D&D - Inn-Fighting Dice Game

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ff F Gueyyoes) ‘Heinsoo, A stand-alone ‘dice game for,3 Game Designiby Rob TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction What is Inn-Fighting? Object of the Game Components The Dice The Cards Adventurer Cards Bystander Cards Action Cards Playing the Game Set Up Start Begin the Brawl Roll for Initiative Turns Attacks Fumbles and Critical Hits Defense Roll Actions Luck Action Ale Action Passing the Dice Hit Points and Victory Points Knockout! Winning the Game Questions? INTRODUCTION It’s a typical night at the inn. Ale flows, music plays, and the constant murmur of conversation reverberates beneath the refters. Behind the bar, Silver Jack the Drow Barkeep pours drinks and notices the signs that inevitably lead to a tavern brawl. Over there, Balthur the Dwarf Cleric “accidentally” bumps into Charrg the Half-Orc Barbarian, spilling his goblet of wine all over the nearby caravan guards. Near the blazing hearth, Xxyzzt the Beholder Barfly whistles at the comely serving wench, who smiles and tosses afull mug of ale at the floating orb. It misses, cracking Nameless the Warforged Fighter on the head instead and splashing ale onto Veravel the Elf Wizard's spellbook. Duryan the Human Fighter sighs. He picks up a mug of ale in one hand and a chair in the other. “Fine,” he shouts, repeating the phrase he uses every time he visits Silver Jack's inn. ‘All wanted was a quiet night of drinking and eating, and what happens?” Duryan smiles. “Bar fight!” Suddenly, every bystander and adventurer in the place leaps up and explodes into action, answering the age-old question: What do adventurers do between quests? They get into tavern brawis! Let the inn-fighting begin! WHAT Is INN-FIGHTING? Inn-Fighting: D&D Dice Game is a game for 3 to 6 players about what some adventurers do for relaxation. It’s a light- hearted re-creation of the chaos and exhilaration of a fantastic tavern brawl that might occur in any town or city in any DuncEons & Dracons® world. OBJECT OF THE GAME You compete to wreak the most havoc in the tavern. On your turn, when you damage an enemy Adventurer and end your turn with 20 or more victory points (VP), you win the game! COMPONENTS 6 custom Brawl Dice 5 gold dice 1 red die (Defense Die) 52 Inn-Fighting cards 15 Adventurer cards 20 Bystander cards 14 Action cards 2 Game Summary cards 1 blank Adventurer template card 120-sided die (d20) 1rulebook THE Dice The six Brawl Dice (five gold six-sided dice and one red six- sided die) determine what your band of brawlers can do during a round of Inn-Fighting. Each die shows five different symbols that represent attacks and actions in the game. in Punch is an attack that targets a character o to your left. Chair is an attack that targets a % character to your right. ae Power is an attack that targets a character with the most Victory Points. Ale is an action that heals your Adventurer and allows you to soll wy again and make an attack. Luck is an action that lets you draw an action card and allows you to roll again and make an attack. The d20 is used to roll initiative to determine who goes first. It is also used to resolve attacks. THE CARDS The game uses a deck of 52 cards, including Adventurer, Bystander, and Action cards. ADVENTURER CARDS Adventurer cards represent the heroes of D&D currently relaxing at the inn. You have one Adventurer active at a time, which is your main character in the tavern brawl. When your Adventurer gets Knocked Out, another Adventurer leaps into the fray—provided the brawl hasn’t ended. @ Name describes the Adventurer the card represents, including the character's name, race, and class. (@) Alignment is shown only if the Adventurer is Evil, since this has aspecial effect in the game. Unmarked Adventurers aren’t Evil. @ HP describes how many Hit Points an Adventurer has, which is how much damage it takes to Knock Out the character. @ Skill is a rating used to determine the outcome of an Adventurer's actions and attacks. ©) Knockout Bonus shows the Victory Points awarded for defeating this Adventurer. © Punch and Chair show the direction of each attack, and the ow and Aigh damage these attacks deal to characters. @) Power details a special attack that targets an opponent with the most Victory Points. Defense Die shows what the Adventurer can do with the Defense Die when Luck or Power come up after a hit. po eit ON Ga a Cea , ‘Silver Jack, Drow Barkeep (Evil) —@ —(2) Os HP: 9 SKILL: 12+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 3. ie > 44+ fhe 1oR2damage | 6 } bint 3 ORS damage | 1 Barkeep’s Stealth (20R 4 damage; if two or more dice are showing Ale, the defender does not get a | Defense roll) ' z | wand crossbow (Attack misses, and deal 2 OR damage to attacker) | 1 DEFENSE DIE BysTANDER CARDS Bystander cards represent the non-Adventurer characters currently at the inn. Some Bystanders are innocent—others are less so. You might have no Bystanders in play, or you might have one or more in play at any given time. When a Bystander gets Knocked Out, discard the card. @ Name describes the Bystander the card represents. () Alignment is only shown if the Bystander is Evil, since this has a special effect in the game. Unmarked Bystanders aren't Evil. Q HP describes how many hit points a Bystander has, which is how much damage it takes to Knock Out the character. @ This text describes an ability that the Bystander provides to your Adventurer during the brawl. Most of these abilities are active for as long as the Bystander is in play. A few can be used only in response to specific circumstances, as detailed on the card. ©) Defense Die shows what the Bystander can do with the Defense Die when Zuck comes up after a hit. & Patrons Protect (Attack misses, and attacker takes damage equal to the number of players) Action CARDS Action cards represent special actions your Adventurer can use during the tavern brawl. You keep action cards secret until you use them. ® Name describes the action this card makes available. @ Play tells you when you can use the card. @ Effect describes the card’s effect, which usually breaks the rules of the game in some way for the round in which it is used. ken an Ale action, but _ fore the opponent rerolls the Brawl Dice. u get to take the same Ale ction (stealing the same jumber of VP, but possibly jot from the same leader as ¢ opponent who just acted) heal your Adventurer. 10 PLAYING THE GAME It’s time for a tavern brawl! Set Up Separate the cards into two decks, as follows. Shuffle all of the Adventurer cards (except for the blank card) into one deck. This is the Adventurer deck. Shuffle all of the Bystander and Action cards into a second deck. This is the Action deck. Place the Game Summary card to the side for all players to refer to during the game. Place the Brawl Dice in the center of the play area where everyone can reach them. Place a pile of tokens in easy reach of all players to create a bank. Use poker chips, pennies, or anything you want to represent Hit Points and Victory Points in the game. START Each player draws one Adventurer card and places it face up. Each player draws two Action cards. If any of these cards are Bystanders, place them face up next to your Adventurer. If any of these cards are Actions, keep them face down beside you until you use them. Place a number of tokens equal to a character's Hit Points next to your Adventurer and any Bystanders you have in play. Example: You have Silver Jack, Drow Barkeep in play. Place 9 tokens next to the card to represent Silver Jack’s 9 Hit Points. When you gain Victory Point tokens, place them in a pile behind your Adventurer and Bystander cards. 41 12 THE INNS AND Outs OF A BRAWL Each player rolls initiative. High roll goes first. First player rolls the Brawl Dice (6 gold and 1 red). Using the result of the roll, select either an attack (Punch, Chair, or Power) or an action (Luck or Ale). Make an Attack! Punch attacks target the opponent to your left. Chair attacks target the opponent to your right. Power attacks target an opponent with the most VP. Once you've finished your attack, pass the dice to the player to your left. That player rolls any dice showing attacks (Punch, Chair, or Power); the player doesn’t roll any dice showing actions (Luck or Ale). Take an Action! Taking an action requires at least 3 dice showing the appropriate symbol. For Luck, draw an Action card. Then roll all the dice and make an attack if you can. For Ale, heal your Adventurer with VP tokens taken from the player with the most VP. Then roll all the dice and make an attack if you can. Once you've finished your action, pass the dice to the player to your left. That player rolls any dice showing attacks (Punch, Chair, or Power); the player doesn’t roll any dice showing actions (Luck or Ale). Victory! If you reach 20 VP and damage an opposing Adventurer on your turn, you win the brawl! BEGIN THE BRAWL Now the tavern