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Mil Ip h, . gel Bey ce — RS ei Pal dca 2 A note to teachers, parents and children Welcome to the English World Level 2 Grammar Practice Book. In this book you will find o variety of activities which practise the grammar points in Pupil’s Book 2 and Workbook 2. There are also activities which practise writing skills and phonics/pronunciation. These activities can be used in class or for homework. There is o unit in the Grammar Practice Book for each unit in the Pupil’s Book and the Workbook. There are three pages in each unit: © Page 1 of each unit practises the main grammar point of the unit. © Page 2 of each unit practises the Grammar in conversation point. © Page 3 of each unit has a Grammar Park activity, which practises the grammar points from pages 1 and 2; and a Writing Skills activity which practises the writing from the Workbook Writing Skills page. The Review pages practise the grammar from the previous three units, Most grammar activities in the Review units have a score out of 5. This gives o total score of 20. The children write their score for the Review pages in a box on the page. They can assess their level of achievement by reading the comments in the Score Box. The phonics and spelling section of each unit in the Pupil’s Book is practised at the end of this book. When all the activities in each unit are complete, the Grammar Practice Book will be a useful reference and revision aid for the children. The series of Grammar Practice Books builds up into a complete record of the grammar in English World. The children can keep their Grammar Practice Books and use them for reference in later levels of English World. In this way, they develop good study skills and make an important step to becoming independent learners. Introduction Contents page Unit 1 4 Unit 2 7 Unit 3 . 10 Review 1 13 Unit 4 15 Unit 5 18 Unit 6 21 Review 2 . 24 Unit 7 26 Unit 8 29 Unit 9 32 Review 3 35 Unit 10 "37 Unit 11 40 Unit 12 43 Review 4 46 Phonics and spelling 48 Contents 3 He ts washing the car. lam... Ishe washing the car? Yes, heis, -Youare... 3 Ishereading? No, he isnt. We are ... They are .. ) 1 Match. BY) “oes Git Bs 1 I'm washing my hands. 2 Is she cooking? Yes, she is. Is she cooking? No, she isn't. She’s carrying a box. 2 3 4 Are you cleaning the window? Yes, lam. 5 They're washing their hands. 6 He's climbing the ladder. 2 Write questions. Answer Yes or No. Picture a “*4 he / cleaning / his room? Is he cleaning his room ? No. 2 he ‘climbing / the ladder? ? Picture c : 3 she/ reading / a book? 2 4 she/ cooking / lunch? __ 9. Picture e 4 they / wash / their hands? z 5 they /brush/ their teeth? 4 Uniti Grammar Who is he talking to? Gr _{ Where are you sitting? What are they doing? How many boys are eating? 1 Choose. is Fan : r 1 What are she doing? She’s reading. 2 What apa they doing? They're cleaning the living room. -- are 3 Who he you talking to? I'm talking to my brother. How , ? 4 Who Many boys are playing? Three. 2 Write questions. Match with the answers. 1 who/ they / talking to a I'meating a Who are they talking to ?_d sandwich: 2 where/she/ sitting . b They're drinking milk. a oe 3 what / you / eating c They‘re talking 6 to their friends. 4 what/the cats / doing d She's sitting in the garden. Unit 1 Grammar in conversation “5. Ls STN eas 6 He’s singing. =. Ta | tening a Robbie Ray. Robbie Ray. } \ they watching? | Writing skills 2 Complete each word with two letters. 1 They are sandwiches. 2 Itis2_iday. 3 She is carrying two box__. 4 Today is _turday. 5 Put the dish__ on the table. 6 They are red bus__. 7 __esday, __dnesday and __ursday 6 Unit1 Capital letters for days of the week; irregular plural nouns Unit 2 ( mgm 4 no ar What is this? What are these? What isthat? What are those? (It's a. book, They're books. ltsaswing Theyre swings. 