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8-1.1 - 8-1.3 Study Guide

1. How were the water resources beneficial to the Eastern Woodland natives?
They used water to get fish and transportation.
2. What was the purpose of the slash and burn method used by the early natives?
To clear it for farm land and to make soil richer
3. Which Native American tribe had the following characteristics?
a. -Known as the river people Catawba
b. -Lived near the rivers of the Piedmont Catawba
c. -Known for their pottery Catawba
4. Of all of the crops grown by the Eastern Woodland natives, which crops were known
as the "three sisters"? corn, beans and squash
5. How were the Eastern Woodland natives divided? By language
6. What natural resources did the Eastern Woodland natives use to make life easier for
themselves? Trees, water, land, hides, flora(trees) and fauna (animals)
7. What was the reason for the Eastern Woodland natives developed a more

permanent settlement? For farming

Which Native American tribe had the following characteristics?
-Originally from Spanish Florida Yemassee
-Lived along the coast Catawba
-Clams and oysters were part of their diet Catawba
As European settlers became more prosperous and numerous, what effect did this
have on the Eastern Woodland natives? They cheated them at trade and made them

10.How did the South Carolina tribes of the Eastern Woodlands preserve their history?
Oral traditions
11.What was the first permanent settlement in South Carolina and which country
settled it? Charles Town/ England
12.As a result of the early explorations by the Spanish, they claimed land in what
areas? Central and South America
13.What effect did encomienda have on the native population? Started slavery with
natives and Africans
14.Why were Spain, France, and England competing for colonies in the New World?
God Gold and Glory to make the mother country rich
15.The failed attempt to settle San Felipe by the Spanish was built on the same
location as what failed French settlement? Charlesfort
16.What contribution did the Spanish bring with them in their exploration of the New
World? Culture, Religion and Government
17.What influence did the French explorations have on the natives? They established
good relationships

18.What was the first permanent settlement in South Carolina and which country
settled it? Charles Town/England
19.Which two countries failed to establish a permanent settlement in South Carolina?
France and Spain
20.What were the Spanish looking for in their exploration of the New World? Gold
21.What crop helped Jamestown, Virginia to become the first permanent English
settlement in the New World? Tobacco
22.Which natural resources did not contribute to the development of plantations and
prosperity in South Carolina? Iron ore
23.Where did the first settlers that came to South Carolina come from? Barbados
24.When South Carolina was founded as a proprietary colony, how did the proprietors
try to make a profit? quitrent
25.What did the Quakers promote that attracted many different groups of people to the
colony? Religious tolerance
26.John Locke's Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina included which of the following
policies? Religious tolerance/ social class system
27.The Separatists (Pilgrims) believed the government was formed by what? The
people /democratic society
28.Which colonies has the following characteristics?
a. -Greatest diversity of people and religions
b. -Known as the "breadbasket"
c. -Good harbors and fertile fields
d. -Made of the Dutch, Swedes, Quakers
29.Which colonies had the following characteristics
a. -Founded as a proprietary colony
b. -Society based on elites
c. -To encourage immigration, created headright
30.Which colonies contained the characteristics

-Haven for religious groups
-Learned to plant corn and sustain themselves
-Contained the Pilgrims and Puritans
-Harvested lumber, built ships, and engaged in

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