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Can one be moral in a secular society?

As a person who does not identify with a religious group, or a hold a widely
accepted set of beliefs, a question that I get often asked is: "Where do you get
your morals from?". My response is always the same: "The exact same place you
do". In my experience, those who pose such questions believe in an 'objective
morality', a model of infallible values outside human understanding that is
usually ordained by a 'higher' power. Of course, I cannot prove there is not an
'objective morality', in the same way I cannot disprove any gods, gremlins, or
Bertrand Russell's flying teapot. I can, however, address where we get our
morality from, and why a secular society can benefit the experience an
individual's morality.
'Moral' is defined by the OED as: 'Of or relating to human character or behaviour
considered as good or bad'. This meaning is popular in Western culture, with the
Abrahamic religions in particular, having played their part in reinforcing the belief
of opposing forces, such as 'good and evil', 'positive and negative', and 'right and
wrong'. The attraction to place one's belief in this binary system is perfectly
understandable because it supports a worldview based on absolutes. This basis
is useful, especially in decision making, and provides certainty and alleviates
fears and anxieties. However, despite the practical advantages, there are
dangerous consequences if unconditionally believed. When the meaning of
'moral' becomes synonymous with 'good', 'right' and 'true', the associations of
objectivity begin to surface.
'Objective morality' is a confirmation bias, which is simply a projection of the
preconceived values of the individual. The fallacy can exposed by observing how
everyone has different codes of ethics, even when validity is to the statement is
not in dispute, so if 'objective morality' was really written on ancient scriptures,
the reading would still be subjective. The value of this interpretation was
recognised by William Blake, and is exquisitely expressed in his satirical poem
'The Everlasting Gospel' (c.1818): 'Both read the Bible day and night/ But thou
read'st black where I read white'.
The origin of morality can be realised, even in a two state model, with the aid of
the lyrics of Enigma song 'Push the Limits' (1999): 'Basic instincts. Social Life.
Paradoxes side by side'. This conflict of interests is rooted in the 'nature and
nurture' paradigm that causes all human behaviour. The religious society that
attempts to enforce a law, especially based on values from previous generations,
is likely to suppress desires, but may result in worse consequences because
'brothels are built with bricks of religion', according to the 'Proverbs of Hell'
(1793) by Blake.
At least, a secular society acknowledges the fallibility of laws, and has systems in
place for their amendments. Perhaps the most impressive quality secularism
offers is the greater diversity of expression. The opportunity to actively learn
from the insight of others, from stories and art which reflects the blind spots in
our perceptions, and connects with the multi-dimensional geometrics that
perpetually shape the models of morality can allow every 'one' to simply 'be'.

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