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ORDER NO. AD910513001 Service Manual AV Control Stereo Receiver []{][botsvsunnounn SPECIFICATIONS (IHF’78) AMPLIFIER SECTION Rated minimum sine wave RMS power output 20 Hz~20 kHz both channels driven 0.08% total harmonic distortion 85 W per channel (8 Q) 1kttz continuous power output ‘bath channels drive 0.05% total harmonic distortion Total harmonic distortion 87 W per channel (82) rated power at 20 H2~20 kHz 0.05% (8) half power at 1 kHz 0.03% (8.0) Dynamic headroom 1.2.68 (8.0) [SMPTE intermodulation distortion 03% (8.0) Frequency response PHONO RIAA standard curve +08 48 CD, VCR 1, VOR 2, TAPE 7 H2~70 kez, +33 Input sonsitivity PHONO (04 mV (3 mn, IHF "66) CD, VCR 1, VCR 2, TAPE 27 enV (200 mv, IHF 66) SIN (HF, A) PHONO 70 6B (80 4B, IHF '66) CD, VCR 4, VCR 2, TAPE 70 dB (90 4B, IHF '66) Phono maximum input voltage 160 mv (IHF 65) Input impedance ‘PHONO arKa. CD, VCR 1, VCR 2, TAPE 2aKa Tone controls BASS. 1048 TREBLE =10 48 4 band parametric equalizer =10 68 Loudness control (volume at -90 4B) 50 Hz, +9 48 Low frequency damping factor 20160) Load impedance ‘AorB 8a and B 2a Technics Receiver Color (W)...Black Type Area Country wea Color © | USA (0) | Canada. “ + Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Addtonnallyieenced under one or more of the flow ing patente: U.S. numbers 3,632,886, 3,746,792 and 3,959,580, Canadian numbers 1,004,603 and 1,087,877. "Dobby" and the doubie:D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. IM SURROUND AMPLIFIER SECTION Power output (Rot 1 kttz, 19 W (8.0) THO. 08 %) I FM TUNER SECTION Frequoncy rango 87.9~107.9 Miz ‘Sensitivity 11.2 d84 @ WN, IHF '58) 50 dB quieting sensitivity MONO 202 dBt (6.6 WV, IHF '58) STEREO 40.2 oBt (56 WV, IMF '58) Total harmonic distortion ‘Mono 0.2% STEREO 03% SIN MONO 758 ‘STEREO 70.68 Frequency response 20 H2~15 kb, +1 dB, =2 08 Alternate channel selectivity 65.08 Capture ratio 1008 Image rejection at 98 MHz 45.08. IF rejection at 98 MHz 80.48 ‘Spurious response rejection at 98 MHz 75.48 ‘AM suppression 50.48 ‘Stereo separation kHz 40.08 10 kHz 30 48 Carrier leak 19 kHz 35 8 38 kHz 5008 ‘Antenna terminals 300 9 (balanced) 75. (unbalanced) SA-GX303 IEAM TUNER SECTION Frequency range 530~1720 kHz Sensitivity 20 wv, 330 vim Selectivity 55.48 Image rejection at 1000 kHz 40.48 IF rejection at 1000 kHz 60.08 (VIDEO SECTION Output voltage at 1 V input (unbalanced) ‘Maximum input voltage Inputioutput impedance ‘75.0 (unbalanced) MCONTENTS ‘SAFETY PRECAUTION .. REAR PANEL TERMINALS AND FUNCTIONS. ‘ACCESSORIES.. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS. INTERNAL CONNECTION OF FL. MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS. TERMINAL FUNCTION OF IC's. BLOCK DIAGRAM. GENERAL Power consumption 275 W, 370.VA Power supply ‘AG 120V, 60H2 Dimensions (WxHxD) 480% 134305 mm (16-15/16" x5.9/32" 12") Weight 85 kg (187 bb) Notes: 1. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Weight land dimensions are approximate 2. Total harmonic cistortion Is measured by the dill spectrum analyzer. ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM. ‘TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES. WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS... EXPLODED VIEWS... REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST RESISTORS & CAPACITORS.. PACKING...... IB SAFETY PRECAUTION ims “safety precaution” is applied only in U.S.A) 1, Before servicing, unplug the power cord to prevent an electric shock. When replacing parts, use only manufacturer's recommended components for safety. CCheck the condition of the power cord. Replace if wear or damage is evident. ‘After servicing, be sure to restore the lead dress, insulation barriers, insulation papers, shields, et. Before returning the serviced equipment to the customer, be sure to make the following insulation resistance test to prevent the customer from being exposed to a shock hazard. * INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST Unplug the power cord and short the two prongs of the plug with a jumper wire. 2 Turn onthe power teh 3. Measure the resistance value with ohmmeter between the jumpered AC plug and each exposed metal cabinet part, such as screwheads antenna, control shafts, handle brackets, ete. Equipment with antenna terminals should read between IMS and §,2M& to all exposed parts all exposed parts. (Fig. B) (Fig. A) Equipment without antenna terminals should read approximately infinity to Note: Some exposed parts may be isolated from the chassis by design. ‘These will read infinity. Antenna terminal (Fig. A) Resistance = 3M2—5.2M0 Exposed — metal part ‘Ohmmeter a8) Resistance = Asprox 00 4, If the measurement is outside the specified limits, there is @ possibility of @ shock