4 Match the questions with the pictures. ‘ 9 b 1 What's this? __ a 4 i" 2 What's that? __ is 4 3 What are these? __ 7 d 4 What are those? __ 2 Write. Use the words in the box. 1 & = What are 2 this V that 2 ZR What's ____? — these —_ 2 3 What_that? ane 4 el What are 2 What are 5 ee What is 7 : is ? 6 (Ul (| sess are those? 7 a What these? Unit 2 Grammor 7 SS CF @a—— = Thesearemy Thatismybag Thase are my crayon. crayons. 1 Choose. oP This That " These 'S my book. 4 Those OTe MY crayons This Fl That . 3 2 These are my pencils. 5 Those is my pencil case. 3 This’ my ruler : 6 Those my rubbers S ore MY Tuer. are Y . 2 Write this, that, these or those. ° S 1 is your book. Fe are her pencils. eS is my pencil case. (3? _____ are your rubbers. Ea is your ruler. Aen are my crayons. Sey 8 Unit2 Grammar in conversation au bk wWwRNn is my lollipop! aa Writing skills 2 Choose the correct verbs. Write a sentence about each picture. 1 =e hop run He ts running = skip sit run sit hop skip skip run Unit 2 Consonant/vewel/consonant verbs + ing 9 He likes orange juice. You like ... * We like ... They like 1 Choose. 1 He ie cakes. 4 ae like sweets. 2 They ite orange ice. 5 They likes singing. 3 We Hike football. 6 gee like swimming. 2 Write. 40 Unit3 Grammar 1 Choose. . EY 1 a like cakes? . Soo & EBs Do YOU jk aj 3 ~ * 2 Do ike ice creams? Yes, | do. like ~ i) > Y 3 Do you likes Sweets? ep like : xz, 2 4 Do you ji a, bananas? K> v No, | don’t. 2 Write questions with Do you...? Complete the answers. ? Yes, ? ____,___ don't. Unit 3. Grammar in conversation “14 hae 7 , Idon’t. | T_T tak Writing skills SS ae Lo. fea 2 Match the words with the pictures. Write a sentence about each picture. use / scissors b dance/inthe garden _ make / a card write /a story _ “ride / a bike em bake /a cake o Ge She ismaking a cord tea 5 +P an 42 Unit3 Magic e verbs + ing lam / He is reading. Are you. reading? Yes, | am Is he reading? Yes, he ts./No, he n't Are they reading? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. 1. Write questions and answers. 1 _Are they eating? No, they aren’t. They are drinking. 2 _____ you reading? No, I'm not. | painting. -"- 3 ____ he watching television? No, he isn’t. He___ ce playing football. 4 _____ they talking? No, they aren't. They ___ running. she cooking? No, she isn’t. She reading. 6 _____ you running? No, we aren’t. We ___ walking. Pacore:, _ (Score __/5 ) What is he doing? / What are they doing? / What are you doing? Who / What / Where / How many 2 Write in the correct order. 1 doing is she What *_What is she doing ? 2 sitting are Where you ? 3 people are How many swimming 2? 4 is Who talking to he ? 5 he is What cooking ? 6 they Where running are ? (Score __/5) Review1 13 f What ts this? / What is that? It is a slide. These / Those are my rulers What are these? / What are those? They are planes. This / That is myruler. 3 Write this, that, these or those. CE Ea 1 “ES is__that _? 4 Whatare 2 eee are ? —_____ is my cake. — Sra Fe G0 3 What is are my biscuits. Hike / You like / We like / They like /He likes / She likes )(Score __/5 ) Do you like sandwiches? Yes, Ido. / No, Idon't. 4 Write sentences and questions. Complete the answers. he/grapes _He likes grapes. _ ee ® you/apples 2 Ge. . , 3 1/bananas. Gace f oe 4 he? oranges ———— ea 5 you/apples/? Do you like apples? Yes, | do. 6 you/cakes/? __ OP No,__ don't. 7 you/sweets/? ? Yes, | Myscoreis_ @ @& Q ee ~ 10513 14-17 18-20 4 Review 1 Does he like caps? Do they like boots? Yes,he does. No, he doesn't. tes pty do. No, they dont. <== “1 don’t like “T dor’ ike basketball (1 don't like tennis ) and high jump. \ and high jump. 1 Does _ a they like high jump? | Yes, he does. 2 Doesshe __ b he like football? No, he doesn’t. 3 Do _ c like basketball? Yes, she does. 4 Does _ d like tennis? No, she doesn’t. 5 Doeshe __ e they like swimming? | Yes, they do. 6 Do _ f she like long jump? No, they don't. 2 Write questions. 1 he/computers___Does he like computers _? Yes, he does. 2 she/ grapes ? No, she doesn’t. 3 they/singing SCC 2. No, they lon. 4 he/sweets ? No, he doesn’t. 5 she/oranges__CC“‘(CSNC(#? Yes, she doles. 