aogulareanaet, Ep ~ ingots ——«)Cotabre ee “yp eang type aang colin 0aeroH fatng aot boorng Fig. 55 Different pes of ball bearings Filling notch bearing: These bearings have notches in inner and outer race as shown in fie. 5.5 (©). Through this notch, adgtional balls are insorted which increase its radial load capacity. The ‘hms load carrying capacity of these bearings is reduced Counter bore bearing: These bearings have notches in outer race only as shown in fig. 5.5 (). ‘Through this noth, sblonal balls ave iaseited which increases its radial load eapacity Double row bearing: It is used fo carry high radial and thrust loads. The line of contact for these bearings converges outside the bearing envelope which increases the rigidlty of the bearing. Fig, 5.5 (g) & (h) show double row ball bearings. 5.1.7. TYPES OF THRUST BALL BEARINGS “Thrust ball bearings are used to carry pure thrust load, There are three types of thrust ball bearings avsilable (Unidirectional fat race Unidirectional grooved rave ‘Two-ditectional grooved race Design of Rolling Contact Bearings 5S Unidirectional flat race bearing consis of two ungrooved flat washers, balls and ball separator. In this type of bearing, Filion is very small and speed is limited due to centrifngal force. Refer fig, 5.6 (a). peste hnae Seater CS= r vats WW Ey | satesnce [eae sencer | {2} One rection at ace batbeaving (| One rections grooved ace bol tearing =| NN (©) Double dracon trust bal bearing Fig, 5.6. Types of trust ball bearing In case of uni directional grooved race bearings, the races are grooved to provide passage to ‘he balls t can cary higher thrust loads and used at moderate speeds, The co-efficient of friction for this type of bear is larger then that of flat race ball bearings, Refer fig. 5.6 (6). A two dirgetional grooved race bearing consiss of two separators and a middle-grooved race Which rotates with balls. These bearings can withstand high axial thrust in both deections, Rever fig. 5.6). 5.4.8. ROLLER BEARINGS AND THEIR TYPES, As already explained, a raller bearing consists of an outer race, an inner race and @ set of rollers. Roles bearings serve the same purpose as ball bearings but it ean carry much higher loads (50 t0 70% more than ball bearings) and support large shaft diameter, because of thelr line contact instead of point contact. The roller bearings may be any one of following types: 1. Ojlindricat roller bearing: Uf the axes of the rollers are parallel to the rotational axis of the supported shaft, the beating is called cylindrica! roller bearing. The rollers of cylindrical roller bearing have length to diameter ratio from 1:1 to 3:1 Its shown in fig. $.7 (3), q 56 Design of Machine Elements Design of Rolling Contact Bearings 37 "| Disadvantages: ‘Advantages: eZ 11. | High initial cost Low initial cost. 12, | Less capacity to withstand shock | More capacity to withstand shock, 13. | Noisy operation at very high spcod. | Silent operation at any speed. EEE eee peeenerer 14, | Liteis finite (a cynical or (©) Needle (eh Tap ter Fig. 5:7, Different types of roller bearings: 2 Needle roller bearing: If the Tongth to diameter ratio of cylindrical roles is lage, say 6 oF more, this type of bearing is called needle roller bearing, These bearings are used vibere high radial loa i present: Refer fig. 5.7. (b). 3 Taper roller bearing: Ifthe axes of the rollers are inclined and intersect rotational axis at a ‘common point, the bearing is called taper roller bearing. The rollers are inthe shape of truncated cones. These rings can be used to support axial and radial loads acting simoltancously and ‘when redit load is more than axial load, They ate generally used in motor vehicles, machine tools spindle oe 5.1.8, COMPARISON OF ROLLING CONTACT AND SLIDING CONTACT BEARINGS ‘Sliding contact bearing Disaiivantages: Starting friction is high. Labrication is somewhat complicated Terequires more axial space than diamettel SE No. Rolling Contact bearing Advantages: Starting fiction is low, 2. | Lubrication is simple, Itrequites less axial space and more amoral space. space. 4. | Heavier loads and higher speeds are | Medium loads and lower speeds are permissible permissible 5. | Wear is low. Wear is more 6. | tecan cary overload for atimited | Itcan never be carry overload. period of tims, 7. | Boh radial as well as thrust loads can | These beatings are useful for radial loads be carried by the bearings. ‘cannot be used for axial loads. 8, | lean be easily replaced eannot be replaced easily 9, | fecan maintain accurate shaft Itcannot maintain accurate shaft alignment. alignment. 