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AP English11 Policies and Procedures 2015-2016


Ms. Harris/Mrs. Schenkkan

You will need to bring the following to class every day:

A three-ring (1 ) loose-leaf binder with dividers and clean college ruled loose-leaf paper for inclass assignments and notes
{ DIVIDERS: (1) Current Unit (2) Vocab (3) Writing (4) Research (5) Journal/AP Skills} ENGLISH ONLY!
Pen (blue or black ink only for ALL written assignments and red for editing and corrections)
Any assigned homework (No Late homework to be accepted.)
Additional Supplies Required
A supply of recipe size index cards (preferably ruled or spiral bound index cards- for vocab)
Sticky/post it notes for annotation of texts
#2 pencils to complete Scantron tests and exams
Various colored highlighters
A box of tissues for the classroom (5 pts added to first vocab quiz if in by Sept 15)
Be in class on time and be responsible for missed assignments due to absences!
When the tardy bell rings, you should be in your seat, and working on the Do Now.
Homework should be out, headed properly, and ready to check or turn in.
NO LATE homework WILL BE ACCEPTED. An NC will be recorded in the gradebook.
When absent, work scheduled to be turned in on that day will be due upon your return to class. It is
your responsibility to find out about missed assignments (check the file folder for handouts). Email me
with your request prior to noon on day of your absence. See the make-up policy according to the York
County policy for absences, in your York County Student handbook.
Tests/quizzes should be taken on the scheduled day. If you are absent the days prior to an
announced test, you will still be expected to take the test. If you are absent the scheduled test day, it is your
responsibility to set up a time after school to make-up the test.
Remember, three tardies equals one absence!
Our class is only 50 minutes long! As a result, only emergency passes out of class to the clinic will
be allowed. Be sure to take care of your other needs BEFORE class begins.
Assignment format
Head each paper in the upper left-hand corner with the following 5 items: full name, assigned class
number, period, date, nature of the assignment (This includes all journal entries).
All work turned in should be completed on either loose-leaf paper in blue or black ink or typed on a
computer in a 12 point basic font, double-spaced, one-side only.
On written assignments, answer questions using complete sentences, unless otherwise specified.
You are allowed to have WATER only in class. No food, gum, etc. Do NOT throw away food in
the classroom trashcans; these are for non-food items ONLY. Recycle in appropriate boxes whenever
VII. Show respect for the teacher, the other students, school property, yourself.
VIII. Weighting of Grades.
50% --- Tests, projects, research projects, timed tests, timed writings, and essays
30% --- Quizzes (scheduled or pop), journal writing, short writings, Socratic Seminar
20% --- Homework, classwork, class participation
After school help will be available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, but please see me
to confirm before staying after. Never simply assume I will be here.
Success in the classroom! Your success is directly attributable to you and your work effort. Your
success in AP 11 depends on your ability to follow directions, complete all work on time, ask questions for
clarification, and to always be ready to participate and contribute your brain power to the work of the
class. Check the agenda on the board daily and get started on the work without being told to do so.
Check our classs Aspen page faithfully! If you have a question about a posted grade, please email me
when you notice it, so I will have time to look into the situation. I am glad you are in this class ready to
tackle the rigorous AP Curriculum; remember to Strive for the Five!

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