6 they / apples ? Yes, they do. Unit4 Grammar 45 1 Choose and circle. 1 Do/ Does 2 Do/Does 3 Do/ Does 4 Do/ Does 5 Do/Does 6 Do/Does 7 Do/ Does you like computer games? Yes, we do. he like football? No, he doesn’t. they like swimming? Yes, they do. she like sandwiches? No, she doesn’t. the cat like milk? Yes, it does. your friends like tennis? No, they don’t. the teacher like singing? Yes, she does. 2 Write do or does. ogi they like bananas? Yes, they oa they like milk? No, they don’t. __— she like singing? Yes, she ___ she like football? No, she doesn‘t. you like tennis? No, | don’t. ____ you like basketball? Yes, | 16 Unit4 Grammar in conversation 1 Write. she doesn’t, Di ) 3 high jump? Writing skills 2 Look at the picture. Choose an adjective for each word. 1 rainy hot weather 2 thick thin shirt 3 new old shorts 4 thin thick sandwich 5 small big hat 6 long short dress 7 hot cold orange juice 3. Write about the picture. itis weather. He is wearing a and He is . She is She is Unit 4 Adjective/noun order Unit 5 He sings in the morning Does he sing in. the morning? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Does he sing in the afternoon? No, he doesn't. 14 Match. in the morning A) 1 They don’t __ a _does he do in the evening? 2 Do they b he read in the morning? 3 Does — ¢ paint in the afternoon. 4 What d play basketball in the afternoon? 5 Do — e play basketball in the afternoon. 6 Hedoesn't __ they play football in the afternoon? 7 Does she g read in the evening? 8 They h read in the afternoon. “"2 Write about the pictures in 1. Use the words in the box. What’ play basketball paints Does reads paint Do 1 They in the afternoon. # 2 He in the evening. 3 She in the evening. 4 She doesn’t in the evening. 5 he play football in the morning? 6 they paint in the afternoon? 7 do they do in the evening? 18 Unit 5 Grammar “What time do do you get up in the morning? Da What is the time? \— 1 Choose. do does sleep oe 2 | leaps at nine o'clock. oa) 3 What time oe you go to school? BS seven o'clock. 1 1 He his homework at 5 o'clock. What - " ) > It! . (: 4 What is the time? It’s five o'clock. . J 6 5 What time an he come home? At three o’clock. 2 Write What time ...? questions. Complete the answers. Vi 71 / you/ get up/ Rag st “What fime do you get up ? ___ six o'clock. 2 / you/ come home / 2? At o'clock. 3 / what / the time / ? It’s o'clock. 4 /he/ go to school / 2? Atseven 5 /he/sleep/ 2 ten Unit5 Grammar in conversation 19 4 Write. se 1 What eat in the morning? (8 | get up | six o'clock. Writing skills 2 Read the man’s answers. Write the questions. Use the question words in the box. Where When Who How many What 1 (?m talking to my friends.) 2 (¢m drinking orange jui Zz 2 (My birthday is today! ) 4 (ve got three mobile phones. ) y computer is in my bag. ) # Who are you talkingto VV ON NS 20 Unit 5 Question words Cie oop pe U This is her cap. What colour are their caps? v5 ey Ks a They are white. 1 Read and colour. 1 Their hats are red. w x 2 a a g % ® & 2 a c a o 2 =~ 4 His nose is blue. w Her nose is pink. 6 Their dog is brown. 2 Write. Use his, her or their. 1 Ge big ——— His shoes are big. €or : we 2 small 3 funny 4 ye Bo, small small pretty Unit6 Grammar 21 (Whose cap ts ths? | itis Tom’s gee (y \ 1 Choose. is ? 1 Whose trousers are they? Ben's Who oa tc igs It’s Lily’s ? “ 2 Whose T-shirt is it? Lily T-shirt. 3 ~~ Wau \ ED Whose trainers °Y® they?