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cc-8y-54 WIRELESS GOMMURIGATIORS 05cf atl onm FOR AEARING AlDS - o grapnic primer SES, sol PCE ( 1 can cetnect my ears + anything WT os that's electrente, and a Satshies! Pais ° In veal Wee, of couere, Lets look at where TNR that's not quite the case.| wireless tech is for One of the coolest hypothetical Leneht= oF using heaving tech is that | could, theoretically, tap iteto this extrasensory network o£ supechuman capabilities... UA, Wearing aids eight now. i 1 To completely aversinapiify things, hearing aids mrignt wirelessly talk te 3 sorts 0€ devices: | é (C(O CCCP QEzach other, —Z) Things that — @ Things that are farther away. Bre viearby. And they might = ANALOG eo = DIGITAL. _ schemas. eee ——— be using either + lower curcent draw (batteries last longer) + )igher fidelity (sounds wetter) + can pransmit the + fewer issues with “original” signal clechomagaeh— interferénce i Coote have advantages.) 7 typical hearing aids will have 4 range of options choose Kom. Lets Start with ear -to~ ear Commuyleation, Which Gn addres d few thy 3VE3.. like being able to gt i like being able g () a Wen, cy seat adjust you! heaing phn 7) \ sir aid volumes 0” | Ve See Oy ae MY fA 2 same time. Feroee | [Dich thered Redback (IE there's a squeal in @, it > one ear but not the other... on one side the other. fut nei Then ther's nvise tats For instance , hearin. users oflen lose thelr ability, 49 localit. Sound, since Hat depends 04 subtle timing aitferences in sound between the tule ears. aid By experimenting with having heaving aid use ear-to-e0° ja etder te Communica. timing coord: a inte, engineers are werking oq bningtas hat ability beck, KE \ Ah | aR inl#s probably feedback, ard the healing id com suppass it, ¢ (Cae This con be quite nite when you cavly necessacly dura your head. On) | h@eay v-™| Ae) OE Sy! RBA ee oe Robs, en ination (she ened the volume uy gage cording (she ies the voll 0) 200 5, gio art Cit sounds Whe this, de you fecoysitt it2) eae-to-ear passes different types +f info at ditferent cates, in order te Save power fer the things that need ‘i Really, the design of a wireless sytem all about ade of. -———— (tater...) Now #5 smaller,\ (Ooh. And sve bodies are. absorbing more radiation. Sure. If we raise the Fequeny of ove Fans missions, gue wavelengths will be smaller ard the antenna, can be smaller ‘ne. lu. this is 2 really big antenna. Can we make, Ahis deviez smaller? Qi O—O 1g on 3 roboties project) OB years age, ve. You know that's gping 4 make ur Wee, shorter, Fight? ey Spy ann an areas Wireless tvade offs: Frequency 't = antenna st. glistance’ T= power draw radtation Y= frequeny Zp distor, V2 radiation Frequency 7 pouer daw Could we get mere distance? 18 ike to combo) ovr robot fem down the hall. is tee smal 7 So These things are eve for robots and cll ph Like hea ds. There's ne way around them. But it taker Sime and power ty compres? the data! Ard thea we need 4 rinslale and unpacle i on the othtt ead ... | know, we'll compre the dota and then Send it wirelessly’ TEU ake, less fame and power He tracemitl : Mt ff SOT $ueT T-coils, or Felecoils, have chesen ]— one kind of trade oft, | = at = | When they were Invented, | Phenes had heFly speaker | that used induction coils 40 drive vibrations of the Speakan membrane. . N20 nog we Ui teste auqisle “Soun 1! "@ Speatar (with magnet) Ahabes back £ ferth | “@ induce chanein: PANTENNA” FoR [OApry — magnetic eld é * Hone AUDIO! fain V kewow! Ler's pur ~¢ ; ' 7 i | current, Inpuction cous ENaweees SYSTEM pulse it Im THE HEAQING Aups'. | LYE you didn's mind helding your | pheae a little funny, you got | an ampifed signal. | (But you had +9 hold | ust athe Fight spots) Once hearing aids had magnetic Field receivers, people thovgnt ‘HEARING Loo?” lait- if we put big wire. loop) afeund our churche3/ theatres/ classrooms/ ett, then they covid beam signals in the heaving aids | INDUCTION EveeywHeve! “T: con” available co oe So if you See a sign | Tecails are. low ~pouves, bat there also choet- distana. and ay te ialerfere with. Like. 1 Said, trade offs. Now, this all asumer | eprie ia the middle | i i the phones used hefty of a flict Feld that's carrying the Spedeas and emitted chong 4 sysem enough magnehe Fieldt 38 2 4 we hod 40 add am extra bit te call D)) phones 40 blast out a magnebic Reld in order 49 mate trem Teoil compatiele, Side eflect +€ making Sovads fer hearing people.» not all call phones are) didn't, Cell phones quickly developed other 5 ways