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You are invited to the following event:

Bail, Fines, and Fees: A Roadmap to Incarceration?

Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM (EDT)
Melnea Cass Room, 3rd Floor, 178 Tremont St Boston, Boston , MA 0211
Help ask the tough questions...
Who gets bail? Who gets fined? Who pays fees?
Is the current system of bail achieving its intended consequences?
What legislative changes need to happen to prevent from being jailed simply for
lack of capital?
... and leave with answers that lead to action!
Panelists Include:
Moderator--Elizabeth Matos, Staff Attorney, Prisoners' Legal Services
Marianne Bullock, Co-Founder, The Prison Birth Project
Norma Wassel, Director, Social Service Advocates, Committee for the Public Counsel
Carl Williams, Racial Justice Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union of

RSVP by September 11 to Roxanne Reddington-Wilde at or 617.348.6464.

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