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Media Studies Assignment Learner Feedback Sheet


Unit: G321
Student Name: Hill, Amber
A Block
Topic/Essay Title: Preliminary Task
“Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a
new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus
some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a
mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.”

The table below gives you feedback and understanding on how your work has been marked
against assessment criteria for the Preliminary Task.

Assessment Objectives Summative Feedback (Have these been

met? Yes/No)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding to HAS TARGET AUDIENCE BEEN THOUGHT
show how meanings are created when ABOUT?
analysing media products and evaluating The mode of address is appropriate for a
their own practical work. student audience on the cover displayed.
AO3 Plan and construct media products DOES THE PRODUCT DISPLAY BASIC
using appropriate technical and creative skills TECHNICAL COMPETANCY?
Proficient technical ability has been displayed
in terms of the use of Photoshop.
AO4 Undertake, apply and present DOES THE PRODUCT DISPLAY MATERIAL
appropriate research APPROPRIATE FOR SUB-GENRE?
The material is appropriate for the sub-genre
of a college magazine.

The table below provides you with tutor feedback, and/or their recommendations for key
areas on how to pass the task.

Key Areas for My Individual Development

Good work Amber.

Mark 15/15

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