hazard. The equipment should be repaired and rechecked before itis returned to the customer. MIREAR PANEL TERMINALS AND FUNCTIONS QD ® ® @ Antenna connection terminals @® “VIDEO OUT” termin: ‘Connect a video connection cable (not included) tothe video Input terminal ot TV a projection TV. @® Cooling fan “The cooling fan operates at high output power levels oly. @ Outlets “SWITCHED” Power to these owes is controled by the power switch of his Unit Alco equipment rated up to 6D W (al fr al outlets) ‘an be connected here, For proper remte-conro operation, Connect the power cords ofthe tape deck and compact csc o8o sists ey EE S Boe cH @ @® “GND” terminal Connect the tuentable's ground wire to this terminal (if applicable) @ “PHONO” terminals ‘Connect turntable only. Do not connect any other sound source to these terminals @® “CD” terminals Connect a stereo conection cable (nt included tothe “LINE ‘OUT” terminal of the compact ce payer. player to these oulets as indicated below @ “TAPEIDAT” terminals: This unit Connect a tape deck oF a agit! audio tape deck (OAT by Using stereo connection cebes (nt included. [a J Tis ont Compsctsiso peut ex player th ab Cassette tape deck (rot Includes) enti ene deck ape dec is 3 ee @® AC IN socket (AC IN) ae Connect this socket to an AC outlet on the wall using the ‘power supply cord, @ “VCR 2” terminals Connect @ second VCR ot a video dise payer by using stereo ‘connection cable (not included) and video connection SA-GX303 @ Remote-control OUT terminal (REMOTE CONTROL OUT) This. terminal can be used only with Technics components (not included). which have the appropriate remote-control terminal. (Const your dese for det) se unt Proper corneeton wid femoteconrol conection cables wae vs uni 'SJP2257T will allow control of some functions from this unit's *"e-— temote-contrcltransmiter. af ‘Connect to a tape deck and/or compact disc player as shown tec ba The unt =F SA ooo Connection cable For tone compact Video dis for omelet, {Gee stay are player re Tag are ek wr Beran _ | *Iewsed (ur2esTm) men QP | | (rot inelded) Connection ca ferroote cont Crete wih moat tee compact disc ewe 6 fae a oe ® “VER 1” terminals Bae Srsteu _] fot inctudes) Connect a VCR by using stereo connection cables (not includ- § m™m 0) and video connection cables (rot included). ei ei 31 Ths unit Speaker connection terminals mroiome m m Fa weet cede _ ee wut ure AHO A ver (00t included) ACCESSORIES ‘AC power supply cord. pe. (SIAI72-1): ®) (SIA172): (PC) ‘AN loop antenna (SPB 1637) 1 pe. eZ. FM indoor antenna (S8A272M), 1 pe. emote-contro transmitter (RAKSASOIP) 1 pe. -2 pes. [AM antenna hole pe. Screws 2 pes. (@MAz36-1M) (TNS + 10AFZ) SA-GX303__ SA-GX303 IIFRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS ‘The functlons indicated by the numbers with black background (for example @) can be activated from the main unit and the remote conteol transmitter, (See pages 10-12) o Amplifier section @ Speaker selectors (SPEAKERS) These selectors are used to select the speaker systems) (andlor 8), ® Display mode select button (DISPLAY MODE, -DEMO) ‘This button is used to select ether the spectrum analysis evel (‘Bertype dispiay” or "Dot displey”) oF equalization level dplay I the button is pressed for 3 seconds or more, this uit will start a demonstration mode forthe paramettc EO system, (Goter to page 27 for detailed information) @ Parametric EQ band select buttons ‘These buttons aro used to solect the band to be adjusted, @ Equalization preset buttons (MANUAL PRESET) ‘These buttons are used for storing or recalling the curves ‘mado by the parametric EQ system, ® Tape-monitor switch (TAPE/DAT MONITOR) Press this button fo listen toa tape ora digital audiotape con- nected tothe “TAPE/DAT" terminals. Te listen to some other source, press this button once again (Go that the ngicator Is switehed OFF). ® Volume control (VOLUME) @ Headphones jack (PHONES) @ Parametric EQ system memory button (MEMORY) ‘This button enables the curves tobe stored In the parametiic Q system memoy, @ Fixed preset button (FIXED PRESET) This button is used to cecal a “fixed preset” curve from the main unit's meray. ® Input selector buttons ‘These buttons are used to select the sound source to be heard, such as a disc, radio broadcasts, etc. The selected sound source is shown on the audo input selectortrequency display. ‘The "PHONO" input selector has two functions: When press- (ed momentarily it selects "PHONO". When pressed and held for about 4 seconds, it de-activates the muting function. @ Loudness switch (LOUDNESS) Set to the "ON" position (the loudness indcator wii luminate); when Istening to music at low volume. Auditory perception of sound in the low frequency range falls off at iow ‘volume, but when the switch isin this