brawl begins... Rot FOR INITIATIVE Each player rolls the 20-sided die (the d20) to determine who goes first in the brawl. High roll goes first. In the case of a tie, roll again. The first player rolls all six Brawl Dice (five gold dice, one red die) and takes a turn (see below). After the first player takes a turn, play continues to the left. TURNS On your turn, roll the Brawl Dice. The first player rolls all six dice. Players in later turns may roll fewer than six dice, as described below. After you roll the dice, select an attack (Punch, Chair, or Power) or an action (Luck or Ale) using the results shown on the dice. The more dice showing the symbol of the attack or action you selected, the better your chances of success. ATTACKS If you choose to make an attack on your turn, the attack form you select tells you which opponents you can target. See the table on the next page for attack options. Resolve an attack by rolling the d20 and adding the number of dice showing for the attack form you selected. If the total is less than your Adventurer’s skill rating, you deal the low damage for the attack. If the total is equal to or greater than your Adventurer's skill rating, you deal the high damage for the attack. Sometimes dealing damage has a secondary effect. Unless otherwise specified, the effect happens on both high and low damage results. ATTACK OPTIONS If these symbols show on the dice, the result tells you who you can attack in the round. Symbol Showing pe or more % 4% or more 1 11, or more Result Punch a Bystander controlled by the player on your left. Lf the player doesn’t have a Bystander in play, attack the player's Adventurer. Punch any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player on your left. Smash a Chair into a Bystander controlled by the player on your right. If the player doesn’t have a Bystander in play, attack the player's Adventurer. Smash a Chair into any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player on your right. Use a Power on a Bystander controlled by the player with the most VP. If the player doesn’t have a Bystander in play, attack the player’s Adventurer. In the case of a tie, choose your target. Use a Power on any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player with the most VP. In the case of a tie, choose your target. Fumsies AND CrimicAL Hits When you make an attack, you have a chance of gettinga fumble or a critical hit. A roll of 1 on the d20 is always a miss, and you deal no damage for the attack. This is called a fumble. A roll of 20 on the d20 is a critical hit. When you get a critical hit, you deal high damage +1, and the target gets no Defense roll (see below). DEFENSE ROLL The red Brawl Die is the Defense Die. Roll it along with the gold dice at the beginning of your turn. It has a special use when you are the target of an attack, however. If an attack deals 3 or more damage to one of your characters, or if the damage dealt is enough to Knock Out one of your characters, you get to make a Defense roll. Roll the red Defense Die. 3 or Out A handy reminder for when you get to make a Defense roll is “3 or Out.” If an attack deals 3 or more damage or Knocks Out your character, make a Defense roll. A Defense roll succeeds if it comes up as Luck for a Bystander or as Luck or Power for an Adventurer. If the Defense roll succeeds, follow the instructions on the character's card. Important! You never make a Defense roll for damage dealt by someone else’s Defense roll. Defense rolls are only made in response to attacks. 15 16 ACTIONS If you choose to take an action on your turn, select a Luck or an Ale action. You need to have at least three dice showing the action to use it—either three or more Luck symbols, or three or more Ale symbols. Q & Luck AcTION Qa &, If you take a Luck action, draw an Action card. If the card you draw is a Bystander, put it into play face up next to your Adventurer. If it's an Action, keep it face down until you want to use it. After you draw an Action card, roll all the Brawl Dice and make an attack. You can’t use a second action (Luck or Ale) in the same round, so if the new roll generates just Luck and Ale, you're stuck. FicHTING witH ALE When taking a moment to guzzle Ale during the brawl, your Adventurer not only recovers some health, but also shows the opponent who is in the lead that nothing can stop your Adventurer from taking a swig in the middle of the fight. This in-your-face behavior demoralizes the enemy while rejuvenating