|They're ™4 trainers Pay it | your ) '] in the cafe ) as ——— 6 ae —~ we / at home ) Unit8 Grammar 29 What is the time? It is half past two. What's the time? __ What's the time? _ What's the time? _ What's the time? _ What's the time? _ What's the time? __ What's the time? What the time? ? is the time? What's the time? What's the time? '80 Unit 8 Grammar in conversation a It's half past five. b It's ten o'clock. clt's half past three. d It’s five o'clock. e It’s half past seven. f It’s half past ten. It’s half past seven . It’s o'clock. It’s half past It'shalf____ eight. is past two. It three 1 yaks, Writing skills 2 Write sentences with but. 1 2 5 | was sad. My friend / happy, He drinks orange juice. He / never / milk She’s got a big watch. |/ small / watch His jacket is new. His shoes / old You are ten. Your friend / eight. My friend is tall. His brother / short. Unit 8 Conjuction but 34 y if She is next to the chair F + behind... / in front of .. / between 1 Choose. ;. behind 2 1 The boy is in front of the boat. & _1.. betweerr eS Ve 2 The girl is invfrontot the boat. ALP «Nofich ¢ between . a 3 The jellyfish is behind the girl and the shark. ~ 4 next to 4 The dolphin is behind the boat. 5 The rock is Pehind the boat. next to the boat and the island. q in front of between 6 The rock is 2 Write. ge==14 The shark the fllyfish. GEES The boy the girl. Le 6 Therock the boat. 32 Unit9 Grammar $$$ There was a balloon in the sky. ) __ There were two trees next to the house. ) 4 Choose and colour. On Saturday was . were {Wo grey fish next to the rock. was a brown rock. were 1 There 2 There There . . 3 Their Were two red jellyfish next is the plants. 4 There “* two blue jellyfish near the rock. were They're There Wasa green jellyfish between the rock and the plants. 2 Write and colour. Yesterday | There ____ two big brown rocks. 1 2 There three red fish ___ the rocks. 3 There an orange fish ____ the plants. 4 There ___ a purple jellyfish ___ the plants and the rocks. 5 There ____ a blue and yellow jellyfish __ the rocks. 6 There three small grey rocks. Unit 9 Grammar in conversation 33 4 The car is the dog and the cat. 6 There a dog | __ two birds) the ear.) ee Writing skills ‘ \ 2 Cross out and write. Use the words in the box. It He It We Theg She 1 My friends visited my house. My-triends were happy. 2 Tom is Tina’s sister. Tom is eight. 3 Afrog can jump. A frog can’t talk. . 4 This is my pencil case. My pencil case is new. 5 Tina likes bananas. Tina doesn’t like apples. 6 Tom and | walked to the beach. Tom and | talked to our friends. 34 Unit 9 Personal pronouns Review 3 ‘There is water in the jug ‘There are sandwiches on the plate. !s there juice in the cup? Yes, there is, Are there cakes in the basket? No, there aren't. 1. Write is or are. There _{s_ jam on the table. 1 There ____ three biscuits. ¥ ~ there butter on the plate? Yes, there. ee there bread on the plate? No, there isn’t. there apples on the table? Yes, there __. there grapes on the table? No, there aren't. Score __/5) 2 3 4 5 lalways eat sandwiches. | sometimes eat apples. | never drink milk. 2 Write in the correct order. never he gets up early 1 sometimes computer games | play 2 always orangejuice My brother “drinks 3 mymother never is sad 4 slowly my friend always walks 5 sometimes walk | to school LER Ed Score __/5 } Review3 35 , | was cold, We were hapoy. There was a balloon in the sky, There were two trees next to the house. 3 Write about the picture. | / happy 1 My sister / cold 2 My mother and father / tired 3 There /a bird/ table 4 There / two balls /‘table __/A) What is the time? It's half past two. Where is the whale? The whale is next to / behind / in front of the boat. / beween the boat and the rock. 4 Complete. Where___is__ the girl? She is next to the sofa. 1 What is it? It's ++2 Where the dog? It's the girl and the boy. 3 is the boy? He’s the lamp. 4 Where the sofa? It’s the dog 5 sis the dog? It’s the girl. 1/5 Unit 10 CC 7 ( I can see him 1 She's sad. Talk 3, ne 2 This is my new song. Listen to them. you? me? w Hello, Jack. Can | sit next to ‘ us . 4 We're hungry. Please give them @ sandwich. ie it it 5 The dog is thirsty. Give you some water. 6 These biscuits are delicious. | like them: it. 2 Write. Use the words in the box. you me her him it them us SK (11 like.) 3 He likes (2doyou =~ : like ? qo Cape (3 He doesn’t like __. ) He cam like ___ >) ‘i = like Unit 10. Grammar BF Don’t touch it. ) a Don't talk to them. b Don't climb it. a Don’t open them. Q Don't talk to her. o Don't open it. 4 Don't climb them. 2 Match the verbs with the pictures. Write sentences. 