of wirelessly communicating ete @> baa with devices. Namely, Bluetooth. WARwina PANEER LV AOM SG CATS sage DANGER waaning Caupow wana wd E[THIS 1S A TERR\GLE IDEA FoR HEARING AIDS. |S sem oan waRmne BeTIE RITES ERIIUTT TERS BOER HOTA —Feh TOT T a 2 jeoFF> | init work Hearing aid? can delay the signal (hy? The tadeotly oF dant work Weg ae ony tee ye eo z watety drops 3 cing 3a) Overwotn in uce. Diuchath ip Srow. WAN are an srr 1069 Cits @ general code aaa ar iis 7 “thot ie te handle Were talking 75-125my delays, well over He siaaheld thaveonds vf deve Hearing wa) 5, mest of then Webvoth just Doesn't Sou? G2EAT. mono os hg widens nso | Ove a i Vd rather we 2id9~ the protwal Bluetooth data (like most wireless data) i> i440 store, tds te Wranyait Sransmited ia chunks called packets, “hich noise Conalling Adio, not keyshokes gre sort of Vike letters that cary a portion nigra) 2 gies cat pat) | Oe Se (Hon between tuo devia years gf the concration putes hee SE ears Tike Tetlen, 4ney can oaty Bt 50 much inte One Pi wan detgned fe — We mouse < [e aA < tT ar Yeu Can dry to BY Mne audio inte the voiw layer,or you can vse the layer data laye- if you're ubliting the advaned audio divtfbutien profile (A2vP), The problem i> that CP quality audio i$ [Fy information, and it won't At inte the packet vale» we clip some of C} it out, whieh makes it tovad ervached vp and Hany. And we cant juok “owt in hale and site ib inte Awe enveloper (packets), becowse | we caa ely “mal” 50 many rackets at a Aime - we can send packets Gay fave, $0 the audio uoutel keep siigging behind. @vetogth talus toe aver fower, Mow ee so COMPROMISE* Meer Fria Mlagietic [nduchon yy r9y7rr9 029d 9099 a if I Right now, my batteries last about IH days. ie i magnetic field From an indveton Which tea vy heaving aia had a Solemited 4020p around the alks to. ovr Chip inside it, my betteres coil = neck that has a eh F sim a Peailerke Geto ad wield last about? hows Ce edane, Byeretn chp aa ee a vigger battery Sis heating aids Se Ser na TBS an, The audio dye SHI Sounds awhul, and (have fo weay the world's dorkiert necklace, Ceo mA en) is The name implies, Naber Bola] | Generally, mele a be works one well, nearty things Farther away. We could bridge thir gapsitl, Bluetooth, Some devices de Bab Bluetooth thinks ia terms of pairing with one devile at a time, $0 1f you have multiple heaving aid use in a tom (for instene, at a deat schosl): Sica reael> 22 CLEARLY chy Cae ney Deg What we need i> someting Qu—w iQ both these sitvations Qu A@ / are Wighly sxb op mal. SH ere that bread casts mere $ a ke ® eadien Q g 9 o. L 2 Epy OO Q Cérequene) medutation) Just tune inte the “station” for @ coom, and yov'e in. Trade off + REALLY easy mess up with noise, Ghink of hew sensitive your car radio iy te ‘ouildings, tunnels, other radia stations. TRADEOFF: Security. Sometimes, broad casting nan open channel isnt whet you want 4 do. | Theyre alse called [QUE becavse hey So manuferchrer> have developed their own NEAR, FAR Hd i egies, FIELD FIELD Preprietan wireless dechnoleg) They'e called FAR-FIELD Yin Checause trey can reach farther than ' ‘ vear- Field, Creative, | know.) And this ib mest of What we knows which, is frusteating. Ase mdio frequency transmission, They typically we the 24 Giz or 100MHz bands, like thousands of other consumer devices until we stark playing ia he labs of my fiends whe design wirtles> systems for @ living. But iH nek in documents ofen to the Wvetvete Is Theyre digitel, fo trey an RF/Far Field cen be made \e33 noi Yechnolegy,te0. Sucleakble and anne Despite their glaring limitations, wietles? ech can stil be used ( \agice igre BIE NS So \ wired +e wsing SARIN vy ae ae BE Motley Fronsnither pone neo For instance, here's hew | practice in the dance studio without deafening +he entice dance div with the volume | need to hear the music. And Wl admit Ym a hacker at heart, Most people want to talk on their Phone end watch TW, and they'ee hapey| WM end by saying this Gel) It bothers me how hard it is +e Hinker with these Hrings, We have World-class, mult thevsaad -dellar adaptive microphones ON ove HEADS and we DO NOT HAVE ACESS To THE AUDIO AnE're caphveing: Why can't | record Slant ioteetovs with my hearing aid rere genes? @ (RE or REA WEN) os nen ear & i a Fortunntely, the world has deat 7 we electrical engineers... and we hhewe friends, ) ) : so = oe Q [Ora Puster production] (Tei + induction loop) [Ora reFavrant conversation So sing tuned. END

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