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SouthBronx offerpoodles
dogruncould offun
A GROUP of SouthBronxdogownersis lookingfor a
little puppylovefromthe city andpotentialdonors.
The South Bronx Dog Park Associationwants to : . - *
builda dogrun in the southwest cornerof St.Mary's
Park,boundedby 149thSt. and St Ann'sAve.
The group, which has the blessingof local
CommunityBoard 1, met with a city Parks
Department officiallastweekat the park.
Thegrouphopesto cordonoff a 60-by-40-foot area
- dividedinto runsfor largeand smalldogs- with
benches for the dogs'owners.
'This is a very centralizedlocation,'said Jason
Ortiz, a memberof the association and owner of
Anja,an 8-year-old Rottweiler-German shepherdmix.
Theassociation has receiveda $1,500grantfrom
the city andhasa goalof raising$7,500 to coverthe
costof buildingthe dogrun.
Ortiz said that besides smaller fund-raising
projects,the grouphopesto find a corporatespon-
sor."Therehas neverbeena placefor peopleto ex-
ercisetheirdogsandwe wantto meetthat need,"he
added."lt's a socialthingthat'smissingfor the dogs
Ortiz said that the associationolans to hire
trainersto givetips to dogownersoncethe dogpark
is completed.
"lt'll be a centralplacewherewe can meet dog
walkersand dog sitters, becausethere isn't any
placefor that either."
The ParksDepartment is on boardwith the plan,
and has"beenverysupportive," saidOrtiz.Theasso-
ciation,in conjunction with the department, picked
the locationof the futurerun and crafteda prelimi-
naryplanfor its dimensions.
"We'rehappyto reviewa proposal,whichat the
end of the meetingthey said they wouldprepare,"
said JesslynMoser,a Parksspokeswoman. "We're
alwayshappyto work with the communityif it's
somethingit's interestedin. But the meetingwas
The departmenthastold the association that if it
raisesthe moneyin the next30 days,it canbuildand
openthe parkby June1.
Anyoneinterestedin contributing to the dog park
effort,or in joiningthe association shoulde-mailsb-, or join the Facebook pagefor
the SouthBronxDogParkAssociation.
Thereare morethana dozencity-rundogparksin
the Bronx.For more information,visit the Parks
DepartmentWeb site, at or
call311. lason Oiiiz and hb &year-old cenmn rhcpherd-noftwelhr nix, Anftl ale hoplng dog run In Sout'hBrcnx bccome rGality. Photoby VictorChu

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