position, ths deficiency Is compensated tor, so that the full impact of the musical performance can be enjoyed. ® Dolby surround input balance control (SURROUND INPUT BALANCE) ‘This contol is used to minimize dialogue leakage in the surround channe\ thereby optimizing the Dolby surround ) Press this button to advance or rewind the tape while the unt Is In the stop rode, Press this button to cue or review the contents at high speed, ‘while the unit isin the play mode. Function selector controls (i 5) @® Function selector buttons (TUNER, TV, VCR, CD) ‘These buttons are used to change the functions of this remote control. © Preset tuning buttons (1-0) These butlon ar ued eure obreeest aon hat have teen pose te u's meray When inge lls uted be cure 0 tat press she "TUNER button ee uncon selector Baten emote canta Vaart ® Playback buttons (4 PLAY >) ‘Tobesin playback or recording, press one a these buttons cor: responding tothe side of the tape to be played (or recorded) De: For the "Aside of the tape “For the "B-side of the tape ® Pause button (11 PAUSE) ress this button to temporarily stop playback ot recording Press the playback button fo resume the pay or ecordng @ Stop button (™ STOP) To stop tape movement. -w- SA-GX303 Compact disc player controls: Fig. 5 COO OO Amplifier controls ¢c.» @ Dolby surround ON/OFF button (SURROUND) “Tis butlon is used to activated the Dolby surround effec. @ Mating button (MUTING) ‘This button is used to temporary attenuate ('mute") the volume level Compact disc player controls ¢ic.5) ® Numeric buttons (1-0, +10) Teae buttons ae used to select the rack othe cise number (only 1—5). When these butons are used, be sure oft press the “CD button ofthe function selecior buttons of the emote contol transmitter ) Stop button (ll STOP) To stop compact diss pay ®@ ry button (> PLAY) ‘To start compact aise play ® Skip buttons (/4<4 SKIP PP) Press one of these buttons briefly 10 move the pickup (baokward or forward) to the beginning of a specific track. —n— @ Rear speaker level adjustment buttons (¥ REAR LEVEL A) ‘These buttons are used to adjust the volume level of the rear speaker systoms. @ Volume control (¥ VOLUME A) ‘These buttons are used to adjust the volume level. Y¥: To reduce the volume level ‘A: To increase the volume level. ProgramIcontinue button (PROGRAMICONTINUE) This button is used to select ether the sequential play or pro ram play mode ® Disc button (DISC) “his button is used to select the disc when a multi compact dise player is connected with this unit ® Pause button (1 PAUSE) To temporarily stop compact disc play. ‘SA-GX303 Remote control section. TV controls ‘6 When the buttons (®, @) are used, be sure to first press the "TV" button of the function selector buttons of the remote control transmitter. @ Preset channel buttons (1-0) These butlons are used to select TV channels Video controls «s.7 When the buttons (@, @) are used, be sure to firs press the “VOR button of the function selector buttons of the remote cont transmiter @ Preset channel buttons (1—0) ‘These buttons are used to select video channels, @ Channel upidown buttons (V CH A) ‘These buttons aro used to select video channels. @ Selector buttons (SELECTOR) VOR 1: Press this button o select the “VCR 1" input selector postion on the maia unit oR 2: Press his button to select the “VCR 2" input selector postion on the main unit @Record buttons (@ REC) ‘These buttons are used to record @Channel upidown buttons (W CH A) ‘These buttons are used to select TV channels. @Fast-torwardirewind buttons (44 REW, PD FF) Press one ofthese buttons to advance or rewind the ‘the unit is in the stop mode. wile @ Playback button (> PLAY) This button is used for video playback ® Pause button ( ‘This button is used PAUSE) 1@ during playback or video recording ® Stop button (STOP) This button is used to stop playback or video recording. -n- DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS SA-GX303 “ATTENTION SERVICER” Some chassis components may have sharp edges. Be careful when disassembling and servicing. - Removal of the cabinet Fet No. | Removal of the front panel ass'y Procedure 4, Remove the 2 flat cables (CN601, ° - N602). r ea (|) clin 1/0 ‘oO It cnsoep—k OF | *e —~ ‘eNO! crt ‘*Remove the 6 scrows (0~@). Ref.No. | Removal of the power switch 3 P.C.B. Procedure | 14243 2. Remove the 3 screws (@- 3. Remove the front panel ass’y in the direction of arrow. | Volume knob 1, Pull out the volume knob. 2. Remove the nut. 4 ° Removal of the flat cable 1. Lift the connector. I yoy 2 Pull out the flat cable. \|\-“"™" ANY comes *Remove the 2 screws (@, @). RefNo. | Removal of the volume P.C.B. | Procedure 1a enros Volume PCB. 3, Remove the 1 screw (0). 4, Remove the 1 connector (CN705).. 