your Adventurer. Ate ACTION wg gy wy If you take an Ale action, your Adventurer gets to heal damage taken in the brawl. To heal your Adventurer with Ale, first determine which player has the highest VP. Take VP tokens from that player equal to the number of dice showing Ale you rolled. If multiple players are tied for the lead, take VP tokens from any one of them. Replace any Hit Point tokens your Adventurer lost with the VP tokens. You can’t gain more Hit Points than your Adventurer’s starting total, so any remaining VP tokens are returned to the bank. After healing your Adventurer, roll all the Brawl Dice and make an attack. You can’t use a second action (Luck or Ale) in the same round, so if the new roll generates just Luck and Ale, you're stuck. To Drink or Not To Drink If you're in the lead when you take an Ale action, you replenish your Adventurer’s health with your own Victory Points. It might look like a big waste, especially if your Adventurer isn’t seriously hurt. But think of it this way—if you don’t use the Ale, someone else might. So unless you can win the game by avoiding the Ale, you're often better off using it rather than passing it to the next brawler. PASSING THE DiIcE After you complete an attack or an action, pass the dice to the player on your left. That player leaves any dice showing action symbols in play (Luck or Ale), but rolls any dice showing attack symbols (Punch, Chair, or Power). Using the symbols that are showing actions and the results of rolling the other dice, the player decides whether to make an attack or take an action on his or her turn. 18 Hr Points AND Victory PoINnts The bank of tokens represents both Hit Points (to track damage) and Victory Points (to track who's winning the brawl). Hit Points: When you add a new Adventurer or Bystander to your team of brawlers, place a number of tokens equal to the character’s Hit Points on or next to the character's card. Damage and VP: When you damage an opponent's Adventurer, remove that many Hit Point tokens from the character and place them in your Victory Point pile. Bystander Knockout: When you Knock Out an opponent's Bystander, you get 2 bonus VP from the bank (in addition to the remaining Hit Points). Adventurer Knockout: When you Knock Out an opponent’s Adventurer, you get the Knockout Bonus listed on the character's card. These tokens come from VP pile of the character's player, not from the bank. KKNocKouT! If your Adventurer is Knocked Out, you aren't out of the brawl. Any Bystanders you have stay in play, but no one can target them with an attack until the start of your next turn. (They might still take damage from effects that don’t require an attack, such as a Defense roll.) You can't play Action cards if you don’t have an Adventurer in play. At the start of your next turn, draw a new Adventurer and one card from the Action deck. WINNING THE GAME At the end of your turn, if you have 20 or more Victory Points and you damage an opponent's Adventurer, you win! You can win the game even if an opponent has more VP than you, as long as you meet the victory conditions at the end of your turn. You can't win the game on another player's turn, even if you have more than 20 VP. You can’t win the game unless you damage an opponent’s Adventurer during your turn. CREDITS Game Design: Rob Heinsoo Game Development: Jesse Decker, Mike Donais, Greg Marques Rules Writing and Editing: Bill Slavicsek Art Direction: Karin Powell Card Illustrations: Attila Adorjany Graphic Design: Michael Martin Brand Management: Linae Foster Production: Mitzi McCart, Raini Applin Playtesting: Logan Bonner, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Trevor Kidd, Eric Lang, Stacy Longstreet, Mike Mearls, Chris Thomasson Tavern Brawl Catalyst: Mat Smith 19 20 QUESTIONS? U.S., Canada, Asia Pacific, Latin America www.wizards.com/customerservice Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707 U.S.A. Tel: 1-800-324-6496 (in U.S.) 1-206-624-0933 (outside U.S.) U.K., Eire, South Africa Hasbro UK Ltd. P.O. Box 43 Newport NP19 4YD UK Tel: +800 22 427276 Email: wizards@hasbro.co.uk All Other European Countries Wizards of the Coast p/a Hasbro Belgium NV/SA ‘t Hofveld 6D 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden BELGIUM Tel: + Email: custserv@hasbro.be Keep these addresses for your records. ©2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.O Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707. Dunceons & Dragons, D&D, Inn-Ficutine: D&D Dice