1 play with - oo drink 3 eat. - Alistento _ 5 wear 6 open __ 88° Unit 10. Grammar in conversation 4 Write. Grammar Park 1 ————+ 1 Where are Tom and Tin ?) | can’t see ) Uv PaAwa we 3 Tina is in the tree. \! can see “2 Sede “| 4 Tom is in the river! ! can see Writing skills 2 Make sentences with or... 1 My friend does not like cakes / biscuits. 2 My friend as not got a computer / a mobile phone 3 Ido not play football / basketball. 4 There is not a pen/a pencil 5 She does not watch television in the morning /in the afternoon 6 You do not like cats / dogs Unit 10 Conjunction or 1% Match with the pictures. 1 Inthe morning, he cleaned his room. 2 Inthe afternoon, he.walked to the beach. _ 3 Inthe evening, he painted a boat. 4 Inthe morning, she visited her friends. 5 Inthe afternoon, she played basketball. 6 Inthe evening, she opened her presents. 2 Write. Tom morning, play, football 1 2 afternoon, mend, CD player 2 evening, wash, clothes 3 Suzie — morning, walk, the park 4 afternoon, play, tennis 5 evening, watch, television 6 49 Unit 11. Grammar What happened? First | played. football. Then |... Next .. Last ... a_ played volleyball. 4 Match. 1 Firstshe c Then she _ b phoned her friend. 2 3 Nextshe __ ¢ walked to the beach. ” 4 Then she __ d_ listening to music. 5 Nextshe __ e visited her friend. 6 Lastshe __ f walked home. 5 walk visit. play wash open watch First | went to the shops. Then Unit 14 Grammar in conversation “44 1 write . football Writing skills 2 Write sentences with too. 1 lam ten my friend "2 He likes sweets. his brother 3 My sister tall. my brother . 4 A fish can swim. a jellyfish 5 A frog can jump. a rabbit 6 I've gotabike. | my sister 42 Unit 11 Sentences ending with too Unit 12 (1 walked across the road. aga + under... / through ... / over... / into .. 1 Read and draw. Choose the correct picture for the end ey FIST - It was very hot. | walked under the bridge. | walked across the road. Then | climbed over the wall. | walked through the trees. | jumped into the sea. It was very cold! 2 Look at the cat's path. Write. The cat jumped the sofa. It walked the table. It jumped the chair. It walked the living room. It walked the door. It walked the bathroom. It jumped the bath. Unit 12 Grammar (ae walk In the morning they walked up the hill. In the evening they the hill. climb In the morning the cat the tree. In the afternoon the cat the tree. a 7] jump 1 ea First he the stairs. if XS Then he - the stairs. 2 Write. Use the words in the box and change the verbs. Yesterday morning —_ Yesterday afternoon Yesterday evening ee walk play bake fowr®) lig, Gp 1 Yesterday morning | walked. to the town. Q . 2 dso the beach. | a cake. 44 Unit 12 Grammar in conversction nt for EL 1 Yesterday weld the bridge. 5 walked the football field. the tree. / 7 \ climbed the tree. ea Writing skills ee reel 2 Write about you. . , | like | like bananas, apples and. cakes. | have got | have got a watch, a. bicycle a | can see | play !am wearing Unit 12 Acomma ina list 45) Icon see him / her / you / them /us /me / it 1 Write. Don’t move, Tom! lam painting __uou_. 1 Listen to the girls. Can you hear ? 2 Where's the car? | can’t see 3 | like talking to you. Talk to 4 My sister is in the car. Can you see 2 5 Tom can't climb the tree. Help Score 5) Don't touch it. " 2 Write. ——— Don't climb it gh 5 ——- Score 15 i e : 3 Write. Use first, next, then and last. 2 13 4 | walked. on the sand. What happened? First | played. football. Then | .... Next .... Last .... 4 She walked under the bridge. 1 es Phonics and spelling 1 Write and say. 3 Write and say. 1 — cake 1k drink os 2 4 _—___ 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a 2 Write and say. 4 Write and say. re @ clock 100 SS] __spoon 28 8 2 © 3Bopl <« 3 4 bl Sm 4 5 or 5 5 ai —_— 6 br eF 6 7 te ESca 7 —/ Bist SY 8 ea SS) 9 sn Age 9 So 10 sw Pes 10 48° Phonics and spelling

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