6. Remove the volume P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. —B— SA-GX303 1. Remove the 2 knobs. 2. Remove the 5 screws (@~@). 3. Remove the FL drive P.C.B in the direction of arrow. 4, Remove the 1 flat cable (CN912).. Fet-No- | Removal of the FL drive P.C.B. Ret.No. | Removal of the operation P.C.B. Procedure | Procedure 122495 9245-8 Plece of cord 3K IF the knob Is difficult to remove, wrap a piece of cord or something similar around it to remove it. Ret. No. 7 Removal of the P. EQ/TONE P.C.B. Procedure 1245-7 PEO/TONE PCB, ‘*Remove the 6 screws (@~@). 1. Remove the 2 knobs. 2. Remove the 12 screws (O~@). 3. Remove the P.C.8. hold angle (8). 1. Pull out the tuning knob. 2. Remove the nut. 3, Remove the 1 screw (@). Removal af the tuning volume Ret.No. ] Removal of the LED P.C.8. Procedure Procedure soaane Leo ec, Release the 2 claws. —u— ‘SA-GX303 Ret-No. | Removal of the rear pane Ret.No. | Removal ofthe tuner P.C.8. Procedure - - Procedure 0 aera PCB. pold engle(A) For gore x ‘= Remove the video P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. ~stuner Pca. » pee 9" ior o Pe, Hotter conse Sey | cn 1. Release the 1 claw. 2. Remove the tuner P.C.B. inte direction of arow. 41. Remove the 15 screws (0~®). 2. Remove the P.C.B. hold angle (A). Rel No. &. Remove the ear panel tram the projection of the | F*t:N©. | Removal of the surround P.C.B. chaseis assy Procedure Ref. No. 1218 ‘2 I Procedure | tepctont2 Remove the 3 screws (@~©). . Remove the P.C.B. hold angle (A). . Remove the 2 latch (@, Remove the support angle. Remove the 1 flat cable (CN703) Remove the surround P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. Ref. No. Removal of the paramet EQ | 14 P.C.B. Procedure 124 SK support anole PCB. hold a Basie at 1. Remove the 1 screw (@). 2. Remove the P.C.B. hold angle (A). 3. Remove the 2 latch (@, ©). 4 Remove the support angle, Porametrie £0 Bee eh) Pee. Holder chew 5. Release the 1 claw. 6 Remove the parametric EQ P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. — Power IC 41. Unsolder the power IC. 2. Remove the 2 screws (@, @). ‘When mounting the power IC, apply silicon thermal ‘compound (SZZ0L15 or equivalent) to the rear of the power IC. Ret.No. | Removal of the power IC Removal of the main P.C.B. Procedure | Procedure - 1213-15 1210-11 = sureye Peo Sis —16 1. Remove the 2 flat cables (CN604, CN701). 2. Remove the 7 screws (@~@). ‘3, Remove the main P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. Ref.No, | Removal of the power IC and 7 regulator transistor Removal of the power supply P.C.B. | Procedure e011 | rasta14 | 16-17 Regulator transistor '@ Regulator transistor 1. Unsolder the power IC or regulator transistor. 2. Remove the 4 screws (@~@). ‘*When mounting the power IC or regulator transistor. Apply silicone compound (SZZOL18) to the rear side 1, Remove the 1 flat cable (CN604). 2. Remove the 2 screws (@, @) 3. Remove the power supply P.C.. inthe direction of cA 2° ay Power istormer 4. Remove the 1 flat cable (CN701). | 2. Remove the 4 screws (@~@). of power IC or regulator transistor. arrow. Ret.No. | Removal ofthe power transformer Fei. no. | Removal of the AC IN/AG OUTLETS Procedure Procedure | 1218-19 1-20 AC IN/AC ‘OUTLETS PC.B. ‘Release the 6 claws. 6 Removal of the fan motor | 4. Release the 3 claws. (See Fig. 1) 2. Insert a screwdriver at the root of the fan. Force it ‘out of the motor shaft. (See Fig. 2) 8. Remove the fan cap by used © screwdriver. (See Fig. 3) 4, Remove the fan terminal cap in the direction of arrow. (See Fig. 4). '5, Remove the motor from the fan case. (See Fig. 8) 6 When mounting the motor, align the fan casing’s projection with the hole of the motor. (See Fig. 6) ae Pon cove Ret No. | How to check the main P.C.B. Procedure 12 1. Remove the 3 screws (@~@). arrow. Reor panel 8. Remove the chassis ass'y. 4, Remove the 4 screws (®~@). 6. Reinstall the front panel ass'y to the main P.C.B. —W— ‘SA-GX303 MINTERNAL CONNECTION OF FL. © Grid connection diagram 1g8 290 RS agg gs 7RB 858 BL? BRB TONE RODE" PEOMODE SRA S we [ee rm arent ad C~76B) (86B) y S)S) i ayayayayayay] PDEGD ERS raiaa acd lesebel ieee eb Er cee ee seleecreekia * Anode connection table (A) tsa [26a] 36a aca | sca | soca | 76a | 60a PIA a NORMAL 8 e ® a 2 si P2A x ‘PHANTOM ia J j i - @ ral y na m D * | fm) pale a ra i 7 7 = 3 alot a 7 7 7 7 7 3 pale lw 5 > 3 > > pale 3 : 3 3 3 7 Pale = ° ° ° = 3 pale = e = = ° | ware Pigal ow MEMORY a a a tte | LoupNEss DOLBY | 3 3 a 3 3 Puial a 3 STEREO. REAR Pia lQUaTg, | Test cs x r ~ eam piss) en | STEREO | - : - tae | cenTER OFF a * Anode connection table (B) 1 celece|scelace} ISGBI6GB) 768] 868 968 P18 |s2/sa|sa|ss|ss|s7|se|so—reorone—| He p2e [a1 [a1 |ei]er|er fer lar ” De k P36 |62/82|82/82/82|82/B2| PRESET PAE pap |e3/e3fe3|e3|es/ea/es| rep le psp |e4/e4/e4|aa[ea|ealea] MANUAL Tb Psa }as|as|es|ss|es|as|es 3 le p78 |ps|es|as|es|es|acles 2 14 pes |87|87|87|87/87/87|B7 1 19 psp |ee|se|ee/ee|ee|sal ee rar 2c P1@8/89]83/9/e89/e9/s9]e9 Pi1e/s1@piesielsialsiq|siaisia] srowemooe | 20 P12B 1811/81 1811/80 1/81 1/81 1/871 FE) 29 Pisa fpiaieigpigeizei2eiei1 gia 2a Piaeleiajersjarsfaralsrajaraieia| pia 2e P1se|14je1alei leer ale alia] B4 | 2F Preabeiseispisiaisiseisieis| ars 3c Pizeficeiclarsiareierejsiciaie| ie 3b Pie8[a17[ei7)a17[s17)817[817!817| B17 2s | Piselpieerasisleieleialerels rel B18, 33 | P2ealaisfisiaisiarsiarsjpisera| ia 3a P2i8|s29}e2e|s2eled|acelazclacel azo 2e /P228 |821/82 1/821 |B21/821\621\321 ~ B21 3t 238 p27{a22/a22|o29|a2a|ac0\a2q] Eee MPROTECTION CIRCUITRY ‘The protection circuitry may have operated if either of If this occurs, follow the procedure outlines below: the following conditions is noticed: 1. Tum off the power. No sound is heard when the power is turned on. 2, Determine the cause of the problem and correct it. ‘Sound stops during a performance. 3. Turn on the power once again after one minute. ‘The function of this circuitry is to prevent circuitry Note: damage if, for example, the positive and negative i . ‘speaker connection wires are “shorted”, or if speaker ‘When the protection circuitry functions, the unit will ‘systoms with an impedance less than 'the indicated ot operate unless the power is first turned off and rated impedance of the amplifier are used. then on again. BEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT Disconnect AC power, Discharge both Power Supply Capacitors C701 and C702 through a 100, SW resistor to ground. DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT DIRECTLY (with a screwdriver blade, for instance), as this may distroy solid state devices. After repairs are completed, restore power gradually using a variac, to avoid overcurrent. Current consumption at 120V, 60Hz in NO SIGNAL mode should be 0.4~1A. 9 MI MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS Note: For 2201 (AM ANT and OSC coi!) 2202 (AM-IFT), they are supplied as adjusted parts. So, do not turn the cores of the parts. It is not necessary to adjust the AM circuit. ¢ FM ADJUSTMENT Control positions and equipment used '*FM signal generator (FM-SG). ‘*Frequency counter Distortion analyser Choke coll (100uH) *Oscitloscope *Flesistor (100k0) +DC electronic voltmeter (OC EVM) FM MONO DISTORTION ADJUSTMENT FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITION 1. Test equipmerit connection is shown in figure. Meaulation fequeney tee 2. Set the unit to “FM” position. MON) 3. Set the radio frequency display and signal generator output level 20d to 100.10MHz, 4. Adjust T201 core so that voltage measured in signal ‘mode is OmV (0::20mV)in 300mV range. 5. Adjust 7202 s0 thatthe distortion factor of Leh is ps minimized es 6. Ropoat stops 4 and a few times, a 7. Make sure that the distortion factors of Len and Rich | —} are nearly the same with each other to minimum. TF ox mae cao Note: =O The adjusting screwdriver used shoulé be made of bo FM MPX VCO ADJUSTMENT FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITION 1, Test equipment connection is shown in figure. Modulation —. oO % 2. Set the unit to "FM auto” position. output ee! {oonmoduation 8. Set the radio frequency display and signal generator " “ru wrrennn fag to 100.10MHz. 4. Adjust VR901 for 19.00:+0.03kHz on frequency counter reading % USING ALTERNATE SYSTEM 1. Apply stereo signal from generator or receive the stereo broadcast. 2. Adjust VR301 until stereo indicator lights up. Cement arm of VR301 as shown in figure. Q-Q O~O Stereo oF F position G8 tscectigage ©: Adu pom of Piatt * Adjustment points Tew ose (eM ote #1 FMP VEO FM veo) "TP201 zo Lea aS au fm alter aud, BIEEMPon ci TERMINAL FUNCTION OF IC’S * 1801 (M50946-150FP): Microcomputer Pin vo Fin 10 Pin) a | 24 Function Pin! wa | 52, Funetion +[| «6 27 xcin | — | Not used, connected to GND 1 | spectrum anayer signal 2 ud 8 Xcout - Not used, open: af mn [1 | Keyreturn signal zo ves | — | eND terminal a [nc | — | Not connected wf nc | — | notconectes § | xoupica | | key scan signal and agit & | Kswbieo anal to FL display af wa Frequency evel or high- frequency sound aetect @ | curs |_| wc ves comnectes | oe minal 10 | SEL MUTE resistor 33 FRGA Center frequency or low: 1 | fequency sound detect, in| casw | 0 | Esumtiarsssorconsor | [oe | ree terminal as| no | — | Notconnectes 2] or © | Serial data signa Powersupply terminal FL 13] ok |__| Sanat cook signa se} vp rower uf sr | = | Netused, connected to a | wure | 1 | muting detect termina ‘enable terminal 3B s7 |e © _| chip enable terminal hl sks © | Segment signal to FL display 16 | ack Not used, connected 9 ne v wok 7 resistor - ‘Not connected 18 cD 5 No w| 8 