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Index I-23

Vertex (vertices)Cont.
in-degree of, 654, 736
independent set of, 741
initial, 594, 654
interior, 603
internal, 748, 804
isolated, 652, 736
level of, 753, 804
level order of, 806
number of, of full binary tree, 355
of directed graph, 643, 654
of directed multigraph, 644
of multigraph, 642
of polygon, 338
of pseudograph, 643
of simple graph, 642, 668
of undirected graph, 644, 652, 654
out-degree of, 654, 736
parent of, 747, 803
pendant, 652, 736
sibling of, 747, 803
terminal, 594, 654
value of, in game tree, 767769, 804
Vertex set, 338
bipartition of, 656
Very large scale integration (VLSI) graphs, 744
Vigenre cipher, 304
cryptanalysis, 305
Vocabulary, 849, 899
Voyage Around the World Puzzle, 700
Walk, 679
closed, 679
Wall Street, 198
Warshalls algorithm, 603606
Warshall, Stephen, 603, 604

WAVES, Navy, 872

Weakly connected graphs, 686
Web crawlers, 646
Web graph, 646647, 794
strongly connected components of, 686
Web page(s), 646, 686, 794
searching, 18
Web spiders, 794
Weighted graphs, 736
minimum spanning tree for, 798802
shortest path between, 707714
traveling salesperson problem with, 714716
Well-formed expressions, 354
Well-formed formula, 350
for compound propositions, 354
in prefix notation, 784
of operators and operands, 351
structural induction and, 354
Well-founded induction, principle of, 635
Well-founded poset, 632
Well-ordered induction, 634
principle of, 620
Well-ordered set, 381, 620, 633
Well-ordering property, 340341, 378, A-5
WFFN PROOF, The Game of Modern Logic (Allen),
80, 114
Wheels, 655, 736
Wiles, Andrew, 107
Williamson, Malcolm, 302
Wilsons theorem, 285
Winning strategy
for chomp, 98
Without loss of Generality (WLOG), 95, 110
to big-O relationship, 205, 232
to an existence proof, 96

Witnesses to a big-O relationship, 232

WLOG (without loss of generality), 95
Word, 849
Word and Object (Quine), 839
Worlds record, for twin primes, 264
World Cup soccer tournament, 415
World population, 168
World Wide Web graph, 646647
Worst-case complexity
insertion sort, 222
of binary search, 220
of bubble sort, 221
Worst-case time complexity, 232
Worst case
time complexity, 220
XML, 855, 858
XOR, 110
Yahoo, 794
Yes-or-no problems, 894
Zebra puzzle, 24
ZermeloFraenel axioms, 176
Zeroone matrices
Boolean product of, 182
join of, 181
meet of, 181
of transitive closure, 602603
representing relations using, 591594
Zeroone matrix, 181
Zeroone matrix, 186
Zero property, in Boolean algebra, 815
Zieglers Giant Bar, 208
Zodiac, signs of, 441

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