Game, Wizarbs oF THE Coast, and their respective logos are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. All characters and their likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. First players rolls the 6 Brawl Dice. Using the result of the roll, select either an attacl (Punch, Chair, or Power) or an action (Luck or Ale). Make an Attack! Punch attacks target the opponent to your left. Chair attacks target the opponent to your right. Power attacks target an opponent with the most VP. _ Pass the dice to the left. New player rolls any dice showing attacks (Punch, Chair, or Power), not actions (Luck or Ale). Take an Action! Taking an action requires at least 3 dice showing the appropriate symbol. For Luck, draw an Action card. Then roll all the dice and make an attack if you can. For Ale, heal your Adventurer with VP tokens taken from the player with the most VP, Then roll all the dice and make an attack if you can. Pass the dice to the left. New player rolls any dice showing — attacks (Punch, Chair, or Power), not actions (Luck or Ale). : Victory! _ If you reach 20 VP and damage an See % A i Punch a Renae controlled by. player on your left. If the player dos 2a Bystander in play, attack th pla rs: Adventurer. ~ Punch any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player on your left. Smash a Chair into a Bystander controlled — by the player on your right. If the player doesn’t have a Bystander in play, attack the player's Adventurer. Smash a Chair into any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player on your right. Use a Power on a Bystander controlled by the player with the most VP. If the player doesn’t have a Bystander in play, attack the player's Adventurer. In the case of a tie, choose your target. Use a Power on any Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the player with the most VP. Inthe case of a tie, choose your target Find the template for adding your own D&D* characters to the game at: www.wizards.com/Inn-Fighting DEFENSE DIE HP: 7 dias SKILL: 9+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 4 VP ‘D SOR 5 damage PP % 10K 2 damage 1 Magnificent Crane Kick (1 OR 6 damage, and heal HP equal to number of dice showing Power) Cunning Throw (Attack misses, and deal damage to attacker equal to number of dice used in the attack} © 2007 Wizards. DEFENSE DIE 5 Kshak, Gichyanki F HP: 11 aa< > PD SKILL: 10+ KNOCKOUT BONUs: 4 VP. i> 1 ORS damage 1OR 4 damage Silver Sword (2 OR 5 damage: if you roll 16+, you can steal a random card from the hand of the opponent who controls the target) © 2007 Wizards) . Hal F- one Barbarian in_ oR HP: 10 SKILL: 11> KNOCKOUT BONUS: 4 VP diac a 2 OR 4 damage >> % 10R5 damage 1 Rage (Take 1 damage, then deal 3 OR 6 damage) rN | Frenzy (1 damage to every other Adventurer | tor every die showing Power) R | ; : ol >| DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. tS Xxyzzc, Beholder Barfly _F HP: 9 diac SKILL: 13+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 4 VP 1 OR 2 damage; if no dice are showing, Ale, 2 OR3 damage Telekinesis (2 OR 4 damage) 1 Eye Ray Extravaganza (3 OR 5 damage. High: Make another identical attack against any other target.) Nullify (Attack misses, and attacker's controller draws a card) >>> OR 1 DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. See “A 2% Graelar Human Warlord $5 HP: 8 SKILL: 11+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 3 VP 44+ ‘He 1ORSdamage PhP % 2 OR 3 damage Battlecry (1 ORS damage, «2 damage for every Bystander you control) Tactics (Attack misses, and deal damage to attacker equal to the number of OR | Bystanders you control) a DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards yD ¥ Dreadthorn. Vampme A Assas sin Evi) B BX HP: 8 SKILL: 12+ KNOCKOUT T BONUS: 4 VP << bP % 2 OR 4 damage Tactical Advance (3 OR 4 damage: if the attack Knocks Outa target, draw a card) a | Armor (Reduce attack damage by 2) | Counter (Attack misses, and deal 1 damage to attacker for every die showing Punch) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. DEFENSE DIE HP: 6 SKILL: 1 B+ KNOCKOUT BONUS 13 VP <<< ‘hy Shocking Grasp (1 ORS damage. Low: Take I damage) Cd Telekinesis (1 OR 4 damage) J, Masic Missile @ oR 3 damage, +1 damage for every die showing Luck; no Defense roll) | Blur (Attack misses) Fireball (Attack misses. Roll all Brawl Dice and add the total Punches and Powers. Each opponent must choose one of his or her characters to take that much damage.) © 2007 Wizards.) yo