Mining signal ievel detect | || §) © | segment signal to FL. spa te |wosiona| 1 | Maina a] 3 ment i 7 zo] How | 1 | Powertaiure detect terminal | [62 | Aves 1 | Power supply termina! a | onves | — | GND terminal cl vas ze { st | 1 | Reset detoot terminal os | ve = | eno termina m[ Ne ce | Aves — | Not connected af xe or] vet | 1 | Power suppy terminal 2 xin ' Crystal oscillator terminal ® t 1 spect , 1 5 ectrum analyze signal 26 Xout ° (meta) 2 15 ° a #1901 (MN187125STU): Microcomputer Pin 0 Pin 0 Pin) mark | 5 on Funetion Fin) ak | on Funetion 1/80 a] ce © | Chip enable terminal i] 3 © | Segment signal to Ft. splay 32] pata: | 0 | Serial cata signal Power supply terminal to FL 8 Vee ' display 33 cK ° ‘Serial clock signal @| vas | Power suppty terminal | pataz | 0 10] osc2 © | crystal oseittator terminal 25 leroeMZ ou] 0 | Hideo stester contrat n sci ' (4.10MH2) 12 vss - GND terminal 86 SYNC ~ Not used, open 13 x — _ | Not used, connected to Guo | | 97 | OM —_| Not used, connected to GND u{ x0 — _| Not used, open | ast _ | Not used, connected to resistor 15 | _Keve 1 | Key return signal 39] FMmono | 0 | Forcible monaural signal 16 | Key va 40] AFM | 0 | mutingcontottotunercireut vl 1 | Reseted sont desc “ A Rotary tuning control 18 | mst | 1 _ | stereo signal detect termina | [33] —g terminal 1% F 9 _| Sense of rotation for volume | [43 | xsi ‘motor contol termi: f| Oe 0 | Key scan signal 2 R 45 KS3 Wot used, connected to =——* — ae PY] a To | cist signa to FL csp 2 ‘sT3. ° Level shift control terminal 53. pet? vai Sit isplay 23 | REMOTE ' Remote contro! terminal 54 initial Serial data detect terminal 24] reiven | 1 | Semice intrusion detect | [EST acieur | 0 | muting conto signal 25 ‘sT1 ° Level shift control terminal 6 fou ° Loudness contro! signal 23 | OFF — | Not used, connected to GND | | 57 | acy o.__| Muting control to amplifier okeut a] RLY (© _| Relay control terminal Muting control (2048) to 8 ‘sT2 ° Level shift control terminal 8) -2008 ° amplifier circuit za] eset | 1 | Reset detect terminal ol eo s| 8 © | Seoment signa to FL. aisplay 30 | oKt (© _| serial clock signal os] siz SA-GX303__ SA-GX303 BLOCK DIAGRAM SA-GX303__SA-GX303 Note: =P FM Signal s0002>FM OSC. ‘sammm P. equalizer signal ‘se===) Spectrum analyzer signal ‘scammfpRear speaker drive signal (Indicates Pin No. of right channel. MESCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (; (Parts list on pages 57~63.) Note 1: #3601 +8801 + s002~005: #9806 +9807 $808 #8809 #3810 +8811 = 8812~814: + 8901~910: 011 #8914, 015 +8016, 917, 921~923 sore #3925 +8926 +8927, 928 +8029 +8900 +8031 +5932 Signal tine act ‘Important safety notic Speaker selectors (SPEAKERS) switches. [S8014: A, S601-2: B) + Display mode select (DISPLAY MODE, -DEMO) switc Parametric EQ band switches. [saaz: Ea Sone: Ea, see4 ean) 8805: £04 Parametric EQ system ON/OFF (P. EQ SYS) ‘switen, Fine mode (FINE) switch. ‘Slope changeover [SLOPE (Q)] switch. Parametric EQitone mode select (P. EQ/TONE) sewiteh, Parametric EQ system memory (MEMORY) ‘witen, Fixed preset (FIXED PRESET) switch, Equalization preset (MANUAL PRESET) ‘switches. [sa12: 1, $813: 2, $814: 3] Preset-tuning (1-0) (GO CHANNEL RANDOM PRESET TUNING) ‘switches. [S801 1 $002: 2, 8008: 9, sone: 4. so05: 5.) $908: 6, S907: 7, $908: 8, $909: 9, S810: 0 Dolby surround ON/OFF (SURROUND) switch, Rear speaker level adjustment (REAR LEVEL) switches. 18914: ¥, $915: Al Input selector switches. [S0t6: PHONO, Sor7: TUNER, sat: VoR2) |8922: VORI, $923: CD : Tapemonitor (TAPEIDAT MONITOR) switch. + Loudness (LOUDNESS) switch, Tuning: mode selector (TUNING MODE) switch. [AUTO-MANUAL~-LOCK] Band selector switches. (8927: FM, $928: AM] FM mode selector (FM MODE) switch ‘Memory scan (MEMORY SCAN) switch. ‘Memory (MEMORY) swt! Power " & STANDBY/ON" switch. FM osc. ‘AM OSC. Rec out signal (Leh) Spectrum analyzer signal (Loh) Rear speaker drive signal (Lch) . equalizer signal (Loh) Positive voltage lines. Negative voltage lines FM signat AM signal AF signal (Leh) ‘Components identified by A mark have special ‘characteristics important for safety. When replacing any of these components, parts. Indicated vol tunit measured by the DC use only manufacturer's. specified @ values are standard values fort tronic ciroult tester (hi Impedance) with the chassis taken as standard. Therefore, ‘there may exist some errors in the voltage values, depending ‘on internal impedance of the DC circuit tester. ‘+All voltage values shown in circuitry are DC voltage in FM. signal Stereo signal) reception mode. “Figures in( mode. ) Stand for DC-voltage in AM signal reception —a- /This schematic diagram may be modified at any tim withthe development of new technology. Ref. No, _| Production Part No. | Supply Part No. 16301 ‘ANTATO ‘sviUPcTieics 1es01, 