Art Syllabus Mrs. Hettinga: 7th Grade Art - Class Description

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Art Syllabus

Mrs. Hettinga
Instructor: Mrs. Hettinga
Room: 108
Your classroom website is at

School Phone: 507-444-8700 ext. 8727


7th Grade Art - - -Class Description

In this class you will develop your knowledge of the elements and principles of art. You will experience
making a personal sketchbook that you will use in class for developing ideas and learning art concepts as well
as taking notes on art vocabulary. Our projects will include drawing, printmaking, sculpture, painting, and art
appreciation with a focus on the elements and principles of art. You will develop technical, creative and critical
thinking skills as you solve problems. You will also be exposed to and learn about diverse styles and cultures.
This class will have homework, pop-quizzes and a test. You will be required to read and write. A pencil is a
necessity in this class. Use my website at often. You are required to complete

one item from the extra credit page and add one entry to the blog. You can do more if you wish.
Why art?
Its just FUN! Art allows us to express our feelings and ideas, it helps us develop patience; it is a way that we
can learn to look for different solutions or look at things differently, it helps us with solving problems, to
develop technical, creative and critical thinking skills. Art helps us prepare for the future. Art helps many to
relax. For some, it is an outlet from the world around them.

I will use the 5 Cs of visual art to evaluate your work.
All that is
or expressed

Made with skill, careful
handling of medium to
achieve the
chosen effect

Inventive, original,
individual style

-The visual message that is
Conveyed in the chosen
-Demonstrates an
understanding of the reflective

arrangement of
the art elements and

Part of your grade is determined using a rubric that is based on knowledge, reasoning, skill, and
performance/product. Thus students are graded on their understanding of concept, ability to make decisions
and express how or why they chose it, their ability to follow directions, and the quality of the finished Product.
In addition, the rubric requires you to write about your art. You will often be given a prompt such as an
open-ended question. This writing is a very important part of your grade. Other ways that your grade is
determined may be observation, participation points, attendance, behavior, verbal questioning, and the use of
visual aids. On a side note EFFORT goes a long way in my class.

My expectations are simple: I expect you to make the correct choices and to take responsibility for yourself
and your actions. This means if you break something tell me, dont hide it. In addition, I expect you to be
respectful to your peers, myself, the classroom and the art tools in it. Daily classroom etiquette:

Bring a pencil EVERY day! You will be deducted a point if you have to borrow one from me.
I cant grade your work without a name on it... Always label your work with name and class hour.
Watch and ask questions when I give a demonstration.
Raise your hand if you have a question.
Be equally respectful to everyone. I will do the same.

For inappropriate behavior which includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Use of inappropriate language, swearing, bad taste for topic
2. Talking while Im talking. (demo or presenting info) Why is this important? Not only will you miss the
info given, but it is rude. When you talk to someone I know you want them to pay attention, so does a
teacher. We spend many hours getting ready to teach you something and when you talk while we are
teaching you lose what we teach. You also take away the right the people around you to learn. If you don't
want to learn, fine, but allow others to learn. You have the right to decide to sit there and not learn, but you
don't have the right to take away others rights.
3. Misusing the tools (breaking, stealing, bending, etc.)
4. Running, chasing, yelling and loud talking
My Steps for enforcing the above:
1. A not very nice glare at you
2. An in-classroom reminder
3. A visit in the hallway
4. An Email home
5. A phone call home
6. A visit to the office (this could be commenced at any time prior to steps 1-5), this usually will result in
an office referral which will conclude with detention, in-school suspension, or out of school suspension
depending on the offense.

Getting your work done:

It is important that you hand in your work on the due date. If you should need additional time on it please let
me know. You wont get any deductions for late work as long as I know that you are putting forth effort.

How about extra credit?

Students who are need of a boost are highly recommended to visit with my website
(http://hettingaart.weebly.comunder the extra Credit tab. Here you are given many ways to increase
your grade. Look through them all.

Contacting me and availability

I am in the school building from 10:30-3:30 each day M-F.
e-mail: You may also contact me through our classroom webpage at Or at school at 507-444-8700 ext. 8727.

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