diac lelmdar, Dwarf Fichter 9X HP:10 SKIL I+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 4 VP $a 1 OR S damage >> 2 OR 4 damage DEFENSE DIF Cleave (2 OR 4 damage; if the attack Knocks Out the target, make another attack that deals 2 OR 4 damage to any target) Armor (Reduce attack damage by 2) © 2007 Wizards. HP: 7 das ebb DEFENSE DIE Gue ¢ Fino, Halfling Ro SKILL: 10+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 3 VP. ‘> 1ORS damage % 1OR 2 damage Sneak Attack (3 OR 6 damage; if you control at least one Bystander, the defender does not get a Defense roll) Hide (Attack misses Finno but hits a Bystander of attacker's choice, if the attacker wishes) © 2007 Wizards. » See: g Ss HP: 9 SKILL: 1+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 3 VP diac ih 10R2 damage PhP % 20R3 damage Smite (2 OR 4 damage. If target is Evil, 5 OR7 damage; Evil characters get no Defense roll.) a | Armor (Reduce attack damage by 2) L | Radiance (Attack misses; Syranil heals 4 HP) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. _Balthur, Dwarf Cleric _s& rs HP: 8 SKILL: 12+ KNOCKOUT BONUS: 3 VP aac ia 10R 2 damage >be % 2 0R3 damage Fist of Ale (2 OR 4 damage, +1 damage for every die showing Ale) Divine Favor (Attack misses, and Balthur heals 1 HP. Gain 1 VP.) OR 1 DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. SN ye Nameless HP:10 SKILL: 11+ “KNOCKOUT BONUS: Us: 4 vP <<< he 20K 4 damage PhP % 2 OR S damage 2 Charge Attack ($ OR 4 damage; if you roll 18°, draw a card) | Armor (Reduce attack damage by 2) ENSE DIE Stoicism (Attack hits, but opponent does not get VP lor the damage dealt) & a © 2007 Wizards. a Cussing M Play when an enemy Adventurer or Bystander succeeds on a Defense roll. The controller of that Adventurer or Bystander loses 2 VP. You draw a card. salt when you are about to make a Punch attack. Treat the Brawl Dice as showing 6 Punches. This Punch attack deals +3 damage. EERO. Up Play after an opponent has taken an Ale action, but before the opponent rerolls the Brawl Dice. You get to take the same Ale action (stealing the same number of VP, but possibly not from the same leader as the opponent who just acted) to heal your Adventurer. Your opponent then Brawler Style on Play before taking an action on your turn. Ignore the Brawl Dice and make two attacks on your turn. First, make a Punch attack as if 2 dice were showing Punch. Then make a Chair attack as if 2 dice were showing Chair. Bi ‘Chair aati Your, Friend Play when you are about to make a Chair attack against a Bystander. After making the attack, you can make another Chair attack against any other Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the saine opponent. Play when you are about to make a Punch attack against a Bystander. After making the attack, you can make another attack against any other Adventurer or Bystander controlled by the same opponent. Play when an opponent's Adventurer Knocks Out a Bystander. You get the VP for that attack instead of the opponent. Play against any attack, even if you wouldn’t ordinarily have been able to make a Defense roll. Instead of rolling the Defense Die, roll all the Brawl Dice. Choose one of the results as your Defense roll. Second Swine sis after making an attack. Reroll the Brawl Dice used in the attack. You must abide by the result of the reroll. If the attack result was low, draw another Action card. Play when an opponent rolls alora 20. Change the order of play so that you take the next turn and play continues from you. A Meet My Friend oe Play when an opponent declares an attack against your Adventurer. Remove your current Adventurer from the game and draw a new random Adventurer. The opponent's attack targets your new Adventurer. You don’t draw an Action card for the new Adventurer. Play on your turn before taking any other action. Draw the top Adventurer in the deck and place it next to your current Adventurer. Pay 3 VP to the bank. Both Adventurers can make an attack this turn; neither of them can take a Luck or Ale fon action. j Discard the drawn Adventurer g a at the end of your turn. ae Play when an opponent declares an attack against an Adventurer. Change the target of the attack to a different Adventurer of your choice. Play before inet an action on your turn. Change the symbol showing on the Defense Die to any other symbol. DEFENSE DIE ~ Crazed Warpriest HP: 2 TANDER- J War Prayer (When you Knock Out a character, your Adventurer heals 1 HP using the VP of the cotroller of the