10. | They ean be operated at any inclined | They can be operated only at horizontal or position, vertical position Life i almost infinite 15. | Design of bearing housing is | Simple design. complicated 5.1.10. STANDARD DIMENSIONS AND DESIGNATION OF BEARINGS Antiftiction Bearings Mannfactures Association (AFBMA) has standardized the rolling contact bearing sizes. Later on, Intemational Standards Organisation (ISO) and Bureau of Indian ‘Standards (BIS) have adopted these standards, ‘According to AFBMA, a bearing is denoted by two digits. The first digit represents the width sies. It isthe ratio of width ofthe bearing to section height Four standard width series 0,1, 2 and 3 were established where successive numbers indies the increasing value ofthe ratio of width to the bearing section height, The second digit represents the diameter series. It denotes the outside diameter of the bearing. Seven standard diameter serics 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 wore established, Where, § represents the smallest ouside diameter and 4 represent the largest outside diameter ‘Thus for panticular bore, a vacioty of bearings such as 08, 09, 00, 01, 02, 03, 31,32, 33 are obtained. Besides the width and diameter series, the bearing nomenclature also consists of a two oF bree digit number which represents the bore of the inner race and two letters ofthe alphabet which ‘represent the typeof the bearing. According to AFBMA, 25 represeuts 25mm bore as 25BC03, The umber 25 represents 25mm bore diameter and 03 represents the width end diameter series. The letter BC represents the ‘ype of bearing (.e, Single two deep groove ball bearing) In the SKF way of bearing designation, the last two digits represent the code for bore. The digits 00, 01, 02 and 03 represent 10, 12, 15 and 17mm bore respectively. The digits starting from 0¢ represent one-fifth ofthe bore in min. For example, in SKF6305, the first two digits represent a deep grooxe ball bearing having 03 width-diameter series, The next two digits 05 represent 25min (5x5) inner race bore, This designation SKF6305 is similar to 25BC03 in aveordance with AFBMA and ISO, 5.1.11. BEARING LIFE ‘The life of a radial ball bearing is usually expressed in millions of revolutions. Sometimes, it is also expcestod as the number of houts at various relative speeds, The Zfeof a radial ball bearing {is the number of revolutions or hours at a given constant speed thatthe bearing rans before the first 58 Design of Machine Elements evidence of fatigue develops in the material of either sing or in a ball. However from series of tests, itis evident that the identical bearings operating under similar conditions have different lives. Therefore, the life of bearings is expressed as slaistival life, The raving fie of a group of ‘deatcal Leatings is defined as the mumber of revohitions or hours at some constant speed that 90% of a group of identical bearing, will complote or excced before the first evidence of fatigue failure occurs. The rated life is represented as Ly life In other words, tho reliability ofthe bearing is 90%, Since the bearings are available at 90% reliability, the expected life ofthe bearings at any given reliability other than 90% can be found by the relation, L~ Required life of bearing in milli revolutions jg~ Caleilatd life of selected bearing, forthe given load, for 90% survival p~ Probability of survival ‘Pio Probability of survival for 90% or 0.9 bis aconstant = 1.17 for a median life= SLiy 34 for amedian Kfo= 4.0813» (For desp groove ball bearing) ‘The life of the bearing for various types of machine is given inthe following able 5.1.1, Table S11 SL] Application of bearing Life of bearing No. in hours. T [Tastruiments and apparatus that are rarcly used @ Denonetration apparatus, mechanism for | 500 operating sliding doors. Gi Aircrafts engines. 100-2000 2, | Machines used for short periods or intermittently and | 4000-8000 whose breakdown would not have serious consequences. ef, hand tools, lifting tackle in ‘workshop, agriculture machines, cranes in erecting shops, damestic machines, Design of Rolling Contact Bearings 59. ] 3. | Machines working intermittently where breakdown | 8000-12000 would have serious consequences og, auxiliary machinery in power stations, conveyor plant for flow production, lifts, eranes for piece goods, machine teale | used frequontly, 4, | Machines working 8 hours per day and not always | 12000-20000 | | lly utilized. eg, stationary electric motors, general purpose gear nits. Machines working 8 hours per day and fully utilized. | 20000-30000 og, machines forthe engineering industy, canes for bulk goods, venilating fan, counter shafts in gear box. 6. | Machines working 24 hows per day. e.g, separators, | 40000-60000 compressors, pumps, mine hoists, stationary electric machines naval vessels, 7. | Machines required to work with high degree of | 100000-200000 reliability for 24 hows per day e-., pulp and paper making machinery, public power plants, mine-pumps, water works 5.1.12. LOAD RATING ‘The load carrying capacity of a rolling element boaring is ealled load rating. There are two types of load rating, Basic static load rating: Its defined as the load acting on a non-totating bearing under which permanent deformation ‘of 0.0001 times the ball or soller diameter. The basic static load rating C. is used in calculation ‘when bearings are to rotate at very slow speed or stationary under load for extended periods of time. Geacally, the values of C aze given in catalogues. (i Dynamic Toad rating: Dynamic load rating is defined as the radial load in radial besrings (or thrust load in thrust bearings) that can be carried for a minimum life of one million revolutions. The muinizmum life in

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