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Waterloo West High General Administrator Expectations

This document is to serve as a guide for minimum requirements and expectations

for the Waterloo West High administrative team. This document is in no way all
inclusive of the duties to be performed throughout the school year but rather is a
general guide for minimum expectations to get the team on the same page
regarding day to day operations.
Regular Office Hours
All administrative team members will need to be at work between 7:00 and
7:15 each day
All administrative team members will be on campus until 3:30 each day
On those days administrators are assigned an evening event they will need to
arrive at the event at their assigned time
Dress Expectations
All staff are expected to wear their district issued ID during the work day
Monday through Thursday will be considered business professional days and
Fridays will be business casual days
Any all-day building level professional development, June retreat, or August
pre-service days will also be considered business casual days
Any time an administrator is assigned an after school supervision West High
Wahawk logoed apparel is strongly encouraged for supervision if business
casual dress is worn.

Business Professional Dress:

When you dress business professional you are wearing generally conservative
clothing to portray yourself in a professional manner. Business professional does
not necessarily mean you have to break out your best shoes and suit each day
but you are welcome to. Women can wear a skirt or slacks while men may wear
a blazer or suit jacket if they choose. At a minimum men should be wearing a
tucked in button down shirt, slacks or khakis, and dress shoes.
Business Casual Dress:
Business casual dress is a neat, pulled together look that does not include
denim, shorts, or sleeveless tops. This would be the time to wear a golf polo.
Footwear can be dress shoes or crisp clean tennis shoes. West High Wahawk
logoed apparel is encouraged for business casual dress but not required.

Waterloo West High General Administrator Expectations

Being visible throughout the regular educational day is paramount to our success as
a team. It allows us to be proactive as instructional leaders, it aids in discouraging
unwanted behaviors from students and staff, allows us to respond quickly to any
student or staff needs, as well as sending the message that we are engaged in the
building and its activities throughout the day.
A minimum of two administrators will be present during each lunch shift,
when someone is absent whether for professional development or for a
personal reason another team member will need to fill in for them during
lunch shifts.
Administrators will need to be in the hallways during each passing period
whenever possible; if we are working in the office area but not with a parent
or engaged in a meeting we should stop our work and report to the hallway to
supervise passing.
Each member of the administrative team is expected to complete a minimum
of ten walk-throughs each week. A schedule for the I-Observations will be
created to ensure even distribution. These will be entered into the Iobservation system and sent to the classroom teacher with feedback on the
lesson observed and may include a reflective question or simply follow the
CSI format. (CSI= Content, Strategy, Impact)
I-Observations and walk-throughs should focus on building level initiatives.
As an example if our building CSIP includes small group instruction, mini
lessons, or authentic tasks this should be the focus of your dialogue and
IEP Meetings
Attending and engaging in our students IEP meetings will allow our team to better
understand the students needs and help the instructors deliver the appropriate
content and strategies.
All IEP meetings must be attended by the academy administrator
Any time the academy level administrator is unable to attend the IEP meeting
they must notify the head principal and find their own replacement
administrator to attend

(Snap shot)

Supervision of afterschool activities

Being visible at athletic and fine arts after school activities is critical to our work in
creating a well- rounded learning environment and demonstrating to our students
and parents that we care about the students academics as well as activities. These
duties will be assigned and attended as equitably as possible between the entire
administrative team.
During after school supervision business casual dress is acceptable and
Wahawk logoed attire is preferred
Each administrator assigned to the after school activity should check in with
the athletic director or administrator managing the event in the morning to
review details of the duty

Waterloo West High General Administrator Expectations

Open, accurate, and timely communication are going to help our team stay on the
same page and successfully deliver a unified message no matter what the subject
may be.
All phone messages will need to be reviewed and replied to before leaving for
the day- any parent or student contacts must be entered in to the PLP
All E-mail messages should be replied to as soon as possible with the
understanding that we carry phones for this purpose. A message received in
the morning should be replied to that morning, a message received in the
afternoon should be replied to that afternoon
All E-mail messages should be replied to and cleaned up before leaving for
the day
All communication with students and families must be entered in the PLP of
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus and its many uses are going to be a very powerful tool when it
comes to data collection, increasing student achievement, and our ability to help
students succeed. Our team goal would be to have zero referrals on the list when
Sue Liddle sends out the referrals to be cleaned up.
Discipline referrals must be acknowledged and resolved on a daily basis by
each academy administrator
Referrals resolutions, dates, times, and information must all be accurate and
entered properly
PLP must be used for all contacts to students and families

Evaluation of all certified staff on the three year cycle as well as the evaluation of
the administrative team annually will help all of us focus our efforts in areas that we
can improve our practices.
Teacher Evaluation
Each administrator will need to notify the teachers they are evaluating of the
evaluation and its process by September eleventh
Each administrator will use the ITS Artifact Review form, the ITS Cumulative
Evidence Tally Sheet, Teacher Reflection Tag, and Update sheet for the
evaluation process
All evaluations must be completed and submitted to building principal by
March 22nd
Administrator Evaluation
Each administrator will be expected to submit artifacts aligned with the ISSL
Each administrator will submit a cumulative record of artifacts including the
artifacts themselves
Each administrator will complete and submit Individual Career Development
All artifacts and cumulative record must be submitted by March first

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