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Zackary Park

1:00 PM Tuesday/Thursday
Analyze the debate between the just speech and the unjust speech?
In Aristophanes Clouds, there exists a conflict between the old
and the new. The father, Strepsiades, quarrels with his son, Pheidippides,
and Just Speech argues with Unjust Speech. Just Speech symbolizes the
traditional way of life, whereas Unjust Speech represents the selfindulging way of life.
Just Speech gets most of its values and morals from the teachings
of poets, the fear of gods, and the ancient traditions. He believes in
respect for the elderly, sexual pleasure in moderation, a good education,
and fitness. Unjust Speech is popular and appeals to the audience.
Unjust Speech is a new logical way of thinking about life. He applauds
indulgence in pleasures and supports homosexual pleasures. When Just
Speech insulted Unjust Speech, Unjust Speech just accepted those
offenses as praise.
Unjust Speech countered Just Speechs argument by identifying
contradictions in his logic. For example, Zeus committed adultery
multiple times and physically beat his children and many prominent
leaders are homosexuals. Just Speechs beliefs are based on ideas made
by elders and poets; however, the elders and poets do not live by those
ideas. Therefore, Just Speech has no argument.
Even though Just Speech made many points that were valid, the
wordplay perfected by Unjust Speech turned anything that Just Speech

Zackary Park
1:00 PM Tuesday/Thursday
Analyze the debate between the just speech and the unjust speech?
said against itself, ultimately making Just Speech contradict itself.
Similarly, Pheidippides comes out on top over his father, Strepsiades.

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