803 | MS298P M5238°-1 * Caution! IC and LSI are sensitive to static electricity. ‘Secondary trouble can be prevented by taking care during repair. * Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with alminum foil * Ground the soldering iron. = Put a conductive mat on the work table. Do not touch the legs of IC or LSI with the fingers directly. Note 2: ( + Use of ceramic filters in pairs ‘The ceramic filters (CF201, CF202) for FMAF circuit are vailable in three ranks. For this cireult, be sure to use the ‘ceramics of the same rank in a pair At repairing and replacement, pay close attention to the short jumpers (J956, J857) for use as aiferent short jumpers must be used depending on each rank ofthe ceramic filters. Color marking [paw] 1966 | a957 | _ CENTER (Bue,redor | (eaten | Y@uy_| Yor) _| FREQUENCY renee Bue Ce ed © | 0 | 10700mHe Orange = | 0 | to7swre ‘Note: © mask: short jumper ie used % mark: short jumper is not used Note 3: CAUTION: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION. AGAINST FIRE HAZARD, REPLACE ONLY WITH SAME TYPE 5A 125V AND 2.5 125V FUSES, RISK OF FIRE-REPLACE FUSE AS MARKED. FUSE CAUTION. EE This symbol located near the fuse indicates ‘that the fuse used is fast operating type. For ‘continued protection against fire hazard, replace with same type fuse. For fuse rating, refer to the marking adjacent to the symbol 4B Co symbole indique que te fusible utilisé est rapide. Pour une protection permanente, n° utiliser que des fusibles de méme type. Ce demier est indiqué la qi le Présent symbole est apposé. SA-GX303 ‘SA-GX303 SA-GX303__ SA-GX303 10 SA-GX303 25 26 28 29 30 | ae _ iNET m ss wei 28éssiiaosta 28k 1s09a0sTa STA a, | SPEAKER SWITCH CIRCUIT Dyrisecimcuir [ec waacourcers circuit 15. 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Aiceor 25czesiorstA 38es3ua0sta 28076 oer lane nh 25czesionsta 4 aesucrren 25cs31aasta 25€soaonosta - + a 28cira0sasia Ba RET Bea -— [rose cincuit —u- 03 SA-GX303 10 uu 12 13 14 | Bscs3tABte <= 28érrsosasta 1S host Power surry 2804. aed ae ONez ura 2 SA-GX303_ SA-GX303 10 Uhausta 28fosasonsta a 303 SA-GX303 Glorerarion circuit 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Dr covtone circuit Bi vowus I emote sensor eiacutr 25 26 28 29 30 BI vovume circuit JOTE SENSOR CULT Leo ciRcuIT SA-GX303 Tiraranetaic €9 cincurt -e- SA-GX303_ SA-GX303 10 u 12 13 14 SA-GX303 MITERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES MszeP | @Pin||| ANBSSEF [14 Pie XRAOGIOOP [16 Pin||[LM7O01 [16 Pin ‘anesser | 8 Pin ANTATO [16 Pin MCIOB4CD__[¥6 Pin hot ANTZTA [18 Pil TarezoP [16 Pin] MSOTGBP [24 in Lverto sers2ssTu TowOss8P __|16Pin| TOOTESN [28 Fin Se ye | TOTAHCAIAP [16 Pin “ a ° TosuP [16 Pin ” | a nel Tos212P [20 Pin - oe M50046-150FP sviaiore ‘svisz0ec ‘wasn ‘28A720NCOR 28AQ02EFTA Ze 25C26510RSTA ‘2SC2MOAQETA 25A933S0FSTA| 2SA1000A0STA—_UNAITOTA, ‘sc17408aSTA 2SC2705FETA UNATHSTA 2SC2TETLTA uNeatiTA 2SC2ITIAGSTA —UNAQTATA es 2SD'MEOGRSTA ——_UNAZISTA ce © UNAIHITA , 8 ce ‘288 1240RTVE 2811870ET Pa00DLF 2s017610ET aPiscLF B Ze y woe Maar2owTA cs MaateoMTA ai ones MAZOWATA oa cathode MAAaGOMTA MARSSOMTA Matesta MaeoseMTA ne a MATOOATA MACDBNTA othe sS8201TA MACOSENTA ee Kross 15R3520078, Lan MAQDBNTA 4a Erode LNAGRPALS Lunoreso4P vosts27eH | @x a Meatnoce | OS ncce “Be. Oe | sane rote a ~6— SA-GX303 WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM ‘SA-GX303 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS ng en eh EE ) * =a Ez SA-GX303___ SA-GX303 REMOTE SENSOR PCB. a] AC IN/AC OUTLETS PCB. [aie rce [Elorersrion re Cea] ica ned w Cam] or] (aman abe] “Stan | [meworv] {Se Gaanhel RaNDOw PRESET TUNING) [Famiua wae] 9 — 1 12 13 15, 16 18 oe ‘SA-GX303 21 22 23 20 ~cn35ia SA-GX303 ‘SA-GX303 MREPLACEMENT PARTS LIST Totes |» laportant safety ti CStenesta ucnified by A. mar, havespecal characteristics laprtant for safely. Men replacing any of these Sevens tse ‘ony aantactaree’s spectied parts eaereat fot aaieetions i the’ ienais clums specity the area. (efer to the cover rage for ares.) Parts lllmut these indications can be tted for a areas neta | parts. | Part fae 8 Deriton | ec wetne | Patt | Parte 8 Dascrstion | Res be eons a To | janet ae cassis | — bs [swat ar [0 [susesa-1 [TRANSISTOR ANGLE Tamra jaan lz. [Screw [PACKING MATERIAL _ [3 [screw - le ic mone — a am (ore OS © F ax ot - a GI [5-1 [woToR 1 [Pe [pw [po ~ jer fame en [ fe pans roisiow maa fs (name fra CASE i a faReoacod [PROTECTION BMI. RY | fee jae-x jr fe —_[snon —_ramecrin nce.) [on es _aaen fora a emai fa Te a 0 inns [et ~ [ aESSOUES - 7 jaras2évas [SCREW |__ [a ferseisie2 [screw fal lagrii@s-P [INSTRUCTION MANIA, lm pera fire AY oh ffs — ae — sonia sv oR @ ips eo fo [somes a no 5 liz asset (SEW [a3 [scxo.29-1 _|[SERVICENTER LIST (P) lis [RGRDI2GA-A1 [REAR PANEL ~ [as [soxsiat [SERVICENTER LIST (Pc) 4 (RGUOIOL [SPEAKER SELECTOR BUTTON ~ [at [RAK-SasO1P1 [REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTER ~ hs [eeworo rue wc ~| eet one0-x rare ove hs sows |e nos — su-1 ic vse sty o> | it nT fan 8 sara [voc src ca |. he Jewoes ie mee hefner — lara ae lis [RFRIAGKSDOPP [CHASSIS ASS'Y fag-1 jouzss-v [AW ANTENNA HOLDER gt [raagcos-1 [Foor ~ 2 jernaesoar2 [SCREW | la jamais pee Lb WE & - 7 [sara |p nome ler fawci0 [SUPPORT ANGLE ~ lz [newise [Poe LD ANGE (23. |nsoo105 [PHONO SHIELD PLATE - la [rwGaGxa09° [FRONT PANEL ASS'Y | bs feos - bs anes x - ~ ler frewnse2 le ‘(as ~ [29 | RUDs94D ~ [20 [Acunsa7 ~ brewer aun sce TO - : [a2 ‘[RSUDSIaA-K [SELECTOR BUTTON - bse a ree — bo fs ar : - [35 [sHRa15 [LATCH ~ ~ ~ a or ft [ssi arn ea JJ = = ‘SA-GX303 notte | rot to | prt Raw &teseristin | Reis vette | rot | part am & Bsrinten | mrs rae — TST ny ca CRATES ros — ease rr ia - _ faro4 [escaaita-q [TRANSISTOR jiciot (ueTooi—_c,PLL. Fag SYNTHESIZER fa705 |2SC3940AQSTA [TRANSISTOR fear vera rae FcR fens —eserer fst a icon [Sviurenieice |r, ru we ~ 8 _[ascensicesta [IRNGISTON Ia icssr fewer |i vbeo SrTR 0 _pslener raise ls 7 car fees |i wor suicmn fos —jsemin-efrvsist la ae sass — rss jest [W236P-1 IC, BUFFER AMP ~ | eae [2sca94aagsTa [TRANSISTOR ese Jaessae fic rn wr fant owarera —_fmnsisme : ficsns—fszner-1 |, aren wr | cc ~ ean fovea |i PE ie | oss Jor —— frsisia cane 19P ic ron sears aris ——frvsisn eats evap |i orc, SER fsa is jenn rst : esa paises aur fest juts — rss j1c851 fanszie [IC MOTOR DRIVE, joss [imaziaTa {TRANSISTOR re jwerizasTd [IC MICROCOMPUTER Cc fase juan [TRANSISTOR - lica7) Iwclaogapcr —|1C, LED DRIVE. a ~ foass, [2Sb1240PRTVE {TRANSISTOR exer Smsi01¢ | AER WED ~| fest era —_frusisrn ici janseap C.D Be fer asi frosisrn icime— |wessaF | FER i iweieta—frsis icv rosie [icarmnaroe =| _ Josue [asasesc [resistor | 404 [ANGE 16, BUFFER ANP _ esos (uaz [TRANSISTOR iciads Oise | 1C, DIGITAL URLAY - fesoa, 90S [ascrzansg [TRANSISTOR ~ jicasor—_|Lvsio0M [IC PARAVETRIC EQUALIZER ~ [oo06 [asagaascR [TRANSISTOR jicaooe _[rcaeiap_|iG, anaLoe Swireu ~ | eei-a3_foveris TRANSISTOR cas featur Fe sor seer a — rast - joisa2 [2sal30g-R [TRANSISTOR sist _ ~ [Di00E (S) 7 jai fsa [esse fa, sor vera fewsistoR a a : [gem 202 [zscerem (TRANSISTOR T joan [ABS [DoE fia exrasfensismon - fans jnss one : lene asses fensismin foo juss owe je scrao—frensisn host waar — ioe ee, 3 st fensisR fase ies ioe 7 oasis —mnsismn pat jaro oe os 3 conn _fRNSISTR a wes oe s,s fesranc-a frssToR fsso jou Jen 7 sires — fT : fs. peso : : [2si4nc0Ta | TRANSISTOR joes IMAL6S [DIODE ~ Sonar A RNSISTR Te bese pra [oie | a |rasisne prai-mo nmr [one ie qj jen mass jms vsti [one fas0a, 510 2sci74usy [TRANSISTOR - [o706 [wa (DIODE. 7 fs, 2 eserar-assToR Toms rok oe fs scree frasisrn bio zn one is aor sie —fensison | | pi pcos faesi__—[asaraoaa-R [TRANSISTOR ~ joni fwvsos2eTa [DIODE ~ [a ase sean resis | paises roe la a Weta | Part | Part Ne 8 tessripton | Reals Tet | Parte. | Port Nine &Bescristion | Rameks rss ones ove fan mio Jom bist ore eae jaren- on, a fas career Jo ann fissarta ore i 2 JLERTO oO pra aes oie fis Jaemonae_ fon fs rose ati [ero loom. fee ses fone pes fsoeor one AER a ss james? for aceon? stn oon aes ies [oro frame a voni-2 —ranstonen ent isan roe fr recs om Tansee ns |esoe Jes [none frst [ePvecoi-vfrewsroaeR aes wast ovo oa ses — [ene Ise eno? ass poe an fmass co rma fee la ber=are onsen [LE DR 3 anisms |S. 2 la anit frscur roe ix eon aioo oie SY Joe ues ore emesis oie a, _|ALPRNAA|a , T i 262 LPECWA. LECT) TE RESIST fran. 202 ftremenaic fame. reek) fe rere oruarmn [eens cm Da i__frocaersoscULATR.) Ico JUMOCRSE [i & aN VOULNE a Se frst [roesorcs a wae feat frosts fascia fot evar i cee ERAS fsa fv im Levee ism TE fron levowcrnee |. an NING bt [eDeIGS |i. R SIND BALANCE [sonst sar mae (ara CoN) sarc feo. [aaemor-t [oaeweNr caeinarion fs sea ENS fone ——|gurain-t coe comiaion feor —_jreaaost|s israt wie oo oe vezi jane comiNTiON 2 ever fx eo ns fxrai047 [anon cori fact jenaieo fo ew ane uray [owe coe RaTION ewes foe eo fast fs. sec fos evens [oe cot sok —_joarre[ovemexr cowiNion ios fonciose Joe eu srs Ova fas lees joneoenr cominaion art verse fx re bjs [ono caweaioN Kae Feeeiose — |, sore is ewes [amon onion foe jevcivos fo. rearoe sce jaro [antoNr comer fener |. ee fit ivesese sx er FSET ony fare evens |e ares 1 13 ees NIL ESET 2 [aa ceo fis faeerse [os ser 9 jae fern [on soi [esos | eser NGL im soe [carmen fsce eves ox reser uni 2 nett | rat ts | PartNo & tescristin | emis rete | partie. | part tet Dsrition | eats arom — reser TT 7 aio oRaoaa_[aMETTN) [Sioa arse Te « Es — ornate mer ss vo — oe reser nan § ewe —ussnines —famecror cr fis eso fx. 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