character you Knocked Out) Tipsy Blessing (Attack misses, and both you and the attacker's controller draw a card) © 2007 Wizards, -2 damage from attacks against your Adventurer. nal Duty (Attack deals only | damage, and attacker takes 3 damage) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. fe a a B 2 a i a a __Captam of the Guard _ \_-BYSTANDER- J HP: 2 pl BYSTANDER: 2 +1 damage with Punch attacks. Honor (Attack misses, and attacker's controller loses 2 VP) @ 2007 Wizards. ae es _-BYSTANDER- J +1 damage with Chair attacks. so, Aberrant Lurch (Attack misses, but Drunken © | Caravan Guard hits his head and forgets who his allies were. Every player rolls a d20; the highest roller gains control of Drunken Caravan Guard.) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards: Dwarf Brawler HPS MW cBYSTANDER- J +1 damage with Chair attacks. 4, | Hey, You're Tough! (Attack misses, but the opponent gains control of Dwarf Brawler) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. wn Halfling Gambler HP: 2 __=BYSTANDER- J Fortune’s Friend (Draw a card when any player rolls a1 or a 20 with an attack) 9B, | Fast One (Attack misses and instead hits 8 another Bystander of your choice. The opponent still gets the VP, even for damaging or Knocking Out a Bystander he or she controls.) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. Tough Squire i HP:2_ me = TAND An opponent who Knocks Out your Adventurer does not get the Knockout Bonus. character to your right to take 2 damage) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards, HP: 2 Desperate (If your Adventurer’s attack roll is a1, it does not miss but instead deals 2 damage) Dirty Fighting (Attack misses, and the attacker takes 2 damage) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. y HE: Gnome Bard Songblade (You can reroll your Adventurer’s Power attacks once. You must abide by the reroll.) | Oratory (Attack misses, and you draw a card) DEFENSE DIE ‘ © 2007 Wizards. Re Marauder (Evil) _ BYSTANDER-_) +2 damage with Punch attacks. Bad Ally (Attack misses but deals 2 damage to your Adventurer) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards, Serving Wench eX HP: 2 — f TAND J Full Round (Draw a card when you take the Ale action) 3 | Patrons Protect (Attack misses, and attacker “© | takes damage equal to the number of players} DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards, ‘Tiefl ing Stranger eK -BYS =a HP: 2 +1 damage with Punch and Chair attacks. w & &, | Shadow Cloak (Attack misses, and the a * | attacker's controller loses VP equal to the number of dice rolled for the attack) © 2007 Wizards: _ Roving Swordsace ; YSTANDER-_/ HP: 4 +1 damage with Power attacks. As Strike (Attack misses, and the attacker takes damage equal to Roving Swordsage’s current HP) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards, Slumming Nobleman ecm -SXSTANDERS J Bravo (-1 VP whenever you Knock Out a Bystander) @, | Trailing Finery (Attack misses) DEFENSE DIE © 2007 Wizards. DEFENSE DIE Goblin ) Sneak (Evil) Eka HP: 2 Very Sneaky (Opponents don't roll the Defense Die against your Adventurer’s Power attacks) | Dive under Table (Attack misses) © 2007 Wizards. HP: 2 Graft (When your Adventurer makes a Power attack, you can steal 1 random card from the hand of the target's controller) 2 6 Make "Em Look Silly (Attack misses, and you R steal 1 VP from the attacker's controller) a ie i iQ a Kobold | Wizard (Evil) ae HP: 2 +2 damage with Power attacks. @ & &, | Stinking Cloud (Attack misses, and each of | _your opponents must choose one of his or her 4 characters to take 2 damage) i a a © 2007 Wizards, HP: 2 __BYSTANDER~_) Your Adventurer’s critical hit deals +3 damage instead of +1 damage. Pure Hate (Attack hits, and the attacker takes 2 damage) DEFENSE DIE » 2007 Wizarde. DEFENSE DIE Traveling Minstrel ~ HP:2 \_-BYSTANDER-_J Contacts (When you take a Luck action, draw 2 cards) Fast Talk (Attack misses, and every player | rolls a d20. The highest roller draws a card.) © 2007 Wizards. Xxyzat the frothy ale fl {nn-Fighting™ wild and wacky in the fantastic DRacons® roleplaying game. j _noncollectable dice / ag custom dice i y in all direction :p Dice Game, a yern brawling set wcrons & ens 6 custom dice, 1 d20, 4 deck of 52 cards, anda rulebook. eion: Attila Adorjany F Cover MMlusttal Is SBN: 978-0-7869-4798-0 | | Wh 51499 a 9"'7807861947980) | ll} | mi ug. Retail U. S$. $14.99 CAN $19.99 20112000 0 oO rs ——

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