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Erin Doherty

Blog Post 1
A. Respond to the first week of school
-What did you notice in your field experience? (as related to classroom management)
In regards to classroom management, my CT was very thorough in explaining the
classroom rules and procedures to her students during the first week of school. She talked
about planners and how to put them in the proper cubby, where to place book-bags and
lunchboxes, she explained the classroom clip-up/clip-down chart, how to sit properly on
the colorful rug during story-time, and showed how to hold up one finger for water and
two fingers for bathroom. Through continued practice, the students quickly got the hang
of it all.
After reading our textbook, I have learned that culture and classroom management go
hand-in-hand. The book suggests that, In order to make good decisions about classroom
organization and management, teachers need to understand the role of culture in human
development and schooling (Rothstein-Fisch & Trumbull, p. 1). My CT had our students
do a Me Bag, which was a brown paper bag with three things that represented them.
For example, one girl brought in swim goggles, a horse ribbon, and dance shoes. She told
the class that she loves to swim in the pool, ride horses, and dance. This fun project gives
the students an opportunity to express their culture and hobbies.
-How was community established?
Community was established in our first grade classroom by the desk arrangements.
There are four students grouped together per table group. This arrangement works well
because everyone has someone next to them and across from them. This makes it easy to
collaborate, share, and work together. My CT also does her best to involve the parents
with school events and what is happening each day with his/her child.
In Chapter 2, the text discusses the family as the basis for classroom management and
organization. I agree that, The family notion of working together for the mutual benefit
of all is easily applied to group work in schools (Rothstein-Fisch & Trumbull). I have
observed the kids working together and helping one another.
-What information did you learn from the seating chart observation tool?
I learned from the seating chart observation tool that teachers have a purpose when
grouping kids and deciding where to put them. Some teachers like standard rows that are
evenly spaced apart. Most elementary teachers prefer their kids in groups so that they can
learn from each other. They can also make friends better this way when making friends
can be scary for young kids who are new to school.

Work Cited
Fisch, C., & Trumbull, E. (2008).
Managing diverse classrooms how to build on students cultural strengths
Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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